/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/INVLAPLA.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Barry Trager
++ Date Created: 3 Sept 1991
++ Date Last Updated: 3 Sept 1991
++ Description:
++ This package computes the inverse Laplace Transform.
InverseLaplaceTransform(R, F) : SIG == CODE where
R : Join(EuclideanDomain, OrderedSet, CharacteristicZero,
RetractableTo Integer, LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer)
F : Join(TranscendentalFunctionCategory, PrimitiveFunctionCategory,
SpecialFunctionCategory, AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R)
SE ==> Symbol
PI ==> PositiveInteger
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
K ==> Kernel F
UP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
RF ==> Fraction UP
SIG ==> with
inverseLaplace : (F, SE, SE) -> Union(F,"failed")
++ inverseLaplace(f, s, t) returns the Inverse
++ Laplace transform of \spad{f(s)}
++ using t as the new variable or "failed" if unable to find
++ a closed form.
++ Handles only rational \spad{f(s)}.
CODE ==> add
-- local ops --
ilt : (F,Symbol,Symbol) -> Union(F,"failed")
ilt1 : (RF,F) -> F
iltsqfr : (RF,F) -> F
iltirred: (UP,UP,F) -> F
freeOf?: (UP,Symbol) -> Boolean
inverseLaplace(expr,ivar,ovar) == ilt(expr,ivar,ovar)
freeOf?(p:UP,v:Symbol) ==
"and"/[freeOf?(c,v) for c in coefficients p]
ilt(expr,var,t) ==
expr = 0 => 0
r := univariate(expr,kernel(var))
-- Check that r is a rational function such that degree of
-- the numarator is lower that degree of denominator
not(numer(r) quo denom(r) = 0) => "failed"
not( freeOf?(numer r,var) and freeOf?(denom r,var)) => "failed"
hintpac := TranscendentalHermiteIntegration(F, UP)
ilt1(r,t) ==
r = 0 => 0
rsplit := HermiteIntegrate(r, differentiate)$hintpac
-t*ilt1(rsplit.answer,t) + iltsqfr(rsplit.logpart,t)
iltsqfr(r,t) ==
r = 0 => 0
p:=numer r
q:=denom r
-- ql := [qq.factor for qq in factors factor q]
ql := [qq.factor for qq in factors squareFree q]
# ql = 1 => iltirred(p,q,t)
nl := multiEuclidean(ql,p)::List(UP)
+/[iltirred(a,b,t) for a in nl for b in ql]
-- q is irreducible, monic, degree p < degree q
iltirred(p,q,t) ==
degree q = 1 =>
cp := coefficient(p,0)
(c:=coefficient(q,0))=0 => cp
degree q = 2 =>
a := coefficient(p,1)
b := coefficient(p,0)
d:= coefficient(q,0)
e := exp(c*t)
b := b+a*c
d := d-c**2
d > 0 =>
alpha:F := sqrt d
e*(a*cos(t*alpha) + b*sin(t*alpha)/alpha)
alpha :F := sqrt(-d)
e*(a*cosh(t*alpha) + b*sinh(t*alpha)/alpha)
roots:List F := zerosOf q
q1 := differentiate q
+/[p(root)/q1(root)*exp(root*t) for root in roots]