/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/SD.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Wilfrid S. Kendall
++ Last Last Updated: July 26, 1999
++ Related Domains: BasicStochasticDifferential
++ References: Ito (1975), Kendall (1991a,b; 1993a,b).
++ Description:
++ A basic implementation of StochasticDifferential(R) using the
++ associated domain BasicStochasticDifferential in the underlying
++ representation as sparse multivariate polynomials. The domain is
++ a module over Expression(R), and is a ring without identity
++ (AXIOM term is "Rng"). Note that separate instances, for example
++ using R=Integer and R=Float, have different hidden structure
++ (multiplication and drift tables).
StochasticDifferential(R) : SIG == CODE where
R : Join(OrderedSet, IntegralDomain)
ER ==> Expression(R)
PR ==> Polynomial(R)
FR ==> Fraction(PR)
BSD ==> BasicStochasticDifferential
PI ==> PositiveInteger
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
OF ==> OutputForm
SIG ==> Join(Rng, Module(ER)) with
alterQuadVar! : (BSD,BSD,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
++ alterQuadVar! adds multiplication formula for a
++ pair of stochastic differentials to a private table.
++ Failure occurs if
++ (a) either of first or second arguments is not basic
++ (b) third argument is not exactly of first degree
alterDrift! : (BSD,%) -> Union(%,"failed")
++ alterDrift! adds drift formula for a
++ stochastic differential to a private table.
++ Failure occurs if
++ (a) first arguments is not basic
++ (b) second argument is not exactly of first degree
drift : % -> %
++ drift(dx) returns the drift of \axiom{dx}
freeOf? : (%,BSD) -> Boolean
++ freeOf?(sd,dX) checks whether \axiom{dX} occurs in
++ \axiom{sd} as a module element
coefficient : (%,BSD) -> ER
++ coefficient(sd,dX) returns the coefficient of \axiom{dX}
++ in the stochastic differential \axiom{sd}
listSD : (%) -> List BSD
++ listSD(dx) returns a list of all \axiom{BSD} involved
++ in the generation of \axiom{dx} as a module element
equation : (%,R) -> Union(Equation %,"failed")
++ equation(dx,0) allows RHS of Equation % to be zero
equation:(R,%) -> Union(Equation %,"failed")
++ equation(0,dx) allows LHS of Equation % to be zero
copyDrift : () -> Table(%,%)
++ copyDrift returns private table of drifts
++ of basic stochastic differentials for inspection
copyQuadVar : () -> Table(%,%)
++ copyQuadVar returns private multiplication table
++ of basic stochastic differentials for inspection
"/" : (%, ER) -> %
++ dx/y divides the stochastic differential dx
++ by the previsible function y.
"**" : (%, PI) -> %
++ dx**n is dx multiplied by itself n times.
"^" : (%, PI) -> %
++ dx^n is dx multiplied by itself n times.
statusIto : () -> OF
++ statusIto() displays the current state of \axiom{setBSD},
++ \axiom{tableDrift}, and \axiom{tableQuadVar}. Question
++ marks are printed instead of undefined entries
++X dt:=introduce!(t,dt)
++X dX:=introduce!(X,dX)
++X dY:=introduce!(Y,dY)
++X copyBSD()
++X copyIto()
++X copyhQuadVar()
++X statusIto()
uncorrelated? : (%,%) -> Boolean
++ uncorrelated?(dx,dy) checks whether its two arguments
++ have zero quadratic co-variation.
uncorrelated? : (List %,List %) -> Boolean
++ uncorrelated?(l1,l2) checks whether its two arguments
++ are lists of stochastic differentials of zero inter-list
++ quadratic co-variation.
uncorrelated? : (List List %) -> Boolean
++ uncorrelated?(ll) checks whether its argument is a list
++ of lists of stochastic differentials of zero inter-list
++ quadratic co-variation.
