/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/QALGSET.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: William Sit
++ Date Created: March 13, 1992
++ Date Last Updated: June 12, 1992
++ References:William Sit, "An Algorithm for Parametric Linear Systems"
++ J. Sym. Comp., April, 1992
++ Description:
++ \spadtype{QuasiAlgebraicSet} constructs a domain representing
++ quasi-algebraic sets, which is the intersection of a Zariski
++ closed set, defined as the common zeros of a given list of
++ polynomials (the defining polynomials for equations), and a principal
++ Zariski open set, defined as the complement of the common
++ zeros of a polynomial f (the defining polynomial for the inequation).
++ This domain provides simplification of a user-given representation
++ using groebner basis computations.
++ There are two simplification routines: the first function
++ \spadfun{idealSimplify} uses groebner
++ basis of ideals alone, while the second, \spadfun{simplify} uses both
++ groebner basis and factorization. The resulting defining equations L
++ always form a groebner basis, and the resulting defining
++ inequation f is always reduced. The function \spadfun{simplify} may
++ be applied several times if desired. A third simplification
++ routine \spadfun{radicalSimplify} is provided in
++ \spadtype{QuasiAlgebraicSet2} for comparison study only,
++ as it is inefficient compared to the other two, as well as is
++ restricted to only certain coefficient domains. For detail analysis
++ and a comparison of the three methods, please consult the reference
++ cited.
++ A polynomial function q defined on the quasi-algebraic set
++ is equivalent to its reduced form with respect to L. While
++ this may be obtained using the usual normal form
++ algorithm, there is no canonical form for q.
++ The ordering in groebner basis computation is determined by
++ the data type of the input polynomials. If it is possible
++ we suggest to use refinements of total degree orderings.
QuasiAlgebraicSet(R, Var,Expon,Dpoly) : SIG == CODE where
R : GcdDomain
Var : OrderedSet
Expon : OrderedAbelianMonoidSup
Dpoly : PolynomialCategory(R,Expon,Var)
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
newExpon ==> Product(NNI,Expon)
newPoly ==> PolynomialRing(R,newExpon)
Ex ==> OutputForm
mrf ==> MultivariateFactorize(Var,Expon,R,Dpoly)
Status ==> Union(Boolean,"failed") -- empty or not, or don't know
SIG ==> Join(SetCategory, CoercibleTo OutputForm) with
--- should be Object instead of SetCategory, bug in LIST Object ---
--- equality is not implemented ---
empty : () -> $
++ empty() returns the empty quasi-algebraic set
quasiAlgebraicSet : (List Dpoly, Dpoly) -> $
++ quasiAlgebraicSet(pl,q) returns the quasi-algebraic set
++ with defining equations p = 0 for p belonging to the list pl, and
++ defining inequation q ^= 0.
status : $ -> Status
++ status(s) returns true if the quasi-algebraic set is empty,
++ false if it is not, and "failed" if not yet known
setStatus : ($, Status) -> $
++ setStatus(s,t) returns the same representation for s, but
++ asserts the following: if t is true, then s is empty,
++ if t is false, then s is non-empty, and if t = "failed",
++ then no assertion is made (that is, "don't know").
++ Note: for internal use only, with care.
empty? : $ -> Boolean
++ empty?(s) returns
++ true if the quasialgebraic set s has no points,
++ and false otherwise.
definingEquations : $ -> List Dpoly
++ definingEquations(s) returns a list of defining polynomials
++ for equations, that is, for the Zariski closed part of s.
definingInequation : $ -> Dpoly
++ definingInequation(s) returns a single defining polynomial for the
++ inequation, that is, the Zariski open part of s.
idealSimplify : $ -> $
++ idealSimplify(s) returns a different and presumably simpler
++ representation of s with the defining polynomials for the
++ equations
++ forming a groebner basis, and the defining polynomial for the
++ inequation reduced with respect to the basis, using Buchberger's
++ algorithm.
if (R has EuclideanDomain) and (R has CharacteristicZero) then
simplify : $ -> $
++ simplify(s) returns a different and presumably simpler
++ representation of s with the defining polynomials for the
++ equations
++ forming a groebner basis, and the defining polynomial for the
++ inequation reduced with respect to the basis, using a heuristic
++ algorithm based on factoring.
CODE ==> add
Rep := Record(status:Status,zero:List Dpoly, nzero:Dpoly)
import GroebnerPackage(R,Expon,Var,Dpoly)
import GroebnerPackage(R,newExpon,Var,newPoly)
import GroebnerInternalPackage(R,Expon,Var,Dpoly)
---- Local Functions ----
minset : List List Dpoly -> List List Dpoly
overset? : (List Dpoly, List List Dpoly) -> Boolean
npoly : Dpoly -> newPoly
oldpoly : newPoly -> Union(Dpoly,"failed")
if (R has EuclideanDomain) and (R has CharacteristicZero) then
factorset (y:Dpoly):List Dpoly ==
ground? y => []
[j.factor for j in factors factor$mrf y]
simplify x ==
if x.status case "failed" then
x:=quasiAlgebraicSet(zro:=groebner x.zero, redPol(x.nzero,zro))
(pnzero:=x.nzero)=0 => empty()
nzro:=factorset pnzero
mset:=minset [factorset p for p in x.zero]
mset:=[setDifference(s,nzro) for s in mset]
zro:=groebner [*/s for s in mset]
member? (1$Dpoly, zro) => empty()
[x.status, zro, primitivePart redPol( */nzro, zro)]
npoly(f:Dpoly) : newPoly ==
zero? f => 0
monomial(leadingCoefficient f,makeprod(0,degree f))$newPoly +
npoly(reductum f)
oldpoly(q:newPoly) : Union(Dpoly,"failed") ==
q=0$newPoly => 0$Dpoly
dq:newExpon:=degree q
n:NNI:=selectfirst (dq)
n^=0 => "failed"
((g:=oldpoly reductum q) case "failed") => "failed"
monomial(leadingCoefficient q,selectsecond dq)$Dpoly + (g::Dpoly)
coerce x ==
x.status = true => "Empty"::Ex
bracket [[hconcat(f::Ex, " = 0"::Ex) for f in x.zero ]::Ex,
hconcat( x.nzero::Ex, " != 0"::Ex)]
empty? x ==
if x.status case "failed" then x:=idealSimplify x
x.status :: Boolean
empty() == [true::Status, [1$Dpoly], 0$Dpoly]
status x == x.status
setStatus(x,t) == [t,x.zero,x.nzero]
definingEquations x == x.zero
definingInequation x == x.nzero
quasiAlgebraicSet(z0,n0) == ["failed", z0, n0]
idealSimplify x ==
x.status case Boolean => x
z0:= x.zero
n0:= x.nzero
empty? z0 => [false, z0, n0]
member? (1$Dpoly, z0) => empty()
tp:newPoly:=(monomial(1,makeprod(1,0$Expon))$newPoly * npoly n0)-1
ngb:=groebner concat(tp, [npoly g for g in z0])
member? (1$newPoly, ngb) => empty()
gb:List Dpoly:=nil
while not empty? ngb repeat
if ((f:=oldpoly ngb.first) case Dpoly) then gb:=concat(f, gb)
[false::Status, gb, primitivePart redPol(n0, gb)]
minset lset ==
empty? lset => lset
[s for s in lset | ^(overset?(s,lset))]
overset?(p,qlist) ==
empty? qlist => false
or/[(brace$(Set Dpoly) q) <$(Set Dpoly) (brace$(Set Dpoly) p) _
for q in qlist]