/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/FS2EXPXP.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
++ Date Created: 17 August 1992
++ Date Last Updated: 2 December 1994
++ Description:
++ This package converts expressions in some function space to exponential
++ expansions.
FunctionSpaceToExponentialExpansion(R,FE,x,cen) : SIG == CODE where
R : Join(GcdDomain,OrderedSet,RetractableTo Integer,
LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer)
FE : Join(AlgebraicallyClosedField,TranscendentalFunctionCategory,
FunctionSpace R)
x : Symbol
cen : FE
B ==> Boolean
BOP ==> BasicOperator
Expon ==> Fraction Integer
I ==> Integer
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
K ==> Kernel FE
L ==> List
RN ==> Fraction Integer
S ==> String
SY ==> Symbol
PCL ==> PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents K,K,R,SMP,FE)
POL ==> Polynomial R
SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,K)
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Polynomial R
UTS ==> UnivariateTaylorSeries(FE,x,cen)
ULS ==> UnivariateLaurentSeries(FE,x,cen)
UPXS ==> UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(FE,x,cen)
EFULS ==> ElementaryFunctionsUnivariateLaurentSeries(FE,UTS,ULS)
EFUPXS ==> ElementaryFunctionsUnivariatePuiseuxSeries(FE,ULS,UPXS,EFULS)
FS2UPS ==> FunctionSpaceToUnivariatePowerSeries(R,FE,RN,UPXS,EFUPXS,x)
EXPUPXS ==> ExponentialOfUnivariatePuiseuxSeries(FE,x,cen)
UPXSSING ==> UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesWithExponentialSingularity(R,FE,x,cen)
XXP ==> ExponentialExpansion(R,FE,x,cen)
Problem ==> Record(func:String,prob:String)
Result ==> Union(%series:UPXS,%problem:Problem)
XResult ==> Union(%expansion:XXP,%problem:Problem)
SIGNEF ==> ElementaryFunctionSign(R,FE)
SIG ==> with
exprToXXP : (FE,B) -> XResult
++ exprToXXP(fcn,posCheck?) converts the expression \spad{fcn} to
++ an exponential expansion. If \spad{posCheck?} is true,
++ log's of negative numbers are not allowed nor are nth roots of
++ negative numbers with n even. If \spad{posCheck?} is false,
++ these are allowed.
localAbs : FE -> FE
++ localAbs(fcn) = \spad{abs(fcn)} or \spad{sqrt(fcn**2)} depending
++ on whether or not FE has a function \spad{abs}. This should be
++ a local function, but the compiler won't allow it.
CODE ==> add
import FS2UPS -- conversion of functional expressions to Puiseux series
import EFUPXS -- partial transcendental funtions on UPXS
ratIfCan : FE -> Union(RN,"failed")
stateSeriesProblem : (S,S) -> Result
stateProblem : (S,S) -> XResult
newElem : FE -> FE
smpElem : SMP -> FE
k2Elem : K -> FE
iExprToXXP : (FE,B) -> XResult
listToXXP : (L FE,B,XXP,(XXP,XXP) -> XXP) -> XResult
isNonTrivPower : FE -> Union(Record(val:FE,exponent:I),"failed")
negativePowerOK? : UPXS -> Boolean
powerToXXP : (FE,I,B) -> XResult
carefulNthRootIfCan : (UPXS,NNI,B) -> Result
nthRootXXPIfCan : (XXP,NNI,B) -> XResult
nthRootToXXP : (FE,NNI,B) -> XResult
genPowerToXXP : (L FE,B) -> XResult
kernelToXXP : (K,B) -> XResult
genExp : (UPXS,B) -> Result
exponential : (UPXS,B) -> XResult
expToXXP : (FE,B) -> XResult
genLog : (UPXS,B) -> Result
