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++ Author: Clifton J. Williamson
++ Date Created: 4 August 1992
++ Date Last Updated: 27 August 1992
++ Description:
++ UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesWithExponentialSingularity is a domain used to
++ represent functions with essential singularities. Objects in this
++ domain are sums, where each term in the sum is a univariate Puiseux
++ series times the exponential of a univariate Puiseux series. Thus,
++ the elements of this domain are sums of expressions of the form
++ \spad{g(x) * exp(f(x))}, where g(x) is a univariate Puiseux series
++ and f(x) is a univariate Puiseux series with no terms of non-negative
++ degree.
UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesWithExponentialSingularity(R,FE,var,cen) :
SIG == CODE where
R : Join(OrderedSet,RetractableTo Integer,_
LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer,GcdDomain)
FE : Join(AlgebraicallyClosedField,TranscendentalFunctionCategory,_
FunctionSpace R)
var : Symbol
cen : FE
B ==> Boolean
I ==> Integer
L ==> List
RN ==> Fraction Integer
UPXS ==> UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(FE,var,cen)
EXPUPXS ==> ExponentialOfUnivariatePuiseuxSeries(FE,var,cen)
OFE ==> OrderedCompletion FE
Result ==> Union(OFE,"failed")
PxRec ==> Record(k: Fraction Integer,c:FE)
Term ==> Record(%coef:UPXS,%expon:EXPUPXS,%expTerms:List PxRec)
-- the %expTerms field is used to record the list of the terms (a 'term'
-- records an exponent and a coefficient) in the exponent %expon
TypedTerm ==> Record(%term:Term,%type:String)
-- a term together with a String which tells whether it has an infinite,
-- zero, or unknown limit as var -> cen+
TRec ==> Record(%zeroTerms: List Term,_
%infiniteTerms: List Term,_
%failedTerms: List Term,_
%puiseuxSeries: UPXS)
SIGNEF ==> ElementaryFunctionSign(R,FE)
SIG ==> Join(FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(UPXS,EXPUPXS),IntegralDomain) with
limitPlus : % -> Union(OFE,"failed")
++ limitPlus(f(var)) returns \spad{limit(var -> cen+,f(var))}.
dominantTerm : % -> Union(TypedTerm,"failed")
++ dominantTerm(f(var)) returns the term that dominates the limiting
++ behavior of \spad{f(var)} as \spad{var -> cen+} together with a
++ \spadtype{String} which briefly describes that behavior. The
++ value of the \spadtype{String} will be \spad{"zero"} (resp.
++ \spad{"infinity"}) if the term tends to zero (resp. infinity)
++ exponentially and will \spad{"series"} if the term is a
++ Puiseux series.
CODE ==> PolynomialRing(UPXS,EXPUPXS) add
makeTerm : (UPXS,EXPUPXS) -> Term
coeff : Term -> UPXS
exponent : Term -> EXPUPXS
exponentTerms : Term -> List PxRec
setExponentTerms_! : (Term,List PxRec) -> List PxRec
computeExponentTerms_! : Term -> List PxRec
terms : % -> List Term
sortAndDiscardTerms: List Term -> TRec
termsWithExtremeLeadingCoef : (L Term,RN,I) -> Union(L Term,"failed")
filterByOrder: (L Term,(RN,RN) -> B) -> Record(%list:L Term,%order:RN)
dominantTermOnList : (L Term,RN,I) -> Union(Term,"failed")
iDominantTerm : L Term -> Union(Record(%term:Term,%type:String),"failed")
retractIfCan f ==
(numberOfMonomials f = 1) and (zero? degree f) => leadingCoefficient f
recip f ==
numberOfMonomials f = 1 =>
monomial(inv leadingCoefficient f,- degree f)
makeTerm(coef,expon) == [coef,expon,empty()]
coeff term == term.%coef
exponent term == term.%expon
exponentTerms term == term.%expTerms
setExponentTerms_!(term,list) == term.%expTerms := list
computeExponentTerms_! term ==
setExponentTerms_!(term,entries complete terms exponent term)
terms f ==
-- terms with a higher order singularity will appear closer to the
-- beginning of the list because of the ordering in EXPPUPXS;
-- no "expnonent terms" are computed by this function
zero? f => empty()
concat(makeTerm(leadingCoefficient f,degree f),terms reductum f)
sortAndDiscardTerms termList ==
-- 'termList' is the list of terms of some function f(var), ordered
-- so that terms with a higher order singularity occur at the
-- beginning of the list.
