/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/IMATLIN.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson, P.Gianni
++ Date Created: 13 November 1989
++ Date Last Updated: September 1993
++ Description:
++ \spadtype{InnerMatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions} is an internal package
++ which provides standard linear algebra functions on domains in
++ \spad{MatrixCategory}
InnerMatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions(R,Row,Col,M) : SIG == CODE where
R : Field
Row : FiniteLinearAggregate R
Col : FiniteLinearAggregate R
M : MatrixCategory(R,Row,Col)
I ==> Integer
SIG ==> with
rowEchelon : M -> M
++ \spad{rowEchelon(m)} returns the row echelon form of the matrix m.
rank : M -> NonNegativeInteger
++ \spad{rank(m)} returns the rank of the matrix m.
nullity : M -> NonNegativeInteger
++ \spad{nullity(m)} returns the mullity of the matrix m. This is the
++ dimension of the null space of the matrix m.
if Col has shallowlyMutable then
nullSpace : M -> List Col
++ \spad{nullSpace(m)} returns a basis for the null space of the
++ matrix m.
determinant : M -> R
++ \spad{determinant(m)} returns the determinant of the matrix m.
++ an error message is returned if the matrix is not square.
generalizedInverse : M -> M
++ \spad{generalizedInverse(m)} returns the generalized (Moore--Penrose)
++ inverse of the matrix m, the matrix h such that
++ m*h*m=h, h*m*h=m, m*h and h*m are both symmetric matrices.
inverse : M -> Union(M,"failed")
++ \spad{inverse(m)} returns the inverse of the matrix m.
++ If the matrix is not invertible, "failed" is returned.
++ Error: if the matrix is not square.
CODE ==> add
rowAllZeroes?: (M,I) -> Boolean
rowAllZeroes?(x,i) ==
-- determines if the ith row of x consists only of zeroes
-- internal function: no check on index i
for j in minColIndex(x)..maxColIndex(x) repeat
qelt(x,i,j) ^= 0 => return false
colAllZeroes?: (M,I) -> Boolean
colAllZeroes?(x,j) ==
-- determines if the ith column of x consists only of zeroes
-- internal function: no check on index j
for i in minRowIndex(x)..maxRowIndex(x) repeat
qelt(x,i,j) ^= 0 => return false
rowEchelon y ==
-- row echelon form via Gaussian elimination
x := copy y
minR := minRowIndex x; maxR := maxRowIndex x
minC := minColIndex x; maxC := maxColIndex x
i := minR
n: I := minR - 1
for j in minC..maxC repeat
i > maxR => return x
n := minR - 1
-- n = smallest k such that k >= i and x(k,j) ^= 0
for k in i..maxR repeat
if qelt(x,k,j) ^= 0 then leave (n := k)
n = minR - 1 => "no non-zeroes"
-- put nth row in ith position
if i ^= n then swapRows_!(x,i,n)
-- divide ith row by its first non-zero entry
b := inv qelt(x,i,j)
for k in (j+1)..maxC repeat qsetelt_!(x,i,k,b * qelt(x,i,k))
-- perform row operations so that jth column has only one 1
for k in minR..maxR repeat
if k ^= i and qelt(x,k,j) ^= 0 then
for k1 in (j+1)..maxC repeat
qsetelt_!(x,k,k1,qelt(x,k,k1) - qelt(x,k,j) * qelt(x,i,k1))
-- increment i
i := i + 1
rank x ==
y :=
(rk := nrows x) > (rh := ncols x) =>
rk := rh
transpose x
copy x
y := rowEchelon y; i := maxRowIndex y
while rk > 0 and rowAllZeroes?(y,i) repeat
i := i - 1
rk := (rk - 1) :: NonNegativeInteger
rk :: NonNegativeInteger
nullity x == (ncols x - rank x) :: NonNegativeInteger
if Col has shallowlyMutable then
nullSpace y ==
