/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/MLIFT.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author : P.Gianni.
++ Description:
++ This package provides the functions for the multivariate "lifting", using
++ an algorithm of Paul Wang.
++ This package will work for every euclidean domain R which has property
++ F, there exists a factor operation in \spad{R[x]}.
MultivariateLifting(E,OV,R,P) : SIG == CODE where
OV : OrderedSet
E : OrderedAbelianMonoidSup
R : EuclideanDomain -- with property "F"
Z ==> Integer
BP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial R
P : PolynomialCategory(R,E,OV)
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial P
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
Term ==> Record(expt:NNI,pcoef:P)
VTerm ==> List Term
Table ==> Vector List BP
L ==> List
SIG ==> with
corrPoly : (SUP,L OV,L R,L NNI,L SUP,Table,R) -> Union(L SUP,"failed")
++ corrPoly(u,lv,lr,ln,lu,t,r) \undocumented
lifting : (SUP,L OV,L BP,L R,L P,L NNI,R) -> Union(L SUP,"failed")
++ lifting(u,lv,lu,lr,lp,ln,r) \undocumented
lifting1 : (SUP,L OV,L SUP,L R,L P,L VTerm,L NNI,Table,R) ->
Union(L SUP,"failed")
++ lifting1(u,lv,lu,lr,lp,lt,ln,t,r) \undocumented
CODE ==> add
SUPF2 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2
DetCoef ==> Record(deter:L SUP,dterm:L VTerm,nfacts:L BP,
nlead:L P)
--- local functions ---
normalDerivM : (P,Z,OV) -> P
normalDeriv : (SUP,Z) -> SUP
subslead : (SUP,P) -> SUP
subscoef : (SUP,L Term) -> SUP
maxDegree : (SUP,OV) -> NonNegativeInteger
corrPoly(m:SUP,lvar:L OV,fval:L R,ld:L NNI,flist:L SUP,
table:Table,pmod:R):Union(L SUP,"failed") ==
-- The correction coefficients are evaluated recursively.
-- Extended Euclidean algorithm for the multivariate case.
-- the polynomial is univariate --
#lvar=0 =>
if lp case "failed" then return "failed"
lcoef:= [map(coerce,mp)$SUPF2(R,P) for mp in lp::L BP]
listpolv,listcong:L SUP
deg1:NNI:= ld.first
np:NNI:= #flist
a:P:= fval.first ::P
listpolv:L SUP := [map((p1:P):P +-> eval(p1,y,a),f1) for f1 in flist]
um:=map((p1:P):P +-> eval(p1,y,a),m)
if flcoef case "failed" then return "failed"
else lcoef:=flcoef :: L SUP
listcong:=[*/[flist.i for i in 1..np | i^=l] for l in 1..np]
polc:SUP:= (monomial(1,y,1) - a)::SUP
pol := 1$SUP
diff:=m- +/[lcoef.i*listcong.i for i in 1..np]
for l in 1..deg1 repeat
if diff=0 then return lcoef
pol := pol*polc
(ddiff:=map((p:P):P+->eval(normalDerivM(p,l,y),y,a),diff)) = 0
=> "next l"
fbeta := corrPoly(ddiff,lvar,fval.rest,ld.rest,listpolv,table,pmod)
if fbeta case "failed" then return "failed"
else beta:=fbeta :: L SUP
lcoef := [lcoef.i+beta.i*pol for i in 1..np]
diff:=diff- +/[listcong.i*beta.i for i in 1..np]*pol
lifting1(m:SUP,lvar:L OV,plist:L SUP,vlist:L R,tlist:L P,_
coeflist:L VTerm,listdeg:L NNI,table:Table,pmod:R)_
:Union(L SUP,"failed") ==
-- The factors of m (multivariate) are determined ,
-- We suppose to know the true univariate factors
-- some coefficients are determined
conglist:L SUP:=empty()