CODE ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(ER,BSD) add
(v:% / s:ER):% == inv(s) * v
tableQuadVar:Table(%,%) := table()
tableDrift:Table(%,%) := table()
alterQuadVar!(da:BSD,db:BSD,dXdY:%):Union(%,"failed") ==
-- next two lines for security only!
1 < totalDegree(dXdY) => "failed"
0 ~= coefficient(dXdY,degree(1)$Rep) => "failed"
not(0::% = (dXdY*dXdY)::%) => "failed"
-- We have to take care here to avoid a bad
-- recursion on \axiom{*:(%,%)->%}
alterDrift!(da:BSD,dx:%):Union(%,"failed") ==
1 < totalDegree(dx) => "failed"
0 ~= coefficient(dx,degree(1)$Rep) => "failed"
not(0::% = (dx*dx)::%) => "failed"
multSDOrError(dm:%):% ==
c := leadingCoefficient dm
(dmm := search(dm/c,tableQuadVar))
case "failed" =>
print hconcat(message("ERROR IN ")$OF,(dm/c)::OF)
error "Above product of sd's is not defined"
(dx:% * dy:%) : % ==
1 < totalDegree(dx) =>
print hconcat(message("ERROR IN ")$OF,dx::OF)
error "bad sd in lhs of sd product"
1 < totalDegree(dy) =>
print hconcat(message("ERROR IN ")$OF,dy::OF)
error "bad sd in rhs of sd product"
-- We have to take care here to avoid a bad
-- recursion on \axiom{*:(%,%)->%}
(dx:% ** n:PI) : % ==
n = 1 => dx
n = 2 => dx*dx
n > 2 => 0::%
(dx:% ^ n:PI) : % == dx**n
driftSDOrError(dm:%):% ==
c := leadingCoefficient dm
(dmm := search(dm/c,tableDrift))
case "failed" =>
print hconcat(message("ERROR IN ")$OF,(dm/c)::OF)
error "drift of sd is not defined"
drift(dx:%):% ==
freeOf?(sd,dX) == (0 = coefficient(sd,dX,1))
coefficient(sd:%,dX:BSD):ER ==
listSD(sd) ==
[retract(dX)@BSD for dX in primitiveMonomials(sd)]
equation(dx:%,zero:R):Union(Equation %,"failed") ==
not(0 = zero) => "failed"
equation(zero:R,dx:%):Union(Equation %,"failed") ==
not(0 = zero) => "failed"
copyDrift() == tableDrift
copyQuadVar() == tableQuadVar
xDrift(dx:BSD):OF ==
(xdx := search(dx::Rep,tableDrift)) case "failed" => "?"::OF
xQV(dx:BSD,dy:BSD):OF ==
(xdxdy := search((dx::% * dy::%)$Rep,tableQuadVar))
case "failed" => "?"::Symbol::OF
statusIto():OF ==
bsd := copyBSD()$BSD
bsdo := [dx::OF for dx in bsd]
blank:= ""::Symbol::OF
colon:= ":"::Symbol::OF
bsdh := "B S D "::Symbol::OF
dfth := "drift "::Symbol::OF
qvh := "*"::Symbol::OF
head := append([bsdh,colon],bsdo)
drift:= append([dfth,colon],[xDrift dx for dx in bsd])
space:= append([qvh ,blank],[blank for dx in bsd])
qv := [append([dy::OF,colon],[xQV(dx,dy) for dx in bsd])
for dy in bsd]
uncorrelated?(dx:%,dy:%): Boolean == (0::% = dx*dy)
uncorrelated?(l1:List %,l2:List %): Boolean ==
reduce("and", [
reduce("and",[uncorrelated?(dx,dy) for dy in l2],true)
for dx in l1 ],true)
uncorrelated1?(l1:List %,ll:List List %): Boolean ==
reduce("and",[uncorrelated?(l1,l2) for l2 in ll],true)
uncorrelated?(ll:List List %): Boolean ==
(0$Integer = # ll) => true
(1 = # ll) => true
uncorrelated1?(first ll,rest ll) and uncorrelated?(rest ll)