/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/PFBRU.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Description:
++ PolynomialFactorizationByRecursionUnivariate
++ R is a \spadfun{PolynomialFactorizationExplicit} domain,
++ S is univariate polynomials over R
++ We are interested in handling SparseUnivariatePolynomials over
++ S, is a variable we shall call z
PolynomialFactorizationByRecursionUnivariate(R, S) : SIG == CODE where
R : PolynomialFactorizationExplicit
S : UnivariatePolynomialCategory(R)
PI ==> PositiveInteger
SupR ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial R
SupSupR ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial SupR
SupS ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial S
SupSupS ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial SupS
LPEBFS ==> LinearPolynomialEquationByFractions(S)
SIG ==> with
solveLinearPolynomialEquationByRecursion: (List SupS, SupS) ->
Union(List SupS,"failed")
++ \spad{solveLinearPolynomialEquationByRecursion([p1,...,pn],p)}
++ returns the list of polynomials \spad{[q1,...,qn]}
++ such that \spad{sum qi/pi = p / prod pi}, a
++ recursion step for solveLinearPolynomialEquation
++ as defined in \spadfun{PolynomialFactorizationExplicit} category
++ (see \spadfun{solveLinearPolynomialEquation}).
++ If no such list of qi exists, then "failed" is returned.
factorByRecursion: SupS -> Factored SupS
++ factorByRecursion(p) factors polynomial p. This function
++ performs the recursion step for factorPolynomial,
++ as defined in \spadfun{PolynomialFactorizationExplicit} category
++ (see \spadfun{factorPolynomial})
factorSquareFreeByRecursion: SupS -> Factored SupS
++ factorSquareFreeByRecursion(p) returns the square free
++ factorization of p. This functions performs
++ the recursion step for factorSquareFreePolynomial,
++ as defined in \spadfun{PolynomialFactorizationExplicit} category
++ (see \spadfun{factorSquareFreePolynomial}).
randomR: -> R -- has to be global, since has alternative definitions
++ randomR() produces a random element of R
factorSFBRlcUnit: (SupS) -> Factored SupS
++ factorSFBRlcUnit(p) returns the square free factorization of
++ polynomial p
++ (see \spadfun{factorSquareFreeByRecursion}{PolynomialFactorizationByRecursionUnivariate})
++ in the case where the leading coefficient of p
++ is a unit.
CODE ==> add
supR: SparseUnivariatePolynomial R
pp: SupS
lpolys,factors: List SupS
lr:List R
import FactoredFunctionUtilities(SupS)
import FactoredFunctions2(SupR,SupS)
import FactoredFunctions2(S,SupS)
import UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(S,SupS,R,SupR)
import UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(R,SupR,S,SupS)
-- local function declarations
raise: SupR -> SupS
lower: SupS -> SupR
factorSFBRlcUnitInner: (SupS,R) -> Union(Factored SupS,"failed")
hensel: (SupS,R,List SupS) ->
Union(Record(fctrs:List SupS),"failed")
chooseFSQViableSubstitutions: (SupS) ->
--++ chooseFSQViableSubstitutions(p), p is a sup
--++ ("sparse univariate polynomial")
--++ over a sup over R, returns a record
--++ \spad{[substnsField: r, ppRField: q]} where r is a substitution point
--++ q is a sup over R so that the (implicit) variable in q
--++ does not drop in degree and remains square-free.
-- here for the moment, until it compiles
-- N.B., we know that R is NOT a FiniteField, since
-- that is meant to have a special implementation, to break the
-- recursion
solveLinearPolynomialEquationByRecursion(lpolys,pp) ==
lhsdeg:="max"/["max"/[degree v for v in coefficients u] for u in lpolys]
rhsdeg:="max"/[degree v for v in coefficients pp]
lhsdeg = 0 =>
lpolysLower:=[lower u for u in lpolys]
answer:List SupS := [0 for u in lpolys]
for i in 0..rhsdeg repeat
ppx:=map((z1:S):R +-> coefficient(z1,i),pp)
zero? ppx => "next"
recAns:= solveLinearPolynomialEquation(lpolysLower,ppx)
recAns case "failed" => return "failed"
answer:=[monomial(1,i)$S * raise c + d
for c in recAns for d in answer]
-- local function definitions
hensel(pp,r,factors) ==
-- factors is a relatively prime factorization of pp modulo the ideal
-- (x-r), with suitably imposed leading coefficients.
