/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/SYSSOLP.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: P. Gianni
++ Date Created: summer 1988
++ Date Last Updated: summer 1990
++ Description:
++ Symbolic solver for systems of rational functions with coefficients
++ in an integral domain R.
++ The systems are solved in the field of rational functions over R.
++ Solutions are exact of the form variable = value when the value is
++ a member of the coefficient domain R. Otherwise the solutions
++ are implicitly expressed as roots of univariate polynomial equations over R.
++ Care is taken to guarantee that the denominators of the input
++ equations do not vanish on the solution sets.
++ The arguments to solve can either be given as equations or
++ as rational functions interpreted as equal
++ to zero. The user can specify an explicit list of symbols to
++ be solved for, treating all other symbols appearing as parameters
++ or omit the list of symbols in which case the system tries to
++ solve with respect to all symbols appearing in the input.
SystemSolvePackage(R) : SIG == CODE where
R : IntegralDomain
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
P ==> Polynomial
EQ ==> Equation
L ==> List
V ==> Vector
M ==> Matrix
UP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
SE ==> Symbol
IE ==> IndexedExponents Symbol
SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
F ==> Fraction Polynomial R
PP2 ==> PolynomialFunctions2(R,F)
PPR ==> Polynomial Polynomial R
SIG ==> with
solve : (L F, L SE) -> L L EQ F
++ solve(lp,lv) finds the solutions of the list lp of
++ rational functions with respect to the list of symbols lv.
solve : (L EQ F, L SE) -> L L EQ F
++ solve(le,lv) finds the solutions of the
++ list le of equations of rational functions
++ with respect to the list of symbols lv.
solve : L F -> L L EQ F
++ solve(lp) finds the solutions of the list lp of rational
++ functions with respect to all symbols appearing in lp.
solve : L EQ F -> L L EQ F
++ solve(le) finds the solutions of the list le of equations of
++ rational functions with respect to all symbols appearing in le.
solve : (F, SE) -> L EQ F
++ solve(p,v) solves the equation p=0, where p is a rational function
++ with respect to the variable v.
solve : (EQ F,SE) -> L EQ F
++ solve(eq,v) finds the solutions of the equation
++ eq with respect to the variable v.
solve : F -> L EQ F
++ solve(p) finds the solution of a rational function p = 0
++ with respect to the unique variable appearing in p.
solve : EQ F -> L EQ F
++ solve(eq) finds the solutions of the equation eq
++ with respect to the unique variable appearing in eq.
triangularSystems : (L F, L SE) -> L L P R
++ triangularSystems(lf,lv) solves the system of equations
++ defined by lf with respect to the list of symbols lv;
++ the system of equations is obtaining
++ by equating to zero the list of rational functions lf.
++ The output is a list of solutions where
++ each solution is expressed as a "reduced" triangular system of
++ polynomials.
CODE ==> add
import MPolyCatRationalFunctionFactorizer(IE,SE,R,P F)
---- Local Functions ----
linSolve: (L F, L SE) -> Union(L EQ F, "failed")
makePolys : L EQ F -> L F
makeR2F(r : R) : F == r :: (P R) :: F
makeP2F(p:P F):F ==
lv:=variables p
lv = [] => retract p
for v in lv repeat p:=pushdown(p,v)
retract p
---- Local Functions ----
makeEq(p:P F,lv:L SE): EQ F ==
z:=last lv
np:=numer makeP2F p
lx:=variables np
for x in lv repeat if member?(x,lx) then leave x
(degree up)=1 =>
equation(x::P(R)::F,-coefficient(up,0)/leadingCoefficient up)
varInF(v: SE): F == v::P(R) :: F
