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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 4 February 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 9 October 1991
++ Description:
++ Conversion of integration results to top-level expressions
++ This package allows a sum of logs over the roots of a polynomial
++ to be expressed as explicit logarithms and arc tangents, provided
++ that the indexing polynomial can be factored into quadratics.
IntegrationResultToFunction(R, F) : SIG == CODE where
R: Join(GcdDomain, RetractableTo Integer, OrderedSet,
LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer)
F: Join(AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R,
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
Z ==> Integer
Q ==> Fraction Z
K ==> Kernel F
P ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
UP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
IR ==> IntegrationResult F
REC ==> Record(ans1:F, ans2:F)
LOG ==> Record(scalar:Q, coeff:UP, logand:UP)
SIG ==> with
split : IR -> IR
++ split(u(x) + sum_{P(a)=0} Q(a,x)) returns
++ \spad{u(x) + sum_{P1(a)=0} Q(a,x) + ... + sum_{Pn(a)=0} Q(a,x)}
++ where P1,...,Pn are the factors of P.
expand : IR -> List F
++ expand(i) returns the list of possible real functions
++ corresponding to i.
complexExpand : IR -> F
++ complexExpand(i) returns the expanded complex function
++ corresponding to i.
CODE ==> add
import AlgebraicManipulations(R, F)
import ElementaryFunctionSign(R, F)
IR2F : IR -> F
insqrt : F -> Record(sqrt:REC, sgn:Z)
pairsum : (List F, List F) -> List F
pairprod : (F, List F) -> List F
quadeval : (UP, F, F, F) -> REC
linear : (UP, UP) -> F
tantrick : (F, F) -> F
ilog : (F, F, List K) -> F
ilog0 : (F, F, UP, UP, F) -> F
nlogs : LOG -> List LOG
lg2func : LOG -> List F
quadratic : (UP, UP) -> List F
mkRealFunc : List LOG -> List F
lg2cfunc : LOG -> F
loglist : (Q, UP, UP) -> List LOG
cmplex : (F, UP) -> F
evenRoots : F -> List F
compatible?: (List F, List F) -> Boolean
cmplex(alpha, p) == alpha * log p alpha
IR2F i == retract mkAnswer(ratpart i, empty(), notelem i)
pairprod(x, l) == [x * y for y in l]
evenRoots x ==
[first argument k for k in tower x |
is?(k,"nthRoot"::Symbol) and even?(retract(second argument k)@Z)
and (not empty? variables first argument k)]
expand i ==
j := split i
pairsum([IR2F j], mkRealFunc logpart j)
split i ==
mkAnswer(ratpart i,concat [nlogs l for l in logpart i],notelem i)
complexExpand i ==
j := split i
IR2F j + +/[lg.scalar::F * lg2cfunc lg for lg in logpart j]
-- p = a t^2 + b t + c
-- Expands sum_{p(t) = 0} t log(lg(t))
quadratic(p, lg) ==
zero?(delta := (b := coefficient(p, 1))**2 - 4 *
(a := coefficient(p,2)) * (p0 := coefficient(p, 0))) =>
[linear(monomial(1, 1) + (b / a)::UP, lg)]
e := (q := quadeval(lg, c := - b * (d := inv(2*a)),d, delta)).ans1
lgp := c * log(nrm := (e**2 - delta * (f := q.ans2)**2))
s := (sqr := insqrt delta).sqrt
pp := nn := 0$F
if sqr.sgn >= 0 then
sqrp := s.ans1 * rootSimp sqrt(s.ans2)
pp := lgp + d * sqrp * log(((2 * e * f) / nrm) * sqrp
+ (e**2 + delta * f**2) / nrm)
if sqr.sgn <= 0 then
sqrn := s.ans1 * rootSimp sqrt(-s.ans2)
nn := lgp + d * sqrn * ilog(e, f * sqrn,
setUnion(setUnion(kernels a, kernels b), kernels p0))
