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++ Author: J. Grabmeier, A. Scheerhorn
++ Date Created: 11 March 1991
++ Date Last Updated: 31 March 1991
++ References:
++ Grab92 Finite Fields in Axiom
++ Lidl83 Finite Field, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications
++ Description:
++ FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField F is the category of fields
++ which are finite algebraic extensions of the field F.
++ If F is finite then any finite algebraic extension of F
++ is finite, too. Let K be a finite algebraic extension of the
++ finite field F. The exponentiation of elements of K
++ defines a Z-module structure on the multiplicative group of K.
++ The additive group of K becomes a module over the ring of
++ polynomials over F via the operation
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a:K,f:SparseUnivariatePolynomial F)
++ which is linear over F, that is, for elements a from K,
++ c,d from F and f,g univariate polynomials over F
++ we have \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,cf+dg) equals c times
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,f) plus d times
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,g).
++ Therefore \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp} is defined completely by
++ its action on monomials from F[X]:
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,monomial(1,k)\$SUP(F)) is defined to be
++ \spadfun{Frobenius}(a,k) which is a**(q**k) where q=size()\$F.
++ The operations order and discreteLog associated with the multiplicative
++ exponentiation have additive analogues associated to the operation
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}. These are the functions
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedOrder} and \spadfun{linearAssociatedLog},
++ respectively.
FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(F) : Category == SIG where
F : Field
SIG ==> Join(ExtensionField F, RetractableTo F) with
-- should be unified with algebras
-- Join(ExtensionField F, FramedAlgebra F, RetractableTo F) with
basis : () -> Vector $
++ basis() returns a fixed basis of \$ as \spad{F}-vectorspace.
basis : PositiveInteger -> Vector $
++ basis(n) returns a fixed basis of a subfield of \$ as
++ \spad{F}-vectorspace.
coordinates : $ -> Vector F
++ coordinates(a) returns the coordinates of \spad{a} with respect
++ to the fixed \spad{F}-vectorspace basis.
coordinates : Vector $ -> Matrix F
++ coordinates([v1,...,vm]) returns the coordinates of the
++ vi's with to the fixed basis. The coordinates of vi are
++ contained in the ith row of the matrix returned by this
++ function.
represents : Vector F -> $
++ represents([a1,..,an]) returns \spad{a1*v1 + ... + an*vn}, where
++ v1,...,vn are the elements of the fixed basis.
minimalPolynomial : $ -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
++ minimalPolynomial(a) returns the minimal polynomial of an
++ element \spad{a} over the ground field F.
definingPolynomial : () -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
++ definingPolynomial() returns the polynomial used to define
++ the field extension.
extensionDegree : () -> PositiveInteger
++ extensionDegree() returns the degree of field extension.
degree : $ -> PositiveInteger
++ degree(a) returns the degree of the minimal polynomial of an
++ element \spad{a} over the ground field F.
norm : $ -> F
++ norm(a) computes the norm of \spad{a} with respect to the
++ field considered as an algebra with 1 over the ground field F.
trace : $ -> F
++ trace(a) computes the trace of \spad{a} with respect to
++ the field considered as an algebra with 1 over the ground field F.
if F has Finite then
minimalPolynomial : ($,PositiveInteger) -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial $
++ minimalPolynomial(x,n) computes the minimal polynomial of x over
++ the field of extension degree n over the ground field F.
norm : ($,PositiveInteger) -> $
++ norm(a,d) computes the norm of \spad{a} with respect to the field
++ of extension degree d over the ground field of size.
++ Error: if d does not divide the extension degree of \spad{a}.
++ Note that norm(a,d) = reduce(*,[a**(q**(d*i)) for i in 0..n/d])
trace : ($,PositiveInteger) -> $
++ trace(a,d) computes the trace of \spad{a} with respect to the
++ field of extension degree d over the ground field of size q.
++ Error: if d does not divide the extension degree of \spad{a}.
++ Note that
++ \spad{trace(a,d)=reduce(+,[a**(q**(d*i)) for i in 0..n/d])}.
createNormalElement : () -> $
++ createNormalElement() computes a normal element over the ground
++ field F, that is,
++ \spad{a**(q**i), 0 <= i < extensionDegree()} is an F-basis,
++ where \spad{q = size()\$F}.
++ Reference: Such an element exists Lidl/Niederreiter: Theorem 2.35.
normalElement : () -> $
++ normalElement() returns a element, normal over the ground field F,
++ thus \spad{a**(q**i), 0 <= i < extensionDegree()} is an F-basis,
++ where \spad{q = size()\$F}.
++ At the first call, the element is computed by
++ \spadfunFrom{createNormalElement}{FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField}
++ then cached in a global variable.
++ On subsequent calls, the element is retrieved by referencing the
++ global variable.
normal? : $ -> Boolean
++ normal?(a) tests whether the element \spad{a} is normal over the
++ ground field F, that is,
++ \spad{a**(q**i), 0 <= i <= extensionDegree()-1} is an F-basis,
++ where \spad{q = size()\$F}.
