/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/GOSPER.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: SMW
++ Date Last Updated: 19 August 1991
++ Description:
++ Gosper's summation algorithm.
GosperSummationMethod(E, V, R, P, Q) : SIG == CODE where
E : OrderedAbelianMonoidSup
V : OrderedSet
R : IntegralDomain
P : PolynomialCategory(R, E, V)
Q : Join(RetractableTo Fraction Integer, Field with
(coerce: P -> %; numer : % -> P; denom : % -> P))
I ==> Integer
RN ==> Fraction I
PQ ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(RN, V)
RQ ==> Fraction PQ
SIG ==> with
GospersMethod : (Q, V, () -> V) -> Union(Q, "failed")
++ GospersMethod(b, n, new) returns a rational function
++ \spad{rf(n)} such that \spad{a(n) * rf(n)} is the indefinite
++ sum of \spad{a(n)}
++ with respect to upward difference on \spad{n},
++ \spad{a(n+1) * rf(n+1) - a(n) * rf(n) = a(n)},
++ where \spad{b(n) = a(n)/a(n-1)} is a rational function.
++ Returns "failed" if no such rational function \spad{rf(n)}
++ exists.
++ Note that \spad{new} is a nullary function returning a new
++ V every time.
++ The condition on \spad{a(n)} is that \spad{a(n)/a(n-1)}
++ is a rational function of \spad{n}.
--++ \spad{sum(a(n), n) = rf(n) * a(n)}.
CODE ==> add
import PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions(E, V, R, P, Q)
import LinearSystemMatrixPackage(RQ,Vector RQ,Vector RQ,Matrix RQ)
InnerGospersMethod: (RQ, V, () -> V) -> Union(RQ, "failed")
GosperPQR: (PQ, PQ, V, () -> V) -> List PQ
GosperDegBd: (PQ, PQ, PQ, V, () -> V) -> I
GosperF: (I, PQ, PQ, PQ, V, () -> V) -> Union(RQ, "failed")
linearAndNNIntRoot: (PQ, V) -> Union(I, "failed")
deg0: (PQ, V) -> I -- degree with deg 0 = -1.
pCoef: (PQ, PQ) -> PQ -- pCoef(p, a*b**2)
RF2QIfCan: Q -> Union(RQ, "failed")
UP2QIfCan: P -> Union(PQ,"failed")
RFQ2R : RQ -> Q
PQ2R : PQ -> Q
rat? : R -> Boolean
deg0(p, v) == (zero? p => -1; degree(p, v))
rat? x == retractIfCan(x::P::Q)@Union(RN, "failed") case RN
RFQ2R f == PQ2R(numer f) / PQ2R(denom f)
PQ2R p ==
map(x+->x::P::Q, y+->y::Q, p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(
IndexedExponents V, V, RN, PQ, Q)
GospersMethod(aquo, n, newV) ==
((q := RF2QIfCan aquo) case "failed") or
((u := InnerGospersMethod(q::RQ, n, newV)) case "failed") =>
RF2QIfCan f ==
(n := UP2QIfCan numer f) case "failed" => "failed"
(d := UP2QIfCan denom f) case "failed" => "failed"
n::PQ / d::PQ
UP2QIfCan p ==
every?(rat?, coefficients p) =>
map(x +-> x::PQ,
y +-> (retractIfCan(y::P::Q)@Union(RN, "failed"))::RN::PQ,p)_
$PolynomialCategoryLifting(E, V, R, P, PQ)
InnerGospersMethod(aquo, n, newV) ==
-- 1. Define coprime polys an,anm1 such that
-- an/anm1=a(n)/a(n-1)
an := numer aquo
anm1 := denom aquo
-- 2. Define p,q,r such that
-- a(n)/a(n-1) = (p(n)/p(n-1)) * (q(n)/r(n))
-- and
-- gcd(q(n), r(n+j)) = 1, for all j: NNI.
pqr:= GosperPQR(an, anm1, n, newV)
pn := first pqr; qn := second pqr; rn := third pqr
-- 3. If the sum is a rational fn, there is a poly f with
-- sum(a(n), n) = q(n+1)/p(n) * a(n) * f(n).
-- 4. Bound the degree of f(n).
(k := GosperDegBd(pn, qn, rn, n, newV)) < 0 => "failed"
-- 5. Find a polynomial f of degree at most k, satisfying
-- p(n) = q(n+1)*f(n) - r(n)*f(n-1)
(ufn := GosperF(k, pn, qn, rn, n, newV)) case "failed" =>
fn := ufn::RQ
-- 6. The sum is q(n-1)/p(n)*f(n) * a(n). We leave out a(n).
