/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/LEXTRIPK.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Marc Moreno Maza
++ Date Created: 08/02/1999
++ Date Last Updated: 08/02/1999
++ References:
++ Lazard Solving Zero-dimensional Algebraic Systems
++ Aubry Triangular Sets for Solving Polynomial Systems
++ Aubry On the Theories of Triangular Sets
++ Maza Polynomial gcd over towers of algebraic extensions
++ Faugere Efficient Computation of Zero-Dimensional Groebner Bases by Change
++ of Ordering
++ Description:
++ A package for solving polynomial systems with finitely many solutions.
++ The decompositions are given by means of regular triangular sets.
++ The computations use lexicographical Groebner bases.
++ The main operations are lexTriangular
++ and squareFreeLexTriangular. The second one provide decompositions by
++ means of square-free regular triangular sets.
++ Both are based on the lexTriangular method described in [1].
++ They differ from the algorithm described in [2] by the fact that
++ multiplicities of the roots are not kept.
++ With the squareFreeLexTriangular operation all multiciplities are removed.
++ With the other operation some multiciplities may remain. Both operations
++ admit an optional argument to produce normalized triangular sets.
LexTriangularPackage(R,ls) : SIG == CODE where
R: GcdDomain
ls: List Symbol
V ==> OrderedVariableList ls
E ==> IndexedExponents V
P ==> NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,V)
TS ==> RegularChain(R,ls)
ST ==> SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet(R,E,V,P)
Q1 ==> Polynomial R
PS ==> GeneralPolynomialSet(R,E,V,P)
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
Z ==> Integer
B ==> Boolean
S ==> String
K ==> Fraction R
LP ==> List P
BWTS ==> Record(val : Boolean, tower : TS)
LpWTS ==> Record(val : (List P), tower : TS)
BWST ==> Record(val : Boolean, tower : ST)
LpWST ==> Record(val : (List P), tower : ST)
polsetpack ==> PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage(R,E,V,P)
quasicomppackTS ==> QuasiComponentPackage(R,E,V,P,TS)
regsetgcdpackTS ==> SquareFreeRegularTriangularSetGcdPackage(R,E,V,P,TS)
normalizpackTS ==> NormalizationPackage(R,E,V,P,TS)
quasicomppackST ==> QuasiComponentPackage(R,E,V,P,ST)
regsetgcdpackST ==> SquareFreeRegularTriangularSetGcdPackage(R,E,V,P,ST)
normalizpackST ==> NormalizationPackage(R,E,V,P,ST)
SIG ==> with
zeroDimensional? : LP -> B
++ \axiom{zeroDimensional?(lp)} returns true iff
++ \axiom{lp} generates a zero-dimensional ideal
++ w.r.t. the variables involved in \axiom{lp}.
fglmIfCan : LP -> Union(LP, "failed")
++ \axiom{fglmIfCan(lp)} returns the lexicographical Groebner
++ basis of \axiom{lp} by using the FGLM strategy,
++ if \axiom{zeroDimensional?(lp)} holds .
groebner : LP -> LP
++ \axiom{groebner(lp)} returns the lexicographical Groebner
++ basis of \axiom{lp}. If \axiom{lp} generates a zero-dimensional
++ ideal then the FGLM strategy is used, otherwise
++ the Sugar strategy is used.
lexTriangular : (LP, B) -> List TS
++ \axiom{lexTriangular(base, norm?)} decomposes the variety
++ associated with \axiom{base} into regular chains.
++ Thus a point belongs to this variety iff it is a regular
++ zero of a regular set in in the output.
++ Note that \axiom{base} needs to be a lexicographical Groebner basis
++ of a zero-dimensional ideal. If \axiom{norm?} is \axiom{true}
++ then the regular sets are normalized.
squareFreeLexTriangular : (LP, B) -> List ST
++ \axiom{squareFreeLexTriangular(base, norm?)} decomposes the variety
++ associated with \axiom{base} into square-free regular chains.
++ Thus a point belongs to this variety iff it is a regular
++ zero of a regular set in in the output.
++ Note that \axiom{base} needs to be a lexicographical Groebner basis
++ of a zero-dimensional ideal. If \axiom{norm?} is \axiom{true}
++ then the regular sets are normalized.
zeroSetSplit : (LP, B) -> List TS
++ \axiom{zeroSetSplit(lp, norm?)} decomposes the variety
++ associated with \axiom{lp} into regular chains.
++ Thus a point belongs to this variety iff it is a regular
++ zero of a regular set in in the output.
++ Note that \axiom{lp} needs to generate a zero-dimensional ideal.
++ If \axiom{norm?} is \axiom{true} then the regular sets
++ are normalized.
zeroSetSplit : (LP, B) -> List ST
++ \axiom{zeroSetSplit(lp, norm?)} decomposes the variety
++ associated with \axiom{lp} into square-free regular chains.
++ Thus a point belongs to this variety iff it is a regular
++ zero of a regular set in in the output.
++ Note that \axiom{lp} needs to generate a zero-dimensional ideal.
