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++ Author: William Naylor
++ Date Created: 20 October 1993
++ Date Last Updated: 20 May 1994
++ Description:
++ This domain represents three dimensional matrices over a general object type
ThreeDimensionalMatrix(R) : SIG == CODE where
R : SetCategory
L ==> List
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
A1AGG ==> OneDimensionalArrayAggregate
ARRAY1 ==> OneDimensionalArray
PA ==> PrimitiveArray
INT ==> Integer
PI ==> PositiveInteger
SIG ==> HomogeneousAggregate(R) with
if R has Ring then
zeroMatrix : (NNI,NNI,NNI) -> $
++ zeroMatrix(i,j,k) create a matrix with all zero terms
identityMatrix : (NNI) -> $
++ identityMatrix(n) create an identity matrix
++ we note that this must be square
plus : ($,$) -> $
++ plus(x,y) adds two matrices, term by term
++ we note that they must be the same size
construct : (L L L R) -> $
++ construct(lll) creates a 3-D matrix from a List List List R lll
elt : ($,NNI,NNI,NNI) -> R
++ elt(x,i,j,k) extract an element from the matrix x
setelt! : ($,NNI,NNI,NNI,R) -> R
++ setelt!(x,i,j,k,s) (or x.i.j.k:=s) sets a specific element
++ of the array to some value of type R
coerce : (PA PA PA R) -> $
++ coerce(p) moves from the representation type
++ (PrimitiveArray PrimitiveArray PrimitiveArray R) to the domain
coerce : $ -> (PA PA PA R)
++ coerce(x) moves from the domain to the representation type
matrixConcat3D : (Symbol,$,$) -> $
++ matrixConcat3D(s,x,y) concatenates two 3-D matrices
++along a specified axis
matrixDimensions : $ -> Vector NNI
++ matrixDimensions(x) returns the dimensions of a matrix
CODE ==> (PA PA PA R) add
import (PA PA PA R)
import (PA PA R)
import (PA R)
import R
matrix1,matrix2,resultMatrix : $
-- function to concatenate two matrices
-- the first argument must be a symbol, which is either i,j or k
-- to specify the direction in which the concatenation is to take place
matrixConcat3D(dir : Symbol,mat1 : $,mat2 : $) : $ ==
^((dir = (i::Symbol)) or (dir = (j::Symbol)) or (dir = (k::Symbol)))_
=> error "the axis of concatenation must be i,j or k"
mat1Dim := matrixDimensions(mat1)
mat2Dim := matrixDimensions(mat2)
iDim1 := mat1Dim.1
jDim1 := mat1Dim.2
kDim1 := mat1Dim.3
iDim2 := mat2Dim.1
jDim2 := mat2Dim.2
kDim2 := mat2Dim.3
matRep1 : (PA PA PA R) := copy(mat1 :: (PA PA PA R))$(PA PA PA R)
matRep2 : (PA PA PA R) := copy(mat2 :: (PA PA PA R))$(PA PA PA R)
retVal : $
if (dir = (i::Symbol)) then
-- j,k dimensions must agree
if (^((jDim1 = jDim2) and (kDim1=kDim2)))
error "jxk do not agree"
retVal := (coerce(concat(matRep1,matRep2)$(PA PA PA R))$$)@$
if (dir = (j::Symbol)) then
-- i,k dimensions must agree
if (^((iDim1 = iDim2) and (kDim1=kDim2)))
error "ixk do not agree"
for i in 0..(iDim1-1) repeat
setelt(matRep1,i,(concat(elt(matRep1,i)$(PA PA PA R)_
,elt(matRep2,i)$(PA PA PA R))$(PA PA R))@(PA PA R))$(PA PA PA R)
retVal := (coerce(matRep1)$$)@$
if (dir = (k::Symbol)) then
temp : (PA PA R)
-- i,j dimensions must agree
if (^((iDim1 = iDim2) and (jDim1=jDim2)))
error "ixj do not agree"
for i in 0..(iDim1-1) repeat
temp := copy(elt(matRep1,i)$(PA PA PA R))$(PA PA R)
for j in 0..(jDim1-1) repeat
setelt(temp,j,concat(elt(elt(matRep1,i)$(PA PA PA R)_
,j)$(PA PA R),elt(elt(matRep2,i)$(PA PA PA R),j)$(PA PA R)_
)$(PA R))$(PA PA R)
setelt(matRep1,i,temp)$(PA PA PA R)
retVal := (coerce(matRep1)$$)@$
matrixDimensions(mat : $) : Vector NNI ==
matRep : (PA PA PA R) := mat :: (PA PA PA R)
iDim : NNI := (#matRep)$(PA PA PA R)
matRep2 : PA PA R := elt(matRep,0)$(PA PA PA R)
jDim : NNI := (#matRep2)$(PA PA R)
matRep3 : (PA R) := elt(matRep2,0)$(PA PA R)
kDim : NNI := (#matRep3)$(PA R)
retVal : Vector NNI := new(3,0)$(Vector NNI)
retVal.1 := iDim
retVal.2 := jDim
