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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 18 March 1991
++ Date Last Updated: 8 March 1994
++ Description:
++ \spad{ElementaryFunctionODESolver} provides the top-level
++ functions for finding closed form solutions of ordinary
++ differential equations and initial value problems.
ElementaryFunctionODESolver(R, F) : SIG == CODE where
R : Join(OrderedSet, EuclideanDomain, RetractableTo Integer,
LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer, CharacteristicZero)
F : Join(AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R, TranscendentalFunctionCategory,
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
OP ==> BasicOperator
SY ==> Symbol
K ==> Kernel F
EQ ==> Equation F
V ==> Vector F
M ==> Matrix F
UP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
P ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
LEQ ==> Record(left:UP, right:F)
NLQ ==> Record(dx:F, dy:F)
REC ==> Record(particular: F, basis: List F)
VEC ==> Record(particular: V, basis: List V)
ROW ==> Record(index: Integer, row: V, rh: F)
SYS ==> Record(mat:M, vec: V)
U ==> Union(REC, F, "failed")
UU ==> Union(F, "failed")
OPDIFF ==> "%diff"::SY
SIG ==> with
solve : (M, V, SY) -> Union(VEC, "failed")
++ solve(m, v, x) returns \spad{[v_p, [v_1,...,v_m]]} such that
++ the solutions of the system \spad{D y = m y + v} are
++ \spad{v_p + c_1 v_1 + ... + c_m v_m} where the \spad{c_i's} are
++ constants, and the \spad{v_i's} form a basis for the solutions of
++ \spad{D y = m y}.
++ \spad{x} is the dependent variable.
solve : (M, SY) -> Union(List V, "failed")
++ solve(m, x) returns a basis for the solutions of \spad{D y = m y}.
++ \spad{x} is the dependent variable.
solve : (List EQ, List OP, SY) -> Union(VEC, "failed")
++ solve([eq_1,...,eq_n], [y_1,...,y_n], x) returns either "failed"
++ or, if the equations form a fist order linear system, a solution
++ of the form \spad{[y_p, [b_1,...,b_n]]} where \spad{h_p} is a
++ particular solution and \spad{[b_1,...b_m]} are linearly independent
++ solutions of the associated homogenuous system.
++ error if the equations do not form a first order linear system
solve : (List F, List OP, SY) -> Union(VEC, "failed")
++ solve([eq_1,...,eq_n], [y_1,...,y_n], x) returns either "failed"
++ or, if the equations form a fist order linear system, a solution
++ of the form \spad{[y_p, [b_1,...,b_n]]} where \spad{h_p} is a
++ particular solution and \spad{[b_1,...b_m]} are linearly independent
++ solutions of the associated homogenuous system.
++ error if the equations do not form a first order linear system
solve : (EQ, OP, SY) -> U
++ solve(eq, y, x) returns either a solution of the ordinary differential
++ equation \spad{eq} or "failed" if no non-trivial solution can be found;
++ If the equation is linear ordinary, a solution is of the form
++ \spad{[h, [b1,...,bm]]} where \spad{h} is a particular solution
++ and \spad{[b1,...bm]} are linearly independent solutions of the
++ associated homogenuous equation \spad{f(x,y) = 0};
