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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 22 October 1991
++ Date Last Updated: 2 February 1993
++ Description:
++ In-field solution of Riccati equations, primitive case.
PrimitiveRatRicDE(F, UP, L, LQ) : SIG == CODE where
F : Join(Field, CharacteristicZero, RetractableTo Fraction Integer)
UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F
L : LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory UP
LQ : LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory Fraction UP
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
Z ==> Integer
RF ==> Fraction UP
UP2 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial UP
REC ==> Record(deg:N, eq:UP)
REC2 ==> Record(deg:N, eq:UP2)
POL ==> Record(poly:UP, eq:L)
FRC ==> Record(frac:RF, eq:L)
CNT ==> Record(constant:F, eq:L)
IJ ==> Record(ij: List Z, deg:N)
SIG ==> with
denomRicDE : L -> UP
++ denomRicDE(op) returns a polynomial \spad{d} such that any rational
++ solution of the associated Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0} is
++ of the form \spad{p/d + q'/q + r} for some polynomials p and q
++ and a reduced r. Also, \spad{deg(p) < deg(d)} and {gcd(d,q) = 1}.
leadingCoefficientRicDE : L -> List REC
++ leadingCoefficientRicDE(op) returns
++ \spad{[[m1, p1], [m2, p2], ... , [mk, pk]]} such that the polynomial
++ part of any rational solution of the associated Riccati equation of
++ \spad{op y = 0} must have degree mj for some j, and its leading
++ coefficient is then a zero of pj. In addition,\spad{m1>m2> ... >mk}.
constantCoefficientRicDE : (L, UP -> List F) -> List CNT
++ constantCoefficientRicDE(op, ric) returns
++ \spad{[[a1, L1], [a2, L2], ... , [ak, Lk]]} such that any rational
++ solution with no polynomial part of the associated Riccati equation of
++ \spad{op y = 0} must be one of the ai's in which case the equation for
++ \spad{z = y e^{-int ai}} is \spad{Li z = 0}.
++ \spad{ric} is a Riccati equation solver over \spad{F}, whose input
++ is the associated linear equation.
polyRicDE : (L, UP -> List F) -> List POL
++ polyRicDE(op, zeros) returns
++ \spad{[[p1, L1], [p2, L2], ... , [pk, Lk]]} such that the polynomial
++ part of any rational solution of the associated Riccati equation of
++ \spad{op y=0} must be one of the pi's (up to the constant coefficient),
++ in which case the equation for \spad{z=y e^{-int p}} is \spad{Li z =0}.
++ \spad{zeros} is a zero finder in \spad{UP}.
singRicDE : (L, (UP, UP2) -> List UP, UP -> Factored UP) -> List FRC
++ singRicDE(op, zeros, ezfactor) returns
++ \spad{[[f1, L1], [f2, L2], ... , [fk, Lk]]} such that the singular
++ part of any rational solution of the associated Riccati equation of
++ \spad{op y=0} must be one of the fi's (up to the constant coefficient),
++ in which case the equation for \spad{z=y e^{-int p}} is \spad{Li z=0}.
++ \spad{zeros(C(x),H(x,y))} returns all the \spad{P_i(x)}'s such that
++ \spad{H(x,P_i(x)) = 0 modulo C(x)}.
++ Argument \spad{ezfactor} is a factorisation in \spad{UP},
++ not necessarily into irreducibles.
changeVar : (L, UP) -> L
++ changeVar(+/[ai D^i], a) returns the operator \spad{+/[ai (D+a)^i]}.
changeVar : (L, RF) -> L
++ changeVar(+/[ai D^i], a) returns the operator \spad{+/[ai (D+a)^i]}.