++ If \axiom{norm?} is \axiom{true} then the regular sets
++ are normalized.
CODE ==> add
trueVariables(lp: List(P)): List Symbol ==
lv: List V := variables([lp]$PS)
truels: List Symbol := []
for s in ls repeat
if member?(variable(s)::V, lv) then truels := cons(s,truels)
reverse truels
zeroDimensional?(lp:List(P)): Boolean ==
truels: List Symbol := trueVariables(lp)
fglmpack := FGLMIfCanPackage(R,truels)
lq1: List(Q1) := [p::Q1 for p in lp]
fglmIfCan(lp:List(P)): Union(List(P), "failed") ==
truels: List Symbol := trueVariables(lp)
fglmpack := FGLMIfCanPackage(R,truels)
lq1: List(Q1) := [p::Q1 for p in lp]
foo := fglmIfCan(lq1)$fglmpack
foo case "failed" => return("failed" :: Union(List(P), "failed"))
lp := [retract(q1)$P for q1 in (foo :: List(Q1))]
lp::Union(List(P), "failed")
groebner(lp:List(P)): List(P) ==
truels: List Symbol := trueVariables(lp)
fglmpack := FGLMIfCanPackage(R,truels)
lq1: List(Q1) := [p::Q1 for p in lp]
lq1 := groebner(lq1)$fglmpack
lp := [retract(q1)$P for q1 in lq1]
lexTriangular(base: List(P), norm?: Boolean): List(TS) ==
base := sort(infRittWu?,base)
base := remove(zero?, base)
any?(ground?, base) => []
ts: TS := empty()
toSee: List LpWTS := [[base,ts]$LpWTS]
toSave: List TS := []
while not empty? toSee repeat
lpwt := first toSee; toSee := rest toSee
lp := lpwt.val; ts := lpwt.tower
empty? lp => toSave := cons(ts, toSave)
p := first lp; lp := rest lp; v := mvar(p)
algebraic?(v,ts) =>
error "lexTriangular$LEXTRIPK: should never happen !"
norm? and zero? remainder(init(p),ts).polnum =>
toSee := cons([lp, ts]$LpWTS, toSee)
(not norm?) and zero? (initiallyReduce(init(p),ts)) =>
toSee := cons([lp, ts]$LpWTS, toSee)
lbwt: List BWTS := invertible?(init(p),ts)$TS
while (not empty? lbwt) repeat
bwt := first lbwt; lbwt := rest lbwt
b := bwt.val; us := bwt.tower
(not b) => toSee := cons([lp, us], toSee)
lus: List TS
if norm?
newp := normalizedAssociate(p,us)$normalizpackTS
lus := [internalAugment(newp,us)$TS]
newp := p
lus := augment(newp,us)$TS
newlp := lp
while (not empty? newlp) and (mvar(first newlp) = v) repeat
newlp := rest newlp
for us in lus repeat
toSee := cons([newlp, us]$LpWTS, toSee)
zeroSetSplit(lp:List(P), norm?:B): List TS ==
bar := fglmIfCan(lp)
bar case "failed" =>
error "zeroSetSplit$LEXTRIPK: #1 not zero-dimensional"
lexTriangular(bar::(List P),norm?)
squareFreeLexTriangular(base: List(P), norm?: Boolean): List(ST) ==
base := sort(infRittWu?,base)
base := remove(zero?, base)
any?(ground?, base) => []
ts: ST := empty()
toSee: List LpWST := [[base,ts]$LpWST]
toSave: List ST := []
while not empty? toSee repeat
lpwt := first toSee; toSee := rest toSee
lp := lpwt.val; ts := lpwt.tower
empty? lp => toSave := cons(ts, toSave)
p := first lp; lp := rest lp; v := mvar(p)
algebraic?(v,ts) =>
error "lexTriangular$LEXTRIPK: should never happen !"
norm? and zero? remainder(init(p),ts).polnum =>
toSee := cons([lp, ts]$LpWST, toSee)
(not norm?) and zero? (initiallyReduce(init(p),ts)) =>
toSee := cons([lp, ts]$LpWST, toSee)
lbwt: List BWST := invertible?(init(p),ts)$ST
while (not empty? lbwt) repeat
bwt := first lbwt; lbwt := rest lbwt
b := bwt.val; us := bwt.tower
(not b) => toSee := cons([lp, us], toSee)
lus: List ST
if norm?
newp := normalizedAssociate(p,us)$normalizpackST
lus := augment(newp,us)$ST
lus := augment(p,us)$ST
newlp := lp
while (not empty? newlp) and (mvar(first newlp) = v) repeat
newlp := rest newlp
for us in lus repeat
toSee := cons([newlp, us]$LpWST, toSee)
zeroSetSplit(lp:List(P), norm?:B): List ST ==
bar := fglmIfCan(lp)
bar case "failed" =>
error "zeroSetSplit$LEXTRIPK: #1 not zero-dimensional"
squareFreeLexTriangular(bar::(List P),norm?)