/usr/share/games/blobwars/data/levelBrief is in blobwars-data 2.00-1build1.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 | [Grasslands]
Many Blobs lived in the grasslands of their homeworld, so this is where many of the battles took place.
In order to help locate as many Blobs as possible around the homeworld, it is also essential that you find a
<RGB> 255 255 0 Transmitter <RGB> 255 255 255 left behind by one of the troops. Use your short range radar
tracking system to help locate the <RGB> 255 255 0 Transmitter <RGB> 255 255 255 and also as many of the MIAs as you can.
[Grasslands #2]
Emerging from the caves you find yourself in more grasslands. These grasslands lead to the forest, an area the Blobs
usually avoided (mainly because it was dark and scary!). Unfortunately the entrance to the forest is now guarded
by an <RGB> 255 0 0 Auto Cannon Sentry. <RGB> 255 255 255 You'll stand no chance of getting past it unless you first
disable it.
[Grasslands #3]
This area was once a large Cherry Farm. You should make it part of your mission to find as many
<RGB> 255 255 0 Cherry Plants <RGB> 255 255 255
as you
can. Your scanner has also detected a new type of enemy - Some sort of <RGB> 255 0 0 Spider Blob! <RGB> 255 255 255 These
horrible mutations at the hands of the alien invaders could pose quite a threat to you as they seem to be very well
armoured! Depending on how skillful you're feeling you should try and take out the ten freaks here!
[Flooded Tunnel]
With the bridges destroyed the only way to cross to the other continents is via the old tunnels. These tunnels have
become flooded due to neglect, however they should be considered safer to travel through than using any overground
routes. It is likely that you will need to dig your way out at the other end, so locating some <RGB> 255 255 0 Dynamite
<RGB> 255 255 255 will help matters. Remember that due to the flooding you will need to swim a lot, which also means
that underwater any weapon other than a pistol will be useless...
[Flooded Tunnel #2]
This tunnel system wouldn't be such a problem if the main lift was working and the aliens hadn't (again) installed
<RGB> 255 255 0 Security Points <RGB> 255 255 255
all around the area. You should endeavour to get the lift working and disable those
<RGB> 255 255 0 Security Points. <RGB> 255 255 255
Once again, this place is flooded and at points your weapon of choice should be a pistol. Don't even think about
swimming further than you should if you don't have an aqua lung.
[Flooded Tunnel #3]
The <RGB> 0 255 255 Aqua Lung <RGB> 255 255 255 is required for this mission.
From what you found out in the BioMech Supply Depot, this tunnel could very well lead to one of the
<RGB> 255 255 0 Ancient Tombs. <RGB> 255 255 255 If it does then it will be extremely dangerous. According to the
data the tunnel is guarded by a number of <RGB> 255 0 0 Booby Traps, <RGB> 255 255 255 many of which will
<RGB> 255 0 0 kill you instantly <RGB> 255 255 255 and all of which will need to be
disabled. If that isn't enough the Tomb can only be accessed with the use of <RGB> 255 255 0 4 Ancient Keys.
<RGB> 255 255 255 It also appears that the Exit signs have been deliberately placed incorrectly to confuse
those seeking the entrance! Luckily it seems that due to the number of traps, the enemy hasn't
yet entered this area. That doesn't, however, mean they won't...
[Flooded Tunnel #4]
The <RGB> 0 255 255 Aqua Lung <RGB> 255 255 255 is required for this mission. This tunnel is slightly different from
the others since it has not yet flooded. This however is a bad thing. In order to rescue all the MIAs and move on
Bob will need to raise the water level within the tunnel. Several machines reside in the area that can help to
pump water into the area. They appear to be broken but a few <RGB> 0 255 255
Ancient Cogs <RGB> 255 255 255 will probably help to fix that.
[Inner Cave Network, Part 1]
There is a route through these caves to the grasslands beyond. These caves, like the others around the Blobs' homeworld,
are filled with lava. Take care not to fall whilst making your way through. You will need to access the upper cave system
so you can continue your journey, but navigating through the upper system will be impossible without the
<RGB> 255 255 0 Transmitter <RGB> 255 255 255 from the Grasslands. It is thought the aliens have been devising new
weaponry within these caves, try and steal the <RGB> 255 255 0 Blue Prints <RGB> 255 255 255 whilst you're at it...
[Inner Cave Network, Part 2]
This is the upper level of the cave network. From here it is possible to access the grasslands beyond. The exit has
been sealed by the enemy, so you'll have to find a <RGB> 255 255 0 Blue Keycard <RGB> 255 255 255 and the
<RGB> 255 255 0 Security Switch <RGB> 255 255 255 to
open it. You may encounter some new enemies and some new hazards in these caves, so be on your guard!
[Forgotten Caves]
Blobs used to mine these caves for crystals and gems before they gave up searching.
The constant cave ins and the general instability of the area might also have been a factor. No Blob has been in these
caves for years... except
some MIAs that may have decided that they will be safe here! As well as finding the MIAs, you should try and locate
some <RGB> 255 255 0 pieces of an old map <RGB> 255 255 255 the miners might have used. <RGB> 255 0 0 If there happens
to be a cave in you will also have to find a way of stopping it. <RGB> 255 255 255
[Uncharted Cavern]
Not much is known about this cave system. Old records show that the cave is split into four different areas -
A West end, East end, South end and North end. Not all of the areas will be immediately accessible, so you'll
need to find a way to access each of them. The aliens have also been busy adding in several <RGB> 255 0 0
Sentry Guns. <RGB> 255 255 255 They should be destroyed as you find them.