CODE ==> add
import PrimitiveRatDE(F, UP, L, LQ)
import BalancedFactorisation(F, UP)
bound : (UP, L) -> N
lambda : (UP, L) -> List IJ
infmax : (IJ, L) -> List Z
dmax : (IJ, UP, L) -> List Z
getPoly : (IJ, L, List Z) -> UP
getPol : (IJ, UP, L, List Z) -> UP2
innerlb : (L, UP -> Z) -> List IJ
innermax : (IJ, L, UP -> Z) -> List Z
tau0 : (UP, UP) -> UP
poly1 : (UP, UP, Z) -> UP2
getPol1 : (List Z, UP, L) -> UP2
getIndices : (N, List IJ) -> List Z
refine : (List UP, UP -> Factored UP) -> List UP
polysol : (L, N, Boolean, UP -> List F) -> List POL
fracsol : (L, (UP, UP2) -> List UP, List UP) -> List FRC
padicsol l : (UP, L, N, Boolean, (UP, UP2) -> List UP) -> List FRC
leadingDenomRicDE : (UP, L) -> List REC2
factoredDenomRicDE: L -> List UP
constantCoefficientOperator: (L, N) -> UP
infLambda: L -> List IJ
-- infLambda(op) returns
-- \spad{[[[i,j], (\deg(a_i)-\deg(a_j))/(i-j) ]]} for all the pairs
-- of indices \spad{i,j} such that \spad{(\deg(a_i)-\deg(a_j))/(i-j)} is
-- an integer.
diff := D()$L
diffq := D()$LQ
lambda(c, l) == innerlb(l, z +-> order(z, c)::Z)
infLambda l == innerlb(l, z +-> -(degree(z)::Z))
infmax(rec,l) == innermax(rec, l, z +-> degree(z)::Z)
dmax(rec, c,l) == innermax(rec, l, z +-> - order(z, c)::Z)
tau0(p, q) == ((q exquo (p ** order(q, p)))::UP) rem p
poly1(c, cp,i) == */[monomial(1,1)$UP2 - (j * cp)::UP2 for j in 0..i-1]
getIndices(n,l) == removeDuplicates_! concat [r.ij for r in l | r.deg=n]
denomRicDE l == */[c ** bound(c, l) for c in factoredDenomRicDE l]
polyRicDE(l,zeros) == concat([0, l], polysol(l, 0, false, zeros))
-- refine([p1,...,pn], foo) refines the list of factors using foo
refine(l, ezfactor) ==
concat [[r.factor for r in factors ezfactor p] for p in l]
-- returns [] if the solutions of l have no p-adic component at c
padicsol(c, op, b, finite?, zeros) ==
ans:List(FRC) := empty()
finite? and zero? b => ans
lc := leadingDenomRicDE(c, op)
if finite? then lc := select_!(z +-> z.deg <= b, lc)
for rec in lc repeat
for r in zeros(c, rec.eq) | r ^= 0 repeat
rcn := r /$RF (c ** rec.deg)
neweq := changeVar(op, rcn)
sols := padicsol(c, neweq, (rec.deg-1)::N, true, zeros)
ans :=
empty? sols => concat([rcn, neweq], ans)
concat_!([[rcn + sol.frac, sol.eq] for sol in sols], ans)
leadingDenomRicDE(c, l) ==
ind:List(Z) -- to cure the compiler... (won't compile without)
lb := lambda(c, l)
done:List(N) := empty()
ans:List(REC2) := empty()
for rec in lb | (not member?(rec.deg, done)) and
not(empty?(ind := dmax(rec, c, l))) repeat
ans := concat([rec.deg, getPol(rec, c, l, ind)], ans)
done := concat(rec.deg, done)
sort_!((z1,z2) +-> z1.deg > z2.deg, ans)
getPol(rec, c, l, ind) ==
(rec.deg = 1) => getPol1(ind, c, l)
+/[monomial(tau0(c, coefficient(l, i::N)), i::N)$UP2 for i in ind]
getPol1(ind, c, l) ==
cp := diff c
+/[tau0(c, coefficient(l, i::N)) * poly1(c, cp, i) for i in ind]
constantCoefficientRicDE(op, ric) ==
m := "max"/[degree p for p in coefficients op]
[[a, changeVar(op,a::UP)] for a in ric constantCoefficientOperator(op,m)]
constantCoefficientOperator(op, m) ==
ans:UP := 0
while op ^= 0 repeat
