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;;;; *************************************************************************
;;;; Name: hyperobject-tests.lisp
;;;; Purpose: Hyperobject tests file
;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg
;;;; Date Started: Apr 2003
;;;; $Id$
;;;; This file is Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Kevin M. Rosenberg
;;;; *************************************************************************
(defpackage #:hyperobject-tests
(:use #:hyperobject #:cl #:rtest #:kmrcl))
(in-package #:hyperobject-tests)
(defvar *now* (get-universal-time))
(defun get-now () *now*)
(defclass person (hyperobject)
((first-name :initarg :first-name :accessor first-name
:value-type (varchar 20)
:value-constraint stringp
:null-allowed nil)
(last-name :initarg :last-name :accessor last-name
:value-type (varchar 30)
:value-constraint stringp
:hyperlink find-person-by-last-name
:hyperlink-parameters (("narrow" . "yes"))
:null-allowed nil)
(full-name :value-type string :stored nil)
(dob :initarg :dob :accessor dob
:value-type integer
:print-formatter date-string
:value-constraint integerp
:input-filter convert-to-date)
(resume :initarg :resume :accessor resume
:value-type string
:value-constraint stringp)
;; (addresses :value-type (list-of subobject) :initarg :addresses :accessor addresses))
(addresses :initarg :addresses :accessor addresses
:subobject t)
(create-time :accessor create-time :compute-cached-value (get-now)))
(:metaclass hyperobject-class)
(:default-initargs :first-name "" :last-name "" :dob 0 :resume nil)
(:default-print-slots first-name last-name dob resume)
(:user-name "Person")
(:description "A Person")
(:rule-1 (:dependants (last-name first-name) :volatile full-name)
(setf full-name (concatenate 'string first-name " " last-name)))))
(defclass address (hyperobject)
((title :initarg :title :accessor title
:value-type (varchar 20)
:value-constraint stringp)
(street :initarg :street :accessor street
:value-type (varchar 30)
:value-constraint stringp)
(phones :initarg :phones :accessor phones
:subobject t)
(years-at-address :initarg :years-at-address :value-type fixnum
:accessor years-at-address
:value-constraint integerp))
(:metaclass hyperobject-class)
(:default-initargs :title nil :street nil)
(:user-name "Address" "Addresses")
(:default-print-slots title street years-at-address)
(:description "An address"))
(defclass phone (hyperobject)
((title :initarg :title :accessor title
:value-type (varchar 20)
:value-constraint stringp)
(phone-number :initarg :phone-number :accessor phone-number
:value-type (varchar 16)
:value-constraint stringp
:hyperlink search-phone-number))
(:metaclass hyperobject-class)
(:user-name "Phone Number")
(:default-initargs :title nil :phone-number nil)
(:default-print-slots title phone-number)
(:description "A phone number"))
(defparameter home-phone-1 (make-instance 'phone :title "Voice" :phone-number "367-9812"))
(defparameter home-phone-2 (make-instance 'phone :title "Fax" :phone-number "367-9813"))
(defparameter office-phone-1 (make-instance 'phone :title "Main line" :phone-number "123-0001"))
(defparameter office-phone-2 (make-instance 'phone :title "Staff line" :phone-number "123-0002"))
(defparameter office-phone-3 (make-instance 'phone :title "Fax" :phone-number "123-0005"))
(defparameter home (make-instance 'address :title "Home" :street "321 Shady Lane"
:years-at-address 10
:phones (list home-phone-1 home-phone-2)))
(defparameter office (make-instance 'address :title "Office" :street "113 Main St."
:years-at-address 5
:phones (list office-phone-1 office-phone-2 office-phone-3)))
(defparameter mary (make-instance 'person :first-name "Mary" :last-name "Jackson"
:dob (encode-universal-time
1 2 3 4 5 2000)
:addresses (list home office)
:resume "Style & Grace"))
(defun view-to-string (obj &rest args)
(with-output-to-string (strm)
(apply #'view obj :stream strm args)))
(deftest :p1 (view-to-string mary :vid :compact-text) "Person:
Mary Jackson Thu, 4 May 2000 03:02:01 Style & Grace
(deftest :p2 (view-to-string mary :subobjects t :vid :compact-text) "Person:
Mary Jackson Thu, 4 May 2000 03:02:01 Style & Grace
Home 321 Shady Lane 10
Phone Numbers:
Voice 367-9812
Fax 367-9813
Office 113 Main St. 5
Phone Numbers:
Main line 123-0001
Staff line 123-0002
Fax 123-0005
(deftest :p3 (view-to-string mary :vid :compact-text-labels)
first-name Mary last-name Jackson dob Thu, 4 May 2000 03:02:01 resume Style & Grace
(deftest :p4 (view-to-string mary :vid :compact-text)
Mary Jackson Thu, 4 May 2000 03:02:01 Style & Grace
(deftest :cv1 (years-at-address home)
(deftest :cv2 (years-at-address office)
(deftest :cv3 (equal (create-time mary) *now*)
(deftest :s1 (slot-value (class-of mary) 'ho::user-name)
(deftest :s2 (slot-value (class-of mary) 'ho::user-name-plural)
(deftest :s3 (slot-value (class-of home) 'ho::user-name-plural)
(deftest :s4 (slot-value (class-of mary) 'ho::description)
"A Person")