++ A full basis for the solutions of the homogenuous equation
++ is not always returned, only the solutions which were found;
++ If the equation is of the form {dy/dx = f(x,y)}, a solution is of
++ the form \spad{h(x,y)} where \spad{h(x,y) = c} is a first integral
++ of the equation for any constant \spad{c};
++ error if the equation is not one of those 2 forms;
solve : (F, OP, SY) -> U
++ solve(eq, y, x) returns either a solution of the ordinary differential
++ equation \spad{eq} or "failed" if no non-trivial solution can be found;
++ If the equation is linear ordinary, a solution is of the form
++ \spad{[h, [b1,...,bm]]} where \spad{h} is a particular solution and
++ and \spad{[b1,...bm]} are linearly independent solutions of the
++ associated homogenuous equation \spad{f(x,y) = 0};
++ A full basis for the solutions of the homogenuous equation
++ is not always returned, only the solutions which were found;
++ If the equation is of the form {dy/dx = f(x,y)}, a solution is of
++ the form \spad{h(x,y)} where \spad{h(x,y) = c} is a first integral
++ of the equation for any constant \spad{c};
solve : (EQ, OP, EQ, List F) -> UU
++ solve(eq, y, x = a, [y0,...,ym]) returns either the solution
++ of the initial value problem \spad{eq, y(a) = y0, y'(a) = y1,...}
++ or "failed" if the solution cannot be found;
++ error if the equation is not one linear ordinary or of the form
++ \spad{dy/dx = f(x,y)};
solve : (F, OP, EQ, List F) -> UU
++ solve(eq, y, x = a, [y0,...,ym]) returns either the solution
++ of the initial value problem \spad{eq, y(a) = y0, y'(a) = y1,...}
++ or "failed" if the solution cannot be found;
++ error if the equation is not one linear ordinary or of the form
++ \spad{dy/dx = f(x,y)};
CODE ==> add
import ODEIntegration(R, F)
import IntegrationTools(R, F)
import NonLinearFirstOrderODESolver(R, F)
getfreelincoeff : (F, K, SY) -> F
getfreelincoeff1: (F, K, List F) -> F
getlincoeff : (F, K) -> F
getcoeff : (F, K) -> UU
parseODE : (F, OP, SY) -> Union(LEQ, NLQ)
parseLODE : (F, List K, UP, SY) -> LEQ
parseSYS : (List F, List OP, SY) -> Union(SYS, "failed")
parseSYSeq : (F, List K, List K, List F, SY) -> Union(ROW, "failed")
solve(diffeq:EQ, y:OP, x:SY) == solve(lhs diffeq - rhs diffeq, y, x)
solve(leq: List EQ, lop: List OP, x:SY) ==
solve([lhs eq - rhs eq for eq in leq], lop, x)
solve(diffeq:EQ, y:OP, center:EQ, y0:List F) ==
solve(lhs diffeq - rhs diffeq, y, center, y0)
solve(m:M, x:SY) ==
(u := solve(m, new(nrows m, 0), x)) case "failed" => "failed"
solve(m:M, v:V, x:SY) ==
Lx := LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator(F, diff x)
uu := solve(m, v, (z1,z2) +-> solve(z1, z2, x)_
$ElementaryFunctionLODESolver(R, F, Lx))$SystemODESolver(F, Lx)
uu case "failed" => "failed"
rec := uu::Record(particular: V, basis: M)
[rec.particular, [column(rec.basis, i) for i in 1..ncols(rec.basis)]]
solve(diffeq:F, y:OP, center:EQ, y0:List F) ==
a := rhs center
kx:K := kernel(x := retract(lhs(center))@SY)
(ur := parseODE(diffeq, y, x)) case NLQ =>
not ((#y0) = 1) => error "solve: more than one initial condition!"
