/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/IPADIC.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
++ Date Created: 20 August 1989
++ Date Last Updated: 15 May 1990
++ Description:
++ This domain implements Zp, the p-adic completion of the integers.
++ This is an internal domain.
InnerPAdicInteger(p,unBalanced?) : SIG == CODE where
p : Integer
unBalanced? : Boolean
I ==> Integer
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
OUT ==> OutputForm
L ==> List
ST ==> Stream
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
SIG ==> PAdicIntegerCategory p
CODE ==> add
PEXPR := p :: OUT
Rep := ST I
characteristic() == 0
euclideanSize(x) == order(x)
stream(x:%):ST I == x pretend ST(I)
padic(x:ST I):% == x pretend %
digits x == stream x
extend(x,n) == extend(x,n + 1)$Rep
complete x == complete(x)$Rep
modP:I -> I
modP n ==
unBalanced? or (p = 2) => positiveRemainder(n,p)
modPInfo:I -> Record(digit:I,carry:I)
modPInfo n ==
dv := divide(n,p)
r0 := dv.remainder; q := dv.quotient
if (r := modP r0) ^= r0 then q := q + ((r0 - r) quo p)
invModP: I -> I
invModP n == invmod(n,p)
modulus() == p
moduloP x == (empty? x => 0; frst x)
quotientByP x == (empty? x => x; rst x)
approximate(x,n) ==
n <= 0 or empty? x => 0
frst x + p * approximate(rst x,n - 1)
x = y ==
st : ST I := stream(x - y)
n : I := _$streamCount$Lisp
for i in 0..n repeat
empty? st => return true
frst st ^= 0 => return false
st := rst st
empty? st
order x ==
st := stream x
for i in 0..1000 repeat
empty? st => return 0
frst st ^= 0 => return i
st := rst st
error "order: series has more than 1000 leading zero coefs"
0 == padic concat(0$I,empty())
1 == padic concat(1$I,empty())
intToPAdic: I -> ST I
intToPAdic n == delay
n = 0 => empty()
modp := modPInfo n
concat(modp.digit,intToPAdic modp.carry)
intPlusPAdic: (I,ST I) -> ST I
intPlusPAdic(n,x) == delay
empty? x => intToPAdic n
modp := modPInfo(n + frst x)
concat(modp.digit,intPlusPAdic(modp.carry,rst x))
intMinusPAdic: (I,ST I) -> ST I
intMinusPAdic(n,x) == delay
empty? x => intToPAdic n
modp := modPInfo(n - frst x)
concat(modp.digit,intMinusPAdic(modp.carry,rst x))
plusAux: (I,ST I,ST I) -> ST I
plusAux(n,x,y) == delay
empty? x and empty? y => intToPAdic n
empty? x => intPlusPAdic(n,y)
empty? y => intPlusPAdic(n,x)
modp := modPInfo(n + frst x + frst y)
concat(modp.digit,plusAux(modp.carry,rst x,rst y))
minusAux: (I,ST I,ST I) -> ST I
minusAux(n,x,y) == delay
empty? x and empty? y => intToPAdic n
empty? x => intMinusPAdic(n,y)
empty? y => intPlusPAdic(n,x)
modp := modPInfo(n + frst x - frst y)
concat(modp.digit,minusAux(modp.carry,rst x,rst y))
x + y == padic plusAux(0,stream x,stream y)
x - y == padic minusAux(0,stream x,stream y)
- y == padic intMinusPAdic(0,stream y)
coerce(n:I) == padic intToPAdic n
intMult:(I,ST I) -> ST I
intMult(n,x) == delay
empty? x => empty()
modp := modPInfo(n * frst x)
concat(modp.digit,intPlusPAdic(modp.carry,intMult(n,rst x)))
(n:I) * (x:%) ==
padic intMult(n,stream x)
timesAux:(ST I,ST I) -> ST I
timesAux(x,y) == delay
empty? x or empty? y => empty()
modp := modPInfo(frst x * frst y)
car := modp.digit
cdr : ST I --!!
