/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/FORMULA.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Robert S. Sutor
++ Date Created: 1987 through 1990
++ References:
++ SCRIPT Mathematical Formula Formatter User's Guide, SH20-6453,
++ IBM Corporation, Publishing Systems Information Development,
++ Dept. G68, P.O. Box 1900, Boulder, Colorado, USA 80301-9191.
++ Description:
++ \spadtype{ScriptFormulaFormat} provides a coercion from
++ \spadtype{OutputForm} to IBM SCRIPT/VS Mathematical Formula Format.
++ The basic SCRIPT formula format object consists of three parts: a
++ prologue, a formula part and an epilogue. The functions
++ \spadfun{prologue}, \spadfun{formula} and \spadfun{epilogue}
++ extract these parts, respectively. The central parts of the expression
++ go into the formula part. The other parts can be set
++ (\spadfun{setPrologue!}, \spadfun{setEpilogue!}) so that contain the
++ appropriate tags for printing. For example, the prologue and
++ epilogue might simply contain ":df." and ":edf." so that the
++ formula section will be printed in display math mode.
ScriptFormulaFormat() : SIG == CODE where
E ==> OutputForm
I ==> Integer
L ==> List
S ==> String
SIG ==> SetCategory with
coerce : E -> %
++ coerce(o) changes o in the standard output format to
++ SCRIPT formula format.
convert : (E,I) -> %
++ convert(o,step) changes o in standard output format to
++ SCRIPT formula format and also adds the given step number.
++ This is useful if you want to create equations with given numbers
++ or have the equation numbers correspond to the interpreter step
++ numbers.
display : (%, I) -> Void
++ display(t,width) outputs the formatted code t so that each
++ line has length less than or equal to \spadvar{width}.
display : % -> Void
++ display(t) outputs the formatted code t so that each
++ line has length less than or equal to the value set by
++ the system command \spadsyscom{set output length}.
epilogue : % -> L S
++ epilogue(t) extracts the epilogue section of a formatted object t.
formula : % -> L S
++ formula(t) extracts the formula section of a formatted object t.
new : () -> %
++ new() create a new, empty object. Use \spadfun{setPrologue!},
++ \spadfun{setFormula!} and \spadfun{setEpilogue!} to set the
++ various components of this object.
prologue : % -> L S
++ prologue(t) extracts the prologue section of a formatted object t.
setEpilogue! : (%, L S) -> L S
++ setEpilogue!(t,strings) sets the epilogue section of a
++ formatted object t to strings.
setFormula! : (%, L S) -> L S
++ setFormula!(t,strings) sets the formula section of a
++ formatted object t to strings.
setPrologue! : (%, L S) -> L S
++ setPrologue!(t,strings) sets the prologue section of a
++ formatted object t to strings.
CODE ==> add
import OutputForm
import Character
import Integer
import List OutputForm
import List String
Rep := Record(prolog : L S, formula : L S, epilog : L S)
-- local variables declarations and definitions
expr: E
prec,opPrec: I
str: S
blank : S := " @@ "
maxPrec : I := 1000000
minPrec : I := 0
splitChars : S := " <>[](){}+*=,-%"
unaryOps : L S := ["-","^"]$(L S)
unaryPrecs : L I := [700,260]$(L I)
-- the precedence of / in the following is relatively low because
-- the bar obviates the need for parentheses.
binaryOps : L S := ["+->","|","**","/","<",">","=","OVER"]$(L S)
binaryPrecs : L I := [0,0,900, 700,400,400,400, 700]$(L I)
naryOps : L S := ["-","+","*",blank,",",";"," ","ROW","",
" habove "," here "," labove "]$(L S)
naryPrecs : L I := [700,700,800, 800,110,110, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0]$(L I)
naryNGOps : L S := nil$(L S)
plexPrecs : L I := [ 700, 800, 700, 700]$(L I)
specialOps : L S := ["MATRIX","BRACKET","BRACE","CONCATB", _
-- the next two lists provide translations for some strings for
-- which the formula formatter provides special variables.
