/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/HELLFDIV.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 19 May 1993
++ Date Last Updated: 20 July 1998
++ Description:
++ This domains implements finite rational divisors on an hyperelliptic curve,
++ that is finite formal sums SUM(n * P) where the n's are integers and the
++ P's are finite rational points on the curve.
++ The equation of the curve must be y^2 = f(x) and f must have odd degree.
HyperellipticFiniteDivisor(F, UP, UPUP, R) : SIG == CODE where
F : Field
UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F
UPUP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory Fraction UP
R : FunctionFieldCategory(F, UP, UPUP)
O ==> OutputForm
Z ==> Integer
RF ==> Fraction UP
ID ==> FractionalIdeal(UP, RF, UPUP, R)
ERR ==> error "divisor: incomplete implementation for hyperelliptic curves"
SIG ==> FiniteDivisorCategory(F, UP, UPUP, R)
CODE ==> add
if (uhyper:Union(UP, "failed") := hyperelliptic()$R) case "failed" then
error "HyperellipticFiniteDivisor: curve must be hyperelliptic"
-- we use the semi-reduced representation from D.Cantor, "Computing in the
-- Jacobian of a HyperellipticCurve", Mathematics of Computation, vol 48,
-- no.177, January 1987, 95-101.
-- The representation [a,b,f] for D means D = [a,b] + div(f)
-- and [a,b] is a semi-reduced representative on the Jacobian
Rep := Record(center:UP, polyPart:UP, principalPart:R, reduced?:Boolean)
hyper:UP := uhyper::UP
gen:Z := ((degree(hyper)::Z - 1) exquo 2)::Z -- genus of the curve
dvd:O := "div"::Symbol::O
zer:O := 0::Z::O
makeDivisor : (UP, UP, R) -> %
intReduc : (R, UP) -> R
princ? : % -> Boolean
polyIfCan : R -> Union(UP, "failed")
redpolyIfCan : (R, UP) -> Union(UP, "failed")
intReduce : (R, UP) -> R
mkIdeal : (UP, UP) -> ID
reducedTimes : (Z, UP, UP) -> %
reducedDouble: (UP, UP) -> %
0 == divisor(1$R)
divisor(g:R) == [1, 0, g, true]
makeDivisor(a, b, g) == [a, b, g, false]
princ? d == (d.center = 1) and zero?(d.polyPart)
ideal d == ideal([d.principalPart]) * mkIdeal(d.center, d.polyPart)
decompose d == [ideal makeDivisor(d.center, d.polyPart, 1),d.principalPart]
mkIdeal(a, b) == ideal [a::RF::R, reduce(monomial(1, 1)$UPUP-b::RF::UPUP)]
-- keep the sum reduced if d1 and d2 are both reduced at the start
d1 + d2 ==
a1 := d1.center; a2 := d2.center
b1 := d1.polyPart; b2 := d2.polyPart
rec := principalIdeal [a1, a2, b1 + b2]
d := rec.generator
h := rec.coef -- d = h1 a1 + h2 a2 + h3(b1 + b2)
a := ((a1 * a2) exquo d**2)::UP
b:UP:= first(h) * a1 * b2
b := b + second(h) * a2 * b1
b := b + third(h) * (b1*b2 + hyper)
b := (b exquo d)::UP rem a
dd := makeDivisor(a, b, d::RF * d1.principalPart * d2.principalPart)
d1.reduced? and d2.reduced? => reduce dd
-- if is cheaper to keep on reducing as we exponentiate
-- if d is already reduced
n:Z * d:% ==
zero? n => 0
n < 0 => (-n) * (-d)
divisor(d.principalPart ** n) + divisor(mkIdeal(d.center,d.polyPart)**n)
divisor(i:ID) ==
(n := #(v := basis minimize i)) = 1 => divisor v minIndex v
n ^= 2 => ERR
a := v minIndex v
h := v maxIndex v
(u := polyIfCan a) case UP =>
(w := redpolyIfCan(h, u::UP)) case UP => makeDivisor(u::UP, w::UP, 1)
(u := polyIfCan h) case UP =>
(w := redpolyIfCan(a, u::UP)) case UP => makeDivisor(u::UP, w::UP, 1)
polyIfCan a ==
(u := retractIfCan(a)@Union(RF, "failed")) case "failed" => "failed"
(v := retractIfCan(u::RF)@Union(UP, "failed")) case "failed" => "failed"
redpolyIfCan(h, a) ==
degree(p := lift h) ^= 1 => "failed"
q := - coefficient(p, 0) / coefficient(p, 1)
rec := extendedEuclidean(denom q, a)
not ground?(rec.generator) => "failed"
((numer(q) * rec.coef1) exquo rec.generator)::UP rem a
coerce(d:%):O ==
r := bracket [d.center::O, d.polyPart::O]
g := prefix(dvd, [d.principalPart::O])
z := (d.principalPart = 1)
princ? d => (z => zer; g)
z => r
r + g
reduce d ==
d.reduced? => d
degree(a := d.center) <= gen => (d.reduced? := true; d)
b := d.polyPart
a0 := ((hyper - b**2) exquo a)::UP
b0 := (-b) rem a0
g := d.principalPart * reduce(b::RF::UPUP-monomial(1,1)$UPUP)/a0::RF::R
reduce makeDivisor(a0, b0, g)
generator d ==
d := reduce d
princ? d => d.principalPart
- d ==
a := d.center
makeDivisor(a, - d.polyPart, inv(a::RF * d.principalPart))
d1 = d2 ==
d1 := reduce d1
d2 := reduce d2
d1.center = d2.center and d1.polyPart = d2.polyPart
and d1.principalPart = d2.principalPart
divisor(a, b) ==
x := monomial(1, 1)$UP
not ground? gcd(d := x - a::UP, retract(discriminant())@UP) =>
error "divisor: point is singular"
makeDivisor(d, b::UP, 1)
intReduce(h, b) ==
v := integralCoordinates(h).num
[qelt(v, i) rem b for i in minIndex v .. maxIndex v], 1)
-- with hyperelliptic curves, cheaper to keep divisors in reduced form
divisor(h, a, dp, g, r) ==
h := h - (r * dp)::RF::R
a := gcd(a, retract(norm h)@UP)
h := intReduce(h, a)
if not ground? gcd(g, a) then h := intReduce(h ** rank(), a)
hh := lift h
b := - coefficient(hh, 0) / coefficient(hh, 1)
rec := extendedEuclidean(denom b, a)
not ground?(rec.generator) => ERR
bb := ((numer(b) * rec.coef1) exquo rec.generator)::UP rem a
reduce makeDivisor(a, bb, 1)