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++ Author: Gaetan Hache
++ Date Created: 17 nov 1992
++ Date Last Updated: 31 jan 95
++ Description:
++ The following is all the categories, domains and package
++ used for the desingularisation be means of
++ monoidal transformation (Blowing-up)
DesingTreePackage(K, symb, PolyRing, E, ProjPt, PCS, Plc, DIVISOR,
InfClsPoint, DesTree, BLMET) : SIG == CODE where
K : Field
symb : List(Symbol)
OV ==> OrderedVariableList(symb)
E : DirectProductCategory(#symb,NonNegativeInteger)
PolyRing : PolynomialCategory(K,E,OV)
ProjPt : ProjectiveSpaceCategory(K)
PCS : LocalPowerSeriesCategory(K)
Plc : PlacesCategory(K,PCS)
DIVISOR : DivisorCategory(Plc)
InfClsPoint : InfinitlyClosePointCategory(K,symb,PolyRing,E,ProjPt,
DesTree : DesingTreeCategory(InfClsPoint)
BLMET : BlowUpMethodCategory
bls ==> ['X,'Y]
BlUpRing ==> DistributedMultivariatePolynomial( bls , K)
E2 ==> DirectProduct( #bls , NonNegativeInteger )
AFP ==> AffinePlane(K)
OV2 ==> OrderedVariableList( bls )
PI ==> PositiveInteger
INT ==> Integer
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
LPARSPT ==> LocalParametrizationOfSimplePointPackage
PARAMP ==> ParametrizationPackage
PRALGPK ==> ProjectiveAlgebraicSetPackage
PackPoly ==> PackageForPoly(K,PolyRing,E,#symb)
PACKBL ==> PackageForPoly( K , BlUpRing , E2 , #bls )
NP ==> NewtonPolygon(K,BlUpRing,E2,#bls)
PPFC1 ==> PolynomialPackageForCurve(K,PolyRing,E,#symb,ProjPt)
PPFC2 ==> BlowUpPackage(K,symb,PolyRing,E, BLMET)
ParamPackFC ==> LPARSPT(K,symb,PolyRing,E,ProjPt,PCS,Plc)
ParamPack ==> PARAMP(K,symb,PolyRing,E,ProjPt,PCS,Plc)
PrjAlgPack ==> PRALGPK(K,symb,PolyRing,E,ProjPt)
SIG ==> with
blowUp : InfClsPoint -> List InfClsPoint
divisorAtDesingTree : (PolyRing,DesTree) -> DIVISOR
++ divisorAtDesingTree(f,tr) computes the local
++ divisor of f at a desingularisation tree tr of
++ a singular point.
adjunctionDivisor : DesTree -> DIVISOR
++ adjunctionDivisor(tr) compute the local
++ adjunction divisor of a desingularisation tree tr of
++ a singular point.
blowUpWithExcpDiv : DesTree -> Void -- DesTree
desingTreeAtPoint : (ProjPt,PolyRing) -> DesTree
++ desingTreeAtPoint(pt,pol) computes
++ the desingularisation tree at the point pt
++ on the curve defined by pol.
++ This function recursively compute the tree.
desingTree : PolyRing -> List DesTree
++ desingTree(pol) returns all the desingularisation
++ trees of all singular points on the curve
++ defined by pol.
fullParamInit : DesTree -> Void
++ fullParamInit(tr) initialize the local
++ parametrization at all places (leaves of tr),
++ computes the local exceptional divisor
++ at each infinytly close points in the tree.
++ This function is equivalent to the following called:
++ initParLocLeaves(tr)
++ initializeParamOfPlaces(tr)
++ blowUpWithExcpDiv(tr)
initParLocLeaves : DesTree -> Void
++ initParLocLeaves(tr) initialize the local
++ parametrization at simple points corresponding to
++ the leaves of tr.
initializeParamOfPlaces : DesTree -> Void
++ initializeParamOfPlaces(tr) initialize the local
++ parametrization at places corresponding to
++ the leaves of tr.
initializeParamOfPlaces : (DesTree,List PolyRing) -> Void
++ initializeParamOfPlaces(tr,listOfFnc) initialize
++ the local parametrization at places corresponding to
++ the leaves of tr according to the given
++ list of functions in listOfFnc.
genus : PolyRing -> NNI
++ genus(pol) computes the genus of the curve defined by pol.
genusNeg : PolyRing -> INT
++ genusNeg(pol) computes the "genus" of a curve
++ that may be not absolutly irreducible.