if degree(p := leadingCoefficient op) = m then
ans := ans + monomial(leadingCoefficient p, degree op)
op := reductum op
getPoly(rec, l, ind) ==
+/[monomial(leadingCoefficient coefficient(l,i::N),i::N)$UP for i in ind]
-- returns empty() if rec is does not reach the max,
-- the list of indices (including rec) that reach the max otherwise
innermax(rec, l, nu) ==
n := degree l
i := first(rec.ij)
m := i * (d := rec.deg) + nu coefficient(l, i::N)
ans:List(Z) := empty()
for j in 0..n | (f := coefficient(l, j)) ^= 0 repeat
if ((k := (j * d + nu f)) > m) then return empty()
else if (k = m) then ans := concat(j, ans)
leadingCoefficientRicDE l ==
ind:List(Z) -- to cure the compiler... (won't compile without)
lb := infLambda l
done:List(N) := empty()
ans:List(REC) := empty()
for rec in lb | (not member?(rec.deg, done)) and
not(empty?(ind := infmax(rec, l))) repeat
ans := concat([rec.deg, getPoly(rec, l, ind)], ans)
done := concat(rec.deg, done)
sort_!((z1,z2) +-> z1.deg > z2.deg, ans)
factoredDenomRicDE l ==
bd := factors balancedFactorisation(leadingCoefficient l, coefficients l)
[dd.factor for dd in bd]
changeVar(l:L, a:UP) ==
dpa := diff + a::L -- the operator (D + a)
dpan:L := 1 -- will accumulate the powers of (D + a)
op:L := 0
for i in 0..degree l repeat
op := op + coefficient(l, i) * dpan
dpan := dpa * dpan
primitivePart op
changeVar(l:L, a:RF) ==
dpa := diffq + a::LQ -- the operator (D + a)
dpan:LQ := 1 -- will accumulate the powers of (D + a)
op:LQ := 0
for i in 0..degree l repeat
op := op + coefficient(l, i)::RF * dpan
dpan := dpa * dpan
splitDenominator(op, empty()).eq
bound(c, l) ==
empty?(lb := lambda(c, l)) => 1
"max"/[rec.deg for rec in lb]
-- returns all the pairs [[i, j], n] such that
-- n = (nu(i) - nu(j)) / (i - j) is an integer
innerlb(l, nu) ==
lb:List(IJ) := empty()
n := degree l
for i in 0..n | (li := coefficient(l, i)) ^= 0repeat
for j in i+1..n | (lj := coefficient(l, j)) ^= 0 repeat
u := (nu li - nu lj) exquo (i-j)
if (u case Z) and ((b := u::Z) > 0) then
lb := concat([[i, j], b::N], lb)
singRicDE(l, zeros, ezfactor) ==
concat([0, l], fracsol(l, zeros, refine(factoredDenomRicDE l, ezfactor)))
-- returns [] if the solutions of l have no singular component
fracsol(l, zeros, lc) ==
ans:List(FRC) := empty()
empty? lc => ans
empty?(sols := padicsol(first lc, l, 0, false, zeros)) =>
fracsol(l, zeros, rest lc)
for rec in sols repeat
neweq := changeVar(l, rec.frac)
sols := fracsol(neweq, zeros, rest lc)
ans :=
empty? sols => concat(rec, ans)
concat_!([[rec.frac + sol.frac, sol.eq] for sol in sols], ans)
-- returns [] if the solutions of l have no polynomial component
polysol(l, b, finite?, zeros) ==
ans:List(POL) := empty()
finite? and zero? b => ans
lc := leadingCoefficientRicDE l
if finite? then lc := select_!(z +-> z.deg <= b, lc)
for rec in lc repeat
for a in zeros(rec.eq) | a ^= 0 repeat
atn:UP := monomial(a, rec.deg)
neweq := changeVar(l, atn)
sols := polysol(neweq, (rec.deg - 1)::N, true, zeros)
ans :=
empty? sols => concat([atn, neweq], ans)
concat_!([[atn + sol.poly, sol.eq] for sol in sols], ans)