[Ice Cave #1]
This ice cave is the entrance to one of the <RGB> 255 255 0 Ancient Tombs. <RGB> 255 255 255 Because of all the
ice around be extra careful since you will slip and slide around a lot. One extra thing to make note of is that
<RGB> 255 0 0 the water is too cold to swim in and will hurt you if you do! <RGB> 255 255 255 You must make your
way to the bottom of the cave to make your way out of it. You will need to collect <RGB> 0 255 255 two
cypher pieces <RGB> 255 255 255 in order to open the door.
[Ice Cave #2]
As with the first ice cave the water here is very cold and the surfaces are very slippery. <RGB> 255 255 0
This cave will lead you directly to the 2nd Ancient Tomb and to the Time Crystal. <RGB> 255 255 255
This ice cave is the most direct route but be careful; There are <RGB> 255 0 0
environmental dangers such as falling stalactites that could cause you injury if you happen
to be standing under one when it falls. <RGB> 255 255 255
[Ancient Tomb #1]
This is the location of the <RGB> 255 255 0 Fire Crystal <RGB> 255 255 255 , one of the ancient crystals that the alien
race is hunting. The task here is simple - Get to the crystal first! It is likely that some MIAs may have wandered into
the tomb to hide since it is well hidden and not widely known of. Be extra vigilant - It is highly likely that
<RGB> 255 0 0 Galdov <RGB> 255 255 255 himself might show up to try and stop you!
[Ancient Tomb #2]
This is the location of the <RGB> 255 255 0 Time Crystal <RGB> 255 255 255 , another of the ancient crystals. Even
though the route here was guarded by numerous traps it looks like the alien invaders have found another way into the
tomb and are already there in force! According to the tomb data you will need to <RGB> 255 255 0 access the four
floors <RGB> 255 255 255 and look for the another set of <RGB> 255 255 0 3 Ancient Keys <RGB> 255 255 255 in order
to open the Crystal Room. Again, there will probably be some traps in this tomb and you have a very horrible feeling
that <RGB> 255 0 0 Galdov <RGB> 255 255 255 will be there too...
[Ancient Tomb #3]
This tomb contains the <RGB> 255 255 0 Space Crystal <RGB> 255 255 255 , the Crystal that has unrestricted power of movement and placement. The crystal
is protected in this tomb by several <RGB> 255 255 0 Security Points <RGB> 255 255 255. The Crystal's storage location will change when these points
are activated. Only the most persistant could hope to retrieve it since this tomb is also fitted with many traps.
You'll need to persist though in order to reach it before the aliens. They appear to be here in force this time
and could have been here for a while already. <RGB> 255 0 0 Keep an eye out for Galdov... <RGB> 255 255 255
[Ancient Tomb #4]
<RGB> 0 255 255 The Reality Crystal. <RGB> 255 255 255 Out of the four crystals
this is said to be the most dangerous and mysterious of them all.
It has limitless power and can be used to shift the very fabric of reality of the user. As usual this tomb is
filled with traps and MIAs who have hidden here. <RGB> 255 0 0 If there is one Crystal that Galdov must not
be allowed to get it is this one... <RGB> 255 255 255
[Arctic Wastes]
Many Blobs were lost during the first and last attempt to assault the <RGB> 255 255 0 BioMech HQ <RGB> 255 255 255
which lies just beyond the waste lands. It is likely that there are a few Blobs left alive here, but not for long.
The area is bitter cold and there is also a <RGB> 255 255 0 strong wind blowing <RGB> 255 255 255 that will make
life very difficult since it is strong enough to push you around. <RGB> 255 255 0 Rescue all the MIAs in the
area. <RGB> 255 255 255
[BioMech Supply Depot]
One of the three bases that the aliens have built on the Blobs' homeworld. <RGB> 255 0 0 Warning: Reports show a very
powerful BioMech presence! <RGB> 255 255 255 It is likely the aliens have been experimenting captured Blobs to produce some
hideous results. Before the base can be searched for clues as to the aliens' purpose all targets MUST be destroyed...
[BioMech Communications]
Another alien base. <RGB> 255 0 0 The BioMechs seem to be breeding some new kind of Aquatic BioMech Blob here.
<RGB> 255 255 255 If this thing is successful
and is deploy around our homeworld, it would be disasterous! Before we can look around for information as to the locations of
the other Ancient Tombs, and the Crystals, this thing will need to be destroyed. Remember, it's underwater so only your
pistol will be effective. Luckily it looks like there might be an <RGB> 255 255 0 Aqua Lung <RGB> 255 255 255 handy there too...
[BioMech Assimilator]
One of the three bases that the aliens have built on the Blobs' homeworld. <RGB> 255 0 0 There is likely to be a very
powerful alien lurking within this base and it must be destroyed. <RGB> 255 255 255 Be careful, it will be unlike anything
you have encountered so far. It has the ability to use all your weaponry against you! However this strength may
also be its weakness...
[BioMech HQ]
This is it. This is where Galdov commands the aliens' ground operation from. The mission here is simple -
<RGB> 255 255 0 Get into the alien HQ, battle Galdov and get the Crystal back from him. <RGB> 255 255 255
Be on your guard though. The Crystal may have had an effect
on Galdov and could possibily have given him new powers, <RGB> 255 0 0 making him even more dangerous than
ever before. <RGB> 255 255 255 If this is the case then it is <RGB> 255 0 0 imperative <RGB> 255 255 255 that
you regain the <RGB> 0 255 255 Reality Crystal <RGB> 255 255 255 as soon as possible.
[Space Station]
Galdov has retreated to his orbital Space Station. Now that Bob has the power sources for his <RGB> 255 255 0
Long Range Teleport System <RGB> 255 255 255 , he can go to the station and defeat the evil Metal Blob once and for all. The
station should be destroyed as well. In order to do this you will need to plant dynamite around the station
and destroy some of the station's power sources. Then it will be a race against time to get the Crystal from
Galdov before the dynamite goes off. Good Luck.