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++ Author: Michael Monagan, Martin Brock, Robert Sutor, Timothy Daly
++ Date Created: June 1987
++ References: Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming Vol.2
++ Description:
++ This package provides various number theoretic functions on the integers.
IntegerNumberTheoryFunctions() : SIG == CODE where
I ==> Integer
RN ==> Fraction I
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
SIG ==> with
bernoulli : I -> RN
++ \spad{bernoulli(n)} returns the nth Bernoulli number.
++ this is \spad{B(n,0)}, where \spad{B(n,x)} is the \spad{n}th Bernoulli
++ polynomial.
chineseRemainder : (I,I,I,I) -> I
++ \spad{chineseRemainder(x1,m1,x2,m2)} returns w, where w is such that
++ \spad{w = x1 mod m1} and \spad{w = x2 mod m2}. Note that \spad{m1} and
++ \spad{m2} must be relatively prime.
divisors : I -> List I
++ \spad{divisors(n)} returns a list of the divisors of n.
euler : I -> I
++ \spad{euler(n)} returns the \spad{n}th Euler number. This is
++ \spad{2^n E(n,1/2)}, where \spad{E(n,x)} is the nth Euler polynomial.
eulerPhi : I -> I
++ \spad{eulerPhi(n)} returns the number of integers between 1 and n
++ (including 1) which are relatively prime to n. This is the Euler phi
++ function \spad{\phi(n)} is also called the totient function.
fibonacci : I -> I
++ \spad{fibonacci(n)} returns the nth Fibonacci number. the Fibonacci
++ numbers \spad{F[n]} are defined by \spad{F[0] = F[1] = 1} and
++ \spad{F[n] = F[n-1] + F[n-2]}.
++ The algorithm has running time \spad{O(log(n)^3)}.
++ Reference: Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming
++ Vol 2, Semi-Numerical Algorithms.
harmonic : I -> RN
++ \spad{harmonic(n)} returns the nth harmonic number. This is
++ \spad{H[n] = sum(1/k,k=1..n)}.
jacobi : (I,I) -> I
++ \spad{jacobi(a,b)} returns the Jacobi symbol \spad{J(a/b)}.
++ When b is odd, \spad{J(a/b) = product(L(a/p) for p in factor b )}.
++ Note that by convention, 0 is returned if \spad{gcd(a,b) ^= 1}.
++ Iterative \spad{O(log(b)^2)} version coded by Michael Monagan June 1987.
legendre : (I,I) -> I
++ \spad{legendre(a,p)} returns the Legendre symbol \spad{L(a/p)}.
++ \spad{L(a/p) = (-1)**((p-1)/2) mod p} (p prime), which is 0 if \spad{a}
++ is 0, 1 if \spad{a} is a quadratic residue \spad{mod p} and -1 otherwise.
++ Note that because the primality test is expensive,
++ if it is known that p is prime then use \spad{jacobi(a,p)}.
moebiusMu : I -> I
++ \spad{moebiusMu(n)} returns the Moebius function \spad{mu(n)}.
++ \spad{mu(n)} is either -1,0 or 1 as follows:
++ \spad{mu(n) = 0} if n is divisible by a square > 1,
++ \spad{mu(n) = (-1)^k} if n is square-free and has k distinct
++ prime divisors.
numberOfDivisors: I -> I
++ \spad{numberOfDivisors(n)} returns the number of integers between 1 and n
++ (inclusive) which divide n. The number of divisors of n is often
++ denoted by \spad{tau(n)}.
sumOfDivisors : I -> I
++ \spad{sumOfDivisors(n)} returns the sum of the integers between 1 and n
++ (inclusive) which divide n. The sum of the divisors of n is often
++ denoted by \spad{sigma(n)}.
sumOfKthPowerDivisors: (I,NNI) -> I
++ \spad{sumOfKthPowerDivisors(n,k)} returns the sum of the \spad{k}th
++ powers of the integers between 1 and n (inclusive) which divide n.
++ the sum of the \spad{k}th powers of the divisors of n is often denoted
++ by \spad{sigma_k(n)}.