logToXXP : (FE,B) -> XResult
applyIfCan : (UPXS -> Union(UPXS,"failed"),FE,S,B) -> XResult
applyBddIfCan : (FE,UPXS -> Union(UPXS,"failed"),FE,S,B) -> XResult
tranToXXP : (K,FE,B) -> XResult
contOnReals? : S -> B
bddOnReals? : S -> B
opsInvolvingX : FE -> L BOP
opInOpList? : (SY,L BOP) -> B
exponential? : FE -> B
productOfNonZeroes? : FE -> B
atancotToXXP : (FE,FE,B,I) -> XResult
ZEROCOUNT : RN := 1000/1
-- number of zeroes to be removed when taking logs or nth roots
--% retractions
ratIfCan fcn == retractIfCan(fcn)@Union(RN,"failed")
--% 'problems' with conversion
stateSeriesProblem(function,problem) ==
-- records the problem which occured in converting an expression
-- to a power series
stateProblem(function,problem) ==
-- records the problem which occured in converting an expression
-- to an exponential expansion
--% normalizations
newElem f ==
-- rewrites a functional expression; all trig functions are
-- expressed in terms of sin and cos; all hyperbolic trig
-- functions are expressed in terms of exp; all inverse
-- hyperbolic trig functions are expressed in terms of exp
-- and log
smpElem(numer f) / smpElem(denom f)
smpElem p == map(k2Elem,(x1:R):FE+->x1::FE,p)$PCL
k2Elem k ==
-- rewrites a kernel; all trig functions are
-- expressed in terms of sin and cos; all hyperbolic trig
-- functions are expressed in terms of exp
null(args := [newElem a for a in argument k]) => k :: FE
iez := inv(ez := exp(z := first args))
sinz := sin z; cosz := cos z
is?(k,"tan" :: SY) => sinz / cosz
is?(k,"cot" :: SY) => cosz / sinz
is?(k,"sec" :: SY) => inv cosz
is?(k,"csc" :: SY) => inv sinz
is?(k,"sinh" :: SY) => (ez - iez) / (2 :: FE)
is?(k,"cosh" :: SY) => (ez + iez) / (2 :: FE)
is?(k,"tanh" :: SY) => (ez - iez) / (ez + iez)
is?(k,"coth" :: SY) => (ez + iez) / (ez - iez)
is?(k,"sech" :: SY) => 2 * inv(ez + iez)
is?(k,"csch" :: SY) => 2 * inv(ez - iez)
is?(k,"acosh" :: SY) => log(sqrt(z**2 - 1) + z)
is?(k,"atanh" :: SY) => log((z + 1) / (1 - z)) / (2 :: FE)
is?(k,"acoth" :: SY) => log((z + 1) / (z - 1)) / (2 :: FE)
is?(k,"asech" :: SY) => log((inv z) + sqrt(inv(z**2) - 1))
is?(k,"acsch" :: SY) => log((inv z) + sqrt(1 + inv(z**2)))
(operator k) args
--% general conversion function
exprToXXP(fcn,posCheck?) == iExprToXXP(newElem fcn,posCheck?)
iExprToXXP(fcn,posCheck?) ==
-- converts a functional expression to an exponential expansion
--!! The following line is commented out so that expressions of
--!! the form a**b will be normalized to exp(b * log(a)) even if
--!! 'a' and 'b' do not involve the limiting variable 'x'.
--!! - cjw 1 Dec 94
--not member?(x,variables fcn) => [monomial(fcn,0)$UPXS :: XXP]
(poly := retractIfCan(fcn)@Union(POL,"failed")) case POL =>
[exprToUPS(fcn,false,"real:two sides").%series :: XXP]
(sum := isPlus fcn) case L(FE) =>
listToXXP(sum::L(FE),posCheck?,0,(y1:XXP,y2:XXP):XXP +-> y1+y2)
(prod := isTimes fcn) case L(FE) =>
listToXXP(prod :: L(FE),posCheck?,1,(y1:XXP,y2:XXP):XXP +-> y1*y2)
(expt := isNonTrivPower fcn) case Record(val:FE,exponent:I) =>
power := expt :: Record(val:FE,exponent:I)
(ker := retractIfCan(fcn)@Union(K,"failed")) case K =>
kernelToXXP(ker :: K,posCheck?)