x := rowEchelon y
minR := minRowIndex x; maxR := maxRowIndex x
minC := minColIndex x; maxC := maxColIndex x
nrow := nrows x; ncol := ncols x
basis : List Col := nil()
rk := nrow; row := maxR
-- compute rank = # rows - # rows of all zeroes
while rk > 0 and rowAllZeroes?(x,row) repeat
rk := (rk - 1) :: NonNegativeInteger
row := (row - 1) :: NonNegativeInteger
-- if maximal rank, return zero vector
ncol <= nrow and rk = ncol => [new(ncol,0)]
-- if rank = 0, return standard basis vectors
rk = 0 =>
for j in minC..maxC repeat
w : Col := new(ncol,0)
basis := cons(w,basis)
-- v contains information about initial 1's in the rows of x
-- if the ith row has an initial 1 in the jth column, then
-- v.j = i; v.j = minR - 1, otherwise
v : IndexedOneDimensionalArray(I,minC) := new(ncol,minR - 1)
for i in minR..(minR + rk - 1) repeat
for j in minC.. while qelt(x,i,j) = 0 repeat j
j := maxC; l := minR + ncol - 1
while j >= minC repeat
w : Col := new(ncol,0)
-- if there is no row with an initial 1 in the jth column,
-- create a basis vector with a 1 in the jth row
if qelt(v,j) = minR - 1 then
colAllZeroes?(x,j) =>
basis := cons(w,basis)
for k in minC..(j-1) for ll in minR..(l-1) repeat
if qelt(v,k) ^= minR - 1 then
basis := cons(w,basis)
j := j - 1; l := l - 1
determinant y ==
(ndim := nrows y) ^= (ncols y) =>
error "determinant: matrix must be square"
-- Gaussian Elimination
ndim = 1 => qelt(y,minRowIndex y,minColIndex y)
x := copy y
minR := minRowIndex x; maxR := maxRowIndex x
minC := minColIndex x; maxC := maxColIndex x
ans : R := 1
for i in minR..(maxR - 1) for j in minC..(maxC - 1) repeat
if qelt(x,i,j) = 0 then
rown := minR - 1
for k in (i+1)..maxR repeat
qelt(x,k,j) ^= 0 => leave (rown := k)
if rown = minR - 1 then return 0
swapRows_!(x,i,rown); ans := -ans
ans := qelt(x,i,j) * ans; b := -inv qelt(x,i,j)
for l in (j+1)..maxC repeat qsetelt_!(x,i,l,b * qelt(x,i,l))
for k in (i+1)..maxR repeat
if (b := qelt(x,k,j)) ^= 0 then
for l in (j+1)..maxC repeat
qsetelt_!(x,k,l,qelt(x,k,l) + b * qelt(x,i,l))
qelt(x,maxR,maxC) * ans
generalizedInverse(x) ==
SUP:=SparseUnivariatePolynomial R
FSUP := Fraction SUP
VFSUP := Vector FSUP
MATCAT2 := MatrixCategoryFunctions2(R, Row, Col, M,
MATCAT22 := MatrixCategoryFunctions2(FSUP, VFSUP, VFSUP, Matrix FSUP,
R, Row, Col, M)
y:= map((r1:R):FSUP +-> coerce(coerce(r1)$SUP)$(Fraction SUP),x)$MATCAT2
ty:=transpose y
nc:=ncols yy
var:=monomial(1,1)$SUP ::(Fraction SUP)
yy:=inverse(yy+scalarMatrix(ncols yy,var))::Matrix(FSUP)*ty
map((z1:FSUP):R +-> elt(z1,0),yy)$MATCAT22
inverse x ==
(ndim := nrows x) ^= (ncols x) =>
error "inverse: matrix must be square"
ndim = 2 =>
ans2 : M := zero(ndim, ndim)
zero?(det := x(1,1)*x(2,2)-x(1,2)*x(2,1)) => "failed"
detinv := inv det
ans2(1,1) := x(2,2)*detinv
ans2(1,2) := -x(1,2)*detinv
ans2(2,1) := -x(2,1)*detinv
ans2(2,2) := x(1,1)*detinv
AB : M := zero(ndim,ndim + ndim)
minR := minRowIndex x; maxR := maxRowIndex x
minC := minColIndex x; maxC := maxColIndex x
kmin := minRowIndex AB; kmax := kmin + ndim - 1
lmin := minColIndex AB; lmax := lmin + ndim - 1
for i in minR..maxR for k in kmin..kmax repeat
for j in minC..maxC for l in lmin..lmax repeat
qsetelt_!(AB,k,lmin + ndim + k - kmin,1)
AB := rowEchelon AB
elt(AB,kmax,lmax) = 0 => "failed"
subMatrix(AB,kmin,kmax,lmin + ndim,lmax + ndim)