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++ Author: Gaetan Hache
++ Date Created: 17 nov 1992
++ Date Last Updated: March 2013 by Tim Daly
++ Description:
++ Part of the PAFF package
FiniteFieldFactorization(K, PolK) : SIG == CODE where
K : FiniteFieldCategory
PolK : UnivariatePolynomialCategory(K)
SIG ==> with
factorSquareFree : PolK -> List(PolK)
factorCantorZassenhaus : (PolK, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(PolK)
factor : PolK -> Factored(PolK)
factorUsingYun : PolK -> Factored(PolK)
factorUsingMusser : PolK -> Factored(PolK)
irreducible? : PolK -> Boolean
CODE ==> add
import FiniteFieldSquareFreeDecomposition(K, PolK)
p : NonNegativeInteger := characteristic()$K
p' : NonNegativeInteger := p quo 2 -- used for odd p : (p-1)/2
q : NonNegativeInteger := size()$K
q' : NonNegativeInteger := q quo 2 -- used for odd q : (q-1)/2
X : PolK := monomial(1, 1)
primeKdim : NonNegativeInteger :=
q_quo_p : NonNegativeInteger := q quo p ; e : NonNegativeInteger := 1
while q_quo_p > 1 repeat (e := e + 1 ; q_quo_p := q_quo_p quo p)
exp(P : PolK, n : NonNegativeInteger, R : PolK) : PolK ==
PP : PolK := P rem R ; Q : PolK := 1
if odd?(n) then Q := Q * PP rem R
(n := n quo 2) = 0 => leave
PP := PP * PP rem R
return Q
pPowers(P : PolK) : PrimitiveArray(PolK) == -- P is monic
n := degree(P)
result : PrimitiveArray(PolK) := new(n, 1)
result(1) := Qi := Q := exp(X, p, P)
for i in 2 .. n-1 repeat (Qi := Qi*Q rem P ; result(i) := Qi)
return result
pExp(Q : PolK, Xpowers : PrimitiveArray(PolK)) : PolK ==
Q' : PolK := 0
while Q ^= 0 repeat
Q' := Q' +primeFrobenius(leadingCoefficient(Q))*Xpowers(degree(Q))
Q := reductum(Q)
return Q'
pTrace(Q : PolK, d : NonNegativeInteger, P : PolK,
Xpowers : PrimitiveArray(PolK)) : PolK ==
Q : PolK := Q rem P
result : PolK := Q
for i in 1 .. d-1 repeat result := Q + pExp(result, Xpowers)
return result rem P
random(n : NonNegativeInteger) : PolK ==
if (deg := (random(n)$Integer)::NonNegativeInteger) > 0 then leave
if (x : K := random()$K) ^= 0 then leave
result : PolK :=
monomial(x, deg) + +/[monomial(random()$K, i) for i in 0 .. deg-1]
return result
internalFactorCZ(P : PolK, -- P monic-squarefree
d:NonNegativeInteger, Xpowers:PrimitiveArray(PolK)) : List(PolK) ==
listOfFactors : List(PolK) := [P]
degree(P) = d => return listOfFactors
result : List(PolK) := []
pDim : NonNegativeInteger := d * primeKdim
Q : PolK := P
G := pTrace(random(degree(Q)), pDim, Q, Xpowers)
if p > 2 then G := exp(G, p', Q) - 1
Q1 := gcd(G, Q) ; d1 := degree(Q1)
if d1 > 0 and d1 < degree(Q) then
listOfFactors := rest(listOfFactors)
if d1 = d then result := cons(Q1, result)
else listOfFactors := cons(Q1, listOfFactors)
Q1 := Q quo Q1 ; d1 := degree(Q1)
if d1 = d then result := cons(Q1, result)
else listOfFactors := cons(Q1, listOfFactors)
if empty?(listOfFactors) then leave
Q := first(listOfFactors)
return result
internalFactorSquareFree(P : PolK):List(PolK) == -- P is monic-squareFree
degree(P) = 1 => [P]
result : List(PolK) := []
Xpowers : PrimitiveArray(PolK) := pPowers(P)
S : PolK := Xpowers(1)
for j in 1..primeKdim-1 repeat S := pExp(S, Xpowers)
for i in 1 .. repeat -- S = X**(q**i) mod P
if degree(R := gcd(S - X, P)) > 0 then
result := concat(internalFactorCZ(R, i, Xpowers), result)