error "exprToXXP: neither a sum, product, power, nor kernel"
--% sums and products
listToXXP(list,posCheck?,ans,op) ==
-- converts each element of a list of expressions to an exponential
-- expansion and returns the sum of these expansions, when 'op' is +
-- and 'ans' is 0, or the product of these expansions, when 'op' is *
-- and 'ans' is 1
while not null list repeat
(term := iExprToXXP(first list,posCheck?)) case %problem =>
return term
ans := op(ans,term.%expansion)
list := rest list
--% nth roots and integral powers
isNonTrivPower fcn ==
-- is the function a power with exponent other than 0 or 1?
(expt := isPower fcn) case "failed" => "failed"
power := expt :: Record(val:FE,exponent:I)
(power.exponent = 1) => "failed"
negativePowerOK? upxs ==
-- checks the lower order coefficient of a Puiseux series;
-- the coefficient may be inverted only if
-- (a) the only function involving x is 'log', or
-- (b) the lowest order coefficient is a product of exponentials
-- and functions not involving x
deg := degree upxs
if (coef := coefficient(upxs,deg)) = 0 then
deg := order(upxs,deg + ZEROCOUNT :: Expon)
(coef := coefficient(upxs,deg)) = 0 =>
error "inverse of series with many leading zero coefficients"
xOpList := opsInvolvingX coef
-- only function involving x is 'log'
(null xOpList) => true
(null rest xOpList and is?(first xOpList,"log" :: SY)) => true
-- lowest order coefficient is a product of exponentials and
-- functions not involving x
productOfNonZeroes? coef => true
powerToXXP(fcn,n,posCheck?) ==
-- converts an integral power to an exponential expansion
(b := iExprToXXP(fcn,posCheck?)) case %problem => b
xxp := b.%expansion
n > 0 => [xxp ** n]
-- a Puiseux series will be reciprocated only if n < 0 and
-- numerator of 'xxp' has exactly one monomial
numberOfMonomials(num := numer xxp) > 1 => [xxp ** n]
negativePowerOK? leadingCoefficient num =>
(rec := recip num) case "failed" => error "FS2EXPXP: can't happen"
nn := (-n) :: NNI
[(((denom xxp) ** nn) * ((rec :: UPXSSING) ** nn)) :: XXP]
--!! we may want to create a fraction instead of trying to
--!! reciprocate the numerator
stateProblem("inv","lowest order coefficient involves x")
carefulNthRootIfCan(ups,n,posCheck?) ==
-- similar to 'nthRootIfCan', but it is fussy about the series
-- it takes as an argument. If 'n' is EVEN and 'posCheck?'
-- is truem then the leading coefficient of the series must
-- be POSITIVE. In this case, if 'rightOnly?' is false, the
-- order of the series must be zero. The idea is that the
-- series represents a real function of a real variable, and
-- we want a unique real nth root defined on a neighborhood
-- of zero.
n < 1 => error "nthRoot: n must be positive"
deg := degree ups
if (coef := coefficient(ups,deg)) = 0 then
deg := order(ups,deg + ZEROCOUNT :: Expon)
(coef := coefficient(ups,deg)) = 0 =>
error "log of series with many leading zero coefficients"
-- if 'posCheck?' is true, we do not allow nth roots of negative
-- numbers when n in even
if even?(n :: I) then
if posCheck? and ((signum := sign(coef)$SIGNEF) case I) then
(signum :: I) = -1 =>
return stateSeriesProblem("nth root","root of negative number")
(ans := nthRootIfCan(ups,n)) case "failed" =>
stateSeriesProblem("nth root","no nth root")
[ans :: UPXS]
nthRootXXPIfCan(xxp,n,posCheck?) ==
num := numer xxp; den := denom xxp
not zero?(reductum num) or not zero?(reductum den) =>
stateProblem("nth root","several monomials in numerator or denominator")
nInv : RN := 1/n
newNum :=
coef : UPXS :=
root := carefulNthRootIfCan(leadingCoefficient num,n,posCheck?)
