/usr/share/blt2.5/demos/dnd2.tcl is in blt-demo 2.5.3+dfsg-4.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o755.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 | #!/usr/bin/wish8.6
if {[lindex $argv end] != "spawn"} {
exec [info nameofexecutable] [info script] spawn &
package require BLT
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Starting with Tcl 8.x, the BLT commands are stored in their own
# namespace called "blt". The idea is to prevent name clashes with
# Tcl commands and variables from other packages, such as a "table"
# command in two different packages.
# You can access the BLT commands in a couple of ways. You can prefix
# all the BLT commands with the namespace qualifier "blt::"
# blt::graph .g
# blt::table . .g -resize both
# or you can import all the command into the global namespace.
# namespace import blt::*
# graph .g
# table . .g -resize both
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if { $tcl_version >= 8.0 } {
namespace import blt::*
namespace import -force blt::tile::*
source scripts/demo.tcl
if { ([info exists tcl_platform]) && ($tcl_platform(platform) == "windows") } {
error "This script works only under X11"
canvas .c -width 320 -height 320 -background white
blt::table . .c -fill both
set lastCell ""
set cellWidth 1
set cellHeight 1
proc RedrawWorld { canvas } {
global cells cellWidth cellHeight
$canvas delete all
set width [winfo width $canvas]
set height [winfo height $canvas]
set cellWidth [expr $width / 8]
set cellHeight [expr $height / 8]
for { set row 0 } { $row < 8 } { incr row } {
set y [expr $row * $cellHeight]
set h [expr $y + $cellHeight]
for { set column 0 } { $column < 8 } { incr column } {
set x [expr $column * $cellWidth]
set w [expr $x + $cellWidth]
$canvas create rectangle $x $y $w $h -fill white -outline "" \
-tags "$row,$column"
for { set row 0 } { $row < 8 } { incr row } {
set y [expr $row * $cellHeight]
$canvas create line 0 $y $width $y
for { set column 0 } { $column < 8 } { incr column } {
set x [expr $column * $cellWidth]
$canvas create line $x 0 $x $height
foreach name [array names cells] {
set rc [split $name ,]
set row [lindex $rc 0]
set column [lindex $rc 1]
set x [expr ($column * $cellWidth) + 5]
set y [expr ($row * $cellHeight) + 5]
set w [expr $cellWidth - 10]
set h [expr $cellHeight - 10]
set color [lindex $cells($name) 0]
set type [lindex $cells($name) 1]
set pi1_2 [expr 3.14159265358979323846/180.0]
set points {}
switch $type {
hexagon {
lappend points $x [expr $y + $h/2] [expr $x + $w * 1/3] \
$y [expr $x + $w * 2/3] $y [expr $x + $w] [expr $y + $h/2] \
[expr $x + $w * 2/3] [expr $y + $h] \
[expr $x + $w * 1/3] [expr $y + $h]
parallelogram {
lappend points $x [expr $y + $h * 2/3] \
[expr $x + $w * 2/3] $y \
[expr $x + $w] [expr $y + $h * 1/3] \
[expr $x + $w * 1/3] [expr $y + $h]
triangle {
lappend points \
$x [expr $y + $h] \
[expr $x + $w * 1/2] $y \
[expr $x + $w] [expr $y + $h]
eval .c create polygon $points -fill $color -outline black
bind .c <Configure> { RedrawWorld %W }
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: random ?<max>? ?<min>?
# Returns a random number in the range <min> to <max>.
# If <min> is not specified, the default is 0; if max is not
# specified, the default is 1.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc random {{max 1.0} {min 0.0}} {
global randomSeed
set randomSeed [expr (7141*$randomSeed+54773) % 259200]
set num [expr $randomSeed/259200.0*($max-$min)+$min]
return $num
set randomSeed [clock clicks]
set itemTypes { parallelogram hexagon triangle }
set itemTypes { hexagon triangle parallelogram }
for { set i 0 } { $i < 20 } { incr i } {
while { 1 } {
set row [expr int([random 8])]
set column [expr int([random 8])]
set type [expr int([random 3])]
set type [lindex $itemTypes $type]
if { ![info exists cells($row,$column)] } {
set r [expr int([random 256 128])]
set g [expr int([random 256 128])]
set b [expr int([random 256 128])]
set cells($row,$column) [format "#%.2x%.2x%.2x %s" $r $g $b $type]
proc ScreenToCell { widget x y } {
global cellWidth cellHeight
set column [expr $x / $cellWidth]
set row [expr $y / $cellHeight]
return $row,$column
set count 0
foreach i [winfo interps] {
puts $i
if { [string match "dnd2.tcl*" $i] } {
incr count
if { $count == 1 } {
toplevel .info
raise .info
text .info.text -width 65 -height 12 -font { Helvetica 10 } -bg white \
-tabs { 0.25i }
.info.text insert end {
This is a more involved example of the new "dnd" command.