CODE ==> add
import IntegerPrimesPackage(I)
-- we store the euler and bernoulli numbers computed so far in
-- a Vector because they are computed from an n-term recurrence
E: IndexedFlexibleArray(I,0) := new(1, 1)
B: IndexedFlexibleArray(RN,0) := new(1, 1)
H: Record(Hn:I,Hv:RN) := [1, 1]
harmonic n ==
s:I; h:RN
n < 0 => error("harmonic not defined for negative integers")
if n >= H.Hn then (s,h) := H else (s := 0; h := 0)
for k in s+1..n repeat h := h + 1/k
H.Hn := n
H.Hv := h
fibonacci n ==
n = 0 => 0
n < 0 => (odd? n => 1; -1) * fibonacci(-n)
f1, f2 : I
(f1,f2) := (0,1)
for k in length(n)-2 .. 0 by -1 repeat
t := f2**2
(f1,f2) := (t+f1**2,t+2*f1*f2)
if bit?(n,k) then (f1,f2) := (f2,f1+f2)
euler n ==
n < 0 => error "euler not defined for negative integers"
odd? n => 0
l := (#E) :: I
n < l => E(n)
concat_!(E, new((n+1-l)::NNI, 0)$IndexedFlexibleArray(I,0))
for i in 1 .. l by 2 repeat E(i) := 0
-- compute E(i) i = l+2,l+4,...,n given E(j) j = 0,2,...,i-2
t,e : I
for i in l+1 .. n by 2 repeat
t := e := 1
for j in 2 .. i-2 by 2 repeat
t := (t*(i-j+1)*(i-j+2)) quo (j*(j-1))
e := e + t*E(j)
E(i) := -e
bernoulli n ==
n < 0 => error "bernoulli not defined for negative integers"
odd? n =>
n = 1 => -1/2
l := (#B) :: I
n < l => B(n)
concat_!(B, new((n+1-l)::NNI, 0)$IndexedFlexibleArray(RN,0))
-- compute B(i) i = l+2,l+4,...,n given B(j) j = 0,2,...,i-2
for i in l+1 .. n by 2 repeat
t:I := 1
b := (1-i)/2
for j in 2 .. i-2 by 2 repeat
t := (t*(i-j+2)*(i-j+3)) quo (j*(j-1))
b := b + (t::RN) * B(j)
B(i) := -b/((i+1)::RN)
inverse : (I,I) -> I
inverse(a,b) ==
c1:I := 1
d1:I := 0
while b ^= 0 repeat
q:I := a quo b
r:I := a-q*b
a ^= 1 => error("moduli are not relatively prime")
chineseRemainder(x1,m1,x2,m2) ==
m1 < 0 or m2 < 0 => error "moduli must be positive"
x1 := positiveRemainder(x1,m1)
x2 := positiveRemainder(x2,m2)
x1 + m1 * positiveRemainder(((x2-x1) * inverse(m1,m2)),m2)
jacobi(a,b) ==
-- Revised by Clifton Williamson January 1989.
-- Previous version returned incorrect answers when b was even.
-- The formula J(a/b) = product ( L(a/p) for p in factor b) is only
-- valid when b is odd (the Legendre symbol L(a/p) is not defined
-- for p = 2). When b is even, the Jacobi symbol J(a/b) is only
-- defined for a = 0 or 1 (mod 4). When a = 1 (mod 8),
-- J(a/2) = +1 and when a = 5 (mod 8), we define J(a/2) = -1.
-- Extending by multiplicativity, we have J(a/b) for even b and
-- appropriate a.
-- We also define J(a/1) = 1.
-- The point of this is the following: if d is the discriminant of
-- a quadratic field K and chi is the quadratic character for K,
-- then J(d/n) = chi(n) for n > 0.
-- Reference: Hecke, Vorlesungen ueber die Theorie der Algebraischen
-- Zahlen.
if b < 0 then b := -b
b = 0 => error "second argument of jacobi may not be 0"
b = 1 => 1
even? b and positiveRemainder(a,4) > 1 =>
error "J(a/b) not defined for b even and a = 2 or 3 (mod 4)"
even? b and even? a => 0
for k in 0.. while even? b repeat b := b quo 2
j:I := (odd? k and positiveRemainder(a,8) = 5 => -1; 1)
b = 1 => j
a := positiveRemainder(a,b)
-- assertion: 0 < a < b and odd? b
while a > 1 repeat
if odd? a then
-- J(a/b) = J(b/a) (-1) ** (a-1)/2 (b-1)/2
if a rem 4 = 3 and b rem 4 = 3 then j := -j
(a,b) := (b rem a,a)
-- J(2*a/b) = J(a/b) (-1) (b**2-1)/8
for k in 0.. until odd? a repeat a := a quo 2
if odd? k and (b+2) rem 8 > 4 then j := -j
a = 0 => 0
legendre(a,p) ==
prime? p => jacobi(a,p)
error "characteristic of legendre must be prime"
eulerPhi n ==
n = 0 => 0
r : RN := 1
for entry in factors factor n repeat
r := ((entry.factor - 1) /$RN entry.factor) * r
numer(n * r)
divisors n ==
oldList : List Integer := [1]
for f in factors factor n repeat
newList : List Integer := oldList
for k in 1..f.exponent repeat
pow := f.factor ** k
for m in oldList repeat
newList := concat(pow * m,newList)
oldList := newList
sort((i1:Integer,i2:Integer):Boolean +-> i1 < i2,oldList)
numberOfDivisors n ==
n = 0 => 0
*/[1+entry.exponent for entry in factors factor n]
sumOfDivisors n ==
n = 0 => 0
r : RN := */[(entry.factor**(entry.exponent::NNI + 1)-1)/
(entry.factor-1) for entry in factors factor n]
numer r
sumOfKthPowerDivisors(n,k) ==
n = 0 => 0
r : RN := */[(entry.factor**(k*entry.exponent::NNI+k)-1)/
(entry.factor**k-1) for entry in factors factor n]
numer r
moebiusMu n ==
n = 1 => 1
t := factor n
for k in factors t repeat
k.exponent > 1 => return 0
odd? numberOfFactors t => -1