/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/RADIX.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Stephen M. Watt
++ Date Created: October 1986
++ Date Last Updated: May 15, 1991
++ Description:
++ This domain allows rational numbers to be presented as repeating
++ decimal expansions or more generally as repeating expansions in any base.
RadixExpansion(bb) : SIG == CODE where
bb : Integer
I ==> Integer
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
OUT ==> OutputForm
RN ==> Fraction Integer
ST ==> Stream Integer
QuoRem ==> Record(quotient: Integer, remainder: Integer)
SIG ==> QuotientFieldCategory(Integer) with
coerce : % -> Fraction Integer
++ coerce(rx) converts a radix expansion to a rational number.
fractionPart : % -> Fraction Integer
++ fractionPart(rx) returns the fractional part of a radix expansion.
wholeRagits : % -> List Integer
++ wholeRagits(rx) returns the ragits of the integer part
++ of a radix expansion.
fractRagits : % -> Stream Integer
++ fractRagits(rx) returns the ragits of the fractional part
++ of a radix expansion.
prefixRagits : % -> List Integer
++ prefixRagits(rx) returns the non-cyclic part of the ragits
++ of the fractional part of a radix expansion.
++ For example, if \spad{x = 3/28 = 0.10 714285 714285 ...},
++ then \spad{prefixRagits(x)=[1,0]}.
cycleRagits : % -> List Integer
++ cycleRagits(rx) returns the cyclic part of the ragits of the
++ fractional part of a radix expansion.
++ For example, if \spad{x = 3/28 = 0.10 714285 714285 ...},
++ then \spad{cycleRagits(x) = [7,1,4,2,8,5]}.
wholeRadix : List Integer -> %
++ wholeRadix(l) creates an integral radix expansion from a list
++ of ragits.
++ For example, \spad{wholeRadix([1,3,4])} will return \spad{134}.
fractRadix : (List Integer, List Integer) -> %
++ fractRadix(pre,cyc) creates a fractional radix expansion
++ from a list of prefix ragits and a list of cyclic ragits.
++ for example, \spad{fractRadix([1],[6])} will return
++ \spad{0.16666666...}.
CODE ==> add
-- The efficiency of arithmetic operations is poor.
-- Could use a lazy eval where either rational rep
-- or list of ragit rep (the current) or both are kept
-- as demanded.
bb < 2 => error "Radix base must be at least 2"
Rep := Record(sgn: Integer, int: List Integer,
pfx: List Integer, cyc: List Integer)
q: RN
qr: QuoRem
a,b: %
n: I
radixInt: (I, I) -> List I
radixFrac: (I, I, I) -> Record(pfx: List I, cyc: List I)
checkRagits: List I -> Boolean
-- Arithmetic operations
characteristic() == 0
differentiate a == 0
0 == [1, nil(), nil(), nil()]
1 == [1, [1], nil(), nil()]
- a == (a = 0 => 0; [-a.sgn, a.int, a.pfx, a.cyc])
a + b == (a::RN + b::RN)::%
a - b == (a::RN - b::RN)@RN::%
n * a == (n * a::RN)::%
a * b == (a::RN * b::RN)::%
a / b == (a::RN / b::RN)::%
(i:I) / (j:I) == (i/j)@RN :: %
a < b == a::RN < b::RN
a = b == a.sgn = b.sgn and a.int = b.int and
a.pfx = b.pfx and a.cyc = b.cyc
numer a == numer(a::RN)
denom a == denom(a::RN)
-- Algebraic coercions
coerce(a):RN == (wholePart a) :: RN + fractionPart a
coerce(n):% == n :: RN :: %
coerce(q):% ==
s := 1; if q < 0 then (s := -1; q := -q)
qr := divide(numer q,denom q)
whole := radixInt (qr.quotient,bb)
fractn := radixFrac(qr.remainder,denom q,bb)
cycle := (fractn.cyc = [0] => nil(); fractn.cyc)
retractIfCan(a):Union(RN,"failed") == a::RN
retractIfCan(a):Union(I,"failed") ==
empty?(a.pfx) and empty?(a.cyc) => wholePart a
