/usr/share/faust/oscillator.lib is in faust-common 0.9.95~repack1-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// WARNING: Deprecated Library!!
// Read the README file in /libraries for more information
declare name "Faust Oscillator Library";
declare author "Julius O. Smith (jos at ccrma.stanford.edu)";
declare copyright "Julius O. Smith III";
declare version "1.11";
declare license "STK-4.3"; // Synthesis Tool Kit 4.3 (MIT style license)
declare deprecated "This library is deprecated and is not maintained anymore. It might
be removed in future released.";
ml = library("music.lib"); // SR, db2linear, frac, PI, noise, ...
fl = library("filter.lib"); // wgr, nlf2, tf2, smooth, tau2pole, iir, ...
//--------------------Oscillator library for Faust--------------------------
// Virtual analog oscillators and filter-based oscillators.
// For wavetable-based oscillators, see osc* in ./music.lib
// Low-frequency oscillators have prefix "lf_"
// (no aliasing suppression, signal-means not necessarily zero)
//-------- LF Impulse and Pulse Trains, Square and Triangle Waves ----------
// lf_imptrain, lf_pulsetrainpos, lf_squarewavepos, lf_squarewave, lf_trianglepos
// ### USAGE:
// lf_wavetype : _
// ### NOTES:
// + Suffix 'pos' means the function is nonnegative, otherwise ~ zero mean
// + All impulse and pulse trains jump to 1 at time 0
// Unit-amplitude low-frequency impulse train:
lf_imptrain(freq) = lf_sawpos(freq)<:-(mem)<0; // definition below
// Unit-amplitude nonnegative LF pulse train, duty cycle between 0 and 1:
lf_pulsetrainpos(freq,duty) = float(lf_sawpos(freq) < duty);
//pulsetrainpos = lf_pulsetrainpos; // for backward compatibility
// Positive LF square wave in [0,1]:
lf_squarewavepos(freq) = lf_pulsetrainpos(freq,0.5);
// squarewavepos = lf_squarewavepos; // for backward compatibility
// Zero-mean unit-amplitude LF square wave:
lf_squarewave(freq) = 2*lf_squarewavepos(freq) - 1;
// squarewave = lf_squarewave; // for backward compatibility
// Positive unit-amplitude LF triangle wave:
lf_trianglepos(freq) = 1-abs(saw1(freq)); // saw1 defined below
//---------- LF Sawtooths: lf_rawsaw, lf_sawpos, saw1 -------------------
// Sawtooth waveform oscillators for virtual analog synthesis et al.
// The 'simple' versions (lf_rawsaw, lf_sawpos, saw1), are mere samplings of
// the ideal continuous-time ("analog") waveforms. While simple, the
// aliasing due to sampling is quite audible. The differentiated
// polynomial waveform family (saw2, sawN, and derived functions)
// do some extra processing to suppress aliasing (not audible for
// very low fundamental frequencies). According to Lehtonen et al.
// (JASA 2012), the aliasing of saw2 should be inaudible at fundamental
// frequencies below 2 kHz or so, for a 44.1 kHz sampling rate and 60 dB SPL
// presentation level; fundamentals 415 and below required no aliasing
// suppression (i.e., saw1 is ok).
// --- lf_rawsaw ---
// simple sawtooth waveform oscillator between 0 and period in samples:
lf_rawsaw(periodsamps) = (_,periodsamps : fmod) ~ +(1.0);
fracPart(x) = x - floor(x);
// --- lf_sawpos ---
// simple sawtooth waveform oscillator between 0 and 1
lf_sawpos(freq) = fracPart ~ +(freq/ml.SR); // Bart Brouns versions
lf_sawpos_phase(phase,freq) = (+(phase-phase') : fracPart ) ~ +(freq/ml.SR);
// --- saw1 ---
// simple sawtooth waveform oscillator between -1 and 1
saw1(freq) = 2.0 * lf_sawpos(freq) - 1.0; // zero-mean in [-1,1)
// no lf prefix because order 1 explicit called for here
//---------------- Bandlimited Sawtooth sawN, saw2, ... ------------------
// ### METHOD 1 (saw2):
// Polynomial Transition Regions (PTR) (for aliasing suppression)
// Kleimola, J.; Valimaki, V., "Reducing Aliasing from Synthetic Audio
// Signals Using Polynomial Transition Regions," in Signal Processing
// Letters, IEEE , vol.19, no.2, pp.67-70, Feb. 2012
// https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/bitstream/handle/123456789/7747/publication6.pdf?sequence=9
// http://research.spa.aalto.fi/publications/papers/spl-ptr/
// ### METHOD 2 (sawN):
// Differentiated Polynomial Waves (DPW) (for aliasing suppression)
// "Alias-Suppressed Oscillators based on Differentiated Polynomial Waveforms",
// Vesa Valimaki, Juhan Nam, Julius Smith, and Jonathan Abel,
// IEEE Tr. Acoustics, Speech, and Language Processing (IEEE-ASLP),
// Vol. 18, no. 5, May 2010.
