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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 1987
++ Date Last Updated: 19 May 1993
++ Description:
++ This package provides functions for integrating a function
++ on an algebraic curve.
AlgebraicIntegrate(R0, F, UP, UPUP, R) : SIG == CODE where
R0 : Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain, RetractableTo Integer)
F : Join(AlgebraicallyClosedField, FunctionSpace R0)
UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F
UPUP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory Fraction UP
R : FunctionFieldCategory(F, UP, UPUP)
SE ==> Symbol
Z ==> Integer
Q ==> Fraction Z
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
QF ==> Fraction UP
GP ==> LaurentPolynomial(F, UP)
K ==> Kernel F
IR ==> IntegrationResult R
UPQ ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Q
UPR ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial R
FRQ ==> Factored UPQ
FD ==> FiniteDivisor(F, UP, UPUP, R)
FAC ==> Record(factor:UPQ, exponent:Z)
LOG ==> Record(scalar:Q, coeff:UPR, logand:UPR)
DIV ==> Record(num:R, den:UP, derivden:UP, gd:UP)
FAIL0 ==> error "integrate: implementation incomplete (constant residues)"
FAIL1==> error "integrate: implementation incomplete (non-algebraic residues)"
FAIL2 ==> error "integrate: implementation incomplete (residue poly has multiple non-linear factors)"
FAIL3 ==> error "integrate: implementation incomplete (has polynomial part)"
NOTI ==> error "Not integrable (provided residues have no relations)"
SIG ==> with
algintegrate : (R, UP -> UP) -> IR
++ algintegrate(f, d) integrates f with respect to the derivation d.
palgintegrate : (R, UP -> UP) -> IR
++ palgintegrate(f, d) integrates f with respect to the derivation d.
++ Argument f must be a pure algebraic function.
palginfieldint : (R, UP -> UP) -> Union(R, "failed")
++ palginfieldint(f, d) returns an algebraic function g
++ such that \spad{dg = f} if such a g exists, "failed" otherwise.
++ Argument f must be a pure algebraic function.
CODE ==> add
import FD
import DoubleResultantPackage(F, UP, UPUP, R)
import PointsOfFiniteOrder(R0, F, UP, UPUP, R)
import AlgebraicHermiteIntegration(F, UP, UPUP, R)
import InnerCommonDenominator(Z, Q, List Z, List Q)
import FunctionSpaceUnivariatePolynomialFactor(R0, F, UP)
import PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions(IndexedExponents K,
K, R0, SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R0, K), F)
F2R : F -> R
F2UPR : F -> UPR
univ : (F, K) -> QF
pLogDeriv : (LOG, R -> R) -> R
nonLinear : List FAC -> Union(FAC, "failed")
mkLog : (UP, Q, R, F) -> List LOG
R2UP : (R, K) -> UPR
alglogint : (R, UP -> UP) -> Union(List LOG, "failed")
palglogint : (R, UP -> UP) -> Union(List LOG, "failed")
trace00 : (DIV, UP, List LOG) -> Union(List LOG,"failed")
trace0 : (DIV, UP, Q, FD) -> Union(List LOG, "failed")
trace1 : (DIV, UP, List Q, List FD, Q) -> Union(List LOG, "failed")
nonQ : (DIV, UP) -> Union(List LOG, "failed")
rlift : (F, K, K) -> R
varRoot? : (UP, F -> F) -> Boolean
algintexp : (R, UP -> UP) -> IR
algintprim : (R, UP -> UP) -> IR
dummy:R := 0
dumx := kernel(new()$SE)$K
dumy := kernel(new()$SE)$K
F2UPR f == F2R(f)::UPR
F2R f == f::UP::QF::R
algintexp(f, derivation) ==
d := (c := integralCoordinates f).den
v := c.num
vp:Vector(GP) := new(n := #v, 0)
vf:Vector(QF) := new(n, 0)
for i in minIndex v .. maxIndex v repeat
r := separate(qelt(v, i) / d)$GP
qsetelt_!(vf, i, r.fracPart)
qsetelt_!(vp, i, r.polyPart)
ff := represents(vf, w := integralBasis())
h := HermiteIntegrate(ff, derivation)
p := represents(
map((x1:GP):QF+->convert(x1)@QF, vp)$VectorFunctions2(GP, QF), w)
zero?(h.logpart) and zero? p => h.answer::IR
(u := alglogint(h.logpart, derivation)) case "failed" =>
mkAnswer(h.answer, empty(), [[p + h.logpart, dummy]])
zero? p => mkAnswer(h.answer, u::List(LOG), empty())
algintprim(f, derivation) ==
h := HermiteIntegrate(f, derivation)
