/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/REAL0.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Andy Neff
++ Description:
++ This package provides functions for finding the real zeros
++ of univariate polynomials over the integers to arbitrary user-specified
++ precision. The results are returned as a list of
++ isolating intervals which are expressed as records with
++ "left" and "right" rational number components.
RealZeroPackage(Pol) : SIG == CODE where
Pol : UnivariatePolynomialCategory Integer
RN ==> Fraction Integer
Interval ==> Record(left : RN, right : RN)
isoList ==> List(Interval)
SIG ==> with
-- next two functions find isolating intervals
realZeros : (Pol) -> isoList
++ realZeros(pol) returns a list of isolating intervals for
++ all the real zeros of the univariate polynomial pol.
realZeros : (Pol, Interval) -> isoList
++ realZeros(pol, range) returns a list of isolating intervals
++ for all the real zeros of the univariate polynomial pol which
++ lie in the interval expressed by the record range.
-- next two functions return intervals smaller then tolerence
realZeros : (Pol, RN) -> isoList
++ realZeros(pol, eps) returns a list of intervals of length less
++ than the rational number eps for all the real roots of the
++ polynomial pol.
realZeros : (Pol, Interval, RN) -> isoList
++ realZeros(pol, int, eps) returns a list of intervals of length
++ less than the rational number eps for all the real roots of the
++ polynomial pol which lie in the interval expressed by the
++ record int.
refine : (Pol, Interval, RN) -> Interval
++ refine(pol, int, eps) refines the interval int containing
++ exactly one root of the univariate polynomial pol to size less
++ than the rational number eps.
refine : (Pol, Interval, Interval) -> Union(Interval,"failed")
++ refine(pol, int, range) takes a univariate polynomial pol and
++ and isolating interval int containing exactly one real
++ root of pol; the operation returns an isolating interval which
++ is contained within range, or "failed" if no such isolating interval exists.
midpoint : Interval -> RN
++ midpoint(int) returns the midpoint of the interval int.
midpoints : isoList -> List RN
++ midpoints(isolist) returns the list of midpoints for the list
++ of intervals isolist.
CODE ==> add
--Local Functions
makeSqfr: Pol -> Pol
ReZeroSqfr: (Pol) -> isoList
PosZero: (Pol) -> isoList
Zero1: (Pol) -> isoList
transMult: (Integer, Pol) -> Pol
transMultInv: (Integer, Pol) -> Pol
transAdd1: (Pol) -> Pol
invert: (Pol) -> Pol
minus: (Pol) -> Pol
negate: Interval -> Interval
rootBound: (Pol) -> Integer
var: (Pol) -> Integer
negate(int : Interval):Interval == [-int.right,-int.left]
midpoint(i : Interval):RN == (1/2)*(i.left + i.right)
midpoints(li : isoList) : List RN ==
[midpoint x for x in li]
makeSqfr(F : Pol):Pol ==
sqfr := squareFree F
F := */[s.factor for s in factors(sqfr)]
realZeros(F : Pol) ==
ReZeroSqfr makeSqfr F
realZeros(F : Pol, rn : RN) ==
F := makeSqfr F
[refine(F,int,rn) for int in ReZeroSqfr(F)]
realZeros(F : Pol, bounds : Interval) ==
F := makeSqfr F
[rint::Interval for int in ReZeroSqfr(F) |
(rint:=refine(F,int,bounds)) case Interval]
realZeros(F : Pol, bounds : Interval, rn : RN) ==
F := makeSqfr F
[refine(F,int,rn) for int in realZeros(F,bounds)]
ReZeroSqfr(F : Pol) ==
F = 0 => error "ReZeroSqfr: zero polynomial"
L : isoList := []
degree(F) = 0 => L
if (r := minimumDegree(F)) > 0 then
L := [[0,0]$Interval]
tempF := F exquo monomial(1, r)
if not (tempF case "failed") then
F := tempF
J:isoList := [negate int for int in reverse(PosZero(minus(F)))]
K : isoList := PosZero(F)
append(append(J, L), K)
PosZero(F : Pol) == --F is square free, primitive
--and F(0) ^= 0; returns isoList for positive
--roots of F
b : Integer := rootBound(F)
F := transMult(b,F)
L : isoList := Zero1(F)
int : Interval
L := [[b*int.left, b*int.right]$Interval for int in L]
