/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/EUCDOM.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Description:
++ A constructive euclidean domain, one can divide producing
++ a quotient and a remainder where the remainder is either zero
++ or is smaller (\spadfun{euclideanSize}) than the divisor.
++ Conditional attributes\br
++ \tab{5}multiplicativeValuation\tab{5}Size(a*b)=Size(a)*Size(b)\br
++ \tab{5}additiveValuation\tab{11}Size(a*b)=Size(a)+Size(b)
EuclideanDomain() : Category == SIG where
SIG ==> PrincipalIdealDomain with
sizeLess? : (%,%) -> Boolean
++ sizeLess?(x,y) tests whether x is strictly
++ smaller than y with respect to the
++ \spadfunFrom{euclideanSize}{EuclideanDomain}.
euclideanSize : % -> NonNegativeInteger
++ euclideanSize(x) returns the euclidean size of the element x.
++ Error: if x is zero.
divide : (%,%) -> Record(quotient:%,remainder:%)
++ divide(x,y) divides x by y producing a record containing a
++ \spad{quotient} and \spad{remainder},
++ where the remainder is smaller (see
++ \spadfunFrom{sizeLess?}{EuclideanDomain}) than the divisor y.
"quo" : (%,%) -> %
++ x quo y is the same as \spad{divide(x,y).quotient}.
++ See \spadfunFrom{divide}{EuclideanDomain}.
"rem" : (%,%) -> %
++ x rem y is the same as \spad{divide(x,y).remainder}.
++ See \spadfunFrom{divide}{EuclideanDomain}.
extendedEuclidean : (%,%) -> Record(coef1:%,coef2:%,generator:%)
++ extendedEuclidean(x,y) returns a record rec where
++ \spad{rec.coef1*x+rec.coef2*y = rec.generator} and
++ rec.generator is a gcd of x and y.
++ The gcd is unique only
++ up to associates if \spadatt{canonicalUnitNormal} is not asserted.
++ \spadfun{principalIdeal} provides a version of this operation
++ which accepts an arbitrary length list of arguments.
extendedEuclidean : (%,%,%) -> Union(Record(coef1:%,coef2:%),"failed")
++ extendedEuclidean(x,y,z) either returns a record rec
++ where \spad{rec.coef1*x+rec.coef2*y=z} or returns "failed"
++ if z cannot be expressed as a linear combination of x and y.
multiEuclidean : (List %,%) -> Union(List %,"failed")
++ multiEuclidean([f1,...,fn],z) returns a list of coefficients
++ \spad{[a1, ..., an]} such that
++ \spad{ z / prod fi = sum aj/fj}.
++ If no such list of coefficients exists, "failed" is returned.
x,y,z: %
l: List %
sizeLess?(x,y) ==
zero? y => false
zero? x => true
x quo y == divide(x,y).quotient --divide must be user-supplied
x rem y == divide(x,y).remainder
x exquo y ==
zero? x => 0
zero? y => "failed"
zero?(qr.remainder) => qr.quotient
gcd(x,y) == --Euclidean Algorithm
x:=unitCanonical x
y:=unitCanonical y
while not zero? y repeat
(x,y):= (y,x rem y)
y:=unitCanonical y -- this doesn't affect the
-- correctness of Euclid's algorithm,
-- but
-- a) may improve performance
-- b) ensures gcd(x,y)=gcd(y,x)
-- if canonicalUnitNormal
IdealElt ==> Record(coef1:%,coef2:%,generator:%)
unitNormalizeIdealElt(s:IdealElt):IdealElt ==
(a = 1) => s
extendedEuclidean(x,y) == --Extended Euclidean Algorithm
zero? y => s1
zero? x => s2
while not zero?(s2.generator) repeat
qr:= divide(s1.generator, s2.generator)
s3:=[s1.coef1 - qr.quotient * s2.coef1,
s1.coef2 - qr.quotient * s2.coef2, qr.remainder]$IdealElt
s2:=unitNormalizeIdealElt s3
if not(zero?(s1.coef1)) and not sizeLess?(s1.coef1,y)
qr:= divide(s1.coef1,y)
s1.coef1:= qr.remainder
s1.coef2:= s1.coef2 + qr.quotient * x
s1 := unitNormalizeIdealElt s1
TwoCoefs ==> Record(coef1:%,coef2:%)
extendedEuclidean(x,y,z) ==
zero? z => [0,0]$TwoCoefs
s:= extendedEuclidean(x,y)
(w:= z exquo s.generator) case "failed" => "failed"
zero? y => [s.coef1 * w, s.coef2 * w]$TwoCoefs
qr:= divide((s.coef1 * w), y)
[qr.remainder, s.coef2 * w + qr.quotient * x]$TwoCoefs
principalIdeal l ==
l = [] => error "empty list passed to principalIdeal"
rest l = [] =>
uca:=unitNormal(first l)
rest rest l = [] =>
u:= extendedEuclidean(first l,second l)
[[u.coef1, u.coef2], u.generator]
v:=principalIdeal rest l
u:= extendedEuclidean(first l,v.generator)
[[u.coef1,:[u.coef2*vv for vv in v.coef]],u.generator]
expressIdealMember(l,z) ==
z = 0 => [0 for v in l]
pid := principalIdeal l
(q := z exquo (pid.generator)) case "failed" => "failed"
[q*v for v in pid.coef]
multiEuclidean(l,z) ==
n := #l
zero? n => error "empty list passed to multiEuclidean"
n = 1 => [z]
l1 := copy l
l2 := split!(l1, n quo 2)
u:= extendedEuclidean(*/l1, */l2, z)
u case "failed" => "failed"
v1 := multiEuclidean(l1,u.coef2)
v1 case "failed" => "failed"
v2 := multiEuclidean(l2,u.coef1)
v2 case "failed" => "failed"