/usr/share/denemo/actions/denemo-modules/abstractionmovement.scm is in denemo-data 2.2.0-1build1.
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#!(define-module (actions denemo-modules abstractionmovement3)
#:export (
)) !#
; This is the prototype of a system that creates an abstraction of the movement.
; In the end there is a list of list of musobj-objects which are vertically aligned. Different durations are equalized out by inserting repeated notes.
; Only notes, chords and rests are saved currently. Duration is ignored. The start-tick value is used to check if notes need repetition.
; Uses ANS (Abstract Note System, defined in actions/ans.scm)
; Uses musobj (A structure for musical objects, defined in actions/denemo.scm)
; Currently all functions are wrapped in a single big program. This way they do not pollute the global namespace, but they are called each time an Abstraction-Movement gets created, which is only needed after a score-change.
; Functions in this file.
;;(ListStaffTicksInMeasures->StaffOffsetTickList listy)
;;(insert-into-list listy position what )
;;(duplicate-item-in-list listy position)
;;(list-equalizer! what . lists)
;;(insert-deep movement staffnumber position what)
;;(duplicate-deep movement staffnumber position)
;;(GetStartTickMinimum listy)
;;(fill-with-redundancy! movement)
(define mainBlock #f)(define notMinimum #f) ;;; RTS - I don't know what these are, but for some reason they appear below in a context where they need to be defined.
(define (CreateAbstractionMovement)
;Nearly any of the following functions are just crude prototypes. They are crude because they work with lists instead of a good data type like an red/black-tree. We need a data type here that is a list of list or allows simultanious items, allows refering to a single item and allows inserting. The result here is that all is done with list, appending, splitting, copying complete lists around instead of micro-changes.
;Create a list which holds a tick-sum for each measure. It counts the actual length, even if the measure is overful or underful. It assumes 100% fill for an empty measure.
(define (CreateListStaffTicksInMeasures)
(define return #f)
(set! return
(let loop ((listy (list #f)) )
(if (EmptyMeasure?)
(append! listy (list (duration::GetWholeMeasureInTicks)))
(append! listy (list (GetMeasureTicks))))
(if (d-MoveToMeasureRight)
(loop listy)
(list-tail listy 1))))
;Wants a list created by (CreateListStaffTicksInMeasures).
;returns the tick offset for each measure. Each list position is equal to a measure number. There is no measure 0, so its #f
;The offset is each measure, added to all measure before it.
(define (ListStaffTicksInMeasures->StaffOffsetTickList listy)
(define lstlength (length listy))
(let loop ((counter 0)(return (list #f)))
(if (= counter (1+ lstlength))
(loop (1+ counter) (append! return (list (apply + 0 (list-head listy counter)))))))) ; list-head excludes the given position. This means if you give a measure number this measure will be included. Same counting as (lenght list)
;Create a list of OffsetTickLists. Each list is a staff, which is a staff of measures.
;All countings from 1. Positions 0 are #f for both the outer and all inner lists.
(define (CreateOffsetTickListMovement)
(define return (list #f))
(let loop ()
(append! return (list (ListStaffTicksInMeasures->StaffOffsetTickList (CreateListStaffTicksInMeasures))))
(if (and (d-MoveToStaffDown) (d-MoveToBeginning))
;Very slow version of insert-into-list
(define (insert-into-list listy position what )
(list-head listy position)
(copy-tree (list what))
(list-tail listy position)))
;Variant of insert-into-list that duplicates an item
(define (duplicate-item-in-list listy position)
(list-head listy position)
(copy-tree (list (list-ref listy position)))
(list-tail listy position)
;Make all lists equal in length by appending 'what' to their tails
;;Usage with a list of lists: (apply list-equalizer! #f listoflists)
(define (list-equalizer! what . lists)
(define longest (reduce max 0 (map length lists)))
(define (extend listy)
(append! listy (copy-tree (make-list (- longest (length listy)) what)))) ; compare given list with longest and fill with 'what'
(map extend lists)
;Nearly any of the following functions are just crude prototypes. They are crude because they work with lists instead of a good data type like an red/black-tree. We need a data type here that is a list of list or allows simultanious items, allows refering to a single item and allows inserting. The result here is that all is done with list, appending, splitting, copying complete lists around instead of micro-changes.
;A slow version to change one list in the list of lists. Replaces the whole inner list with a new one instead of modifying the original one.
(define (insert-deep movement staffnumber position what)
movement ; outer list, the movement
(insert-into-list (list-ref movement staffnumber) position what))) ; replaced with a new staff
;Variant of insert-deep to duplicate one item in an inner list. Like insert-deep its slow.