Run this script again to get another window. You can then drag
and drop symbols between the windows by clicking with the left
mouse button on a symbol.
It demonstates how to
o Drag-and-drop on specific areas (canvas items) of a widget.
o How to receive and handle Enter/Leave/Motion events in the target.
o How to send drag feedback to the source.
o Use a drag threshold.
button .info.quit -text "Dismiss" -command { destroy .info }
blt::table .info \
0,0 .info.text -fill both \
1,0 .info.quit
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup finished. Start of drag-and-drop code here.
# Set up the entire canvas as a drag&drop source.
dnd register .c -source yes -dragthreshold 5 -button 1
# Register code to pick up the information about a canvas item
dnd getdata .c color GetColor
proc GetColor { widget args } {
array set info $args
global itemInfo
set id $itemInfo($info(timestamp))
set color [$widget itemcget $id -fill]
set ncoords [llength [$widget coords $id]]
if { $ncoords == 6 } {
set type triangle
} elseif { $ncoords == 8 } {
set type parallelogram
} elseif { $ncoords == 12 } {
set type hexagon
} else {
error "unknown type n=$ncoords"
return [list $color $type]
dnd configure .c -package PackageSample
proc PackageSample { widget args } {
array set info $args
# Check if we're over a canvas item
set items [$widget find overlapping $info(x) $info(y) $info(x) $info(y)]
set pickedItem ""
foreach i $items {
if { [$widget type $i] == "polygon" } {
set pickedItem $i
if { $pickedItem == "" } {
# Cancel the drag
puts "Cancel the drag x=$info(x) y=$info(y)"
return 0
set fill [$widget itemcget $pickedItem -fill]
set outline [$widget itemcget $pickedItem -outline]
set ncoords [llength [$widget coords $pickedItem]]
if { $ncoords == 6 } {
set type triangle
} elseif { $ncoords == 8 } {
set type parallelogram
} elseif { $ncoords == 12 } {
set type hexagon
} else {
error "unknown type n=$ncoords"
set tag [ScreenToCell $widget $info(x) $info(y)]
$info(token).label configure -background $fill -foreground $outline \
-text $type
update idletasks
global itemInfo
set itemInfo($info(timestamp)) $pickedItem
return 1
# Configure a set of animated cursors.
dnd configure .c -cursors {
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand01.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand01m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand02.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand02m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand03.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand03m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand04.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand04m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand05.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand05m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand06.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand06m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand07.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand07m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand08.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand08m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand09.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand09m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand10.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand10m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand11.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand11m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand12.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand12m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand13.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand13m.xbm black white }
{ @bitmaps/hand/hand14.xbm bitmaps/hand/hand14m.xbm black white }
# Create a widget to place in the drag-and-drop token
set token [dnd token window .c]
label $token.label -bd 2 -highlightthickness 1
pack $token.label
dnd token configure .c \
-borderwidth 2 \
-relief raised -activerelief raised \
-outline pink -fill red \
-anchor s
dnd configure .c -target yes
dnd setdata .c color {
proc NewObject { widget args } {
array set info $args
set tag [ScreenToCell $widget $info(x) $info(y)]
global cells
if { [info exists cells($tag)] } {
error "Cell already exists"
set cells($tag) $info(value)
RedrawWorld $widget
dnd configure .c -onmotion OnMotion -onenter OnMotion -onleave OnMotion
proc OnMotion { widget args } {
global cells lastCell
array set info $args
set tag [ScreenToCell $widget $info(x) $info(y)]
if { $lastCell != "" } {
$widget itemconfigure $lastCell -fill white -outline "" -width 1 \
-stipple ""
# Check that we're not over a canvas item
if { ![info exists cells($tag)] } {
$widget itemconfigure $tag -outline lightblue -fill lightblue \
-width 2 -stipple BLT
set lastCell $tag
return 1
return 0