++ A "negative" genus means that
++ the curve is reducible !!.
genusTree : (NNI,List(DesTree)) -> NNI
++ genusTree(n,listOfTrees) computes the genus of a curve,
++ where n is the degree of a polynomial pol
++ defining the curve and listOfTrees is all
++ the desingularisation trees at all singular points
++ on the curve defined by pol.
inBetweenExcpDiv : DesTree -> DIVISOR
genusTreeNeg : (NNI,List(DesTree)) -> INT
++ genusTreeNeg(n,listOfTrees) computes the "genus"
++ of a curve that may be not absolutly irreducible,
++ where n is the degree of a polynomial pol
++ defining the curve and listOfTrees is all the
++ desingularisation trees at all singular points
++ on the curve defined by pol.
++ A "negative" genus means that
++ the curve is reducible !!.
CODE ==> add
import PackPoly
import PPFC1
import PPFC2
import PolyRing
import DesTree
divisorAtDesingTreeLocal: (BlUpRing , DesTree ) -> DIVISOR
polyRingToBlUpRing: (PolyRing, BLMET) -> BlUpRing
makeMono: DesTree -> BlUpRing
inBetweenExcpDiv( tr )==
-- trouve le diviseur excp. d'un pt inf voisin PRECEDENT !
-- qV est egal a : 1 + nombre de fois que ce point est repete
-- dans un chaine (le plus un correspond au point d'origine du
-- point dont il est question ici.
-- mp est la multiciplicite du point.
-- cette fonction n'est et ne peut etre qu'utiliser pour
-- calculer le diviseur d'adjonction ( a cause du mp -1).
noeud:= value tr
chart:= chartV noeud
qV:= quotValuation chart
one? qV => 0$DIVISOR
expDiv := divisorAtDesingTreeLocal(makeMono(tr),tr)
mp:= degree expDiv
((qV - 1) * (mp -1)) *$DIVISOR expDiv
zero? pol => 0
lc:= leadingCoefficient pol
d:=entries degree pol
ll:= [ d.i for i in 1..3 | ^( i = chartCoord(chart) ) ]
e:= directProduct( vector( ll)$Vector(NNI) )$E2
monomial(lc , e )$BlUpRing + polyRingToBlUpRing( reductum pol, chart )
affToProj(pt:AFP, chart:BLMET ):ProjPt==
nV:= chartCoord chart
d:List(K) := list(pt)$AFP
ll:List K:=
nV = 1 => [ 1$K , d.1 , d.2 ]
nV = 2 => [ d.1 , 01$K , d.2 ]
[d.1 , d.2 , 1 ]
projectivePoint( ll )$ProjPt
biringToPolyRing: (BlUpRing, BLMET) -> PolyRing
zero? pol => 0
lc:= leadingCoefficient pol
d:=entries degree pol
nV:= chartCoord chart
ll:List NNI:=
nV = 1 => [ 0$NNI , d.1 , d.2 ]
nV = 2 => [ d.1 , 0$NNI , d.2 ]
[d.1 , d.2 , 0$NNI ]
e:= directProduct( vector( ll)$Vector(NNI) )$E
monomial(lc , e )$PolyRing + biringToPolyRing( reductum pol, chart )
minus : (NNI,NNI) -> NNI
d case "failed" => error "cannot substract a-b if b>a for NNI"
-- returns the exceptional coordinate function
makeExcpDiv: List DesTree -> DIVISOR
desingTreeAtPointLocal: InfClsPoint -> DesTree
subGenus: DesTree -> NNI
lVar:List PolyRing := _
[monomial(1,index(i pretend PI)$OV,1)$PolyRing for i in 1..#symb]
-- BLMET has QuadraticTransform ; marche aussi avec
-- Hamburger-Noether mais surement moins efficace
chart:= chartV noeud
-- ram:= ramifMult chart -- ???
-- new way to compute in order not to translate twice pol
empty?(chtr) =>
ord * excpDivV(noeud) -- Note: le div excp est une fois la place.
(multPol *$DIVISOR excpDivV(noeud)) +$DIVISOR _
for child in chtr])
desingTreeAtPointLocal(ipt) ==
-- crb:PolyRing,pt:ProjPt,lstnV:List(INT),origPoint:ProjPt,actL:K)==
-- peut etre est-il preferable, avant d'eclater, de tester
-- si le point est simple avec les derives, et non
-- verifier si le point est simple ou non apres translation.