--qnm1 := eval(qn,n,n::PQ - 1)
--qnm1/pn * fn
qn1 := eval(qn,n,n::PQ + 1)
qn1/pn * fn
GosperF(k, pn, qn, rn, n, newV) ==
mv := newV(); mp := mv::PQ; np := n::PQ
fn: PQ := +/[mp**(i+1) * np**i for i in 0..k]
fnminus1: PQ := eval(fn, n, np-1)
qnplus1 := eval(qn, n, np+1)
zro := qnplus1 * fn - rn * fnminus1 - pn
zron := univariate(zro, n)
dz := degree zron
mat: Matrix RQ := zero(dz+1, (k+1)::NonNegativeInteger)
vec: Vector RQ := new(dz+1, 0)
while zron ^= 0 repeat
cz := leadingCoefficient zron
dz := degree zron
zron := reductum zron
mz := univariate(cz, mv)
while mz ^= 0 repeat
cmz := leadingCoefficient(mz)::RQ
dmz := degree mz
mz := reductum mz
dmz = 0 => vec(dz + minIndex vec) := -cmz
qsetelt_!(mat, dz + minRowIndex mat,
dmz + minColIndex(mat) - 1, cmz)
(soln := particularSolution(mat, vec)) case "failed" => "failed"
vec := soln::Vector RQ
(+/[np**i * vec(i + minIndex vec) for i in 0..k])@RQ
GosperPQR(an, anm1, n, newV) ==
np := n::PQ -- polynomial version of n
-- Initial guess.
pn: PQ := 1
qn: PQ := an
rn: PQ := anm1
-- Find all j: NNI giving common factors to q(n) and r(n+j).
j := newV()
rnj := eval(rn, n, np + j::PQ)
res := resultant(qn, rnj, n)
fres := factor(res)$MRationalFactorize(IndexedExponents V,
V, I, PQ)
js := [rt::I for fe in factors fres
| (rt := linearAndNNIntRoot(fe.factor,j)) case I]
-- For each such j, change variables to remove the gcd.
for rt in js repeat
rtp:= rt::PQ -- polynomial version of rt
gn := gcd(qn, eval(rn,n,np+rtp))
qn := (qn exquo gn)::PQ
rn := (rn exquo eval(gn, n, np-rtp))::PQ
pn := pn * */[eval(gn, n, np-i::PQ) for i in 0..rt-1]
[pn, qn, rn]
-- Find a degree bound for the polynomial f(n) which satisfies
-- p(n) = q(n+1)*f(n) - r(n)*f(n-1).
GosperDegBd(pn, qn, rn, n, newV) ==
np := n::PQ
qnplus1 := eval(qn, n, np+1)
lplus := deg0(qnplus1 + rn, n)
lminus := deg0(qnplus1 - rn, n)
degp := deg0(pn, n)
k := degp - max(lplus-1, lminus)
lplus <= lminus => k
-- Find L(k), such that
-- p(n) = L(k)*c[k]*n**(k + lplus - 1) + ...
-- To do this, write f(n) and f(n-1) symbolically.
-- f(n) = c[k]*n**k + c[k-1]*n**(k-1) +O(n**(k-2))
-- f(n-1)=c[k]*n**k + (c[k-1]-k*c[k])*n**(k-1)+O(n**(k-2))
kk := newV()::PQ
ck := newV()::PQ
ckm1 := newV()::PQ
nkm1:= newV()::PQ
nk := np*nkm1
headfn := ck*nk + ckm1*nkm1
headfnm1 := ck*nk + (ckm1-kk*ck)*nkm1
-- Then p(n) = q(n+1)*f(n) - r(n)*f(n-1) gives L(k).
pk := qnplus1 * headfn - rn * headfnm1
lcpk := pCoef(pk, ck*np*nkm1)
-- The degree bd is now given by k, and the root of L.
k0 := linearAndNNIntRoot(lcpk, mainVariable(kk)::V)
k0 case "failed" => k
max(k0::I, k)
pCoef(p, nom) ==
not monomial? nom =>
error "pCoef requires a monomial 2nd arg"
vlist := variables nom
for v in vlist while p ^= 0 repeat
unom:= univariate(nom,v)
pow:=degree unom
nom:=leadingCoefficient unom
up := univariate(p, v)
p := coefficient(up, pow)
linearAndNNIntRoot(mp, v) ==
p := univariate(mp, v)
degree p ^= 1 => "failed"
(p1 := retractIfCan(coefficient(p, 1))@Union(RN,"failed"))
case "failed" or
(p0 := retractIfCan(coefficient(p, 0))@Union(RN,"failed"))
case "failed" => "failed"
rt := -(p0::RN)/(p1::RN)
rt < 0 or denom rt ^= 1 => "failed"
numer rt