rc := ur::NLQ
(u := solve(rc.dx, rc.dy, y, x)) case "failed" => "failed"
u::F - eval(u::F, [kx, retract(y(x::F))@K], [a, first y0])
rec := ur::LEQ
p := rec.left
Lx := LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator(F, diff x)
op:Lx := 0
while p ^= 0 repeat
op := op + monomial(leadingCoefficient p, degree p)
p := reductum p
solve(op, rec.right, x, a, y0)$ElementaryFunctionLODESolver(R, F, Lx)
solve(leq: List F, lop: List OP, x:SY) ==
(u := parseSYS(leq, lop, x)) case SYS =>
rec := u::SYS
solve(rec.mat, rec.vec, x)
error "solve: not a first order linear system"
solve(diffeq:F, y:OP, x:SY) ==
(u := parseODE(diffeq, y, x)) case NLQ =>
rc := u::NLQ
(uu := solve(rc.dx, rc.dy, y, x)) case "failed" => "failed"
rec := u::LEQ
p := rec.left
Lx := LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator(F, diff x)
op:Lx := 0
while p ^= 0 repeat
op := op + monomial(leadingCoefficient p, degree p)
p := reductum p
(uuu := solve(op, rec.right, x)$ElementaryFunctionLODESolver(R, F, Lx))
case "failed" => "failed"
-- returns [M, v] s.t. the equations are D x = M x + v
parseSYS(eqs, ly, x) ==
(n := #eqs) ^= #ly => "failed"
m:M := new(n, n, 0)
v:V := new(n, 0)
xx := x::F
lf := [y xx for y in ly]
lk0:List(K) := [retract(f)@K for f in lf]
lk1:List(K) := [retract(differentiate(f, x))@K for f in lf]
for eq in eqs repeat
(u := parseSYSeq(eq,lk0,lk1,lf,x)) case "failed" => return "failed"
rec := u::ROW
setRow_!(m, rec.index, rec.row)
v(rec.index) := rec.rh
[m, v]
parseSYSeq(eq, l0, l1, lf, x) ==
l := [k for k in varselect(kernels eq, x) | is?(k, OPDIFF)]
empty? l or not empty? rest l or zero?(n := position(k := first l,l1)) =>
c := getfreelincoeff1(eq, k, lf)
eq := eq - c * k::F
v:V := new(#l0, 0)
for y in l0 for i in 1.. repeat
ci := getfreelincoeff1(eq, y, lf)
v.i := - ci / c
eq := eq - ci * y::F
[n, v, -eq]
-- returns either [p, g] where the equation (diffeq) is of the
-- form p(D)(y) = g
-- or [p, q] such that the equation (diffeq) is of the form p dx + q dy = 0
parseODE(diffeq, y, x) ==
f := y(x::F)
l:List(K) := [retract(f)@K]
n:N := 2
for k in varselect(kernels diffeq, x) | is?(k, OPDIFF) repeat
if (m := height k) > n then n := m
n := (n - 2)::N
-- build a list of kernels in the order [y^(n)(x),...,y''(x),y'(x),y(x)]
for i in 1..n repeat
l := concat(retract(f := differentiate(f, x))@K, l)
k:K -- #$^#& compiler requires this line and the next one too...
while not(empty? l) and zero?(c := getlincoeff(diffeq, k := first l))
repeat l := rest l
empty? l or empty? rest l => error "parseODE: equation has order 0"
diffeq := diffeq - c * (k::F)
ny := name y
l := rest l
height(k) > 3 => parseLODE(diffeq, l, monomial(c, #l), ny)
(u := getcoeff(diffeq, k := first l)) case "failed" => [diffeq, c]
eqrhs := (d := u::F) * (k::F) - diffeq
freeOf?(eqrhs, ny) and freeOf?(c, ny) and freeOf?(d, ny) =>
[monomial(c, 1) + d::UP, eqrhs]
[diffeq, c]
-- returns [p, g] where the equation (diffeq) is of the form p(D)(y) = g
parseLODE(diffeq, l, p, y) ==
not freeOf?(leadingCoefficient p, y) =>
error "parseLODE: not a linear ordinary differential equation"
d := degree(p)::Integer - 1
for k in l repeat
p := p + monomial(c := getfreelincoeff(diffeq, k, y), d::N)
d := d - 1
diffeq := diffeq - c * (k::F)
freeOf?(diffeq, y) => [p, - diffeq]
error "parseLODE: not a linear ordinary differential equation"
getfreelincoeff(f, k, y) ==
freeOf?(c := getlincoeff(f, k), y) => c
error "getfreelincoeff: not a linear ordinary differential equation"
getfreelincoeff1(f, k, ly) ==
c := getlincoeff(f, k)
for y in ly repeat
not freeOf?(c, y) =>
error "getfreelincoeff: not a linear ordinary differential equation"
getlincoeff(f, k) ==
(u := getcoeff(f, k)) case "failed" =>
error "getlincoeff: not an appropriate ordinary differential equation"
getcoeff(f, k) ==
(r := retractIfCan(univariate(denom f, k))@Union(P, "failed"))
case "failed" or degree(p := univariate(numer f, k)) > 1 => "failed"
coefficient(p, 1) / (r::P)