cdr := plusAux(modp.carry,intMult(frst x,rst y),timesAux(rst x,y))
(x:%) * (y:%) == padic timesAux(stream x,stream y)
quotientAux:(ST I,ST I) -> ST I
quotientAux(x,y) == delay
empty? x => error "quotientAux: first argument"
empty? y => empty()
modP frst x = 0 =>
modP frst y = 0 => quotientAux(rst x,rst y)
error "quotient: quotient not integral"
z0 := modP(invModP frst x * frst y)
yy : ST I --!!
yy := rest minusAux(0,y,intMult(z0,x))
recip x ==
empty? x or modP frst x = 0 => "failed"
padic quotientAux(stream x,concat(1,empty()))
iExquo: (%,%,I) -> Union(%,"failed")
iExquo(xx,yy,n) ==
n > 1000 =>
error "exquo: quotient by series with many leading zero coefs"
empty? yy => "failed"
empty? xx => 0
zero? frst yy =>
zero? frst xx => iExquo(rst xx,rst yy,n + 1)
(rec := recip yy) case "failed" => "failed"
xx * (rec :: %)
x exquo y == iExquo(stream x,stream y,0)
divide(x,y) ==
(z:=x exquo y) case "failed" => [0,x]
[z, 0]
iSqrt: (I,I,I,%) -> %
iSqrt(pn,an,bn,bSt) == delay
bn1 := (empty? bSt => bn; bn + pn * frst(bSt))
c := (bn1 - an*an) quo pn
aa := modP(c * invmod(2*an,p))
nSt := (empty? bSt => bSt; rst bSt)
concat(aa,iSqrt(pn*p,an + pn*aa,bn1,nSt))
sqrt(b,a) ==
p = 2 =>
error "sqrt: no square roots in Z2 yet"
not zero? modP(a*a - (bb := moduloP b)) =>
error "sqrt: not a square root (mod p)"
b := (empty? b => b; rst b)
a := modP a
iRoot: (SUP I,I,I,I) -> ST I
iRoot(f,alpha,invFpx0,pPow) == delay
num := -((f(alpha) exquo pPow) :: I)
digit := modP(num * invFpx0)
concat(digit,iRoot(f,alpha + digit * pPow,invFpx0,p * pPow))
root(f,x0) ==
x0 := modP x0
not zero? modP f(x0) =>
error "root: not a root (mod p)"
fpx0 := modP (differentiate f)(x0)
zero? fpx0 =>
error "root: approximate root must be a simple root (mod p)"
invFpx0 := modP invModP fpx0
padic concat(x0,iRoot(f,x0,invFpx0,p))
termOutput:(I,I) -> OUT
termOutput(k,c) ==
k = 0 => c :: OUT
mon := (k = 1 => PEXPR; PEXPR ** (k :: OUT))
c = 1 => mon
c = -1 => -mon
(c :: OUT) * mon
showAll?:() -> Boolean
-- check a global Lisp variable
showAll?() == true
coerce(x:%):OUT ==
empty?(st := stream x) => 0 :: OUT
n : NNI ; count : NNI := _$streamCount$Lisp
l : L OUT := empty()
for n in 0..count while not empty? st repeat
if frst(st) ^= 0 then
l := concat(termOutput(n :: I,frst st),l)
st := rst st
if showAll?() then
for n in (count + 1).. while explicitEntries? st and _
not eq?(st,rst st) repeat
if frst(st) ^= 0 then
l := concat(termOutput(n pretend I,frst st),l)
st := rst st
l :=
explicitlyEmpty? st => l
eq?(st,rst st) and frst st = 0 => l
concat(prefix("O" :: OUT,[PEXPR ** (n :: OUT)]),l)
empty? l => 0 :: OUT
reduce("+",reverse_! l)