zero?(h.logpart) => h.answer::IR
(u := alglogint(h.logpart, derivation)) case "failed" =>
mkAnswer(h.answer, empty(), [[h.logpart, dummy]])
mkAnswer(h.answer, u::List(LOG), empty())
-- checks whether f = +/[ci (ui)'/(ui)]
-- f dx must have no pole at infinity
palglogint(f, derivation) ==
rec := algSplitSimple(f, derivation)
ground?(r := doubleResultant(f, derivation)) => "failed"
-- r(z) has roots which are the residues of f at all its poles
(u := qfactor r) case "failed" => nonQ(rec, r)
(fc := nonLinear(lf := factors(u::FRQ))) case "failed" => FAIL2
-- at this point r(z) = fc(z) (z - b1)^e1 .. (z - bk)^ek
-- where the ri's are rational numbers, and fc(z) is arbitrary
-- (fc can be linear too)
-- la = [b1....,bk] (all rational residues)
la := [- coefficient(q.factor, 0) for q in remove_!(fc::FAC, lf)]
-- ld = [D1,...,Dk] where Di is the sum of places where f has residue bi
ld := [divisor(rec.num, rec.den, rec.derivden, rec.gd, b::F) for b in la]
pp := UPQ2F(fc.factor)
-- bb = - sum of all the roots of fc (the other residues)
zero?(bb := coefficient(fc.factor,
(degree(fc.factor) - 1)::NonNegativeInteger)) =>
-- cd = [[a1,...,ak], d] such that bi = ai/d
cd := splitDenominator la
-- g = gcd(a1,...,ak), so bi = (g/d) ci with ci = bi / g
-- so [g/d] is a basis for [a1,...,ak] over the integers
g := gcd(cd.num)
-- dv0 is the divisor +/[ci Di] corresponding to all the residues
-- of f except the ones which are root of fc(z)
dv0 := +/[(a quo g) * dv for a in cd.num for dv in ld]
trace0(rec, pp, g / cd.den, dv0)
trace1(rec, pp, la, ld, bb)
UPQ2F p ==
UP2SUP p ==
map((x:F):F+->x,p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(F, UP, F, SUP)
SUP2UP p ==
map((x:F):F+->x,p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(F, SUP, F, UP)
varRoot?(p, derivation) ==
for c in coefficients primitivePart p repeat
derivation(c) ^= 0 => return true
pLogDeriv(log, derivation) ==
map(derivation, log.coeff) ^= 0 =>
error "can only handle logs with constant coefficients"
((n := degree(log.coeff)) = 1) =>
c := - (leadingCoefficient reductum log.coeff)
/ (leadingCoefficient log.coeff)
ans := (log.logand) c
(log.scalar)::R * c * derivation(ans) / ans
numlog := map(derivation, log.logand)
(diflog := extendedEuclidean(log.logand, log.coeff, numlog)) case
"failed" => error "this shouldn't happen"
algans := diflog.coef1
ans:R := 0
for i in 0..n-1 repeat
algans := (algans * monomial(1, 1)) rem log.coeff
ans := ans + coefficient(algans, i)
(log.scalar)::R * ans
R2UP(f, k) ==
x := dumx :: F
g :=
(map((f1:QF):F+->f1(x), lift f)_
(y := dumy::F)
map((x1:F):R+->rlift(x1, dumx, dumy), univariate(g, k, minPoly k))_
univ(f, k) ==
g := univariate(f, k)
(SUP2UP numer g) / (SUP2UP denom g)
rlift(f, kx, ky) ==
reduce map(x1+->univ(x1, kx), retract(univariate(f, ky))@SUP)_
nonQ(rec, p) ==
empty? rest(lf := factors ffactor primitivePart p) =>
trace00(rec, first(lf).factor, empty()$List(LOG))
-- case when the irreducible factor p has roots which sum to 0
-- p is assumed doubly transitive for now
trace0(rec, q, r, dv0) ==
lg:List(LOG) :=
zero? dv0 => empty()
(rc0 := torsionIfCan dv0) case "failed" => NOTI
mkLog(1, r / (rc0.order::Q), rc0.function, 1)
trace00(rec, q, lg)
trace00(rec, pp, lg) ==
p0 := divisor(rec.num, rec.den, rec.derivden, rec.gd,
alpha0 := zeroOf UP2SUP pp)
q := (pp exquo (monomial(1, 1)$UP - alpha0::UP))::UP
alpha := rootOf UP2SUP q
dvr := divisor(rec.num, rec.den, rec.derivden, rec.gd, alpha) - p0
(rc := torsionIfCan dvr) case "failed" =>
degree(pp) <= 2 => "failed"
concat(lg, mkLog(q, inv(rc.order::Q), rc.function, alpha))
-- case when the irreducible factor p has roots which sum <> 0
-- the residues of f are of the form [a1,...,ak] rational numbers
-- plus all the roots of q(z), which is squarefree
-- la is the list of residues la := [a1,...,ak]
-- ld is the list of divisors [D1,...Dk] where Di is the sum of all the
-- places where f has residue ai
-- q(z) is assumed doubly transitive for now.