(define (duplicate-deep movement staffnumber position)
movement ; outer list, the movement
(duplicate-item-in-list (list-ref movement staffnumber) position))) ; create new list to replace the old one on the same position
;; Find the minimum value in a list of numbers. No check if only numbers!
(define (GetStartTickMinimum listy)
(reduce min 0 (map musobj.start listy)))
;; Create a MusObj but directly change its start-tick value to include the offset generated by (CreateOffsetTickListMovement)
(define (Abstraction::CreateMusObj)
(define (getCurrentOffset musobj)
(list-ref (list-ref OffsetTickList (musobj.staff musobj)) (musobj.measure musobj))) ; inner list refs gets the staff as list from OffsetTickList, outer list-ref the measure
(define musobj (CreateMusObj))
(set!musobj.start musobj (+ (getCurrentOffset musobj) (musobj.start musobj)))
;; creates a list of list of musobj(ects). Each first level list is one staff.
;; All append! need an additional (list) because append merges only with lists.
(define (createFinalList)
(define (staffLoop) ;; Subproc to gather the information for one staff and return a list.
(define stafflist (list #f))
(if (or (Music?) (MeasureEmpty?)) ; if the first object is already a music item start right now. This prevents also a crash if the staff starts with a directive or else.
(append! stafflist (list (Abstraction::CreateMusObj))))
(let loop ()
(if (d-MoveCursorRight)
(if (or (Music?) (MeasureEmpty?))
(append! stafflist (list (Abstraction::CreateMusObj))))
(list-tail stafflist 1)))) ; Return list minus initial #f
;;; Body
(let loop ((final_list (list #f )) )
(append! final_list (list (staffLoop))) ; First Staff is guaranteed to work, after first staff test for more staffs:
(if (and (d-MoveToStaffDown) (d-MoveToBeginning))
(loop final_list)
(list-tail final_list 1)) ; If there is no staff, return the final list minus the initial #f
); Final Loop end
); createFinalList end
(define (fill-with-redundancy! movement)
; prepare variables-
(define (ansrest? musobject)
(equal? (list +inf.0) (musobj.pitch musobject))
(not (inf? (musobj.start musobject)))
(define positioncounter 0)
(define staffcounter 0)
(define MusObjectsOfCurrentPosition #f) ; All musobj of list-ref positioncounter
(define minimum #f) ;The current lowest start-tick
; Two sub-procs
(define (insertRestBeforeFalse musobject)
(if (not musobject) ; if the object is a #f fill in a infinity rest before/to the current position
(insert-deep movement staffcounter positioncounter (make-musobj 'pitch (list +inf.0) 'movement #f 'staff #f 'measure #f 'horizontal #f 'metricalp #f 'start +inf.0 'duration #f 'baseduration #f 'dots #f)))
(set!musobj.pitch (list-ref (list-ref movement staffcounter) positioncounter) (musobj.pitch (list-ref (list-ref movement staffcounter) (- positioncounter 1))))
(set! staffcounter (+ staffcounter 1))) ; the next for-each iteration needs another staff
(define (checkAndChange listy) ; the main program to check and alter MusObjectsOfCurrentPosition
(if (ansrest? (list-ref listy positioncounter)) ; rests need to gain a real pitch
(if (= 0 positioncounter)
(set!musobj.pitch (list-ref listy positioncounter) (musobj.pitch (list-ref listy (+ positioncounter 1)))) ;or next object, for a leading rest in a staff
(set!musobj.pitch (list-ref listy positioncounter) (musobj.pitch (list-ref listy (- positioncounter 1)))))) ;should take the pitch of the item before it
(if (= (musobj.start (list-ref listy positioncounter)) minimum) ; starts on minimum tick?
(set! staffcounter (+ staffcounter 1)) ;Current musobj starts at minimum tick, good.
(begin notMinimum
(if (not (inf? (musobj.start (list-ref listy positioncounter)))) ; if infinity-rest just change the tick
(duplicate-deep movement staffcounter (- positioncounter 1)) ; else copy a new musobj
(set!musobj.start (list-ref listy (- positioncounter 1)) minimum)) ; change the created item to min start-tick
(set!musobj.pitch (list-ref listy positioncounter) (musobj.pitch (list-ref listy (- positioncounter 1)))) ; copy pitch
(set!musobj.movement (list-ref listy positioncounter) (musobj.movement (list-ref listy (- positioncounter 1))))
(set!musobj.staff (list-ref listy positioncounter) (musobj.staff (list-ref listy (- positioncounter 1))))
(set!musobj.measure (list-ref listy positioncounter) (musobj.measure (list-ref listy (- positioncounter 1))))
(set!musobj.horizontal (list-ref listy positioncounter) (musobj.horizontal (list-ref listy (- positioncounter 1))))
(set!musobj.metricalp (list-ref listy positioncounter) (musobj.metricalp (list-ref listy (- positioncounter 1))))
(set!musobj.start (list-ref listy positioncounter) minimum)
); if end
(set! staffcounter (+ staffcounter 1))
)); begin notMinimum & if minimum
); checkAndChange subProc.