++ Implementation according to Lidl/Niederreiter: Theorem 2.39.
generator : () -> $
++ generator() returns a root of the defining polynomial.
++ This element generates the field as an algebra over the ground
++ field.
linearAssociatedExp : ($,SparseUnivariatePolynomial F) -> $
++ linearAssociatedExp(a,f) is linear over F, that is,
++ for elements a from \$, c,d form F and
++ f,g univariate polynomials over F we have
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,cf+dg) equals c times
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,f) plus d times
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,g). Therefore
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp} is defined completely by its
++ action on monomials from F[X]:
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,monomial(1,k)\$SUP(F)) is
++ defined to be \spadfun{Frobenius}(a,k) which is a**(q**k),
++ where q=size()\$F.
linearAssociatedOrder : $ -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
++ linearAssociatedOrder(a) retruns the monic polynomial g of
++ least degree, such that \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(a,g) is 0.
linearAssociatedLog : $ -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
++ linearAssociatedLog(a) returns a polynomial g, such that
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(normalElement(),g) equals a.
linearAssociatedLog : ($,$) -> _
Union(SparseUnivariatePolynomial F,"failed")
++ linearAssociatedLog(b,a) returns a polynomial g, such
++ that the \spadfun{linearAssociatedExp}(b,g) equals a.
++ If there is no such polynomial g, then
++ \spadfun{linearAssociatedLog} fails.
I ==> Integer
PI ==> PositiveInteger
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
DLP ==> DiscreteLogarithmPackage
represents(v) ==
for i in 1..extensionDegree()@PI repeat
transcendenceDegree() == 0$NNI
dimension() == (#basis()) ::NonNegativeInteger::CardinalNumber
coordinates(v:Vector $) ==
m := new(#v, extensionDegree(), 0)$Matrix(F)
for i in minIndex v .. maxIndex v for j in minRowIndex m .. repeat
setRow_!(m, j, coordinates qelt(v, i))
algebraic? a == true
transcendent? a == false
extensionDegree() == (#basis()) :: PositiveInteger
trace a ==
b := basis()
abs : F := 0
for i in 1..#b repeat
abs := abs + coordinates(a*b.i).i
norm a ==
b := basis()
m := new(#b,#b, 0)$Matrix(F)
for i in 1..#b repeat
setRow_!(m,i, coordinates(a*b.i))
if F has Finite then
linearAssociatedExp(x,f) ==
for i in 0..degree(f) repeat
erg:=erg + coefficient(f,i) * y
linearAssociatedLog(b,x) ==
x=0 => 0
l:List List F:=[entries coordinates b]
for i in 2..extdeg repeat
l:=concat(l,entries coordinates a)$(List List F)
l:=concat(l,entries coordinates x)$(List List F)
m1:=rowEchelon transpose matrix(l)$(Matrix F)
v:=zero(extdeg)$(Vector F)
for i in 1..extdeg repeat
if qelt(m1,rown,i) = 1$F then
p:=+/[monomial(v.(i+1),i::NNI) for i in 0..(#v-1)]
p=0 =>
messagePrint("linearAssociatedLog: second argument not in_
group generated by first argument")$OutputForm
linearAssociatedLog(x) == linearAssociatedLog(normalElement(),x) ::
linearAssociatedOrder(x) ==
x=0 => 0
l:List List F:=[entries coordinates x]
for i in 1..extensionDegree()@PI repeat
l:=concat(l,entries coordinates a)$(List List F)
v:=first nullSpace transpose matrix(l)$(Matrix F)
+/[monomial(v.(i+1),i::NNI) for i in 0..(#v-1)]
charthRoot(x):Union($,"failed") ==
minimalPolynomial(a,n) ==
extensionDegree()@PI rem n ^= 0 =>
error "minimalPolynomial: 2. argument must divide extension degree"
f:SUP $:=monomial(1,1)$(SUP $) - monomial(a,0)$(SUP $)
while not(u = a) repeat
f:=f * (monomial(1,1)$(SUP $) - monomial(u,0)$(SUP $))
norm(e,s) ==
qr := divide(extensionDegree(), s)
zero?(qr.remainder) =>
pow := (size()-1) quo (size()$F ** s - 1)
e ** (pow::NonNegativeInteger)
error "norm: second argument must divide degree of extension"
trace(e,s) ==
zero?(qr.remainder) =>
for i in 0..qr.quotient-1 repeat
a:=a + e**(q**(s*i))
error "trace: second argument must divide degree of extension"
size() == size()$F ** extensionDegree()
createNormalElement() ==
characteristic() = size() => 1
res : $
for i in 1.. repeat
res := index(i :: PI)
not inGroundField? res =>
normal? res => return res
-- theorem: there exists a normal element, this theorem is
-- unknown to the compiler
normal?(x:$) ==
p:SUP $:=(monomial(1,extensionDegree()) - monomial(1,0))@(SUP $)
f:SUP $:= +/[monomial(Frobenius(x,i),i)$(SUP $) _
for i in 0..extensionDegree()-1]
gcd(p,f) = 1 => true
degree a ==
y:$:=Frobenius a
while y^=a repeat
y := Frobenius(y)