/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/INEP.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author:P. Gianni
++ Date Created: Summer 1990
++ Date Last Updated:Spring 1991
++ Description:
++ This package is the inner package to be used by NumericRealEigenPackage
++ and NumericComplexEigenPackage for the computation of numeric
++ eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
InnerNumericEigenPackage(K,F,Par) : SIG == CODE where
F : Field -- this is the field where the answer will be
-- for dealing with the complex case
K : Field -- type of the input
Par : Join(Field,OrderedRing) -- it will be NF or RN
SE ==> Symbol()
RN ==> Fraction Integer
I ==> Integer
NF ==> Float
CF ==> Complex Float
GRN ==> Complex RN
GI ==> Complex Integer
PI ==> PositiveInteger
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
MRN ==> Matrix RN
MK ==> Matrix K
PK ==> Polynomial K
MF ==> Matrix F
SUK ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial K
SUF ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
MSUK ==> Matrix SUK
PEigenForm ==> Record(algpol:SUK,almult:Integer,poleigen:List(MSUK))
outForm ==> Record(outval:F,outmult:Integer,outvect:List MF)
IntForm ==> Union(outForm,PEigenForm)
UFactor ==> (SUK -> Factored SUK)
SIG ==> with
charpol : MK -> SUK
++ charpol(m) computes the characteristic polynomial of a matrix
++ m with entries in K.
++ This function returns a polynomial
++ over K, while the general one (that is in EiegenPackage) returns
++ Fraction P K
solve1 : (SUK, Par) -> List F
++ solve1(pol, eps) finds the roots of the univariate polynomial
++ polynomial pol to precision eps. If K is \spad{Fraction Integer}
++ then only the real roots are returned, if K is
++ \spad{Complex Fraction Integer} then all roots are found.
innerEigenvectors : (MK,Par,UFactor) -> List(outForm)
++ innerEigenvectors(m,eps,factor) computes explicitly
++ the eigenvalues and the correspondent eigenvectors
++ of the matrix m. The parameter eps determines the type of
++ the output, factor is the univariate factorizer to br used
++ to reduce the characteristic polynomial into irreducible factors.
CODE ==> add
numeric(r:K):F ==
K is RN =>
F is NF => convert(r)$RN
F is RN => r
F is CF => r :: RN :: CF
F is GRN => r::RN::GRN
K is GRN =>
F is GRN => r
F is CF => convert(convert r)
error "unsupported coefficient type"
---- next functions neeeded for defining ModularField ----
monicize(f:SUK) : SUK ==
(a:=leadingCoefficient f) =1 => f
reduction(u:SUK,p:SUK):SUK == u rem p
merge(p:SUK,q:SUK):Union(SUK,"failed") ==
p = q => p
p = 0 => q
q = 0 => p
exactquo(u:SUK,v:SUK,p:SUK):Union(SUK,"failed") ==
val case "failed" => "failed"
---- eval a vector of F in a radical expression ----
evalvect(vect:MSUK,alg:F) : MF ==
n:=nrows vect
for i in 1..n repeat
---- internal function for the computation of eigenvectors ----
inteigen(A:MK,p:SUK,fact:UFactor) : List(IntForm) ==
dimA:NNI:= nrows A
lff:=factors fact(p)
res: List IntForm :=[]
lr : List MF:=[]
for ff in lff repeat
pol:SUK:= ff.factor
if (degree pol)=1 then
alpha:K:=-coefficient(pol,0)/leadingCoefficient pol
-- compute the eigenvectors, rational case
B1:MK := zero(dimA,dimA)$MK
for i in 1..dimA repeat
for j in 1..dimA repeat B1(i,j):=A(i,j)
B1(i,i):= B1(i,i) - alpha
for vecr in nullSpace B1 repeat
for i in 1..dimA repeat wf(i,1):=numeric vecr.i
res:=cons([numeric alpha,ff.exponent,lr]$outForm,res)
ppol:=monicize pol
alg:MM:= reduce(monomial(1,1),ppol)
B:AM:= zero(dimA,dimA)$AM
for i in 1..dimA repeat
for j in 1..dimA repeat B(i,j):=reduce(A(i,j) ::SUK,ppol)
B(i,i):=B(i,i) - alg
sln2:=nullSpace B
soln:List MSUK :=[]
for vec in sln2 repeat
for i in 1..dimA repeat wk(i,1):=(vec.i)::SUK
if K is RN then
solve1(up:SUK, eps:Par) : List(F) ==
denom := "lcm"/[denom(c::RN) for c in coefficients up]
$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(RN,SUP RN,I,SUP I)
innerSolve1(upi, eps)$InnerNumericFloatSolvePackage(I,F,Par)
else if K is GRN then
solve1(up:SUK, eps:Par) : List(F) ==
denom := "lcm"/[lcm(denom real(c::GRN), denom imag(c::GRN))
for c in coefficients up]
upgi := map((c:GRN):GI+->complex(numer(real c), numer(imag c)),up)_
$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(GRN,SUP GRN,GI,SUP GI)
innerSolve1(upgi, eps)$InnerNumericFloatSolvePackage(GI,F,Par)
else error "unsupported matrix type"
---- the real eigenvectors expressed as floats ----
innerEigenvectors(A:MK,eps:Par,fact:UFactor) : List outForm ==
pol:= charpol A
n:=nrows A
for lev in sln1 repeat
lev case outForm => sln:=cons(lev,sln)
lval:List(F):= solve1(leva.algpol,eps)
for alg in lval repeat
nsl:=[alg,lmult,[evalvect(ep,alg) for ep in lvect]]$outForm
charpol(A:MK) : SUK ==
dimA :PI := (nrows A):PI
dimA ^= ncols A => error " The matrix is not square"
B:Matrix SUK :=zero(dimA,dimA)
for i in 1..dimA repeat
for j in 1..dimA repeat B(i,j):=A(i,j)::SUK
B(i,i) := B(i,i) - monomial(1,1)$SUK
determinant B