/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/PACRAT.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Authors: Gaetan Hache
++ Date Created: feb 1997
++ Date Last Updated: May 2010 by Tim Daly
++ Description:
++ This domain implements dynamic extension using the simple notion of
++ tower extensions. A tower extension T of the ground field K is any
++ sequence of field extension (T : K_0, K_1, ..., K_i...,K_n) where K_0 = K
++ and for i =1,2,...,n, K_i is an extension of K_{i-1} of degree > 1 and
++ defined by an irreducible polynomial p(Z) in K_{i-1}.
++ Two towers (T_1: K_01, K_11,...,K_i1,...,K_n1) and
++ (T_2: K_02, K_12,...,K_i2,...,K_n2) are said to be related if T_1 <= T_2
++ (or T_1 >= T_2), that is if K_i1 = K_i2 for i=1,2,...,n1
++ (or i=1,2,...,n2). Any algebraic operations defined for several elements
++ are only defined if all of the concerned elements are comming from
++ a set of related tour extensions.
PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfRationalNumber() : SIG == CODE where
INT ==> Integer
K ==> Fraction Integer
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
BOOLEAN ==> Boolean
PI ==> PositiveInteger
FACTRN ==> FactorisationOverPseudoAlgebraicClosureOfRationalNumber
recRep ==> Record(recEl:SUP(%),_
SIG ==> PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfRationalNumberCategory with
fullOutput : % -> OutputForm
newElement : (SUP(%), SUP(%), PI, %, Symbol) -> %
CODE ==> add
Rep := Union(recRep,K)
-- signature of local function
replaceRecEl: (%,SUP(%)) -> %
down: % -> %
down(a:%) ==
a case K => a
aa:=(a pretend recRep)
elel := aa.recEl
^ground?(elel)$SUP(%) => a
coerce(a:Integer):%== (a :: K)
n:INT * a:% ==
one?(n) => a
zero?(a) or zero?(n) => 0
(n < 0) => - ((-n)*a)
mm:PositiveInteger:=(n pretend PositiveInteger)
a case K => a
aa:=copy a
aa.recEl := el
-- local variable
localTower :% := 1$K
-- implemetation of exported function
lift(a) ==
a case K => monomial(a,0)
(a pretend recRep).recEl
extDegree a > extDegree b => _
error "Cannot lift something at lower level !!!!!"
extDegree a < extDegree b => monomial(a,0)$SUP(%)
lift a
localTower case K =>
ar:= a rem (localTower pretend recRep).recTower
--return an element from the list la which is in the largest
--extension of the ground field
--PRECONDITION: all elements in same tower, else no meaning?
m:="max"/[extDegree(a)$% for a in la]
first [b for b in la | extDegree(b)=m]
ground?(a)== a case K
da:=extDegree a
dlev:=extDegree lev
dlev < da => _
error "Cannot vectorise at a lower level than the element to vectorise"
lev case K => [a]
^(da = dlev) =>
pa:= monomial(a,0)$SUP(%)
na:= replaceRecEl(lev,pa)
a case K => error "At this point a is not suppose to be in K"
aEl:=(a pretend recRep).recEl
daEl:=degree definingPolynomial(a)$%
lv:=[vectorise(c,prevLev)$% for c in entries(vectorise(aEl,daEl)$SUP(%))]
concat lv
setTower!(a) ==
definingPolynomial == definingPolynomial(localTower)
a:% + b:% ==
(a case K) and (b case K) => a +$K b
extDegree(a) > extDegree(b) => b + a
if extDegree(a) = extDegree(b) then
res1:= b.recEl +$SUP(%) a.recEl
res2:= replaceRecEl(b,res1)
res1:= b.recEl +$SUP(%) monomial(a,0)$SUP(%)
res2:= replaceRecEl(b,res1)
a:% * b:% ==
(a case K) and (b case K) => a *$K b
extDegree(a) > extDegree(b) => b * a
if extDegree(a) = extDegree(b) then
res1:= b.recEl *$SUP(%) a.recEl rem b.recTower
res2:= replaceRecEl(b,res1)
res1:= b.recEl *$SUP(%) monomial(a,0)$SUP(%)
res2:= replaceRecEl(b,res1)
distinguishedRootsOf(polyZero,ee) ==
zero?(polyZero) => error "to lazy to give you all the roots of 0 !!!"