newInF(n: Integer):F==varInF new()$SE
testDegree(f :P R , lv :L SE) : Boolean ==
"or"/[degree(f,vv)>0 for vv in lv]
---- Exported Functions ----
-- solve a system of rational functions
triangularSystems(lf: L F,lv:L SE) : L L P R ==
empty? lv => empty()
empty? lf => empty()
#lf = 1 =>
p:= numer(first lf)
fp:=(factor p)$GeneralizedMultivariateFactorize(SE,IE,R,R,P R)
[[ff.factor] for ff in factors fp | testDegree(ff.factor,lv)]
dmp:=DistributedMultivariatePolynomial(lv,P R)
DP:=DirectProduct(#lv, NonNegativeInteger)
lq : L dmp
lvv:L OV:=[variable(vv)::OV for vv in lv]
lq:=[pushup(df::dmp,lvv)$push for f in lf|(df:=denom f)^=1]
lp:=[pushup(numer(f)::dmp,lvv)$push for f in lf]
parRes:=groebSolve(lp,lvv)$GroebnerSolve(lv,P R,R)
if lq^=[] then
gb:=GroebnerInternalPackage(P R,DirectProduct(#lv,NNI),OV,dmp)
parRes:=[pr for pr in parRes|
and/[(redPol(fq,pr pretend List(dmp))$gb) ^=0
for fq in lq]]
[[retract pushdown(pf,lvv)$push for pf in pr] for pr in parRes]
-- One polynomial. Implicit variable --
solve(pol : F) ==
zero? pol =>
error "equation is always satisfied"
concat(variables numer pol, variables denom pol)
empty? lv => error "inconsistent equation"
#lv>1 => error "too many variables"
solve(pol,first lv)
-- general solver. Input in equation style. Implicit variables --
solve(eq : EQ F) ==
pol:= lhs eq - rhs eq
zero? pol =>
error "equation is always satisfied"
concat(variables numer pol, variables denom pol)
empty? lv => error "inconsistent equation"
#lv>1 => error "too many variables"
solve(pol,first lv)
-- general solver. Input in equation style --
solve(eq:EQ F,var:SE) == solve(lhs eq - rhs eq,var)
-- general solver. Input in polynomial style --
solve(pol:F,var:SE) ==
if R has GcdDomain then
p:=primitivePart(numer pol,var)
fp:=(factor p)$GeneralizedMultivariateFactorize(SE,IE,R,R,P R)
[makeEq(map(makeR2F,ff.factor)$PP2,[var]) for ff in factors fp]
else empty()
-- Convert a list of Equations in a list of Polynomials
makePolys(l: L EQ F):L F == [lhs e - rhs e for e in l]
-- linear systems solver. Input as list of polynomials --
linSolve(lp:L F,lv:L SE) ==
rec:Record(particular:Union(V F,"failed"),basis:L V F)
lr : L P R:=[numer f for f in lp]
rec:=linSolve(lr,lv)$LinearSystemPolynomialPackage(R,IE,SE,P R)
rec.particular case "failed" => "failed"
rhs := rec.particular :: V F
zeron:V F:=zero(#lv)
for p in rec.basis | p ^= zeron repeat
sym := newInF(1)
for i in 1..#lv repeat
rhs.i := rhs.i + sym*p.i
eqs: L EQ F := []
for i in 1..#lv repeat
eqs := append(eqs,[(lv.i)::(P R)::F = rhs.i])
-- general solver. Input in polynomial style. Implicit variables --
solve(lr : L F) ==
lv :="setUnion"/[setUnion(variables numer p, variables denom p)
for p in lr]
-- general solver. Input in equation style. Implicit variables --
solve(le : L EQ F) ==
lr:=makePolys le
lv :="setUnion"/[setUnion(variables numer p, variables denom p)
for p in lr]
-- general solver. Input in equation style --
solve(le:L EQ F,lv:L SE) == solve(makePolys le, lv)
checkLinear(lr:L F,vl:L SE):Boolean ==
ld:=[denom pol for pol in lr]
for f in ld repeat
if (or/[member?(x,vl) for x in variables f]) then return false
and/[totalDegree(numer pol,vl) < 2 for pol in lr]
-- general solver. Input in polynomial style --
solve(lr:L F,vl:L SE) ==
empty? vl => empty()
checkLinear(lr,vl) =>
-- linear system --
soln := linSolve(lr, vl)
soln case "failed" => []
eqns: L EQ F := []
for i in 1..#vl repeat
lhs := (vl.i::(P R))::F
rhs := rhs soln.i
eqns := append(eqns, [lhs = rhs])
-- polynomial system --
if R has GcdDomain then
[[makeEq(map(makeR2F,f)$PP2,vl) for f in pr] for pr in parRes]
else [[]]