retVal.3 := kDim
coerce(matrixRep : (PA PA PA R)) : $ == matrixRep pretend $
coerce(mat : $) : (PA PA PA R) == mat pretend (PA PA PA R)
-- i,j,k must be with in the bounds of the matrix
elt(mat : $,i : NNI,j : NNI,k : NNI) : R ==
matDims := matrixDimensions(mat)
iLength := matDims.1
jLength := matDims.2
kLength := matDims.3
((i > iLength) or (j > jLength) or (k > kLength) or (i=0) _
or (j=0) or (k=0)) => _
error "coordinates must be within the bounds of the matrix"
matrixRep : PA PA PA R := mat :: (PA PA PA R)
elt(elt(elt(matrixRep,i-1)$(PA PA PA R),j-1)$(PA PA R),k-1)$(PA R)
setelt!(mat : $,i : NNI,j : NNI,k : NNI,val : R)_
: R ==
matDims := matrixDimensions(mat)
iLength := matDims.1
jLength := matDims.2
kLength := matDims.3
((i > iLength) or (j > jLength) or (k > kLength) or (i=0) _
or (j=0) or (k=0)) => _
error "coordinates must be within the bounds of the matrix"
matrixRep : PA PA PA R := mat :: (PA PA PA R)
row2 : PA PA R := copy(elt(matrixRep,i-1)$(PA PA PA R))$(PA PA R)
row1 : PA R := copy(elt(row2,j-1)$(PA PA R))$(PA R)
setelt(row1,k-1,val)$(PA R)
setelt(row2,j-1,row1)$(PA PA R)
setelt(matrixRep,i-1,row2)$(PA PA PA R)
if R has Ring then
zeroMatrix(iLength:NNI,jLength:NNI,kLength:NNI) : $ ==
new(kLength,(0$R))$(PA R))$(PA PA R))$(PA PA PA R)) :: $
identityMatrix(iLength:NNI) : $ ==
retValueRep : PA PA PA R := _
zeroMatrix(iLength,iLength,iLength)$$ :: (PA PA PA R)
row1 : PA R
row2 : PA PA R
row1empty : PA R := new(iLength,0$R)$(PA R)
row2empty : PA PA R := new(iLength,copy(row1empty)$(PA R))$(PA PA R)
for count in 0..(iLength-1) repeat
row1 := copy(row1empty)$(PA R)
setelt(row1,count,1$R)$(PA R)
row2 := copy(row2empty)$(PA PA R)
setelt(row2,count,copy(row1)$(PA R))$(PA PA R)
setelt(retValueRep,count,copy(row2)$(PA PA R))$(PA PA PA R)
retValueRep :: $
plus(mat1 : $,mat2 :$) : $ ==
mat1Dims := matrixDimensions(mat1)
iLength1 := mat1Dims.1
jLength1 := mat1Dims.2
kLength1 := mat1Dims.3
mat2Dims := matrixDimensions(mat2)
iLength2 := mat2Dims.1
jLength2 := mat2Dims.2
kLength2 := mat2Dims.3
-- check that the dimensions are the same
(^(iLength1 = iLength2) or ^(jLength1 = jLength2) _
or ^(kLength1 = kLength2))_
=> error "error the matrices are different sizes"
sum : R
row1 : (PA R) := new(kLength1,0$R)$(PA R)
row2 : (PA PA R) := new(jLength1,copy(row1)$(PA R))$(PA PA R)
row3 : (PA PA PA R) := new(iLength1,copy(row2)$(PA PA R))$(PA PA PA R)
for i in 1..iLength1 repeat
for j in 1..jLength1 repeat
for k in 1..kLength1 repeat
sum := (elt(mat1,i,j,k)::R +$R_
setelt(row1,k-1,sum)$(PA R)
setelt(row2,j-1,copy(row1)$(PA R))$(PA PA R)
setelt(row3,i-1,copy(row2)$(PA PA R))$(PA PA PA R)
resultMatrix := (row3 pretend $)
construct(listRep : L L L R) : $ ==
(#listRep)$(L L L R) = 0 => error "empty list"
(#(listRep.1))$(L L R) = 0 => error "empty list"
(#((listRep.1).1))$(L R) = 0 => error "empty list"
iLength := (#listRep)$(L L L R)
jLength := (#(listRep.1))$(L L R)
kLength := (#((listRep.1).1))$(L R)
--first check that the matrix is in the correct form
for subList in listRep repeat
^((#subList)$(L L R) = jLength) => error_
"can not have an irregular shaped matrix"
for subSubList in subList repeat
^((#(subSubList))$(L R) = kLength) => error_
"can not have an irregular shaped matrix"
row1 : (PA R) := new(kLength,((listRep.1).1).1)$(PA R)
row2 : (PA PA R) := new(jLength,copy(row1)$(PA R))$(PA PA R)
row3 : (PA PA PA R) := new(iLength,copy(row2)$(PA PA R))$(PA PA PA R)
for i in 1..iLength repeat
for j in 1..jLength repeat
for k in 1..kLength repeat
element := elt(elt(elt(listRep,i)$(L L L R),j)$(L L R),k)$(L R)
setelt(row1,k-1,element)$(PA R)
setelt(row2,j-1,copy(row1)$(PA R))$(PA PA R)
setelt(row3,i-1,copy(row2)$(PA PA R))$(PA PA PA R)
resultMatrix := (row3 pretend $)