-- This is lifted, without re-combinations, to a factorization
-- return "failed" if this can't be done
"max"/[degree(u) for u in coefficients pp]
pn:=prime:=monomial(1,1) - r::S
foundFactors:List SupS:=empty()
while (totdegree <= proddegree) repeat
Ecart:=(pp-*/factors) exquo pn
Ecart case "failed" =>
error "failed lifting in hensel in PFBRU"
zero? Ecart =>
-- then we have all the factors
return [append(foundFactors, factors)]
map(z1 +-> elt(z1,r::S),
step case "failed" => return "failed" -- must be a false split
factors:=[a+b*pn for a in factors for b in step]
for a in factors for c in origFactors repeat
pp1:= pp exquo a
pp1 case "failed" => "next"
proddegree := proddegree - "max"/[degree(u)
for u in coefficients a]
#factors < 2 =>
return [(empty? factors => foundFactors;
totdegree:= +/["max"/[degree(u)
for u in coefficients u1]
for u1 in factors]
"failed" -- must have been a false split
chooseFSQViableSubstitutions(pp) ==
ppR: SupR
while true repeat
substns:= randomR()
zero? elt(leadingCoefficient pp,substns ) => "next"
ppR:=map(z1 +-> elt(z1,substns),pp)
degree gcd(ppR,differentiate ppR)>0 => "next"
raise(supR) == map(z1 +-> z1:R::S,supR)
lower(pp) == map(z1 +-> retract(z1)::R,pp)
factorSFBRlcUnitInner(pp,r) ==
-- pp is square-free as a Sup, but the Up variable occurs.
-- Furthermore, its LC is a unit
-- returns "failed" if the substitution is bad, else a factorization
ppR:=map(z1 +-> elt(z1,r),pp)
degree ppR < degree pp => "failed"
degree gcd(ppR,differentiate ppR) >0 => "failed"
fDown:=factorSquareFreePolynomial ppR
[raise (unit fDown * factorList(fDown).first.fctr),
:[raise u.fctr for u in factorList(fDown).rest]]
#factors = 1 => makeFR(1,[["irred",pp,1]])
hen case "failed" => "failed"
makeFR(1,[["irred",u,1] for u in hen.fctrs])
-- exported function definitions
if R has StepThrough then
factorSFBRlcUnit(pp) ==
val:R := init()
while true repeat
not (tempAns case "failed") => return tempAns
val1:=nextItem val
val1 case "failed" =>
error "at this point, we know we have a finite field"
factorSFBRlcUnit(pp) ==
val:R := randomR()
while true repeat
not (tempAns case "failed") => return tempAns
val := randomR()
if R has StepThrough then
randomCount:R:= init()
randomR() ==
v case "failed" =>
SAY$Lisp "Taking another set of random values"
else if R has random: -> R then
randomR() == random()
randomR() == (random()$Integer rem 100)::R
factorByRecursion pp ==
and/[zero? degree u for u in coefficients pp] =>
map(raise,factorPolynomial lower pp)
c:=content pp
unit? c => refine(squareFree pp,factorSquareFreeByRecursion)
pp:=(pp exquo c)::SupS
mergeFactors(refine(squareFree pp,factorSquareFreeByRecursion),
map(z1 +-> z1:S::SupS,factor(c)$S))
factorSquareFreeByRecursion pp ==
and/[zero? degree u for u in coefficients pp] =>
map(raise,factorSquareFreePolynomial lower pp)
unit? (lcpp := leadingCoefficient pp) => factorSFBRlcUnit(pp)
oldnfact:NonNegativeInteger:= 999999
-- I hope we never have to factor a polynomial
-- with more than this number of factors
while true repeat -- a loop over possible false splits
newppR:=primitivePart cVS.ppRField
(nfact:=numberOfFactors factorsR) = 1 =>
return makeFR(1,[["irred",pp,1]])
-- OK, force all leading coefficients to be equal to the leading
-- coefficient of the input
nfact > oldnfact => "next" -- can't be a good reduction
lcppR:=leadingCoefficient cVS.ppRField
factors:=[raise((lcppR exquo leadingCoefficient u.fctr) ::R * u.fctr)
for u in factorList factorsR]
-- factors now multiplies to give cVS.ppRField * lcppR^(#factors-1)
-- Now change the leading coefficient to be lcpp
factors:=[monomial(lcpp,degree u) + reductum u for u in factors]
ppAdjust:=(lcppPow:=lcpp**#(rest factors)) * pp
hen case "failed" => "next"
factors:=[ (lc:=content w;
lcppPow:=(lcppPow exquo lc)::S;
(w exquo lc)::SupS)
for w in factors]
not unit? lcppPow =>
error "internal error in factorSquareFreeByRecursion"
makeFR((recip lcppPow)::S::SupS,
[["irred",w,1] for w in factors])