root case %problem => return [root.%problem]
deg := (nInv :: FE) * (degree num)
newDen :=
coef : UPXS :=
root := carefulNthRootIfCan(leadingCoefficient den,n,posCheck?)
root case %problem => return [root.%problem]
deg := (nInv :: FE) * (degree den)
nthRootToXXP(arg,n,posCheck?) ==
-- converts an nth root to a power series
-- this is not used in the limit package, so the series may
-- have non-zero order, in which case nth roots may not be unique
(result := iExprToXXP(arg,posCheck?)) case %problem => [result.%problem]
ans := nthRootXXPIfCan(result.%expansion,n,posCheck?)
ans case %problem => [ans.%problem]
--% general powers f(x) ** g(x)
genPowerToXXP(args,posCheck?) ==
-- converts a power f(x) ** g(x) to an exponential expansion
(logBase := logToXXP(first args,posCheck?)) case %problem =>
(expon := iExprToXXP(second args,posCheck?)) case %problem =>
xxp := (expon.%expansion) * (logBase.%expansion)
(f := retractIfCan(xxp)@Union(UPXS,"failed")) case "failed" =>
stateProblem("exp","multiply nested exponential")
--% kernels
kernelToXXP(ker,posCheck?) ==
-- converts a kernel to a power series
(sym := symbolIfCan(ker)) case Symbol =>
(sym :: Symbol) = x => [monomial(1,1)$UPXS :: XXP]
[monomial(ker :: FE,0)$UPXS :: XXP]
empty?(args := argument ker) => [monomial(ker :: FE,0)$UPXS :: XXP]
empty? rest args =>
arg := first args
is?(ker,"%paren" :: Symbol) => iExprToXXP(arg,posCheck?)
is?(ker,"log" :: Symbol) => logToXXP(arg,posCheck?)
is?(ker,"exp" :: Symbol) => expToXXP(arg,posCheck?)
is?(ker,"%power" :: Symbol) => genPowerToXXP(args,posCheck?)
is?(ker,"nthRoot" :: Symbol) =>
n := retract(second args)@I
nthRootToXXP(first args,n :: NNI,posCheck?)
stateProblem(string name ker,"unknown kernel")
--% exponentials and logarithms
genExp(ups,posCheck?) ==
-- If the series has order zero and the constant term a0 of the
-- series involves x, the function tries to expand exp(a0) as
-- a power series.
(deg := order(ups,1)) < 0 =>
-- this "can't happen"
error "exp of function with sigularity"
deg > 0 => [exp(ups)]
lc := coefficient(ups,0); varOpList := opsInvolvingX lc
not opInOpList?("log" :: Symbol,varOpList) => [exp(ups)]
-- try to fix exp(lc) if necessary
expCoef := normalize(exp lc,x)$ElementaryFunctionStructurePackage(R,FE)
result := exprToGenUPS(expCoef,posCheck?,"real:right side")$FS2UPS
--!! will deal with problems in limitPlus in EXPEXPAN
--result case %problem => result
result case %problem => [exp(ups)]
[(result.%series) * exp(ups - monomial(lc,0))]
exponential(f,posCheck?) ==
singPart := truncate(f,0) - (coefficient(f,0) :: UPXS)
taylorPart := f - singPart
expon := exponential(singPart)$EXPUPXS
(coef := genExp(taylorPart,posCheck?)) case %problem => [coef.%problem]
[monomial(coef.%series,expon)$UPXSSING :: XXP]
expToXXP(arg,posCheck?) ==
(result := iExprToXXP(arg,posCheck?)) case %problem => result
xxp := result.%expansion
(f := retractIfCan(xxp)@Union(UPXS,"failed")) case "failed" =>
stateProblem("exp","multiply nested exponential")
genLog(ups,posCheck?) ==
deg := degree ups
if (coef := coefficient(ups,deg)) = 0 then
deg := order(ups,deg + ZEROCOUNT)
(coef := coefficient(ups,deg)) = 0 =>
error "log of series with many leading zero coefficients"
