/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/IAN.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 22 March 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 4 October 1995 (JHD)
++ Description:
++ Algebraic closure of the rational numbers.
InnerAlgebraicNumber() : SIG == CODE where
Z ==> Integer
FE ==> Expression Z
K ==> Kernel %
P ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Z, K)
ALGOP ==> "%alg"
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
SIG ==> Join(ExpressionSpace, AlgebraicallyClosedField,
RetractableTo Z, RetractableTo Fraction Z,
LinearlyExplicitRingOver Z, RealConstant,
LinearlyExplicitRingOver Fraction Z,
ConvertibleTo Complex Float, DifferentialRing) with
coerce : P -> %
++ coerce(p) returns p viewed as an algebraic number.
numer : % -> P
++ numer(f) returns the numerator of f viewed as a
++ polynomial in the kernels over Z.
denom : % -> P
++ denom(f) returns the denominator of f viewed as a
++ polynomial in the kernels over Z.
reduce : % -> %
++ reduce(f) simplifies all the unreduced algebraic numbers
++ present in f by applying their defining relations.
trueEqual : (%,%) -> Boolean
++ trueEqual(x,y) tries to determine if the two numbers are equal
norm : (SUP(%),Kernel %) -> SUP(%)
++ norm(p,k) computes the norm of the polynomial p
++ with respect to the extension generated by kernel k
norm : (SUP(%),List Kernel %) -> SUP(%)
++ norm(p,l) computes the norm of the polynomial p
++ with respect to the extension generated by kernels l
norm : (%,Kernel %) -> %
++ norm(f,k) computes the norm of the algebraic number f
++ with respect to the extension generated by kernel k
norm : (%,List Kernel %) -> %
++ norm(f,l) computes the norm of the algebraic number f
++ with respect to the extension generated by kernels l
CODE ==> FE add
Rep := FE
-- private
mainRatDenom(f:%):% ==
ratDenom(f::Rep::FE)$AlgebraicManipulations(Integer, FE)::Rep::%
findDenominator(z:SUP %):Record(num:SUP %,den:%) ==
while not(zz=0) repeat
dd:=(denom leadingCoefficient zz)::%
not(dd=1) =>
return [rec.num,rec.den*dd]
zz:=reductum zz
makeUnivariate(p:P,k:Kernel %):SUP % ==
-- public
differentiate(x:%):% == 0
zero? a == zero? numer a
one? a == (numer a = 1) and (denom a = 1)
x:% / y:% == mainRatDenom(x /$Rep y)
x:% ** n:Integer ==
n < 0 => mainRatDenom (x **$Rep n)
x **$Rep n
trueEqual(a,b) ==
-- if two algebraic numbers have the same norm (after deleting repeated
-- roots, then they are certainly conjugates. Note that we start with a
-- monic polynomial, so don't have to check for constant factors.
-- this will be fooled by sqrt(2) and -sqrt(2), but the = in
-- AlgebraicNumber knows what to do about this.
ka:=reverse tower a
kb:=reverse tower b
empty? ka and empty? kb => retract(a)@Fraction Z = retract(b)@Fraction Z
pa,pb:SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(%,Fraction Z)
$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(%,Fraction Z)
(sa:=squareFreePart(na)) = (sb:=squareFreePart(nb)) => true
(dg:=degree g) = 0 => false
-- of course, if these have a factor in common, then the
-- answer is really ambiguous, so we ought to be using Duval-type
-- technology
dg = degree sa or dg = degree sb => true
norm(z:%,k:Kernel %): % ==
p:=minPoly k
n:=makeUnivariate(numer z,k)
d:=makeUnivariate(denom z,k)
norm(z:%,l:List Kernel %): % ==
for k in l repeat
norm(z:SUP %,k:Kernel %):SUP % ==
p:=map(x +-> x::SUP %,minPoly k)_
$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(%,SUP %)
f:=findDenominator z
zz:=map(x +-> makeUnivariate(numer x,k),f.num)_
$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2( %,SUP %)
zz:=swap(zz)$CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory(%,SUP %,SUP SUP %)
norm(z:SUP %,l:List Kernel %): SUP % ==
for k in l repeat
belong? op == belong?(op)$ExpressionSpace_&(%) or has?(op, ALGOP)
convert(x:%):Float ==
retract map(y +-> y::Float, x pretend FE)$ExpressionFunctions2(Z,Float)
convert(x:%):DoubleFloat ==
retract map(y +-> y::DoubleFloat,x pretend FE)_
$ExpressionFunctions2(Z, DoubleFloat)
convert(x:%):Complex(Float) ==
retract map(y +-> y::Complex(Float),x pretend FE)_
$ExpressionFunctions2(Z, Complex Float)