specialStrings : L S :=
specialStringsInFormula : L S :=
[" alpha "," ellipsis "]
-- local function signatures
addBraces: S -> S
addBrackets: S -> S
group: S -> S
formatBinary: (S,L E, I) -> S
formatFunction: (S,L E, I) -> S
formatMatrix: L E -> S
formatNary: (S,L E, I) -> S
formatNaryNoGroup: (S,L E, I) -> S
formatNullary: S -> S
formatPlex: (S,L E, I) -> S
formatSpecial: (S,L E, I) -> S
formatUnary: (S, E, I) -> S
formatFormula: (E,I) -> S
parenthesize: S -> S
precondition: E -> E
postcondition: S -> S
splitLong: (S,I) -> L S
splitLong1: (S,I) -> L S
stringify: E -> S
-- public function definitions
new() : % == [[".eq set blank @",":df."]$(L S),
[""]$(L S), [":edf."]$(L S)]$Rep
coerce(expr : E): % ==
f : % := new()$%
f.formula := [postcondition
formatFormula(precondition expr, minPrec)]$(L S)
convert(expr : E, stepNum : I): % ==
f : % := new()$%
f.formula := concat(["<leqno lparen ",string(stepNum)$S,
" rparen>"], [postcondition
formatFormula(precondition expr, minPrec)]$(L S))
display(f : %, len : I) ==
s,t : S
for s in f.prolog repeat sayFORMULA(s)$Lisp
for s in f.formula repeat
for t in splitLong(s, len) repeat sayFORMULA(t)$Lisp
for s in f.epilog repeat sayFORMULA(s)$Lisp
display(f : %) ==
display(f, _$LINELENGTH$Lisp pretend I)
prologue(f : %) == f.prolog
formula(f : %) == f.formula
epilogue(f : %) == f.epilog
setPrologue!(f : %, l : L S) == f.prolog := l
setFormula!(f : %, l : L S) == f.formula := l
setEpilogue!(f : %, l : L S) == f.epilog := l
coerce(f : %): E ==
s,t : S
l : L S := nil
for s in f.prolog repeat l := concat(s,l)
for s in f.formula repeat
for t in splitLong(s, (_$LINELENGTH$Lisp pretend Integer) - 4) repeat
l := concat(t,l)
for s in f.epilog repeat l := concat(s,l)
(reverse l) :: E
-- local function definitions
postcondition(str: S): S ==
len : I := #str
len < 4 => str
plus : Character := char "+"
minus: Character := char "-"
for i in 1..(len-1) repeat
if (str.i =$Character plus) and (str.(i+1) =$Character minus)
then setelt(str,i,char " ")$S
stringify expr == object2String(expr)$Lisp pretend S
splitLong(str : S, len : I): L S ==
-- this blocks into lines
if len < 20 then len := _$LINELENGTH$Lisp
splitLong1(str, len)
splitLong1(str : S, len : I) ==
l : List S := nil
s : S := ""
ls : I := 0
ss : S
lss : I
for ss in split(str,char " ") repeat
lss := #ss
if ls + lss > len then
l := concat(s,l)$List(S)
s := ""
ls := 0
lss > len => l := concat(ss,l)$List(S)
ls := ls + lss + 1
s := concat(s,concat(ss," ")$S)$S
if ls > 0 then l := concat(s,l)$List(S)
reverse l
group str ==
concat ["<",str,">"]
addBraces str ==
concat ["left lbrace ",str," right rbrace"]
addBrackets str ==
concat ["left lb ",str," right rb"]
parenthesize str ==
concat ["left lparen ",str," right rparen"]
precondition expr ==
formatSpecial(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
op = "AGGLST" =>
op = "AGGSET" =>
op = "CONCATB" =>
formatNary(" ",args,prec)
op = "CONCAT" =>
op = "BRACKET" =>
group addBrackets formatFormula(first args, minPrec)
op = "BRACE" =>
group addBraces formatFormula(first args, minPrec)
op = "PAREN" =>
group parenthesize formatFormula(first args, minPrec)
op = "OVERBAR" =>
null args => ""
group concat [formatFormula(first args, minPrec)," bar"]
op = "ROOT" =>
null args => ""
tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec)
null rest args => group concat ["sqrt ",tmp]
group concat ["midsup adjust(u 1.5 r 9) ",
formatFormula(first rest args, minPrec)," sqrt ",tmp]
op = "SC" =>
formatNary(" labove ",args,prec)
op = "SUB" =>
group concat [formatFormula(first args, minPrec)," sub ",
formatSpecial("AGGLST",rest args,minPrec)]
op = "SUPERSUB" =>
-- variable name
form : List S := [formatFormula(first args, minPrec)]
-- subscripts
args := rest args
null args => concat form
tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec)
if tmp ^= "" then form := append(form,[" sub ",tmp])$(List S)
-- superscripts
args := rest args
null args => group concat form
tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec)
if tmp ^= "" then form := append(form,[" sup ",tmp])$(List S)
-- presuperscripts
args := rest args
null args => group concat form
tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec)
if tmp ^= "" then form := append(form,[" presup ",tmp])$(List S)
-- presubscripts
args := rest args
null args => group concat form
tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec)
if tmp ^= "" then form := append(form,[" presub ",tmp])$(List S)
group concat form
op = "MATRIX" => formatMatrix rest args
concat ["not done yet for ",op]
formatPlex(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
hold : S
p : I := position(op,plexOps)
p < 1 => error "unknown Script Formula Formatter unary op"
opPrec := plexPrecs.p
n : I := #args
(n ^= 2) and (n ^= 3) => error "wrong number of arguments for plex"
s : S :=
op = "SIGMA" => "sum"
op = "PI" => "product"
op = "INTSIGN" => "integral"
op = "INDEFINTEGRAL" => "integral"
hold := formatFormula(first args,minPrec)
args := rest args
if op ^= "INDEFINTEGRAL" then
if hold ^= "" then
s := concat [s," from",group concat ["\displaystyle ",hold]]
if not null rest args then
hold := formatFormula(first args,minPrec)
if hold ^= "" then
s := concat [s," to",group concat ["\displaystyle ",hold]]
args := rest args
s := concat [s," ",formatFormula(first args,minPrec)]
hold := group concat [hold," ",formatFormula(first args,minPrec)]
s := concat [s," ",hold]
if opPrec < prec then s := parenthesize s
group s
formatMatrix(args : L E) : S ==
-- format for args is [[ROW ...],[ROW ...],[ROW ...]]
group addBrackets formatNary(" habove ",args,minPrec)
formatFunction(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
group concat [op, " ", parenthesize formatNary(",",args,minPrec)]
formatNullary(op : S) ==
op = "NOTHING" => ""
group concat [op,"()"]
formatUnary(op : S, arg : E, prec : I) ==
p : I := position(op,unaryOps)
p < 1 => error "unknown Script Formula Formatter unary op"
opPrec := unaryPrecs.p
s : S := concat [op,formatFormula(arg,opPrec)]
opPrec < prec => group parenthesize s
op = "-" => s
group s
formatBinary(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
p : I := position(op,binaryOps)
p < 1 => error "unknown Script Formula Formatter binary op"
op :=
op = "**" => " sup "
op = "/" => " over "
op = "OVER" => " over "
opPrec := binaryPrecs.p
s : S := formatFormula(first args, opPrec)
s := concat [s,op,formatFormula(first rest args, opPrec)]
op = " over " => s
opPrec < prec => parenthesize s
formatNary(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
group formatNaryNoGroup(op, args, prec)
formatNaryNoGroup(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
null args => ""
p : I := position(op,naryOps)
p < 1 => error "unknown Script Formula Formatter nary op"
op :=
op = "," => ", @@ "
op = ";" => "; @@ "
op = "*" => blank
op = " " => blank
op = "ROW" => " here "
l : L S := nil
opPrec := naryPrecs.p
for a in args repeat
l := concat(op,concat(formatFormula(a,opPrec),l)$L(S))$L(S)
s : S := concat reverse rest l
opPrec < prec => parenthesize s
formatFormula(expr,prec) ==
i : Integer
ATOM(expr)$Lisp pretend Boolean =>
str := stringify expr
INTEGERP(expr)$Lisp =>
i := expr : Integer
if (i < 0) or (i > 9) then group str else str
(i := position(str,specialStrings)) > 0 =>
l : L E := (expr pretend L E)
null l => blank
op : S := stringify first l
args : L E := rest l
nargs : I := #args
-- special cases
member?(op, specialOps) => formatSpecial(op,args,prec)
member?(op, plexOps) => formatPlex(op,args,prec)
-- nullary case
0 = nargs => formatNullary op
-- unary case
(1 = nargs) and member?(op, unaryOps) =>
formatUnary(op, first args, prec)
-- binary case
(2 = nargs) and member?(op, binaryOps) =>
formatBinary(op, args, prec)
-- nary case
member?(op,naryNGOps) => formatNaryNoGroup(op,args, prec)
member?(op,naryOps) => formatNary(op,args, prec)
op := formatFormula(first l,minPrec)