(let loop ()
(set! staffcounter 0); reset staffcounter before for-each, which loops through staffs
(set! MusObjectsOfCurrentPosition (map (lambda (lst) (list-ref lst positioncounter)) movement))
(if (member #f MusObjectsOfCurrentPosition)
(if (every not MusObjectsOfCurrentPosition) ; If all are #f the movement is at its end
"Abstraction Movement ready" ; The End. "movement" is ready.
(for-each insertRestBeforeFalse MusObjectsOfCurrentPosition) (loop))) ;fill the tail with an infinity rest for each #f on current position.
(begin mainBlock ; no #f on current position
(set! minimum (GetStartTickMinimum MusObjectsOfCurrentPosition))
(for-each checkAndChange movement) ; always feed with the current state of the whole movement
(set! positioncounter (1+ positioncounter))
)); if member #f? & begin mainBlock
)); fill-with-redundancy! end
; Create the abstraction movement in multiple steps. They are all desctructive.
;;0 Create a helper list to with the tick offset for each measure.
;;1 parse everything, save the music as musobj. Notes, Chords, Rests
;;2 make all length equal by adding rests in the infinity to the ends.
;;3 one final #f to all staffs. The end is reached when all position return #f instead of a musobj
;;4 check if all start-ticks are the same, if not duplicate notes to fill the gaps
;;5 delete the tailing #f from the movement
(define OffsetTickList #f)
(define movement #f)
(set! OffsetTickList (CreateOffsetTickListMovement))
(set! movement (createFinalList))
(apply list-equalizer! (make-musobj 'pitch (list +inf.0) 'movement #f 'staff #f 'measure #f 'horizontal #f 'metricalp #f 'start +inf.0 'duration #f 'baseduration #f 'dots #f) movement)
(map (lambda (lst) (append! lst (list #f))) movement)
(fill-with-redundancy! movement)
(set! movement (map (lambda (lst) (drop-right lst 1)) movement))
;Functions that use the abstractionmovement;
;;PasteAbstractionMovement creates a new Denemo-tab and visualises the contents of an abstractionmovement there.
(define (PasteAbstractionMovement abstractionmovement)
; For each staff (primary list in abstractionmovement)
; do inserting the pitch for every (for-each) object
(d-NewWindow) ; creates a new movement with the same number of staffs
(for-each (lambda (staff)
(for-each (lambda (object)
(if (not object)
(d-MoveToStaffDown) ; move one down for the next iteration
(ANS::InsertNotes (musobj.pitch object) 0 384)))
;ApplyTestsToAbstractionMovementPositions takes functions and applies each to a value and returns a list of returnvalues.
;;Used in MapToAbstractionMovement
(define (ApplyTestsToAbstractionMovementPositions previous current next . functions)
(filter (lambda (x) (not (not x)))
(concatenate (concatenate
(map (lambda (proc) (call-with-values (lambda () (proc previous current next)) list))
;MapToAbstractionMovement wants an abstractionsmovement and functions
;; Each function will be applied to a vertical position (all notes which sound at the same time). The return values will be gathered in a list and then it advcances to the next vertical position until the end of the abstractionmovement.
;; Compatible functions must accept three parameters: Three lists of MusObjs: All notes from the previous, current and next position. Even if the functions discard one or two of these position internaly.
;; Compatible functions must return a list which members are either #f or pairs (cons 'tag data-you-like). In the end any #f will be deleted automatically. "Data-you-like" is mainly there to let Denemo find the place where the error is so you better include musobjs there.
(define (MapToAbstractionMovement abstractmovement . functions)
(define return #f)
(set! abstractmovement (apply map list abstractmovement)) ; sync the voices vertically "in chords" by creating new list from each of the sublists. They all have the same length.