// --- sawN for N = 1 to 6 ---
//We can do 6, but 5 and 6 have noise at low fundamentals: MAX_SAW_ORDER = 6; MAX_SAW_ORDER_NEXTPOW2 = 8;
MAX_SAW_ORDER = 4; MAX_SAW_ORDER_NEXTPOW2 = 8; // par cannot handle the case of 0 elements
sawN(N,freq) = saw1l : poly(Nc) : D(Nc-1) : gate(Nc-1)
with {
Nc = max(1,min(N,MAX_SAW_ORDER));
clippedFreq = max(20.0,abs(freq)); // use lf_sawpos(freq) for LFOs (freq < 20 Hz)
saw1l = 2*lf_sawpos(clippedFreq) - 1; // zero-mean, amplitude +/- 1
// Also note the availability of lf_sawpos_phase above.
poly(1,x) = x;
poly(2,x) = x*x;
poly(3,x) = x*x*x - x;
poly(4,x) = x*x*(x*x - 2.0);
poly(5,x) = x*(7.0/3 + x*x*(-10.0/3.0 + x*x));
poly(6,x) = x*x*(7.0 + x*x*(-5.0 + x*x));
p0n = float(ml.SR)/clippedFreq; // period in samples
diff1(x) = (x - x')/(2.0/p0n);
diff(N) = seq(n,N,diff1); // N diff1s in series
factorial(0) = 1;
factorial(i) = i * factorial(i-1);
D(0) = _;
D(i) = diff(i)/factorial(i+1);
gate(N) = *(1@(N)); // delayed step for blanking startup glitch
// --- sawNp for N = 1 to 6 ---
// Phase offset = delay (max 8191 samples is more than one period of audio):
sawNp(N,freq,phase) = sawN(N,freq) : @(max(0,min(8191,int(phase*ml.SR/freq))));
// Special named cases:
// --- sawN ---
saw2dpw(freq) = saw1(freq) <: * <: -(mem) : *(0.25'*ml.SR/freq); // inferior to saw2 below
saw3 = sawN(3); saw4 = sawN(4); saw5 = sawN(5); saw6 = sawN(6);
saw2(freq) = y with { // newer PTR version (stateless - freq can vary at any speed)
p0 = float(ml.SR)/float(max(1.0e-7,abs(freq))); // period in samples
t0 = 1.0/p0; // phase increment
p = ((_<:(-(1)<:_,_),_) <: selector1,selector2) ~(+(t0)):!,_;
selector1 = select2(<(0)); // for feedback
selector2 = select2(<(0), (_<:_,(*(1-p0):+(1)):+), _); // for output
y = 2*p-1;
// --- sawtooth ---
sawtooth = saw2; // default choice for sawtooth signal - see also sawN
// --- Correction-filtered versions of saw2: saw2f2, saw2f4 ----
// The correction filter compensates "droop" near half the sampling rate.
// See reference for sawN.
saw2f2 = saw2 : cf2 with {
cf2 = fl.tf2(1.155704605878911, 0.745184288225518,0.040305967265900,
0.823765146386639, 0.117420665547108);
saw2f4 = saw2 : cf4 with {
cf4 = fl.iir((1.155727435125014, 2.285861038554662,
1.430915027294021, 0.290713280893317, 0.008306401748854),
(2.156834679164532, 1.559532244409321, 0.423036498118354,
//-------------------------- sawtooth_demo ---------------------------
// ### USAGE: sawtooth_demo : _
sawtooth_demo = signal with {
osc_group(x) = vgroup("[0] SAWTOOTH OSCILLATOR
[tooltip: See Faust's oscillator.lib for documentation and references]",x);
knob_group(x) = osc_group(hgroup("[1]", x));
ampdb = knob_group(vslider("[1] Amplitude [unit:dB] [style:knob]
[tooltip: Sawtooth waveform amplitude]",
amp = ampdb : ml.db2linear : fl.smooth(0.999);
freq = knob_group(
vslider("[2] Frequency [unit:PK] [style:knob]
[tooltip: Sawtooth frequency as a Piano Key (PK) number (A440 = key 49)]",
49,1,88,0.01) : pianokey2hz);
pianokey2hz(x) = 440.0*pow(2.0, (x-49.0)/12); // piano key 49 = A440 (also defined in effect.lib)
detune1 = 1 + 0.01 * knob_group(
vslider("[3] Detuning 1 [unit:%%] [style:knob]
[tooltip: Percentange frequency-shift up or down for second oscillator]",
detune2 = 1 + 0.01 * knob_group(
vslider("[4] Detuning 2 [unit:%%] [style:knob]
[tooltip: Percentange frequency-shift up or down for third detuned oscillator]",
portamento = knob_group(
vslider("[5] Portamento [unit:sec] [style:knob] [scale:log]
[tooltip: Portamento (frequency-glide) time-constant in seconds]",
sfreq = freq : fl.smooth(fl.tau2pole(portamento));
