/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/EXPEXPAN.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
++ Date Created: 13 August 1992
++ Date Last Updated: 27 August 1992
++ Description:
++ UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesWithExponentialSingularity is a domain used to
++ represent essential singularities of functions. Objects in this domain
++ are quotients of sums, where each term in the sum is a univariate Puiseux
++ series times the exponential of a univariate Puiseux series.
ExponentialExpansion(R,FE,var,cen) : SIG == CODE where
R : Join(OrderedSet,RetractableTo Integer,_
LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer,GcdDomain)
FE : Join(AlgebraicallyClosedField,TranscendentalFunctionCategory,_
FunctionSpace R)
var : Symbol
cen : FE
RN ==> Fraction Integer
UPXS ==> UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(FE,var,cen)
EXPUPXS ==> ExponentialOfUnivariatePuiseuxSeries(FE,var,cen)
UPXSSING ==> UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesWithExponentialSingularity(R,FE,var,cen)
OFE ==> OrderedCompletion FE
Result ==> Union(OFE,"failed")
PxRec ==> Record(k: Fraction Integer,c:FE)
Term ==> Record(%coef:UPXS,%expon:EXPUPXS,%expTerms:List PxRec)
TypedTerm ==> Record(%term:Term,%type:String)
SIGNEF ==> ElementaryFunctionSign(R,FE)
SIG ==> Join(QuotientFieldCategory UPXSSING,RetractableTo UPXS) with
limitPlus : % -> Union(OFE,"failed")
++ limitPlus(f(var)) returns \spad{limit(var -> a+,f(var))}.
coerce: UPXS -> %
++ coerce(f) converts a \spadtype{UnivariatePuiseuxSeries} to
++ an \spadtype{ExponentialExpansion}.
CODE ==> Fraction(UPXSSING) add
coeff : Term -> UPXS
exponent : Term -> EXPUPXS
upxssingIfCan : % -> Union(UPXSSING,"failed")
seriesQuotientLimit: (UPXS,UPXS) -> Union(OFE,"failed")
seriesQuotientInfinity: (UPXS,UPXS) -> Union(OFE,"failed")
Rep := Fraction UPXSSING
ZEROCOUNT : RN := 1000/1
coeff term == term.%coef
exponent term == term.%expon
--!! why is this necessary?
--!! code can run forever in retractIfCan if original assignment
--!! for 'ff' is used
upxssingIfCan f ==
(denom f = 1) => numer f
retractIfCan(f:%):Union(UPXS,"failed") ==
--ff := (retractIfCan$Rep)(f)@Union(UPXSSING,"failed")
--ff case "failed" => "failed"
(ff := upxssingIfCan f) case "failed" => "failed"
(fff := retractIfCan(ff::UPXSSING)@Union(UPXS,"failed")) case "failed" =>
fff :: UPXS
(rec := recip g) case "failed" => f /$Rep g
f * (rec :: UPXSSING) :: %
f:% / g:% ==
(rec := recip numer g) case "failed" => f /$Rep g
(rec :: UPXSSING) * (denom g) * f
coerce(f:UPXS) == f :: UPXSSING :: %
seriesQuotientLimit(num,den) ==
-- limit of the quotient of two series
series := num / den
(ord := order(series,1)) > 0 => 0
coef := coefficient(series,ord)
member?(var,variables coef) => "failed"
ord = 0 => coef :: OFE
(sig := sign(coef)$SIGNEF) case "failed" => return "failed"
(sig :: Integer) = 1 => plusInfinity()
seriesQuotientInfinity(num,den) ==
-- infinite limit: plus or minus?
-- look at leading coefficients of series to tell
(numOrd := order(num,ZEROCOUNT)) = ZEROCOUNT => "failed"
(denOrd := order(den,ZEROCOUNT)) = ZEROCOUNT => "failed"
cc := coefficient(num,numOrd)/coefficient(den,denOrd)
member?(var,variables cc) => "failed"
(sig := sign(cc)$SIGNEF) case "failed" => return "failed"
(sig :: Integer) = 1 => plusInfinity()
limitPlus f ==
zero? f => 0
(den := denom f) = 1 => limitPlus numer f
(numerTerm := dominantTerm(num := numer f)) case "failed" => "failed"
numType := (numTerm := numerTerm :: TypedTerm).%type
(denomTerm := dominantTerm den) case "failed" => "failed"
denType := (denTerm := denomTerm :: TypedTerm).%type
numExpon := exponent numTerm.%term; denExpon := exponent denTerm.%term
numCoef := coeff numTerm.%term; denCoef := coeff denTerm.%term
-- numerator tends to zero exponentially
(numType = "zero") =>
-- denominator tends to zero exponentially
(denType = "zero") =>
(exponDiff := numExpon - denExpon) = 0 =>
expCoef := coefficient(exponDiff,order exponDiff)
(sig := sign(expCoef)$SIGNEF) case "failed" => return "failed"
(sig :: Integer) = -1 => 0
0 -- otherwise limit is zero
-- numerator is a Puiseux series
(numType = "series") =>
-- denominator tends to zero exponentially
(denType = "zero") =>
-- denominator is a series
(denType = "series") => seriesQuotientLimit(numCoef,denCoef)
-- remaining case: numerator tends to infinity exponentially
-- denominator tends to infinity exponentially
(denType = "infinity") =>
(exponDiff := numExpon - denExpon) = 0 =>
expCoef := coefficient(exponDiff,order exponDiff)
(sig := sign(expCoef)$SIGNEF) case "failed" => return "failed"
(sig :: Integer) = -1 => 0
-- denominator tends to zero exponentially or is a series