factorf: Factored SUP % := factor(polyZero,ee)$FACTRN(%)
listFact:List SUP % := [pol.fctr for pol in factorList(factorf)]
for p in listFact repeat
root:=newElement(p, new(D::Symbol)$Symbol)
listOfZeros:List(%):=concat([ root ], listOfZeros)
1 == 1$K
0 == 0$K
newElement(pol:SUP(%),subF:%,inName:Symbol): % ==
-- pol is an irreducible polynomial over the field extension
-- given by subF.
-- The output of this function is a root of pol.
dp:=degree pol
one?(dp) =>
one?(#listCoef) => 0
- last(listCoef) / first(listCoef)
ground?(pol) => error "Cannot create a new element with a constant"
d:PI := (dp pretend PI) * extDegree(subF)
[monomial(1$%,1),pol,d,subF,inName] :: Rep
newElement(elPol:SUP(%),pol:SUP(%),d:PI,subF:%,inName:Symbol): % ==
[elPol, pol,d,subF,inName] :: Rep
--Field operations
a case K => inv(a)$K
aRecEl:= (a pretend recRep).recEl
aDefPoly:= (a pretend recRep).recTower
aInv := extendedEuclidean( aRecEl , aDefPoly, 1 )
aInv case "failed" => error "PACOFF : division by zero"
-- On doit retourner un Record représentant l'inverse de a.
-- Ce Record est exactement le même que celui de a sauf
-- qu'il faut remplacer le polynôme du selecteur recEl
-- par le polynôme représentant l'inverse de a :
-- C'est ce que fait la fonction replaceRecEl.
replaceRecEl( a , aInv.coef1 )
a:% / b:% == a * inv(b)
a:K * b:%==
(a :: %) * b
b:% * a:K == a*b
a:% - b:% ==
a + (-b)
a:% * b:Fraction(Integer) ==
bn:=numer b
bd:=denom b
ebn:%:= bn * 1$%
ebd:%:= bd * 1$%
a * ebn * inv(ebd)
-a:% ==
a case K => -$K a
[-$SUP(%) (a pretend recRep).recEl,_
(a pretend recRep).recTower,_
(a pretend recRep).recDeg,_
(a pretend recRep).recPrevTower,_
(a pretend recRep).recName ]
bb:% = aa:% ==
b:=down bb
a:=down aa
^( extDegree(b) =$NNI extDegree(a) ) => false
(b case K) => ( (retract a)@K =$K (retract b)@K )
rda := a :: recRep
rdb := b :: recRep
not (rda.recTower =$SUP(%) rdb.recTower) => false
rdb.recEl =$SUP(%) rda.recEl
zero?(a:%) ==
da:=down a -- just to be sure !!!
^(da case K) => false
one?(a:%) ==
da:= down a -- just to be sure !!!
^(da case K) => false
--Coerce Functions
coerce(a:K):% == a
a case K => retractIfCan(a)$K
a case K => a
coerce(a:%):OutputForm ==
a case K => ((retract a)@K) ::OutputForm
outputForm((a pretend recRep).recEl,_
((a pretend recRep).recName)::OutputForm) $SUP(%)
a case K => ((retract a)@K) ::OutputForm
(a pretend recRep)::OutputForm
definingPolynomial(a:%): SUP % ==
a case K => monomial(1,1)$SUP(%)
(a pretend recRep).recTower
extDegree(a:%): PI ==
a case K => 1
(a pretend recRep).recDeg
previousTower(a:%):% ==
a case K => error "No previous extension for ground field element"
(a pretend recRep).recPrevTower
name(a:%):Symbol ==
a case K => error "No name for ground field element"
(a pretend recRep).recName
-- function related to the ground field
characteristic == characteristic()$K