-- if 'posCheck?' is true, we do not allow logs of negative numbers
if posCheck? then
if ((signum := sign(coef)$SIGNEF) case I) then
(signum :: I) = -1 =>
return stateSeriesProblem("log","negative leading coefficient")
lt := monomial(coef,deg)$UPXS
-- check to see if lowest order coefficient is a negative rational
negRat? : Boolean :=
((rat := ratIfCan coef) case RN) =>
(rat :: RN) < 0 => true
logTerm : FE :=
mon : FE := (x :: FE) - (cen :: FE)
pow : FE := mon ** (deg :: FE)
negRat? => log(coef * pow)
term1 : FE := (deg :: FE) * log(mon)
log(coef) + term1
[monomial(logTerm,0)$UPXS + log(ups/lt)]
logToXXP(arg,posCheck?) ==
(result := iExprToXXP(arg,posCheck?)) case %problem => result
xxp := result.%expansion
num := numer xxp; den := denom xxp
not zero?(reductum num) or not zero?(reductum den) =>
stateProblem("log","several monomials in numerator or denominator")
numCoefLog : UPXS :=
(res := genLog(leadingCoefficient num,posCheck?)) case %problem =>
return [res.%problem]
denCoefLog : UPXS :=
(res := genLog(leadingCoefficient den,posCheck?)) case %problem =>
return [res.%problem]
numLog := (exponent degree num) + numCoefLog
denLog := (exponent degree den) + denCoefLog --?? num?
[(numLog - denLog) :: XXP]
--% other transcendental functions
applyIfCan(fcn,arg,fcnName,posCheck?) ==
-- converts fcn(arg) to an exponential expansion
(xxpArg := iExprToXXP(arg,posCheck?)) case %problem => xxpArg
xxp := xxpArg.%expansion
(f := retractIfCan(xxp)@Union(UPXS,"failed")) case "failed" =>
stateProblem(fcnName,"multiply nested exponential")
upxs := f :: UPXS
(deg := order(upxs,1)) < 0 =>
stateProblem(fcnName,"essential singularity")
deg > 0 => [fcn(upxs) :: UPXS :: XXP]
lc := coefficient(upxs,0); xOpList := opsInvolvingX lc
null xOpList => [fcn(upxs) :: UPXS :: XXP]
opInOpList?("log" :: SY,xOpList) =>
stateProblem(fcnName,"logs in constant coefficient")
contOnReals? fcnName => [fcn(upxs) :: UPXS :: XXP]
stateProblem(fcnName,"x in constant coefficient")
applyBddIfCan(fe,fcn,arg,fcnName,posCheck?) ==
-- converts fcn(arg) to a generalized power series, where the
-- function fcn is bounded for real values
-- if fcn(arg) has an essential singularity as a complex
-- function, we return fcn(arg) as a monomial of degree 0
(xxpArg := iExprToXXP(arg,posCheck?)) case %problem =>
trouble := xxpArg.%problem
trouble.prob = "essential singularity" => [monomial(fe,0)$UPXS :: XXP]
xxp := xxpArg.%expansion
(f := retractIfCan(xxp)@Union(UPXS,"failed")) case "failed" =>
stateProblem("exp","multiply nested exponential")
(ans := fcn(f :: UPXS)) case "failed" => [monomial(fe,0)$UPXS :: XXP]
[ans :: UPXS :: XXP]
CONTFCNS : L S := ["sin","cos","atan","acot","exp","asinh"]
-- functions which are defined and continuous at all real numbers
BDDFCNS : L S := ["sin","cos","atan","acot"]
-- functions which are bounded on the reals
contOnReals? fcn == member?(fcn,CONTFCNS)
bddOnReals? fcn == member?(fcn,BDDFCNS)
opsInvolvingX fcn ==
opList := [op for k in tower fcn | unary?(op := operator k) _
and member?(x,variables first argument k)]
removeDuplicates opList
opInOpList?(name,opList) ==
for op in opList repeat
is?(op,name) => return true
exponential? fcn ==
-- is 'fcn' of the form exp(f)?