if degree (P) = degree (R) then return result
P := P quo R
if i >= degree(P) quo 2 then return cons(P, result)
for j in 0 .. degree(P)-1 repeat Xpowers(j):=Xpowers(j) rem P
S := S rem P
else if i >= degree(P) quo 2 then return cons(P, result)
for j in 1 .. primeKdim repeat S := pExp(S, Xpowers)
internalFactor(P:PolK, sqrfree:PolK -> Factored(PolK)) : Factored(PolK) ==
result : Factored(PolK)
if (d := minimumDegree(P)) > 0 then
P := P quo monomial(1, d)
result := primeFactor(X, d)
result := 1
degree(P) = 0 => P * result
if (lcP := leadingCoefficient(P)) ^= 1 then P := inv(lcP) * P
degree(P) = 1 => lcP::PolK * primeFactor(P, 1) * result
sqfP : Factored(PolK) := sqrfree(P)
for x in factors(sqfP) repeat
xFactors : List(PolK) := internalFactorSquareFree(x.factor)
result:= result * */[primeFactor(Q, x.exponent) for Q in xFactors]
return lcP::PolK * result
factorUsingYun(P : PolK) : Factored(PolK) == internalFactor(P, Yun)
factorUsingMusser(P : PolK) : Factored(PolK) == internalFactor(P, Musser)
factor(P : PolK) : Factored(PolK) == factorUsingYun(P)
factorSquareFree(P : PolK) : List(PolK) ==
degree(P) = 0 => []
discriminant(P) = 0 => error("factorSquareFree : non quadratfrei")
if (lcP := leadingCoefficient(P)) ^= 1 then P := inv(lcP) * P
return internalFactorSquareFree(P)
factorCantorZassenhaus(P : PolK, d : NonNegativeInteger) : List(PolK) ==
if (lcP := leadingCoefficient(P)) ^= 1 then P := inv(lcP) * P
degree(P) = 1 => [P]
return internalFactorCZ(P, d, pPowers(P))
qExp(Q : PolK, XqPowers : PrimitiveArray(PolK)) : PolK ==
Q' : PolK := 0
while Q ^= 0 repeat
Q' := Q' + leadingCoefficient(Q) * XqPowers(degree(Q))
Q := reductum(Q)
return Q'
qPowers (Xq : PolK, P : PolK) : PrimitiveArray(PolK) == -- Xq = X**q mod P
n := degree(P)
result : PrimitiveArray(PolK) := new(n, 1)
result(1) := Q := Xq
for i in 2 .. n-1 repeat (Q := Q*Xq rem P ; result(i) := Q)
return result
discriminantTest?(P : PolK) : Boolean ==
(delta : K := discriminant(P)) = 0 => true
StickelbergerTest : Boolean := (delta ** q' = 1) = even?(degree(P))
return StickelbergerTest
evenCharacteristicIrreducible?(P : PolK) : Boolean ==
(n := degree(P)) = 0 => false
n = 1 => true
degree(gcd(P, D(P))) > 0 => false
if (lcP := leadingCoefficient(P)) ^= 1 then P := inv(lcP) * P
S : PolK := exp(X, q, P)
if degree(gcd(S - X, P)) > 0 then
return false
if n < 4 then return true
maxDegreeToTest : NonNegativeInteger := n quo 2
XqPowers : PrimitiveArray(PolK) := qPowers(S, P)
for i in 2 .. maxDegreeToTest repeat
S := qExp(S, XqPowers)
if degree(gcd(S - X, P)) > 0 then
return false
return true
oddCharacteristicIrreducible?(P : PolK) : Boolean ==
(n := degree(P)) = 0 => false
n = 1 => true
discriminantTest?(P) => false
if (lcP := leadingCoefficient(P)) ^= 1 then P := inv(lcP) * P
S : PolK := exp(X, q, P)
if degree(gcd(S - X, P)) > 0 then
return false
if n < 6 then return true
maxDegreeToTest : NonNegativeInteger := n quo 3
XqPowers : PrimitiveArray(PolK) := qPowers(S, P)
for i in 2 .. maxDegreeToTest repeat
S := qExp(S, XqPowers)
if degree(gcd(S - X, P)) > 0 then
return false
return true
if p = 2 then
irreducible?(P : PolK) : Boolean == evenCharacteristicIrreducible?(P)
irreducible?(P : PolK) : Boolean == oddCharacteristicIrreducible?(P)