saworder = knob_group(nentry("[6] Saw Order [tooltip: Order of sawtootn aliasing suppression]",2,1,MAX_SAW_ORDER,1));
sawchoice = _ <: par(i,MAX_SAW_ORDER,sawN(i+1)) : ml.selectn(int(MAX_SAW_ORDER), int(saworder-1)); // when max is pwr of 2
tone = (amp/3) * (sawchoice(sfreq) + sawchoice(sfreq*detune1) + sawchoice(sfreq*detune2));
signal = amp * select2(ei, select2(ss, tone, white_or_pink_noise), _);
white_or_pink_noise = select2(wp,ml.noise,pink_noise);
checkbox_group(x) = knob_group(vgroup("[7] Alternate Signals",x));
ss = checkbox_group(checkbox("[0] Noise (White or Pink - uses only Amplitude control on the left)"));
wp = checkbox_group(checkbox("[1] Pink instead of White Noise (also called 1/f Noise) [tooltip: Pink Noise (or 1/f noise) is Constant-Q Noise, meaning that it has the same total power in every octave]"));
ei = checkbox_group(checkbox("[2] External Signal Input (overrides Sawtooth/Noise selection above)"));
//---------- Bandlimited Pulse, Square, and Impulse Trains -------------
// pulsetrain[N], square[N], imptrain[N], triangle[N]
// All are zero-mean and meant to oscillate in the audio frequency range.
// Use simpler sample-rounded lf_* versions above for LFOs.
pulsetrainN(N,freq,duty) = diffdel(sawN(N,freqC),del) with {
// non-interpolated-delay version: diffdel(x,del) = x - x@int(del+0.5);
// linearly interpolated delay version (sounds good to me):
diffdel(x,del) = x-x@int(del)*(1-ml.frac(del))-x@(int(del)+1)*ml.frac(del);
// Third-order Lagrange interpolated-delay version (see filter.lib):
// diffdel(x,del) = x - fl.fdelay3(DELPWR2,max(1,min(DELPWR2-2,ddel)));
DELPWR2 = 2048; // Needs to be a power of 2 when fdelay*() used above.
delmax = DELPWR2-1; // arbitrary upper limit on diff delay (duty=0.5)
SRmax = 96000.0; // assumed upper limit on sampling rate
fmin = SRmax / float(2.0*delmax); // 23.4 Hz (audio freqs only)
freqC = max(freq,fmin); // clip frequency at lower limit
period = (float(ml.SR) / freqC); // actual period
ddel = duty * period; // desired delay
del = max(0,min(delmax,ddel));
pulsetrain = pulsetrainN(2);
squareN(N,freq) = pulsetrainN(N,freq,0.5);
square = squareN(2);
diffn(x) = x' - x; // negated first-order difference
impulse = 1-1';
imptrainN(N,freq) = impulse + 0.5*diffn(sawN(N,freq));
imptrain = imptrainN(2); // default based on saw2
triangleN(N,freq) = squareN(N,freq) : fl.pole(p) : *(gain) with {
gain = 4.0*freq/ml.SR; // for aproximate unit peak amplitude
p = 0.999;
triangle = triangleN(2); // default based on saw2
//---------------------- virtual_analog_oscillator_demo ----------------------
// ### USAGE: virtual_analog_oscillator_demo : _
virtual_analog_oscillator_demo = signal with {
osc_group(x) = vgroup("[0] VIRTUAL ANALOG OSCILLATORS
[tooltip: See Faust's oscillator.lib for documentation and references]",x);
// Signals
sawchoice = _ <:
// When MAX_SAW_ORDER is a power of 2:
par(i,MAX_SAW_ORDER,sawN(i+1)) : ml.selectn(int(MAX_SAW_ORDER), int(saworder-1));
// When MAX_SAW_ORDER is NOT a power of 2:
// (par(i,MAX_SAW_ORDER,sawN(i+1)), par(j,MAX_SAW_ORDER_NEXTPOW2-MAX_SAW_ORDER,_))
// : ml.selectn(MAX_SAW_ORDER_NEXTPOW2, saworder-1);
saw = (amp/3) *
(sawchoice(sfreq) + sawchoice(sfreq*detune1) + sawchoice(sfreq*detune2));
sq = (amp/3) *
(square(sfreq) + square(sfreq*detune1) + square(sfreq*detune2));
tri = (amp/3) *
(triangle(sfreq) + triangle(sfreq*detune1) + triangle(sfreq*detune2));
pt = (amp/3) * (pulsetrain(sfreq,ptd)
+ pulsetrain(sfreq*detune1,ptd)
+ pulsetrain(sfreq*detune2,ptd));
ptN = (amp/3) * (pulsetrainN(N,sfreq,ptd)
+ pulsetrainN(N,sfreq*detune1,ptd)
+ pulsetrainN(N,sfreq*detune2,ptd)) with {N=3;};