Zero1(F : Pol) == --returns isoList for roots of F in (0,1)
J : isoList
K : isoList
L : isoList
L := []
(v := var(transAdd1(invert(F)))) = 0 => []
v = 1 => L := [[0,1]$Interval]
G : Pol := transMultInv(2, F)
H : Pol := transAdd1(G)
if minimumDegree H > 0 then
-- H has a root at 0 => F has one at 1/2, and G at 1
L := [[1/2,1/2]$Interval]
Q : Pol := monomial(1, 1)
tempH : Union(Pol, "failed") := H exquo Q
if not (tempH case "failed") then H := tempH
Q := Q + monomial(-1, 0)
tempG : Union(Pol, "failed") := G exquo Q
if not (tempG case "failed") then G := tempG
int : Interval
J := [[(int.left+1)* (1/2),(int.right+1) * (1/2)]$Interval
for int in Zero1(H)]
K := [[int.left * (1/2), int.right * (1/2)]$Interval
for int in Zero1(G)]
append(append(J, L), K)
rootBound(F : Pol) == --returns power of 2 that is a bound
--for the positive roots of F
if leadingCoefficient(F) < 0 then F := -F
lcoef := leadingCoefficient(F)
F := reductum(F)
i : Integer := 0
while not (F = 0) repeat
if (an := leadingCoefficient(F)) < 0 then i := i - an
F := reductum(F)
b : Integer := 1
while (b * lcoef) <= i repeat
b := 2 * b
transMult(c : Integer, F : Pol) ==
--computes Pol G such that G(x) = F(c*x)
G : Pol := 0
while not (F = 0) repeat
n := degree(F)
G := G + monomial((c**n) * leadingCoefficient(F), n)
F := reductum(F)
transMultInv(c : Integer, F : Pol) ==
--computes Pol G such that G(x) = (c**n) * F(x/c)
d := degree(F)
cc : Integer := 1
G : Pol := monomial(leadingCoefficient F,d)
while (F:=reductum(F)) ^= 0 repeat
n := degree(F)
cc := cc*(c**(d-n):NonNegativeInteger)
G := G + monomial(cc * leadingCoefficient(F), n)
d := n
transAdd1(F : Pol) ==
--computes Pol G such that G(x) = F(x+1)
n := degree F
v := vectorise(F, n+1)
for i in 0..(n-1) repeat
for j in (n-i)..n repeat
qsetelt_!(v,j, qelt(v,j) + qelt(v,(j+1)))
ans : Pol := 0
for i in 0..n repeat
ans := ans + monomial(qelt(v,(i+1)),i)
minus(F : Pol) ==
--computes Pol G such that G(x) = F(-x)
G : Pol := 0
while not (F = 0) repeat
n := degree(F)
coef := leadingCoefficient(F)
odd? n =>
G := G + monomial(-coef, n)
F := reductum(F)
G := G + monomial(coef, n)
F := reductum(F)
invert(F : Pol) ==
--computes Pol G such that G(x) = (x**n) * F(1/x)
G : Pol := 0
n := degree(F)
while not (F = 0) repeat
G := G + monomial(leadingCoefficient(F),
F := reductum(F)
var(F : Pol) == --number of sign variations in coefs of F
i : Integer := 0
LastCoef : Boolean
next : Boolean
LastCoef := leadingCoefficient(F) < 0
while not ((F := reductum(F)) = 0) repeat
next := leadingCoefficient(F) < 0
if ((not LastCoef) and next) or
((not next) and LastCoef) then i := i+1
LastCoef := next
refine(F : Pol, int : Interval, bounds : Interval) ==
lseg := min(int.right,bounds.right) - max(int.left,bounds.left)
lseg < 0 => "failed"
lseg = 0 =>
pt :=
int.left = bounds.right => int.left
elt(transMultInv(denom(pt),F),numer pt) = 0 => [pt,pt]
lseg = int.right - int.left => int
refine(F, refine(F, int, lseg), bounds)
refine(F : Pol, int : Interval, eps : RN) ==
a := int.left
b := int.right
a=b => [a,b]$Interval
an : Integer := numer(a)
ad : Integer := denom(a)
bn : Integer := numer(b)
bd : Integer := denom(b)
xfl : Boolean := false
if (u:=elt(transMultInv(ad, F), an)) = 0 then
F := (F exquo (monomial(ad,1)-monomial(an,0)))::Pol
u:=elt(transMultInv(ad, F), an)
if (v:=elt(transMultInv(bd, F), bn)) = 0 then
F := (F exquo (monomial(bd,1)-monomial(bn,0)))::Pol
v:=elt(transMultInv(bd, F), bn)
u:=elt(transMultInv(ad, F), an)
if u > 0 then (F:=-F;v:=-v)
if v < 0 then
error [int, "is not a valid isolation interval for", F]
if eps <= 0 then error "precision must be positive"
while (b - a) >= eps repeat
mid : RN := (b + a) * (1/2)
midn : Integer := numer(mid)
midd : Integer := denom(mid)
(v := elt(transMultInv(midd, F), midn)) < 0 =>
a := mid
an := midn
ad := midd
v > 0 =>
b := mid
bn := midn
bd := midd
v = 0 =>
a := mid
b := mid
an := midn
ad := midd
xfl := true
[a, b]$Interval