/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/PWFFINTB.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Clifton Williamson
++ Date Created: 5 July 1993
++ Date Last Updated: 17 August 1993
++ Description:
++ In this package K is a finite field, R is a ring of univariate
++ polynomials over K, and F is a monogenic algebra over R.
++ We require that F is monogenic, that \spad{F = K[x,y]/(f(x,y))},
++ because the integral basis algorithm used will factor the polynomial
++ \spad{f(x,y)}. The package provides a function to compute the integral
++ closure of R in the quotient field of F as well as a function to compute
++ a "local integral basis" at a specific prime.
PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis(K,R,UP,F) : SIG == CODE where
K : FiniteFieldCategory
R : UnivariatePolynomialCategory K
UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R
F : MonogenicAlgebra(R,UP)
I ==> Integer
L ==> List
L2 ==> ListFunctions2
Mat ==> Matrix R
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
PI ==> PositiveInteger
Q ==> Fraction R
SAE ==> SimpleAlgebraicExtension
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
CDEN ==> CommonDenominator
DDFACT ==> DistinctDegreeFactorize
WFFINTBS ==> WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis
Result ==> Record(basis: Mat, basisDen: R, basisInv:Mat)
IResult ==> Record(basis: Mat, basisDen: R, basisInv:Mat,discr: R)
IBPTOOLS ==> IntegralBasisPolynomialTools
IBACHIN ==> ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases
IRREDFFX ==> IrredPolyOverFiniteField
GHEN ==> GeneralHenselPackage
SIG ==> with
integralBasis : () -> Result
++ \spad{integralBasis()} returns a record
++ \spad{[basis,basisDen,basisInv]} containing information regarding
++ the integral closure of R in the quotient field of the framed
++ algebra F. F is a framed algebra with R-module basis
++ \spad{w1,w2,...,wn}.
++ If 'basis' is the matrix \spad{(aij, i = 1..n, j = 1..n)}, then
++ the \spad{i}th element of the integral basis is
++ \spad{vi = (1/basisDen) * sum(aij * wj, j = 1..n)}, the
++ \spad{i}th row of 'basis' contains the coordinates of the
++ \spad{i}th basis vector. Similarly, the \spad{i}th row of the
++ matrix 'basisInv' contains the coordinates of \spad{wi} with respect
++ to the basis \spad{v1,...,vn}: if 'basisInv' is the matrix
++ \spad{(bij, i = 1..n, j = 1..n)}, then
++ \spad{wi = sum(bij * vj, j = 1..n)}.
localIntegralBasis : R -> Result
++ \spad{localIntegralBasis(p)} returns a record
++ \spad{[basis,basisDen,basisInv]} containing information regarding
++ the local integral closure of R at the prime \spad{p} in the quotient
++ field of the framed algebra F. F is a framed algebra with R-module
++ basis \spad{w1,w2,...,wn}.
++ If 'basis' is the matrix \spad{(aij, i = 1..n, j = 1..n)}, then
++ the \spad{i}th element of the local integral basis is
++ \spad{vi = (1/basisDen) * sum(aij * wj, j = 1..n)}, the
++ \spad{i}th row of 'basis' contains the coordinates of the
++ \spad{i}th basis vector. Similarly, the \spad{i}th row of the
++ matrix 'basisInv' contains the coordinates of \spad{wi} with respect
++ to the basis \spad{v1,...,vn}: if 'basisInv' is the matrix
++ \spad{(bij, i = 1..n, j = 1..n)}, then
++ \spad{wi = sum(bij * vj, j = 1..n)}.