-- Exported constructor/destructors
ceiling a == ceiling(a::RN)
floor a == floor(a::RN)
wholePart a ==
n0 := 0
for r in a.int repeat n0 := bb*n0 + r
fractionPart a ==
n0 := 0
for r in a.pfx repeat n0 := bb*n0 + r
null a.cyc =>
n1 := n0
for r in a.cyc repeat n1 := bb*n1 + r
n := n1 - n0
d := (bb**((#a.cyc)::NNI) - 1) * bb**((#a.pfx)::NNI)
wholeRagits a == a.int
fractRagits a == concat(construct(a.pfx)@ST,repeating a.cyc)
prefixRagits a == a.pfx
cycleRagits a == a.cyc
wholeRadix li ==
checkRagits li
[1, li, nil(), nil()]
fractRadix(lpfx, lcyc) ==
checkRagits lpfx; checkRagits lcyc
[1, nil(), lpfx, lcyc]
-- Output
intToExpr(i:I): OUT ==
-- computes a digit for bases between 11 and 36
i < 10 => i :: OUT
elt(ALPHAS,(i-10) + minIndex(ALPHAS)) :: OUT
exprgroup(le: List OUT): OUT ==
empty? le => error "exprgroup needs non-null list"
empty? rest le => first le
abs bb <= 36 => hconcat le
blankSeparate le
intgroup(li: List I): OUT ==
empty? li => error "intgroup needs non-null list"
empty? rest li => intToExpr first(li)
abs bb <= 10 => hconcat [i :: OUT for i in li]
abs bb <= 36 => hconcat [intToExpr(i) for i in li]
blankSeparate [i :: OUT for i in li]
overBar(li: List I): OUT == overbar intgroup li
coerce(a): OUT ==
le : List OUT := nil()
if not null a.cyc then le := concat(overBar a.cyc,le)
if not null a.pfx then le := concat(intgroup a.pfx,le)
if not null le then le := concat("." :: OUT,le)
if not null a.int then le := concat(intgroup a.int,le)
else le := concat(0 :: OUT,le)
rex := exprgroup le
if a.sgn < 0 then -rex else rex
-- Construction utilities
checkRagits li ==
for i in li repeat if i < 0 or i >= bb then
error "Each ragit (digit) must be between 0 and base-1"
radixInt(n,bas) ==
rits: List I := nil()
while abs n ^= 0 repeat
qr := divide(n,bas)
n := qr.quotient
rits := concat(qr.remainder,rits)
radixFrac(num,den,bas) ==
-- Rits is the sequence of quotient/remainder pairs
-- in calculating the radix expansion of the rational number.
-- We wish to find p and c such that
-- rits.i are distinct for 0<=i<=p+c-1
-- rits.i = rits.(i+p) for i>p
-- p is the length of the non-periodic prefix and c is
-- the length of the cycle.
-- Compute p and c using Floyd's algorithm.
-- 1. Find smallest n s.t. rits.n = rits.(2*n)
qr := divide(bas * num, den)
i : I := 0
qr1i := qr2i := qr
rits: List QuoRem := [qr]
until qr1i = qr2i repeat
qr1i := divide(bas * qr1i.remainder,den)
qrt := divide(bas * qr2i.remainder,den)
qr2i := divide(bas * qrt.remainder,den)
rits := concat(qr2i, concat(qrt, rits))
i := i + 1
rits := reverse_! rits
n := i
-- 2. Find p = first i such that rits.i = rits.(i+n)
ritsi := rits
ritsn := rits; for i in 1..n repeat ritsn := rest ritsn
i := 0
while first(ritsi) ^= first(ritsn) repeat
ritsi := rest ritsi
ritsn := rest ritsn
i := i + 1
p := i
-- 3. Find c = first i such that rits.p = rits.(p+i)
ritsn := rits; for i in 1..n repeat ritsn := rest ritsn
rn := first ritsn
cfound:= false
c : I := 0
for i in 1..p while not cfound repeat
ritsn := rest ritsn
if rn = first(ritsn) then
c := i
cfound := true
if not cfound then c := n
-- 4. Now produce the lists of ragits.
ritspfx: List I := nil()
ritscyc: List I := nil()
for i in 1..p repeat
ritspfx := concat(first(rits).quotient, ritspfx)
rits := rest rits
for i in 1..c repeat
ritscyc := concat(first(rits).quotient, ritscyc)
rits := rest rits
[reverse_! ritspfx, reverse_! ritscyc]