/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/PFO.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 22 July 1998
++ Description:
++ This package provides function for testing whether a divisor on a
++ curve is a torsion divisor.
PointsOfFiniteOrder(R0, F, UP, UPUP, R) : SIG == CODE where
R0 : Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain, RetractableTo Integer)
F : FunctionSpace R0
UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F
UPUP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory Fraction UP
R : FunctionFieldCategory(F, UP, UPUP)
PI ==> PositiveInteger
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
Z ==> Integer
Q ==> Fraction Integer
UPF ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
UPQ ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Q
QF ==> Fraction UP
UPUPQ ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Fraction UPQ
UP2 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial UPQ
UP3 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial UP2
FD ==> FiniteDivisor(F, UP, UPUP, R)
K ==> Kernel F
REC ==> Record(ncurve:UP3, disc:Z, dfpoly:UPQ)
RC0 ==> Record(ncurve:UPUPQ, disc:Z)
ID ==> FractionalIdeal(UP, QF, UPUP, R)
SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R0,K)
ALGOP ==> "%alg"
SIG ==> with
order : FD -> Union(N, "failed")
++ order(f) \undocumented
torsion? : FD -> Boolean
++ torsion?(f) \undocumented
torsionIfCan : FD -> Union(Record(order:N, function:R), "failed")
++ torsionIfCan(f)\ undocumented
CODE ==> add
import IntegerPrimesPackage(Z)
import PointsOfFiniteOrderTools(UPQ, UPUPQ)
import UnivariatePolynomialCommonDenominator(Z, Q, UPQ)
cmult: List SMP -> SMP
raise : (UPQ, K) -> F
raise2 : (UP2, K) -> UP
qmod : F -> Q
fmod : UPF -> UPQ
rmod : UP -> UPQ
pmod : UPUP -> UPUPQ
kqmod : (F, K) -> UPQ
krmod : (UP, K) -> UP2
kpmod : (UPUP, K) -> UP3
selectIntegers: K -> REC
selIntegers: () -> RC0
possibleOrder : FD -> N
ratcurve : (FD, RC0) -> N
algcurve : (FD, REC, K) -> N
kbad3Num : (UP3, UPQ) -> Z
kbadBadNum : (UP2, UPQ) -> Z
kgetGoodPrime : (REC, UPQ, UP3, UP2,UP2) -> Record(prime:PI,poly:UPQ)
goodRed : (REC, UPQ, UP3, UP2, UP2, PI) -> Union(UPQ, "failed")
good? : (UPQ, UP3, UP2, UP2, PI, UPQ) -> Boolean
klist : UP -> List K
aklist : R -> List K
alglist : FD -> List K
notIrr? : UPQ -> Boolean
rat : (UPUP, FD, PI) -> N
toQ1 : (UP2, UPQ) -> UP
toQ2 : (UP3, UPQ) -> R
Q2F : Q -> F
q := FunctionSpaceReduce(R0, F)
torsion? d == order(d) case N
Q2F x == numer(x)::F / denom(x)::F
qmod x == bringDown(x)$q
kqmod(x,k) == bringDown(x, k)$q
fmod p == map(qmod, p)$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(F, Q)
pmod p == map(qmod, p)$MultipleMap(F, UP, UPUP, Q, UPQ, UPUPQ)
Q2UPUP p == map(Q2F, p)$MultipleMap(Q, UPQ, UPUPQ, F, UP, UPUP)
klist d == "setUnion"/[kernels c for c in coefficients d]
notIrr? d == #(factors factor(d)$RationalFactorize(UPQ)) > 1
kbadBadNum(d, m) == mix [badNum(c rem m) for c in coefficients d]
kbad3Num(h, m) == lcm [kbadBadNum(c, m) for c in coefficients h]
torsionIfCan d ==
zero?(n := possibleOrder(d := reduce d)) => "failed"
(g := generator reduce(n::Z * d)) case "failed" => "failed"
[n, g::R]
UPQ2F(p:UPQ, k:K):F ==
map(Q2F, p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(Q, UPQ, F, UP) (k::F)
UP22UP(p:UP2, k:K):UP ==
map((p1:UPQ):F +-> UPQ2F(p1, k), p)_
UP32UPUP(p:UP3, k:K):UPUP ==
map((p1:UP2):QF +-> UP22UP(p1,k)::QF,p)_
$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(UP2, UP3, QF, UPUP)
if R0 has GcdDomain then
cmult(l:List SMP):SMP == lcm l
cmult(l:List SMP):SMP == */l
doubleDisc(f:UP3):Z ==
d := discriminant f
g := gcd(d, differentiate d)
d := (d exquo g)::UP2
zero?(e := discriminant d) => 0
gcd [retract(c)@Z for c in coefficients e]
commonDen(p:UP):SMP ==
l1:List F := coefficients p
l2:List SMP := [denom c for c in l1]
cmult l2
polyred(f:UPUP):UPUP ==
cmult([commonDen(retract(c)@UP) for c in coefficients f])::F::UP::QF * f
aklist f ==
(r := retractIfCan(f)@Union(QF, "failed")) case "failed" =>
"setUnion"/[klist(retract(c)@UP) for c in coefficients lift f]
alglist d ==
n := numer(i := ideal d)
select_!((k1:K):Boolean +-> has?(operator k1, ALGOP),
setUnion(klist denom i,