sqr.sgn > 0 => [pp]
sqr.sgn < 0 => [nn]
[pp, nn]
-- returns 2 atan(a/b) or 2 atan(-b/a) whichever looks better
-- they differ by a constant so it's ok to do it from an IR
tantrick(a, b) ==
retractIfCan(a)@Union(Q, "failed") case Q => 2 * atan(-b/a)
2 * atan(a/b)
-- transforms i log((a + i b) / (a - i b)) into a sum of real
-- arc-tangents using Rioboo's algorithm
-- lk is a list of kernels which are parameters for the integral
ilog(a, b, lk) ==
l := setDifference(setUnion(variables numer a, variables numer b),
setUnion(lk, setUnion(variables denom a, variables denom b)))
empty? l => tantrick(a, b)
k := "max"/l
ilog0(a, b, numer univariate(a, k), numer univariate(b, k), k::F)
-- transforms i log((a + i b) / (a - i b)) into a sum of real
-- arc-tangents using Rioboo's algorithm
-- the arc-tangents will not have k in the denominator
-- we always keep upa(k) = a and upb(k) = b
ilog0(a, b, upa, upb, k) ==
if degree(upa) < degree(upb) then
(upa, upb) := (-upb, upa)
(a, b) := (-b, a)
zero? degree upb => tantrick(a, b)
r := extendedEuclidean(upa, upb)
(g:= retractIfCan(r.generator)@Union(F,"failed")) case "failed" =>
tantrick(a, b)
if degree(r.coef1) >= degree upb then
qr := divide(r.coef1, upb)
r.coef1 := qr.remainder
r.coef2 := r.coef2 + qr.quotient * upa
aa := (r.coef2) k
bb := -(r.coef1) k
tantrick(aa * a + bb * b, g::F) + ilog0(aa,bb,r.coef2,-r.coef1,k)
lg2func lg ==
zero?(d := degree(p := lg.coeff)) => error "poly has degree 0"
(d = 1) => [linear(p, lg.logand)]
d = 2 => quadratic(p, lg.logand)
odd? d and
((r := retractIfCan(reductum p)@Union(F, "failed")) case F) =>
pairsum([cmplex(alpha := rootSimp zeroOf p, lg.logand)],
lg2func [lg.scalar,
(p exquo (monomial(1, 1)$UP - alpha::UP))::UP,
[lg2cfunc lg]
lg2cfunc lg ==
+/[cmplex(alpha, lg.logand) for alpha in zerosOf(lg.coeff)]
mkRealFunc l ==
ans := empty()$List(F)
for lg in l repeat
ans := pairsum(ans, pairprod(lg.scalar::F, lg2func lg))
-- returns a log(b)
linear(p, lg) ==
alpha := - coefficient(p, 0) / coefficient(p, 1)
alpha * log lg alpha
-- returns (c, d) s.t. p(a + b t) = c + d t, where t^2 = delta
quadeval(p, a, b, delta) ==
zero? p => [0, 0]
bi := c := d := 0$F
ai := 1$F
v := vectorise(p, 1 + degree p)
for i in minIndex v .. maxIndex v repeat
c := c + qelt(v, i) * ai
d := d + qelt(v, i) * bi
temp := a * ai + b * bi * delta
bi := a * bi + b * ai
ai := temp
[c, d]
compatible?(lx, ly) ==
empty? ly => true
for x in lx repeat
for y in ly repeat
((s := sign(x*y)) case Z) and (s::Z < 0) => return false
pairsum(lx, ly) ==
empty? lx => ly
empty? ly => lx
l := empty()$List(F)
for x in lx repeat
ls := evenRoots x
if not empty?(ln :=
[x + y for y in ly | compatible?(ls, evenRoots y)]) then
l := removeDuplicates concat(l, ln)
-- returns [[a, b], s] where sqrt(y) = a sqrt(b) and
-- s = 1 if b > 0, -1 if b < 0, 0 if the sign of b cannot be determined
insqrt y ==
rec := froot(y, 2)$PolynomialRoots(IndexedExponents K, K, R, P, F)
((rec.exponent) = 1) => [[rec.coef * rec.radicand, 1], 1]
rec.exponent ^=2 => error "Should not happen"
[[rec.coef, rec.radicand],
((s := sign(rec.radicand)) case "failed" => 0; s::Z)]
nlogs lg ==
[[f.exponent * lg.scalar, f.factor, lg.logand] for f in factors
)$FunctionSpaceUnivariatePolynomialFactor(R, F, UP)]