/usr/share/bluefish/bflang/xslt.bflang2 is in bluefish-data 2.2.10-1.
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Bluefish HTML Editor
xslt.bflang2 $Revision: 8607 $
Copyright (C) 2010 Daniel Leidert
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<!-- TODO: Add generic XML and (X)HTML support via options! Add EXSLT support! -->
<bflang name="XSLT" version="3" contexts="43" matches="232">
<mime type="application/xslt+xml" />
<option name="xslt_2" default="0" description="Load XSLT 2.0 support." />
<option name="show_in_menu" default="1"/>
<highlight name="attribute-string" style="string-no-spell-check" />
<highlight name="assignment" style="brackets" />
<highlight name="attribute" style="attribute" />
<highlight name="entity" style="value" />
<highlight name="string" style="string" />
<highlight name="tag" style="tag" />
<highlight name="tag-comment" style="comment" />
<highlight name="tag-condition" style="operator" />
<highlight name="tag-element" style="special-tag" />
<highlight name="tag-fallback" style="special-function" />
<highlight name="tag-function" style="function" />
<highlight name="tag-import" style="warning" />
<highlight name="tag-number" style="value" />
<highlight name="tag-param" style="variable" />
<highlight name="tag-preprocessor" style="preprocessor" />
<highlight name="tag-text" style="string" />
<highlight name="tag-value" style="value" />
<highlight name="xml-comment" style="comment" />
<highlight name="xml-declaration" style="preprocessor" />
<comment type="block" start="<!--" end="-->" />
<default_spellcheck enabled="0" />
<context symbols="><&; 	 ">
<element id="e.xml.open" pattern="<?xml" highlight="xml-declaration" starts_block="1">
<context symbols=">&;"' 	 =">
<element pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9:-]+" is_regex="1" highlight="xml-declaration" />
<element pattern="?>" ends_context="1" ends_block="1" blockstartelement="e.xml.open" highlight="xml-declaration" />
<element id="e.xml.stringstart" pattern=""" highlight="string">
<context symbols="&;"" highlight="string" >
<element id="e.xml.entity" pattern="&[a-z0-9#]+;" is_regex="1" highlight="entity" />
<element pattern=""" highlight="string" ends_context="1"/>
<element id="e.xml.lcomment" pattern="<!--" highlight="xml-comment" starts_block="1">
<context symbols="-> 	 " highlight="xml-comment">
<element pattern="-->" ends_block="1" blockstartelement="e.xml.lcomment" highlight="xml-comment" ends_context="1" />
<!-- TODO: better use something like e.xml.tag.open for this tag to solve: (1) every xmlns:* element might be allowed, (2) transorm is an alias, (3) version 1 vs 2 via class/notclass -->
<tag name="xsl:stylesheet" attributes="id,extension-element-prefixes,exclude-result-prefixes,version,xmlns" attribhighlight="attribute" highlight="tag">
<autocomplete append=" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">" />
<reference>The xsl:stylesheet element represents a stylesheet in an XML document. xsl:transform is allowed synonymously.</reference>
<context symbols="><&; 	 ">
<group attrib_autocomplete_append="=""" highlight="tag-import" attribhighlight="attribute">
<tag name="xsl:include" attributes="href" >
<autocomplete append=" href="" />" />
<reference>Include another XSLT stylesheet.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:import" attributes="href" >
<autocomplete append=" href="" />" />
<reference>Import another XSLT stylesheet.</reference>
<group attrib_autocomplete_append="=""" highlight="tag-preprocessor" attribhighlight="attribute">
<tag name="xsl:deciaml-format" attributes="name,decimal-separator,grouping-separator,infinity,minus-sign,NaN,percent,per-mille,zero-digit,digit,pattern-separator">
<reference>Declare a decimal-format, which controls the interpretation of a format pattern used by the format-number() function.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:key" attributes="name,match,use" >
<autocomplete append=" name="" match="" use="" />" />
<reference>Declare keys. The name attribute specifies the name. The value attribute specifies a QName, which is expanded. And the match attribute is a Pattern. An xsl:key element gives information about the keys of any node that matches the pattern specified in the match attribute.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:namespace-alias" attributes="stylesheet-prefix,result-prefix" >
<autocomplete append=" stylesheet-prefix="" result-prefix="" />" />
<reference>Declare that one namespace URI is an alias for another namespace URI.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:output" attributes="method,version,encoding,omit-xml-declaration,standalone,doctype-public,doctype-system,cdata-section-elements,indent,media-type" >
<autocomplete append=" />" />
<reference>Specify how the result tree should be output.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:preserve-space" attributes="elements" >
<autocomplete append=" elements="" />" />
<reference>Preserve leading or trailing whitespace in these elements.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:strip-space" attributes="elements" >
<autocomplete append=" elements="" />" />
<reference>Strip leading or trailing whitespace in these elements.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:template" attributes="name,match,priority,mode" highlight="tag" attribhighlight="attribute">
<reference>Define a template rule.</reference>
<context id="c.xslt.generic" symbols="><&; 	 ">
<group attrib_autocomplete_append="=""" attribhighlight="attribute">
<autocomplete enable="1" />
<group highlight="tag-param">
<autocomplete append=" name=""" />
<tag name="xsl:param" attributes="name,select">