"setUnion"/[aklist qelt(n,i) for i in minIndex n..maxIndex n]))
krmod(p,k) ==
map(z1 +-> kqmod(z1, k),
p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(F, UP, UPQ, UP2)
rmod p ==
map(qmod, p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(F, UP, Q, UPQ)
raise(p, k) ==
(map(Q2F, p)$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(Q, F)) (k::F)
raise2(p, k) ==
map(z1 +-> raise(z1, k),
p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(UPQ, UP2, F, UP)
algcurve(d, rc, k) ==
mn := minIndex(n := numer(i := minimize ideal d))
h := kpmod(lift(hh := n(mn + 1)), k)
b2 := primitivePart
raise2(b := krmod(retract(retract(n.mn)@QF)@UP, k), k)
s := kqmod(resultant(primitivePart separate(raise2(krmod(
retract(norm hh)@UP, k), k), b2).primePart, b2), k)
pr := kgetGoodPrime(rc, s, h, b, dd := krmod(denom i, k))
p := pr.prime
pp := UP32UPUP(rc.ncurve, k)
mm := pr.poly
gf := InnerPrimeField p
m := map((z1:Q):gf +-> retract(z1)@Z :: gf,mm)_
$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(Q, gf)
(degree m = 1) =>
alpha := - coefficient(m, 0) / leadingCoefficient m
order(d, pp,
(z1:F):gf +-> (map((q1:Q):gf +-> numer(q1)::gf / denom(q1)::gf,
)$ReducedDivisor(F, UP, UPUP, R, gf)
sae:= SimpleAlgebraicExtension(gf,SparseUnivariatePolynomial gf,m)
order(d, pp,
(z1:F):sae +-> reduce(map((q1:Q):gf +-> numer(q1)::gf / denom(q1)::gf,
)$ReducedDivisor(F, UP, UPUP, R, sae)
-- returns the potential order of d, 0 if d is of infinite order
ratcurve(d, rc) ==
mn := minIndex(nm := numer(i := minimize ideal d))
h := pmod lift(hh := nm(mn + 1))
b := rmod(retract(retract(nm.mn)@QF)@UP)
s := separate(rmod(retract(norm hh)@UP), b).primePart
bd := badNum rmod denom i
r := resultant(s, b)
bad := lcm [rc.disc, numer r,denom r, bd.den*bd.gcdnum, badNum h]$List(Z)
pp := Q2UPUP(rc.ncurve)
n := rat(pp, d, p := getGoodPrime bad)
-- if n > 1 then it's cheaper to compute the order modulo a second prime,
-- since computing n * d could be very expensive
(n = 1) => n
m := rat(pp, d, getGoodPrime(p * bad))
n = m => n
-- returns the order of d mod p
rat(pp, d, p) ==
gf := InnerPrimeField p
order(d, pp,
(q1:F):gf +-> (qq := qmod q1;numer(qq)::gf / denom(qq)::gf)
)$ReducedDivisor(F, UP, UPUP, R, gf)
-- returns the potential order of d, 0 if d is of infinite order
possibleOrder d ==
zero?(genus()) or (#(numer ideal d) = 1) => 1
empty?(la := alglist d) => ratcurve(d, selIntegers())
not(empty? rest la) =>
error "PFO::possibleOrder: more than 1 algebraic constant"
algcurve(d, selectIntegers first la, first la)
selIntegers():RC0 ==
f := definingPolynomial()$R
while zero?(d := doubleDisc(r := polyred pmod f)) repeat newReduc()$q
[r, d]
selectIntegers(k:K):REC ==
g := polyred(f := definingPolynomial()$R)
p := minPoly k
while zero?(d := doubleDisc(r := kpmod(g, k))) or (notIrr? fmod p)
repeat newReduc()$q
[r, d, splitDenominator(fmod p).num]
toQ1(p, d) ==
map((p1:UPQ):F +-> Q2F(retract(p1 rem d)@Q),
p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(UPQ, UP2, F, UP)
toQ2(p, d) ==
reduce map((p1:UP2):QF +-> toQ1(p1, d)::QF,
p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(UP2, UP3, QF, UPUP)
kpmod(p, k) ==
map((p1:QF):UP2 +-> krmod(retract(p1)@UP, k),
p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(QF, UPUP, UP2, UP3)
order d ==
zero?(n := possibleOrder(d := reduce d)) => "failed"
principal? reduce(n::Z * d) => n
kgetGoodPrime(rec, res, h, b, d) ==
p:PI := 3
while (u := goodRed(rec, res, h, b, d, p)) case "failed" repeat
p := nextPrime(p::Z)::PI
[p, u::UPQ]
goodRed(rec, res, h, b, d, p) ==
zero?(rec.disc rem p) => "failed"
gf := InnerPrimeField p
l := [f.factor for f in factors
factor(map((z1:Q):gf +-> retract(z1)@Z :: gf,
SparseUnivariatePolynomial gf) | (f.exponent = 1)]
empty? l => "failed"
mdg := first l
for ff in rest l repeat
if degree(ff) < degree(mdg) then mdg := ff
md := map((z1:gf):Q +-> convert(z1)@Z :: Q,
mdg)$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(gf, Q)
good?(res, h, b, d, p, md) => md
good?(res, h, b, d, p, m) ==
bd := badNum(res rem m)
not (zero?(bd.den rem p) or zero?(bd.gcdnum rem p) or
zero?(kbadBadNum(b,m) rem p) or zero?(kbadBadNum(d,m) rem p)
or zero?(kbad3Num(h, m) rem p))