-- This function returns lists of candidates for the "dominant
-- term" in 'termList', the term which describes the
-- asymptotic behavior of f(var) as var -> cen+.
-- 'zeroTerms' will contain terms which tend to zero exponentially
-- and contains only those terms with the lowest order singularity.
-- 'zeroTerms' will be non-empty only when there are no terms of
-- infinite or series type.
-- 'infiniteTerms' will contain terms which tend to infinity
-- exponentially and contains only those terms with the highest
-- order singularity.
-- 'failedTerms' will contain terms which have an exponential
-- singularity, where we cannot say whether the limiting value
-- is zero or infinity. Only terms with a higher order sigularity
-- than the terms on 'infiniteList' are included.
-- 'pSeries' will be a Puiseux series representing a term without an
-- exponential singularity. 'pSeries' will be non-zero only when no
-- other terms are known to tend to infinity exponentially
zeroTerms : List Term := empty()
infiniteTerms : List Term := empty()
failedTerms : List Term := empty()
-- we keep track of whether or not we've found an infinite term
-- if so, 'infTermOrd' will be set to a negative value
infTermOrd : RN := 0
-- we keep track of whether or not we've found a zero term
-- if so, 'zeroTermOrd' will be set to a negative value
zeroTermOrd : RN := 0
ord : RN := 0; pSeries : UPXS := 0 -- dummy values
while not empty? termList repeat
-- 'expon' is a Puiseux series
expon := exponent(term := first termList)
-- quit if there is an infinite term with a higher order singularity
(ord := order(expon,0)) > infTermOrd => leave "infinite term dominates"
-- if ord = 0, we've hit the end of the list
(ord = 0) =>
-- since we have a series term, don't bother with zero terms
leave(pSeries := coeff(term); zeroTerms := empty())
coef := coefficient(expon,ord)
-- if we can't tell if the lowest order coefficient is positive or
-- negative, we have a "failed term"
(signum := sign(coef)$SIGNEF) case "failed" =>
failedTerms := concat(term,failedTerms)
termList := rest termList
-- if the lowest order coefficient is positive, we have an
-- "infinite term"
(sig := signum :: Integer) = 1 =>
infTermOrd := ord
infiniteTerms := concat(term,infiniteTerms)
-- since we have an infinite term, don't bother with zero terms
zeroTerms := empty()
termList := rest termList
-- if the lowest order coefficient is negative, we have a
-- "zero term" if there are no infinite terms and no failed
-- terms, add the term to 'zeroTerms'
if empty? infiniteTerms then
zeroTerms :=
ord = zeroTermOrd => concat(term,zeroTerms)
zeroTermOrd := ord
list term
termList := rest termList
-- reverse "failed terms" so that higher order singularities
-- appear at the beginning of the list
[zeroTerms,infiniteTerms,reverse_! failedTerms,pSeries]
termsWithExtremeLeadingCoef(termList,ord,signum) ==
-- 'termList' consists of terms of the form [g(x),exp(f(x)),...];
-- when 'signum' is +1 (resp. -1), this function filters 'termList'
-- leaving only those terms such that coefficient(f(x),ord) is
-- maximal (resp. minimal)
while (coefficient(exponent first termList,ord) = 0) repeat
termList := rest termList
empty? termList => error "UPXSSING: can't happen"
coefExtreme := coefficient(exponent first termList,ord)
outList := list first termList; termList := rest termList
for term in termList repeat
(coefDiff := coefficient(exponent term,ord) - coefExtreme) = 0 =>
outList := concat(term,outList)
(sig := sign(coefDiff)$SIGNEF) case "failed" => return "failed"
(sig :: Integer) = signum => outList := list term
filterByOrder(termList,predicate) ==
-- 'termList' consists of terms of the form [g(x),exp(f(x)),expTerms],
-- where 'expTerms' is a list containing some of the terms in the
-- series f(x).