reducedDiscriminant : UP -> R
++ reducedDiscriminant(up) \undocumented
CODE ==> add
import IntegralBasisTools(R, UP, F)
import GeneralHenselPackage(R,UP)
import ModularHermitianRowReduction(R)
import TriangularMatrixOperations(R, Vector R, Vector R, Matrix R)
reducedDiscriminant f ==
ff : SUP Q := mapUnivariate((r1:R):Q+->r1 :: Q,f)$IBPTOOLS(R,UP,SUP UP,Q)
ee := extendedEuclidean(ff,differentiate ff)
cc := concat(coefficients(ee.coef1),coefficients(ee.coef2))
cden := splitDenominator(cc)$CDEN(R,Q,L Q)
denom := cden.den
gg := gcd map(numer,cden.num)$L2(Q,R)
(ans := denom exquo gg) case "failed" =>
error "PWFFINTB: error in reduced discriminant computation"
ans :: R
compLocalBasis: (UP,R) -> Result
compLocalBasis(poly,prime) ==
-- compute a local integral basis at 'prime' for k[x,y]/(poly(x,y)).
sae := SAE(R,UP,poly)
compLocalBasisOverExt: (UP,R,UP,NNI) -> Result
compLocalBasisOverExt(poly0,prime0,irrPoly0,k) ==
-- poly0 = irrPoly0**k (mod prime0)
n := degree poly0; disc0 := discriminant poly0
(disc0 exquo prime0) case "failed" =>
[scalarMatrix(n,1), 1, scalarMatrix(n,1)]
r := degree irrPoly0
-- extend scalars:
-- construct irreducible polynomial of degree r over K
irrPoly := generateIrredPoly(r :: PI)$IRREDFFX(K)
-- construct extension of degree r over K
E := SAE(K,SUP K,irrPoly)
-- lift coefficients to elements of E
poly := mapBivariate((k1:K):E +-> k1::E,poly0)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E)
redDisc0 := reducedDiscriminant poly0
redDisc := mapUnivariate((k1:K):E +-> k1::E,redDisc0)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E)
prime := mapUnivariate((k1:K):E +-> k1::E,prime0)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E)
sae := SAE(E,SUP E,prime)
-- reduction (mod prime) of polynomial of which poly is the kth power
redIrrPoly :=
pp := mapBivariate((k1:K):E +-> k1::E,irrPoly0)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E)
mapUnivariate(reduce,pp)$IBPTOOLS(SUP E,SUP SUP E,SUP SUP SUP E,sae)
-- factor the reduction
factorListSAE := factors factor(redIrrPoly)$DDFACT(sae,SUP sae)
-- list the 'primary factors' of the reduction of poly
redFactors : List SUP sae := [(f.factor)**k for f in factorListSAE]
-- lift these factors to elements of SUP SUP E
primaries : List SUP SUP E :=
[mapUnivariate(lift,ff)$IBPTOOLS(SUP E,SUP SUP E,SUP SUP SUP E,sae) _
for ff in redFactors]
-- lift the factors to factors modulo a suitable power of 'prime'
deg := (1 + order(redDisc,prime) * degree(prime)) :: PI
henselInfo := HenselLift(poly,primaries,prime,deg)$GHEN(SUP E,SUP SUP E)
henselFactors := henselInfo.plist
psi1 := first henselFactors
factorIb := localIntegralBasis(prime)$WFFINTBS(E,SUP E,SUP SUP E,FF)
bs := listConjugateBases(factorIb,size()$K,r)$IBACHIN(E,SUP E,SUP SUP E)
ib := chineseRemainder(henselFactors,bs,n)$IBACHIN(E,SUP E,SUP SUP E)
b : Matrix R :=
bas := mapMatrixIfCan(retractIfCan,ib.basis)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E)
bas case "failed" => error "retraction of basis failed"
bas :: Matrix R
bInv : Matrix R :=
--bas := mapMatrixIfCan(ric,ib.basisInv)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E)
bas := mapMatrixIfCan(retractIfCan,ib.basisInv)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E)
bas case "failed" => error "retraction of basis inverse failed"
bas :: Matrix R
bDen : R :=
p := mapUnivariateIfCan(retractIfCan,ib.basisDen)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E)
p case "failed" => error "retraction of basis denominator failed"
p :: R