nvar : NNI:= #lvar
testp:Boolean:= (not empty?(tlist))
lalpha : L SUP := empty()
tlv:L P:=empty()
subsvar:L OV:=empty()
subsval:L R:=empty()
li:L OV := lvar
ldeg:L NNI:=empty()
clv:L VTerm:=empty()
--j =#variables, i=#factors
for j in 1..nvar repeat
x := li.first
li := rest li
conglist:= plist
v := vlist.first
vlist := rest vlist
degj := listdeg.j
ldeg := cons(degj,ldeg)
--substitute the determined coefficients
if testp then
if j<nvar then
tlv:=[eval(p,li,vlist) for p in tlist]
for term in clist] for clist in coeflist]
else (tlv,clv):=(tlist,coeflist)
plist :=[subslead(p,lcp) for p in plist for lcp in tlv]
if not(empty? coeflist) then
for tpol in plist for clist in clv]
mj := map((p1:P):P+->eval(p1,li,vlist),m) --m(x1,..,xj,aj+1,..,an
polc := x::P - v::P --(xj-aj)
pol:= 1$P
--Construction of Rik, k in 1..right degree for xj+1
for k in 1..degj repeat --I can exit before
pol := pol*polc
mc := */[term for term in plist]-mj
if mc=0 then leave "next var"
--Modulus Dk
mc:=map((p1:P):P +-> normalDerivM(p1,k,x),mc)
(mc := map((p1:P):P +-> eval(p1,[x],[v]),mc))=0 => "next k"
if flalpha case "failed" then return "failed"
else lalpha:=flalpha :: L SUP
plist:=[term-alpha*pol for term in plist for alpha in lalpha]
-- PGCD may call with a smaller valure of degj
for term in plist repeat idegj:=idegj -maxDegree(term,x)
idegj < 0 => return "failed"
--There are not extraneous factors
maxDegree(um:SUP,x:OV):NonNegativeInteger ==
while um ^= 0 repeat
ans:=max(ans,degree(leadingCoefficient um,x))
um:=reductum um
lifting(um:SUP,lvar:L OV,plist:L BP,vlist:L R,
tlist:L P,listdeg:L NNI,pmod:R):Union(L SUP,"failed") ==
-- The factors of m (multivariate) are determined, when the
-- univariate true factors are known and some coefficient determined
nplist:List SUP:=[map(coerce,pp)$SUPF2(R,P) for pp in plist]
listdet : L SUP := []
coeflist: L VTerm := []
if not(empty? tlist) then
ldcoef : DetCoef := npcoef(um, plist, tlist)
if not empty?(listdet := ldcoef.deter) then
if #listdet = #plist then return listdet
plist := ldcoef.nfacts
nplist := [map(coerce, pp)$SUPF2(R, P) for pp in plist]
um := (um exquo */[pol for pol in listdet])::SUP
tlist := ldcoef.nlead
coeflist := ldcoef.dterm
tab := tablePow(degree um, pmod, plist)
tab case "failed" => error "Table construction failed in MLIFT"
if ffl case "failed" then return "failed"
append(listdet,ffl:: L SUP)
-- normalDerivM(f,m,x) = the normalized (divided by m!) m-th
-- derivative with respect to x of the multivariate polynomial f
normalDerivM(g:P,m:Z,x:OV) : P ==
normalDeriv(f:SUP,m:Z) : SUP ==
(n1:Z:=degree f) < m => 0$SUP
n1=m => leadingCoefficient f :: SUP
while n>= m repeat
while n1>n repeat
k:=(k*(n1-m)) quo n1
ris:=ris+monomial(k*leadingCoefficient f,(n-m)::NNI)
f:=reductum f
n:=degree f
subslead(m:SUP,pol:P):SUP ==
dm:NNI:=degree m
monomial(pol,dm)+reductum m
subscoef(um:SUP,lterm:L Term):SUP ==
dm:NNI:=degree um
new:=monomial(leadingCoefficient um,dm)
for k in dm-1..0 by -1 repeat
empty?(lterm) or lterm.first.expt^=i =>