-- The function filters 'termList' and, when 'predicate' is < (resp. >),
-- leaves only those terms with the lowest (resp. highest) order term
-- in 'expTerms'
while empty? exponentTerms first termList repeat
termList := rest termList
empty? termList => error "UPXSING: can't happen"
ordExtreme := (first exponentTerms first termList).k
outList := list first termList
for term in rest termList repeat
not empty? exponentTerms term =>
(ord := (first exponentTerms term).k) = ordExtreme =>
outList := concat(term,outList)
predicate(ord,ordExtreme) =>
ordExtreme := ord
outList := list term
-- advance pointers on "exponent terms" on terms on 'outList'
for term in outList repeat
setExponentTerms_!(term,rest exponentTerms term)
dominantTermOnList(termList,ord0,signum) ==
-- finds dominant term on 'termList'
-- it is known that "exponent terms" of order < 'ord0' are
-- the same for all terms on 'termList'
newList := termsWithExtremeLeadingCoef(termList,ord0,signum)
newList case "failed" => "failed"
termList := newList :: List Term
empty? rest termList => first termList
filtered :=
signum = 1 => filterByOrder(termList,(x,y) +-> x < y)
filterByOrder(termList,(x,y) +-> x > y)
termList := filtered.%list
empty? rest termList => first termList
iDominantTerm termList ==
termRecord := sortAndDiscardTerms termList
zeroTerms := termRecord.%zeroTerms
infiniteTerms := termRecord.%infiniteTerms
failedTerms := termRecord.%failedTerms
pSeries := termRecord.%puiseuxSeries
-- in future versions, we will deal with "failed terms"
-- at present, if any occur, we cannot determine the limit
not empty? failedTerms => "failed"
not zero? pSeries => [makeTerm(pSeries,0),"series"]
not empty? infiniteTerms =>
empty? rest infiniteTerms => [first infiniteTerms,"infinity"]
for term in infiniteTerms repeat computeExponentTerms_! term
ord0 := order exponent first infiniteTerms
(dTerm := dominantTermOnList(infiniteTerms,ord0,1)) case "failed" =>
return "failed"
[dTerm :: Term,"infinity"]
empty? rest zeroTerms => [first zeroTerms,"zero"]
for term in zeroTerms repeat computeExponentTerms_! term
ord0 := order exponent first zeroTerms
(dTerm := dominantTermOnList(zeroTerms,ord0,-1)) case "failed" =>
return "failed"
[dTerm :: Term,"zero"]
dominantTerm f == iDominantTerm terms f
limitPlus f ==
-- list the terms occurring in 'f'; if there are none, then f = 0
empty?(termList := terms f) => 0
-- compute dominant term
(tInfo := iDominantTerm termList) case "failed" => "failed"
termInfo := tInfo :: Record(%term:Term,%type:String)
domTerm := termInfo.%term
(type := termInfo.%type) = "series" =>
-- find limit of series term
(ord := order(pSeries := coeff domTerm,1)) > 0 => 0
coef := coefficient(pSeries,ord)
member?(var,variables coef) => "failed"
ord = 0 => coef :: OFE
-- in the case of an infinite limit, we need to know the sign
-- of the first non-zero coefficient
(signum := sign(coef)$SIGNEF) case "failed" => "failed"
(signum :: Integer) = 1 => plusInfinity()
type = "zero" => 0
-- examine lowest order coefficient in series part of 'domTerm'
ord := order(pSeries := coeff domTerm)
coef := coefficient(pSeries,ord)
member?(var,variables coef) => "failed"
(signum := sign(coef)$SIGNEF) case "failed" => "failed"
(signum :: Integer) = 1 => plusInfinity()