<reference>Bind a variable to a value. The given one is the default for the binding and can be overridden when calling the template.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:variable" attributes="name,select">
<reference>Bind a variable to a value.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:with-param" attributes="name,select">
<reference>Pass parameter with value to template.</reference>
<group highlight="tag-element">
<tag name="xsl:element" attributes="name,namespace,use-attribute-sets" >
<autocomplete append=" name=""" />
<reference>Create an element with a computed name.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:attribute" attributes="name,namespace" attrib_autocomplete_append="=""" highlight="tag-element" attribhighlight="attribute" id="t.xslt.attribute">
<autocomplete append=" name=""" />
<reference>Add attributes to a result element, whether created literally or by instruction.</reference>
<group highlight="tag-value">
<tag name="xsl:copy" attributes="use-attribute-sets">
<reference>Copy the current node.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:copy-of" attributes="select" >
<autocomplete append=" select=""" />
<reference>Insert a result tree fragment into the result tree.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:value-of" attributes="select,disable-output-escaping" >
<autocomplete append=" select=""" />
<reference>Create a text node in the result tree.</reference>
<group highlight="tag">
<tag name="xsl:apply-imports" highlight="tag">
<autocomplete append=" />" />
<reference>Invoke an overridden template rule.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:apply-templates" attributes="mode,select">
<reference>Apply template rules.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:call-template" attributes="name" >
<autocomplete append=" name=""" />
<reference>Invoke a template by name.</reference>
<group highlight="tag-condition">
<tag name="xsl:choose" >
<autocomplete append="> </xsl:choose>" backup_cursor="14" />
<reference>Select one among a number of possible alternatives: a dequence of xsl:when followed by an optional xsl:otherwise.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:if" attributes="test" >
<autocomplete append=" test=""> </xsl:if>" backup_cursor="10" />
<reference>Specify an expression. If the result is true, then the content template is instantiated.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:otherwise" >
<autocomplete append="> </xsl:otherwise>" backup_cursor="17" />
<reference>If no xsl:when is true, the content of the xsl:otherwise element is instantiated.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:when" attributes="test" >
<autocomplete append="> </xsl:when>" backup_cursor="12" />
<reference>Specify an expression. Each of the xsl:when elements is tested in turn. The content of the first, and only the first xsl:when element, whose test is true, is instantiated.</reference>
<group highlight="tag-function">
<tag name="xsl:for-each" attributes="select" >
<autocomplete append=" select=""" />
<reference>Instantiate a template for each node selected by the XPath expression.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:sort" attributes="select,lang,data-type,oder,case-order" >
<autocomplete append=" />" />
<reference>Specifies the primary, secondary, ... sort keys and order.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:comment" highlight="tag-comment">
<reference>Create a comment node in the result tree.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:fallback" highlight="tag-fallback">
<reference>Perform a fallback action for an instruction element.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:message" attributes="terminate" highlight="tag-comment">
<reference>Send a message (in a way that is dependent on the XSLT processor). The message might terminate the process.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:number" attributes="level,count,from,value,format,lang,letter-value,grouping-separator,grouping-size" highlight="tag-number">
<reference>Insert a formatted number into the result tree.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:processing-instruction" attributes="name" highlight="tag-preprocessor">
<autocomplete append=" name=""" />
<reference>Create a processing instruction node in the result tree.</reference>
<tag name="xsl:text" attributes="disable-output-escaping" highlight="tag-text">
<reference>Create a text node with the same string-value in the result tree.</reference>
<element id="e.xml.tag.open" pattern="<[_a-zA-Z0-9:-]+" is_regex="1" highlight="tag-element" starts_block="1" tagclose_from_blockstack="1">
<reference>Generic XML elements are allowed here too.</reference>
<context symbols=">&;"' 	 =">
<element pattern="[_a-zA-Z0-9:-]+" is_regex="1" highlight="attribute" />
<element pattern="=" highlight="assignment" />
<element idref="e.xml.stringstart"/>
<element pattern="'[^']+'" highlight="string" is_regex="1" />
<element pattern="/>" highlight="tag" ends_context="1" ends_block="1" blockstartelement="e.xml.tag.open" />
<element pattern=">" highlight="tag">
<context idref="c.xslt.generic" />
<element idref="e.xml.lcomment" />
<element idref="e.xml.entity" />
<tag name="xsl:attribute-set" attributes="name,use-attribute-sets" attrib_autocomplete_append="=""" highlight="tag-element" attribhighlight="attribute">
<autocomplete append=" name=""" />
<reference>Define a named set of attributes.</reference>
<context symbols="><&; 	 ">
<tag idref="t.xslt.attribute" />
<!-- <element idref="e.xml.tag.open" /> -->
<element idref="e.xml.lcomment" />
<element idref="e.xml.entity" />
<element idref="e.xml.tag.open" />
<element idref="e.xml.lcomment" />
<element idref="e.xml.entity" />