-- ????
blbl:=blowUp ipt
multPt:=multV ipt
one?(multPt) =>
tree( ipt )$DesTree
subTree:List DesTree:= [desingTreeAtPointLocal( iipt ) for iipt in blbl]
tree( ipt, subTree )$DesTree
crb:=curveV ipt
pt:= localPointV ipt
lstnV := chartV ipt -- CHH no modif needed
actL:= actualExtensionV ipt
origPoint:= pointV ipt
blbl:=stepBlowUp(crb,pt,lstnV,actL) -- CHH no modif needed
sm:= blbl.subMult
-- la multiplicite et la frontiere du polygone de Newton (ou la forme
-- minimale selon BLMET) du point ipt est assigne par effet de bord !
setsubmult!(ipt, sm)
one?(multPt) => empty()
rec(recPoint) ,_
new(I)$Symbol )$InfClsPoint for rec in blbl.blUpRec]
monomial(1,index(excepCoord(chartV(value(arb))) pretend PI)$OV2,_
reduce("+", _
[divisorAtDesingTreeLocal(makeMono(arb),arb) for arb in lstSsArb],0)
adjunctionDivisorForQuadTrans: DesTree -> DIVISOR
adjunctionDivisorForHamburgeNoether: DesTree -> DIVISOR
adjunctionDivisor( tr )==
BLMET has QuadraticTransform => adjunctionDivisorForQuadTrans( tr )
BLMET has HamburgerNoether => adjunctionDivisorForHamburgeNoether( tr )
error _
" The algorithm to compute the adjunction divisor is not defined for the blowing method you have chosen"
adjunctionDivisorForHamburgeNoether( tr )==
noeud:=value tr
chtr:= children tr
empty?(chtr) => 0$DIVISOR -- on suppose qu'un noeud sans feuille
-- est une feulle, donc non singulier. !
multPt:= multV noeud
( minus(multPt,1) pretend INT) *$DIVISOR excpDivV(noeud) +$DIVISOR _
reduce("+",[inBetweenExcpDiv( arb ) for arb in chtr ]) +$DIVISOR _
reduce("+",[adjunctionDivisorForHamburgeNoether(arb) for arb in chtr])
empty?(chtr) => 0$DIVISOR
( minus(multPt,1) pretend INT) *$DIVISOR excpDivV(noeud) +$DIVISOR _
reduce("+",[adjunctionDivisorForQuadTrans(child) for child in chtr])
divisorAtDesingTree( pol , tr)==
chart:= chartV value(tr)
pp:= polyRingToBlUpRing( pol, chart )
divisorAtDesingTreeLocal( pp, tr )
noeud:=value tr
chart := chartV noeud
empty?(chdr:=children(tr)) => 0 -- degree(noeud)* mult* minus(mult,1)
degree(noeud)* ( mult*minus( mult, 1 ) + subMultV( noeud ) ) +
reduce("+",[subGenus(ch) for ch in chdr])
chart:=chartV(noeud) -- CHH
nV:INT:=chartCoord chart
chtr:List DesTree:=children(tr)
lParam:List PCS
dd:PositiveInteger:=degree noeud
lcoef:List K
lpar:List PCS
empty?(chtr) =>
lPar:=localParamOfSimplePt( affToProj(pt, chart) , _
biringToPolyRing(crb, chart),nV)$ParamPackFC
lParam:=[parametrize( f , lPar)$ParamPack for f in lpol]
plc:= create( symbNameV(noeud) )$Plc
setexcpDiv!(noeud, plc :: DIVISOR )
lpolTrans:List PolyRing:=_
[translateToOrigin( pol, affToProj(pt, chart) , nV) for pol in lpol]
lpolBlUp:List PolyRing
for arb in chtr repeat
chartBl:=chartV value arb
lpolBlUp:=[applyTransform(pol,chartBl) for pol in lpolTrans]
chtr:List DesTree:=children(tr)
empty?(chtr) => void() -- tr
for arb in chtr repeat
setexcpDiv!(noeud,makeExcpDiv( chtr ))
ipt:= create(pt,crb)$InfClsPoint
desingTreeAtPointLocal ipt
if BLMET has HamburgerNoether then _
print((" BUG BUG corige le bug GH ---- ")::OutputForm)
[desingTreeAtPoint(pt,crb) for pt in singularPoints(crb)$PrjAlgPack]
-- le test suivant est necessaire
-- ( meme s'il n'y a pas de point singulier dans ce cas)
-- car avec sousNNI on ne peut retourner un entier negatif
(degCrb <$NNI 3::NNI) and ^empty?(listArbDes) =>
print(("Too many infinitly near points")::OutputForm)
print(("The curve may not be absolutely irreducible")::OutputForm)
error "Have a nice day"
(degCrb <$NNI 3::NNI) => 0
ga:= ( minus(degCrb,1)*minus(degCrb ,2) ) quo$NNI 2
empty?(listArbDes) => ga
--calcul du nombre de double point
dp:= reduce("+",[subGenus(arbD) for arbD in listArbDes]) quo$NNI 2
(dp >$NNI ga) =>
print(("Too many infinitly near points")::OutputForm)
print(("The curve may not be absolutely irreducible")::OutputForm)
error "Have a nice day"
-- (degCrb <$NNI 3::NNI) => 0
ga:= (degCrb-1)*(degCrb-2) quo$INT 2
empty?(listArbDes) => ga
ga-( reduce("+",[subGenus(arbD) for arbD in listArbDes]) quo$NNI 2)::INT