padicLocalIntegralBasis: (UP,R,R,R) -> IResult
padicLocalIntegralBasis(p,disc,redDisc,prime) ==
-- polynomials in x modulo 'prime'
sae := SAE(K,R,prime)
-- find the factorization of 'p' modulo 'prime' and lift the
-- prime powers to elements of UP:
-- reduce 'p' modulo 'prime'
reducedP := mapUnivariate(reduce,p)$IBPTOOLS(R,UP,SUP UP,sae)
-- factor the reduced polynomial
factorListSAE := factors factor(reducedP)$DDFACT(sae,SUP sae)
-- if only one prime factor, perform usual integral basis computation
(# factorListSAE) = 1 =>
ib := localIntegralBasis(prime)$WFFINTBS(K,R,UP,F)
index := diagonalProduct(ib.basisInv)
[ib.basis,ib.basisDen,ib.basisInv,disc quo (index * index)]
-- list the 'prime factors' of the reduced polynomial
redPrimes : List SUP sae :=
[f.factor for f in factorListSAE]
-- lift these factors to elements of UP
primes : List UP :=
[mapUnivariate(lift,ff)$IBPTOOLS(R,UP,SUP UP,sae) for ff in redPrimes]
-- list the exponents
expons : List NNI := [((f.exponent) :: NNI) for f in factorListSAE]
-- list the 'primary factors' of the reduced polynomial
redPrimaries : List SUP sae :=
[(f.factor) **((f.exponent) :: NNI) for f in factorListSAE]
-- lift these factors to elements of UP
primaries : List UP :=
[mapUnivariate(lift,ff)$IBPTOOLS(R,UP,SUP UP,sae)_
for ff in redPrimaries]
-- lift the factors to factors modulo a suitable power of 'prime'
deg := (1 + order(redDisc,prime) * degree(prime)) :: PI
henselInfo := HenselLift(p,primaries,prime,deg)
henselFactors := henselInfo.plist
-- compute integral bases for the factors
factorBases : List Result := empty(); degPrime := degree prime
for pp in primes for k in expons for qq in henselFactors repeat
base :=
degPp := degree pp
degPp > 1 and gcd(degPp,degPrime) = 1 =>
factorBases := concat(base,factorBases)
factorBases := reverse_! factorBases
ib:= chineseRemainder(henselFactors,factorBases,rank()$F)$IBACHIN(K,R,UP)
index := diagonalProduct(ib.basisInv)
[ib.basis,ib.basisDen,ib.basisInv,disc quo (index * index)]
localIntegralBasis prime ==
p := definingPolynomial()$F; disc := discriminant p
--disc := determinant traceMatrix()$F
redDisc := reducedDiscriminant p
ib := padicLocalIntegralBasis(p,disc,redDisc,prime)
listSquaredFactors: R -> List R
listSquaredFactors px ==
-- returns a list of the factors of px which occur with
-- exponent > 1
ans : List R := empty()
factored := factor(px)$DistinctDegreeFactorize(K,R)
for f in factors(factored) repeat
if f.exponent > 1 then ans := concat(f.factor,ans)
integralBasis() ==
p := definingPolynomial()$F; disc := discriminant p; n := rank()$F
--traceMat := traceMatrix()$F; n := rank()$F
--disc := determinant traceMat -- discriminant of current order
singList := listSquaredFactors disc -- singularities of relative Spec
redDisc := reducedDiscriminant p
runningRb := runningRbinv := scalarMatrix(n,1)$Mat
-- runningRb = basis matrix of current order
-- runningRbinv = inverse basis matrix of current order
-- these are wrt the original basis for F
runningRbden : R := 1
-- runningRbden = denominator for current basis matrix
empty? singList => [runningRb, runningRbden, runningRbinv]
for prime in singList repeat
lb := padicLocalIntegralBasis(p,disc,redDisc,prime)
rb := lb.basis; rbinv := lb.basisInv; rbden := lb.basisDen
disc := lb.discr
mat := vertConcat(rbden * runningRb,runningRbden * rb)
runningRbden := runningRbden * rbden
runningRb := squareTop rowEchelon(mat,runningRbden)
--runningRb := squareTop rowEch mat
runningRbinv := UpTriBddDenomInv(runningRb,runningRbden)
[runningRb, runningRbden, runningRbinv]