/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/INFSP.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: P. Gianni
++ Date Created: January 1990
++ Description:
++ This is an internal package
++ for computing approximate solutions to systems of polynomial equations.
++ The parameter K specifies the coefficient field of the input polynomials
++ and must be either \spad{Fraction(Integer)} or
++ \spad{Complex(Fraction Integer)}.
++ The parameter F specifies where the solutions must lie and can
++ be one of the following: \spad{Float}, \spad{Fraction(Integer)},
++ \spad{Complex(Float)},
++ \spad{Complex(Fraction Integer)}. The last parameter specifies the type
++ of the precision operand and must be either \spad{Fraction(Integer)} or
++ \spad{Float}.
InnerNumericFloatSolvePackage(K,F,Par) : SIG == CODE where
F : Field -- this is the field where the answer will be
K : GcdDomain -- type of the input
Par : Join(Field, OrderedRing ) -- it will be NF or RN
I ==> Integer
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
P ==> Polynomial
EQ ==> Equation
L ==> List
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
RN ==> Fraction Integer
NF ==> Float
CF ==> Complex Float
GI ==> Complex Integer
GRN ==> Complex RN
SE ==> Symbol
RFI ==> Fraction P I
SIG ==> with
innerSolve1 : (SUP K,Par) -> L F
++ innerSolve1(up,eps) returns the list of the zeros
++ of the univariate polynomial up with precision eps.
innerSolve1 : (P K,Par) -> L F
++ innerSolve1(p,eps) returns the list of the zeros
++ of the polynomial p with precision eps.
innerSolve : (L P K,L P K,L SE,Par) -> L L F
++ innerSolve(lnum,lden,lvar,eps) returns a list of
++ solutions of the system of polynomials lnum, with
++ the side condition that none of the members of lden
++ vanish identically on any solution. Each solution
++ is expressed as a list corresponding to the list of
++ variables in lvar and with precision specified by eps.
makeEq : (L F,L SE) -> L EQ P F
++ makeEq(lsol,lvar) returns a list of equations formed
++ by corresponding members of lvar and lsol.
CODE ==> add
------ Local Functions ------
isGeneric? : (L P K,L SE) -> Boolean
evaluate : (P K,SE,SE,F) -> F
numeric : K -> F
oldCoord : (L F,L I) -> L F
findGenZeros : (L P K,L SE,Par) -> L L F
failPolSolve : (L P K,L SE) -> Union(L L P K,"failed")
numeric(r:K):F ==
K is I =>
F is Float => r::I::Float
F is RN => r::I::RN
F is CF => r::I::CF
F is GRN => r::I::GRN
K is GI =>
gr:GI := r::GI
F is GRN => complex(real(gr)::RN,imag(gr)::RN)$GRN
F is CF => convert(gr)
error "case not handled"
-- construct the equation
makeEq(nres:L F,lv:L SE) : L EQ P F ==
[equation(x::(P F),r::(P F)) for x in lv for r in nres]
evaluate(pol:P K,xvar:SE,zvar:SE,z:F):F ==
rpp := eval(rpp,zvar,z)
retract(-coefficient(upol,0))/retract(leadingCoefficient upol)
myConvert(eps:Par) : RN ==
Par is RN => eps
Par is NF => retract(eps)$NF
innerSolve1(pol:P K,eps:Par) : L F == innerSolve1(univariate pol,eps)
innerSolve1(upol:SUP K,eps:Par) : L F ==
K is GI and (Par is RN or Par is NF) =>
eps)$ComplexRootPackage(SUP K,Par)) pretend L(F)
K is I =>
F is Float =>
z:= realZeros(upol,myConvert eps)$RealZeroPackage(SUP I)
[convert((1/2)*(x.left+x.right))@Float for x in z] pretend L(F)
F is RN =>
z:= realZeros(upol,myConvert eps)$RealZeroPackage(SUP I)
[(1/2)*(x.left + x.right) for x in z] pretend L(F)
error "improper arguments to INFSP"
error "improper arguments to INFSP"
-- find the zeros of components in "generic" position --
findGenZeros(lp:L P K,rlvar:L SE,eps:Par) : L L F ==
rlp:=reverse lp
zvar:= rlvar.first
[reverse cons(z,[evaluate(pol,xvar,zvar,z) for pol in rlp
for xvar in rlvar.rest]) for z in lz]
-- convert to the old coordinates --
oldCoord(numres:L F,lval:L I) : L F ==
rnumres:=reverse numres
rnumres.first:= rnumres.first +
(+/[n*nr for n in lval for nr in rnumres.rest])
reverse rnumres
-- real zeros of a system of 2 polynomials lp (incomplete)
innerSolve2(lp:L P K,lv:L SE,eps: Par):L L F ==
mainvar := first lv
up1:=univariate(lp.1, mainvar)
up2:=univariate(lp.2, mainvar)
vec := subresultantVector(up1,up2)$SubResultantPackage(P K,SUP P K)
p0 := primitivePart multivariate(vec.0, mainvar)
p1 := primitivePart(multivariate(vec.1, mainvar),mainvar)
zero? p1 or
gcd(p0, leadingCoefficient(univariate(p1,mainvar))) ^=1 =>
findGenZeros([p1, p0], reverse lv, eps)
-- real zeros of the system of polynomial lp --
innerSolve(lp:L P K,ld:L P K,lv:L SE,eps: Par) : L L F ==
lnp:= [pToDmp(p)$PolToPol(lv,K) for p in lp]
lvv:L OV:= [variable(vv)::OV for vv in lv]
lq:L dmp:=[]
if ld^=[] then
lq:= [(pToDmp(q1)$PolToPol(lv,K)) pretend dmp for q1 in ld]
partRes:=groebSolve(lnp,lvv)$GroebnerSolve(lv,K,K) pretend (L L dmp)
partRes=list [] => []
-- remove components where denominators vanish
if lq^=[] then
partRes:=[pr for pr in partRes|
and/[(redPol(fq,pr pretend List(dmp))$gb) ^=0
for fq in lq]]
-- select the components in "generic" form
rlv:=reverse lv
rrlvv:= rest reverse lvv
listGen:L L dmp:=[]
for res in partRes repeat
res1:=rest reverse res
"and"/[("max"/degree(f,rrlvv))=1 for f in res1] =>
listGen:=concat(res pretend (L dmp),listGen)
result:L L F := []
if listGen^=[] then
listG :L L P K:=
[[dmpToP(pf)$PolToPol(lv,K) for pf in pr] for pr in listGen]
"append"/[findGenZeros(res,rlv,eps) for res in listG]
for gres in listGen repeat
-- adjust the non-generic components
for gres in partRes repeat
genRecord := genericPosition(gres,lvv)$GroebnerSolve(lv,K,K)
lgen := genRecord.dpolys
lval := genRecord.coords
lgen1:=[dmpToP(pf)$PolToPol(lv,K) for pf in lgen]
result:= append([oldCoord(r,lval) for r in lris],result)