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++ Author: Clifton Williamson
++ Date Created: 9 August 1993
++ Date Last Updated: 3 December 1993
++ Description:
++ This package has no description
ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases(K,R,UP) : SIG == CODE where
K : FiniteFieldCategory
R : UnivariatePolynomialCategory K
UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R
DDFACT ==> DistinctDegreeFactorize
I ==> Integer
L ==> List
L2 ==> ListFunctions2
Mat ==> Matrix R
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
PI ==> PositiveInteger
Q ==> Fraction R
SAE ==> SimpleAlgebraicExtension
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
SUP2 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2
Result ==> Record(basis: Mat, basisDen: R, basisInv: Mat)
SIG ==> with
factorList : (K,NNI,NNI,NNI) -> L SUP K
++ factorList(k,n,m,j) \undocumented
listConjugateBases : (Result,NNI,NNI) -> List Result
++ listConjugateBases(bas,q,n) returns the list
++ \spad{[bas,bas^Frob,bas^(Frob^2),...bas^(Frob^(n-1))]}, where
++ \spad{Frob} raises the coefficients of all polynomials
++ appearing in the basis \spad{bas} to the \spad{q}th power.
chineseRemainder : (List UP, List Result, NNI) -> Result
++ chineseRemainder(lu,lr,n) \undocumented
CODE ==> add
import ModularHermitianRowReduction(R)
import TriangularMatrixOperations(R, Vector R, Vector R, Matrix R)
applyFrobToMatrix: (Matrix R,NNI) -> Matrix R
applyFrobToMatrix(mat,q) ==
-- raises the coefficients of the polynomial entries of 'mat'
-- to the qth power
m := nrows mat; n := ncols mat
ans : Matrix R := new(m,n,0)
for i in 1..m repeat for j in 1..n repeat
qsetelt_!(ans,i,j,map((k1:K):K +-> k1 ** q,qelt(mat,i,j)))
listConjugateBases(bas,q,n) ==
outList : List Result := list bas
b := bas.basis; bInv := bas.basisInv; bDen := bas.basisDen
for i in 1..(n-1) repeat
b := applyFrobToMatrix(b,q)
bInv := applyFrobToMatrix(bInv,q)
bDen := map((k1:K):K +-> k1 ** q,bDen)
newBasis : Result := [b,bDen,bInv]
outList := concat(newBasis,outList)
reverse_! outList
factorList(a,q,n,k) ==
coef : SUP K := monomial(a,0); xx : SUP K := monomial(1,1)
outList : L SUP K := list((xx - coef)**k)
for i in 1..(n-1) repeat
coef := coef ** q
outList := concat((xx - coef)**k,outList)
reverse_! outList
basisInfoToPolys: (Mat,R,R) -> L UP
basisInfoToPolys(mat,lcm,den) ==
n := nrows(mat) :: I; n1 := n - 1
outList : L UP := empty()
for i in 1..n repeat
pp : UP := 0
for j in 0..n1 repeat
pp := pp + monomial((lcm quo den) * qelt(mat,i,j+1),j)
outList := concat(pp,outList)
reverse_! outList
basesToPolyLists: (L Result,R) -> L L UP
basesToPolyLists(basisList,lcm) ==
[basisInfoToPolys(b.basis,lcm,b.basisDen) for b in basisList]
OUT ==> OutputForm
approximateExtendedEuclidean: (UP,UP,R,NNI) -> Record(coef1:UP,coef2:UP)
approximateExtendedEuclidean(f,g,p,n) ==
-- f and g are monic and relatively prime (mod p)
-- function returns [coef1,coef2] such that
-- coef1 * f + coef2 * g = 1 (mod p^n)
sae := SAE(K,R,p)
fSUP : SUP R := makeSUP f; gSUP : SUP R := makeSUP g
fBar : SUP sae := map((r1:R):sae +-> convert(r1)@sae,fSUP)$SUP2(R,sae)
gBar : SUP sae := map((r1:R):sae +-> convert(r1)@sae,gSUP)$SUP2(R,sae)
ee := extendedEuclidean(fBar,gBar)
-- not one?(ee.generator) =>
not (ee.generator = 1) =>
error "polynomials aren't relatively prime"
ss1 := ee.coef1; tt1 := ee.coef2
s1 : SUP R := map((z1:sae):R +-> convert(z1)@R,ss1)$SUP2(sae,R); s := s1
t1 : SUP R := map((z1:sae):R +-> convert(z1)@R,tt1)$SUP2(sae,R); t := t1
pPower := p
for i in 2..n repeat
num := 1 - s * fSUP - t * gSUP
rhs := (num exquo pPower) :: SUP R
sigma := map((r1:R):R +-> r1 rem p,s1*rhs);
tau := map((r1:R):R +-> r1 rem p,t1*rhs)
s := s + pPower * sigma; t := t + pPower * tau
quorem := monicDivide(s,gSUP)
pPower := pPower * p
s := map((r1:R):R+->r1 rem pPower,quorem.remainder)
t := map((r1:R):R+->r1 rem pPower,t + fSUP * (quorem.quotient))
[unmakeSUP s,unmakeSUP t]
--mapChineseToList: (L SUP Q,L SUP Q,I) -> L SUP Q
--mapChineseToList(list,polyList,i) ==
mapChineseToList: (L UP,L UP,I,R) -> L UP
mapChineseToList(list,polyList,i,den) ==
-- 'polyList' consists of MONIC polynomials
-- computes a polynomial p such that p = pp (modulo polyList[i])
-- and p = 0 (modulo polyList[j]) for j ~= i for each 'pp' in 'list'
-- create polynomials
q : UP := 1
for j in 1..(i-1) repeat
q := q * first polyList
polyList := rest polyList
p := first polyList
polyList := rest polyList
for j in (i+1).. while not empty? polyList repeat
q := q * first polyList
polyList := rest polyList
--p := map((numer(#1) rem den)/1, p)
--q := map((numer(#1) rem den)/1, q)
-- 'den' is a power of an irreducible polynomial
--!! make this computation more efficient!!
factoredDen := factor(den)$DDFACT(K,R)
prime := nthFactor(factoredDen,1)
n := nthExponent(factoredDen,1) :: NNI
invPoly := approximateExtendedEuclidean(q,p,prime,n).coef1
-- monicDivide may be inefficient?
[monicDivide(pp * invPoly * q,p * q).remainder for pp in list]
polyListToMatrix: (L UP,NNI) -> Mat
polyListToMatrix(polyList,n) ==
mat : Mat := new(n,n,0)
for i in 1..n for poly in polyList repeat
while not zero? poly repeat
mat(i,degree(poly) + 1) := leadingCoefficient poly
poly := reductum poly
chineseRemainder(factors,factorBases,n) ==
denLCM : R := reduce("lcm",[base.basisDen for base in factorBases])
denLCM = 1 => [scalarMatrix(n,1),1,scalarMatrix(n,1)]
-- compute local basis polynomials with denominators cleared
factorBasisPolyLists := basesToPolyLists(factorBases,denLCM)
-- use Chinese remainder to compute basis polynomials w/o denominators
basisPolyLists : L L UP := empty()
for i in 1.. for pList in factorBasisPolyLists repeat
polyList := mapChineseToList(pList,factors,i,denLCM)
basisPolyLists := concat(polyList,basisPolyLists)
basisPolys := concat reverse_! basisPolyLists
mat := squareTop rowEchelon(polyListToMatrix(basisPolys,n),denLCM)
matInv := UpTriBddDenomInv(mat,denLCM)