(ker := retractIfCan(fcn)@Union(K,"failed")) case K =>
is?(ker :: K,"exp" :: Symbol)
productOfNonZeroes? fcn ==
-- is 'fcn' a product of non-zero terms, where 'non-zero'
-- means an exponential or a function not involving x
exponential? fcn => true
(prod := isTimes fcn) case "failed" => false
for term in (prod :: L(FE)) repeat
(not exponential? term) and member?(x,variables term) =>
return false
tranToXXP(ker,arg,posCheck?) ==
-- converts op(arg) to a power series for certain functions
-- op in trig or hyperbolic trig categories
-- N.B. when this function is called, 'k2elem' will have been
-- applied, so the following functions cannot appear:
-- tan, cot, sec, csc, sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, sech, csch
-- acosh, atanh, acoth, asech, acsch
is?(ker,"sin" :: SY) =>
applyBddIfCan(ker :: FE,sinIfCan,arg,"sin",posCheck?)
is?(ker,"cos" :: SY) =>
applyBddIfCan(ker :: FE,cosIfCan,arg,"cos",posCheck?)
is?(ker,"asin" :: SY) =>
is?(ker,"acos" :: SY) =>
is?(ker,"atan" :: SY) =>
atancotToXXP(ker :: FE,arg,posCheck?,1)
is?(ker,"acot" :: SY) =>
atancotToXXP(ker :: FE,arg,posCheck?,-1)
is?(ker,"asec" :: SY) =>
is?(ker,"acsc" :: SY) =>
is?(ker,"asinh" :: SY) =>
stateProblem(string name ker,"unknown kernel")
if FE has abs: FE -> FE then
localAbs fcn == abs fcn
localAbs fcn == sqrt(fcn * fcn)
signOfExpression: FE -> FE
signOfExpression arg == localAbs(arg)/arg
atancotToXXP(fe,arg,posCheck?,plusMinus) ==
-- converts atan(f(x)) to a generalized power series
atanFlag : String := "real: right side"; posCheck? : Boolean := true
(result := exprToGenUPS(arg,posCheck?,atanFlag)$FS2UPS) case %problem =>
trouble := result.%problem
trouble.prob = "essential singularity" => [monomial(fe,0)$UPXS :: XXP]
ups := result.%series; coef := coefficient(ups,0)
-- series involves complex numbers
(ord := order(ups,0)) = 0 and coef * coef = -1 =>
y := differentiate(ups)/(1 + ups*ups)
yCoef := coefficient(y,-1)
[(monomial(log yCoef,0)+integrate(y - monomial(yCoef,-1)$UPXS)) :: XXP]
cc : FE :=
ord < 0 =>
(rn := ratIfCan(ord :: FE)) case "failed" =>
-- this condition usually won't occur because exponents will
-- be integers or rational numbers
return stateProblem("atan","branch problem")
lc := coefficient(ups,ord)
(signum := sign(lc)$SIGNEF) case "failed" =>
-- can't determine sign
posNegPi2 := signOfExpression(lc) * pi()/(2 :: FE)
plusMinus = 1 => posNegPi2
pi()/(2 :: FE) - posNegPi2
(n := signum :: Integer) = -1 =>
plusMinus = 1 => -pi()/(2 :: FE)
plusMinus = 1 => pi()/(2 :: FE)
atan coef
[((cc :: UPXS) + integrate(differentiate(ups)/(1 + ups*ups))) :: XXP]