/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/RURPK.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Marc Moreno Maza
++ Date Created: 01/1999
++ Date Last Updated: 23/01/1999
++ Description:
++ A package for computing the rational univariate representation
++ of a zero-dimensional algebraic variety given by a regular
++ triangular set. This package is essentially an interface for the
++ \spadtype{InternalRationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage} constructor.
++ It is used in the \spadtype{ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage}
++ for solving polynomial systems with finitely many solutions.
RationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage(R,ls) : SIG == CODE where
R : Join(EuclideanDomain,CharacteristicZero)
ls : List Symbol
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
Z ==> Integer
P ==> Polynomial R
LP ==> List P
U ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial(R)
RUR ==> Record(complexRoots: U, coordinates: LP)
SIG ==> with
rur : (LP,Boolean) -> List RUR
++ \spad{rur(lp,univ?)} returns a rational univariate representation
++ of \spad{lp}. This assumes that \spad{lp} defines a regular
++ triangular \spad{ts} whose associated variety is zero-dimensional
++ over \spad{R}. \spad{rur(lp,univ?)} returns a list of items
++ \spad{[u,lc]} where \spad{u} is an irreducible univariate polynomial
++ and each \spad{c} in \spad{lc} involves two variables: one from \spad{ls},
++ called the coordinate of \spad{c}, and an extra variable which
++ represents any root of \spad{u}. Every root of \spad{u} leads to
++ a tuple of values for the coordinates of \spad{lc}. Moreover,
++ a point \spad{x} belongs to the variety associated with \spad{lp} iff
++ there exists an item \spad{[u,lc]} in \spad{rur(lp,univ?)} and
++ a root \spad{r} of \spad{u} such that \spad{x} is given by the
++ tuple of values for the coordinates of \spad{lc} evaluated at \spad{r}.
++ If \spad{univ?} is \spad{true} then each polynomial \spad{c}
++ will have a constant leading coefficient w.r.t. its coordinate.
++ See the example which illustrates the \spadtype{ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage}
++ package constructor.
rur : (LP) -> List RUR
++ \spad{rur(lp)} returns the same as \spad{rur(lp,true)}
rur : (LP,Boolean,Boolean) -> List RUR
++ \spad{rur(lp,univ?,check?)} returns the same as \spad{rur(lp,true)}.
++ Moreover, if \spad{check?} is \spad{true} then the result is checked.
CODE ==> add
news: Symbol := new()$Symbol
lv: List Symbol := concat(ls,news)
V ==> OrderedVariableList(lv)
Q ==> NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,V)
E ==> IndexedExponents V
TS ==> SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet(R,E,V,Q)
QWT ==> Record(val: Q, tower: TS)
LQWT ==> Record(val: List Q, tower: TS)
polsetpack ==> PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage(R,E,V,Q)
normpack ==> NormalizationPackage(R,E,V,Q,TS)
rurpack ==> InternalRationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage(R,E,V,Q,TS)
newv: V := variable(news)::V
newq : Q := newv :: Q
rur(lp: List P, univ?: Boolean, check?: Boolean): List RUR ==
lp := remove(zero?,lp)
empty? lp =>
error "rur$RURPACK: #1 is empty"
any?(ground?,lp) =>
error "rur$RURPACK: #1 is not a triangular set"
ts: TS := [[newq]$(List Q)]
lq: List Q := []
for p in lp repeat
rif: Union(Q,"failed") := retractIfCan(p)$Q
rif case "failed" =>
error "rur$RURPACK: #1 is not a subset of R[ls]"
q: Q := rif::Q
lq := cons(q,lq)
lq := sort(infRittWu?,lq)
toSee: List LQWT := [[lq,ts]$LQWT]
toSave: List TS := []
while not empty? toSee repeat
lqwt := first toSee; toSee := rest toSee
lq := lqwt.val; ts := lqwt.tower
empty? lq =>
-- output(ts::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
toSave := cons(ts,toSave)
q := first lq; lq := rest lq
not (mvar(q) > mvar(ts)) =>
error "rur$RURPACK: #1 is not a triangular set"
empty? (rest(ts)::TS) =>
lfq := irreducibleFactors([q])$polsetpack
for fq in lfq repeat
newts := internalAugment(fq,ts)
newlq := [remainder(q,newts).polnum for q in lq]
toSee := cons([newlq,newts]$LQWT,toSee)
lsfqwt: List QWT := squareFreePart(q,ts)
for qwt in lsfqwt repeat
q := qwt.val; ts := qwt.tower
if not ground? init(q)
q := normalizedAssociate(q,ts)$normpack
newts := internalAugment(q,ts)
newlq := [remainder(q,newts).polnum for q in lq]
toSee := cons([newlq,newts]$LQWT,toSee)
toReturn: List RUR := []
for ts in toSave repeat
lus := rur(ts,univ?)$rurpack
check? and (not checkRur(ts,lus)$rurpack) =>
output("RUR for: ")$OutputPackage
output("Is: ")$OutputPackage
for us in lus repeat output(us::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
error "rur$RURPACK: bad result with function rur$IRURPK"
for us in lus repeat
g: U := univariate(select(us,newv)::Q)$Q
lc: LP := [convert(q)@P for q in parts(collectUpper(us,newv))]
toReturn := cons([g,lc]$RUR, toReturn)
rur(lp: List P, univ?: Boolean): List RUR ==
rur(lp: List P): List RUR == rur(lp,true)