-- let [alpha_1,...,alpha_m] be the roots of q(z)
-- in this function, b = - alpha_1 - ... - alpha_m is <> 0
-- which implies only one generic log term
trace1(rec, q, la, ld, b) ==
-- cd = [[b1,...,bk], d] such that ai / b = bi / d
cd := splitDenominator [a / b for a in la]
-- then, a basis for all the residues of f over the integers is
-- [beta_1 = - alpha_1 / d,..., beta_m = - alpha_m / d], since:
-- alpha_i = - d beta_i
-- ai = (ai / b) * b = (bi / d) * b = b1 * beta_1 + ... + bm * beta_m
-- linear independence is a consequence of the
-- doubly transitive assumption
-- v0 is the divisor +/[bi Di] corresponding to the residues [a1,...,ak]
v0 := +/[a * dv for a in cd.num for dv in ld]
-- alpha is a generic root of q(z)
alpha := rootOf UP2SUP q
-- v is the divisor corresponding to all the residues
v := v0 - cd.den * divisor(rec.num, rec.den, rec.derivden, rec.gd, alpha)
(rc := torsionIfCan v) case "failed" => -- non-torsion case
degree(q) <= 2 => "failed" -- guaranteed doubly-transitive
NOTI -- maybe doubly-transitive
mkLog(q, inv((- rc.order * cd.den)::Q), rc.function, alpha)
mkLog(q, scalr, lgd, alpha) ==
degree(q) <= 1 =>
[[scalr, monomial(1, 1)$UPR - F2UPR alpha, lgd::UPR]]
map(F2R, q)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(F,UP,R,UPR),
R2UP(lgd, retract(alpha)@K)]]
-- return the non-linear factor, if unique
-- or any linear factor if they are all linear
nonLinear l ==
found:Boolean := false
ans := first l
for q in l repeat
if degree(q.factor) > 1 then
found => return "failed"
found := true
ans := q
-- f dx must be locally integral at infinity
palginfieldint(f, derivation) ==
h := HermiteIntegrate(f, derivation)
zero?(h.logpart) => h.answer
-- f dx must be locally integral at infinity
palgintegrate(f, derivation) ==
h := HermiteIntegrate(f, derivation)
zero?(h.logpart) => h.answer::IR
(not integralAtInfinity?(h.logpart)) or
((u := palglogint(h.logpart, derivation)) case "failed") =>
mkAnswer(h.answer, empty(), [[h.logpart, dummy]])
zero?(difFirstKind := h.logpart - +/[pLogDeriv(lg,
x1+->differentiate(x1, derivation)) for lg in u::List(LOG)]) =>
mkAnswer(h.answer, u::List(LOG), empty())
mkAnswer(h.answer, u::List(LOG), [[difFirstKind, dummy]])
-- for mixed functions. f dx not assumed locally integral at infinity
algintegrate(f, derivation) ==
zero? degree(x' := derivation(x := monomial(1, 1)$UP)) =>
algintprim(f, derivation)
((xx := x' exquo x) case UP) and
(retractIfCan(xx::UP)@Union(F, "failed") case F) =>
algintexp(f, derivation)
error "should not happen"
alglogint(f, derivation) ==
varRoot?(doubleResultant(f, derivation),
x1+->retract(derivation(x1::UP))@F) => "failed"