/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/MESH.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Jim Wen
++ Date Last Updated: October 1991 by Jon Steinbach
++ Description:
++ This package has no description
MeshCreationRoutinesForThreeDimensions() : SIG == CODE where
I ==> Integer
PI ==> PositiveInteger
SF ==> DoubleFloat
L ==> List
SEG ==> Segment
S ==> String
Fn1 ==> SF -> SF
Fn2 ==> (SF,SF) -> SF
Fn3 ==> (SF,SF,SF) -> SF
FnPt ==> (SF,SF) -> Point(SF)
FnU ==> Union(Fn3,"undefined")
EX ==> Expression
DROP ==> DrawOption
POINT ==> Point(SF)
SPACE3 ==> ThreeSpace(SF)
COMPPROP ==> SubSpaceComponentProperty
TUBE ==> TubePlot
SIG ==> with
meshPar2Var : (Fn2,Fn2,Fn2,FnU,SEG SF,SEG SF,L DROP) -> SPACE3
++ meshPar2Var(f,g,h,j,s1,s2,l) \undocumented
meshPar2Var : (FnPt,SEG SF,SEG SF,L DROP) -> SPACE3
++ meshPar2Var(f,s1,s2,l) \undocumented
meshPar2Var : (SPACE3,FnPt,SEG SF,SEG SF,L DROP) -> SPACE3
++ meshPar2Var(sp,f,s1,s2,l) \undocumented
meshFun2Var : (Fn2,FnU,SEG SF,SEG SF,L DROP) -> SPACE3
++ meshFun2Var(f,g,s1,s2,l) \undocumented
meshPar1Var : (EX I,EX I,EX I,Fn1,SEG SF,L DROP) -> SPACE3
++ meshPar1Var(s,t,u,f,s1,l) \undocumented
ptFunc : (Fn2,Fn2,Fn2,Fn3) -> ((SF,SF) -> POINT)
++ ptFunc(a,b,c,d) is an internal function exported in
++ order to compile packages.
CODE ==> add
import ViewDefaultsPackage()
import SubSpaceComponentProperty()
import DrawOptionFunctions0
import SPACE3
-- local functions
numberCheck(nums:Point SF):Void ==
-- this function checks to see that the small floats are
-- actually just that - rather than complex numbers or
-- whatever (the whatever includes nothing presently
-- since NaN, Not a Number, is not necessarily supported
-- by common lisp). note that this function is dependent
-- upon the fact that Common Lisp supports complex numbers.
for i in minIndex(nums)..maxIndex(nums) repeat
COMPLEXP(nums.(i::PositiveInteger))$Lisp =>
error _
"An unexpected complex number was encountered in the calculations."
makePt:(SF,SF,SF,SF) -> POINT
makePt(x,y,z,c) == point(l : List SF := [x,y,z,c])
ptFunc(f,g,h,c) ==
(z1:SF,z2:SF):POINT +->
x := f(z1,z2); y := g(z1,z2); z := h(z1,z2)
-- parameterized equations of two variables
meshPar2Var(sp,ptFun,uSeg,vSeg,opts) ==
-- the issue of open and closed needs to be addressed, here, we are
-- defaulting to open (which is probably the correct default)
-- the user should be able to override that (optional argument?)
llp : L L POINT := nil()
uNum : PI := var1Steps(opts,var1StepsDefault())
vNum : PI := var2Steps(opts,var2StepsDefault())
ustep := (lo uSeg - hi uSeg)/uNum
vstep := (lo vSeg - hi vSeg)/vNum
someV := hi vSeg
for iv in vNum..0 by -1 repeat
if zero? iv then someV := lo vSeg
-- hack: get last number in segment within segment
lp : L POINT := nil()
someU := hi uSeg
for iu in uNum..0 by -1 repeat
if zero? iu then someU := lo uSeg
-- hack: get last number in segment within segment
pt := ptFun(someU,someV)
numberCheck pt
lp := concat(pt,lp)
someU := someU + ustep
llp := concat(lp,llp)
someV := someV + vstep
-- now llp contains a list of lists of points
-- for a surface that is a result of a function of 2 variables,
-- the main component is open and each sublist is open as well
lProp : L COMPPROP := [ new() for l in llp ]
for aProp in lProp repeat
aProp : COMPPROP:= new()
space := sp
meshPar2Var(ptFun,uSeg,vSeg,opts) ==
sp := create3Space()
zCoord: (SF,SF,SF) -> SF
zCoord(x,y,z) == z
meshPar2Var(xFun,yFun,zFun,colorFun,uSeg,vSeg,opts) ==
-- the color function should be parameterized by (u,v) as well,
-- not (x,y,z) but we also want some sort of consistency and so
-- changing this over would mean possibly changing the explicit
-- stuff over and there, we probably do want the color function
-- to be parameterized by (x,y,z) - not just (x,y) (this being
-- for convinience only since z is also defined in terms of (x,y)).
(colorFun case Fn3) =>
meshPar2Var(ptFunc(xFun,yFun,zFun,colorFun :: Fn3),uSeg,vSeg,opts)
-- explicit equations of two variables
meshFun2Var(zFun,colorFun,xSeg,ySeg,opts) ==
-- here, we construct the data for a function of two variables
meshPar2Var((z1:SF,z2:SF):SF +-> z1,
(x1:SF,x2:SF):SF +-> x2,zFun,colorFun,xSeg,ySeg,opts)