(set! return (map ; this needs srfi-1 map which handles unequal list lengths
(lambda (previous current next) (apply ApplyTestsToAbstractionMovementPositions previous current next functions))
(cons #f abstractmovement)
(append (cdr abstractmovement) (list (last abstractmovement)))))
(filter (lambda (x) (not (null? x))) (concatenate return)))
;Tests for MapToAbstractionMovement;
;Basic functions
;; "AM::CapitalCamelCase"
;Find consecutive interval progressions in two pairs of notes
(define* (AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next proc interval tag #:optional (staffs #f))
(lambda (pair-current pair-next)
(if (proc
(car (musobj.pitch (cdr pair-current))) ;low1
(car (musobj.pitch (car pair-current))) ;high1
(car (musobj.pitch (cdr pair-next))) ;low2
(car (musobj.pitch (car pair-next))) ;high1
(cons tag (cons pair-current pair-next))
(if staffs ;its possible to only check certain voices which may be in the optional staffs var.
(GetUniquePairs (map (lambda (x) (list-ref current x)) staffs))
(GetUniquePairs current))
(if staffs
(GetUniquePairs (map (lambda (x) (list-ref next x)) staffs))
(GetUniquePairs next))))
(define (AM::TestSimultaneousIntervalFromBaseMetricalMain previos current next interval tag)
(define pairlist (GetUniquePairsFilterLowest current MusObj::minPitch))
(lambda (pair)
(if (and (duration::MetricalMain? (musobj.metricalp (car pair))) (duration::MetricalMain? (musobj.metricalp (cdr pair))) (= interval (MusObj::GetInterval (car pair) (cdr pair)))) ; if interval and both notes are on a metrical main position
(cons tag pair)
(define (AM::TestSimultaneousIntervalFromBaseMetricalFirst previos current next interval tag)
(define pairlist (GetUniquePairsFilterLowest current MusObj::minPitch))
(lambda (pair)
(if (and (= 1 (musobj.metricalp (car pair))) (= 1 (musobj.metricalp (cdr pair))) (= interval (MusObj::GetInterval (car pair) (cdr pair)))) ; if interval and both notes are on the first metrical position
(cons tag pair)
;AM::GenerateStaffList converts numbers and special symbols to a list of numbers which represents which of the staffs should be used for an AM::test
;;needs to know how many staffs there are and as many parameters as needed
;;parameters are plain numbers or special symbols
;; 'last the last staff
;; 'first the first staff, but better use 0.
;; '-3-5 from 3 to 5. Note the leading dash.
(define (AM::GenerateStaffList staffcount . parameter)
(set! parameter (delete-duplicates parameter))
;Real Tests that can be used as MapToAbstractionMovement functions
;Just display all "chords", made of musobj
;;Debug only. Has a wrong return format.
(define (AM::display previous current next)
(list current))
;Display all "chords" as lilypond pitches
;;Debug only. Has a wrong return format.
(define (AM::displayLilypond previous current next)
(map (lambda (x)
(ANS::Ans2Ly (car (musobj.pitch x))))
(define (AM::consecutive5th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveOpen? 1 'consecutive5th))
(define (AM::consecutive8th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveOpen? 0 'consecutive8th))
(define (AM::crossed5th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveCrossed? 1 'crossed5th))
(define (AM::crossed8th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveCrossed? 0 'crossed8th))
(define (AM::hidden5th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveHidden? 1 'hidden5th))
(define (AM::hidden8th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveHidden? 0 'hidden8th))
(define (AM::anti5th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveAnti? 1 'anti5th))
(define (AM::anti8th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveAnti? 0 'anti8th))
(define (AM::hiddencrossed5th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveHiddenCrossed? 1 'hiddencrossed5th))
(define (AM::hiddencrossed8th previous current next)
(AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveHiddenCrossed? 0 'hiddencrossed8th))
(define (AM::simultaneousFromBaseMetricalMain4th previos current next)
(AM::TestSimultaneousIntervalFromBaseMetricalMain previos current next -1 'simultaneousBaseMain4th))
(define (AM::simultaneousFromBaseMetricalFirst8th previos current next)
(AM::TestSimultaneousIntervalFromBaseMetricalFirst previos current next 0 'simultaneousBaseFirst8th))
(define (AM::simultaneousFromBaseMetricalFirst5th previos current next)
(AM::TestSimultaneousIntervalFromBaseMetricalFirst previos current next 1 'simultaneousBaseFirst5th))
;This function is not a test itself but generates a test-function
(define (AM::generateHidden5th stafflist)
(lambda (previous current next) (AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveHidden? 1 'hidden5th stafflist)))
;This function is not a test itself but generates a test-function
(define (AM::generateHidden8thstaffs stafflist)
(lambda (previous current next) (AM::TestConsecutiveIntervalProgression previous current next ANS::ConsecutiveHidden? 0 'hidden8th stafflist)))