pn = amp * pink_noise;
signal = ssaw*saw + ssq*sq + stri*tri
+ spt*((ssptN*ptN)+(1-ssptN)*pt)
+ spn*pn + sei*_;
// Signal controls:
signal_group(x) = osc_group(hgroup("[0] Signal Levels",x));
ssaw = signal_group(vslider("[0] Sawtooth [style:vslider]",1,0,1,0.01));
pt_group(x) = signal_group(vgroup("[1] Pulse Train",x));
ssptN = pt_group(checkbox("[0] Order 3
[tooltip: When checked, use 3rd-order aliasing suppression (up from 2)
See if you can hear a difference with the freq high and swept]"));
spt = pt_group(vslider("[1] [style:vslider]",0,0,1,0.01));
ptd = pt_group(vslider("[2] Duty Cycle [style:knob]",0.5,0,1,0.01))
: fl.smooth(0.99);
ssq = signal_group(vslider("[2] Square [style:vslider]",0,0,1,0.01));
stri = signal_group(vslider("[3] Triangle [style:vslider]",0,0,1,0.01));
spn = signal_group(vslider(
"[4] Pink Noise [style:vslider]
[tooltip: Pink Noise (or 1/f noise) is Constant-Q Noise, meaning that it has the same total power in every octave (uses only amplitude controls)]",0,0,1,0.01));
sei = signal_group(vslider("[5] Ext Input [style:vslider]",0,0,1,0.01));
// Signal Parameters
knob_group(x) = osc_group(hgroup("[1] Signal Parameters", x));
af_group(x) = knob_group(vgroup("[0]", x));
ampdb = af_group(hslider("[1] Mix Amplitude [unit:dB] [style:hslider]
[tooltip: Sawtooth waveform amplitude]",
amp = ampdb : ml.db2linear : fl.smooth(0.999);
freq = af_group(hslider("[2] Frequency [unit:PK] [style:hslider]
[tooltip: Sawtooth frequency as a Piano Key (PK) number (A440 = key 49)]",
49,1,88,0.01) : pianokey2hz);
pianokey2hz(x) = 440.0*pow(2.0, (x-49.0)/12); // piano key 49 = A440 (also defined in effect.lib)
detune1 = 1 - 0.01 * knob_group(
vslider("[3] Detuning 1 [unit:%%] [style:knob]
[tooltip: Percentange frequency-shift up or down for second oscillator]",
detune2 = 1 + 0.01 * knob_group(
vslider("[4] Detuning 2 [unit:%%] [style:knob]
[tooltip: Percentange frequency-shift up or down for third detuned oscillator]",
portamento = knob_group(
vslider("[5] Portamento [unit:sec] [style:knob] [scale:log]
[tooltip: Portamento (frequency-glide) time-constant in seconds]",
saworder = knob_group(nentry("[6] Saw Order [tooltip: Order of sawtooth aliasing suppression]",2,1,MAX_SAW_ORDER,1));
sfreq = freq : fl.smooth(fl.tau2pole(portamento));
//----------------------- Filter-Based Oscillators ------------------------
// ### USAGE: osc[b|r|rs|rc|s|w](f), where f = frequency in Hz.
// http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2012/download/lac12-slides-jos.pdf
// https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/pdf/lac12-paper-jos.pdf
//-------------------------- oscb --------------------------------
// Sinusoidal oscillator based on the biquad
oscb(f) = impulse : fl.tf2(1,0,0,a1,1)
with {
a1 = -2*cos(2*ml.PI*f/ml.SR);
//-------------------------- oscr --------------------------------
// Sinusoidal oscillator based on 2D vector rotation,
// = undamped "coupled-form" resonator
// = lossless 2nd-order normalized ladder filter
// ### Reference:
// https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/pasp/Normalized_Scattering_Junctions.html
oscrq(f) = impulse : fl.nlf2(f,1); // sine and cosine outputs
oscrs(f) = impulse : fl.nlf2(f,1) : _,!; // sine
oscrc(f) = impulse : fl.nlf2(f,1) : !,_; // cosine
oscrp(f,p) = oscrq(f) : *(cos(p)), *(sin(p)) : + ; // p=0 for sine, p=PI/2 for cosine, etc.
oscr = oscrs; // default = sine (starts without a pop)
//-------------------------- oscs --------------------------------
// Sinusoidal oscillator based on the state variable filter
// = undamped "modified-coupled-form" resonator
// = "magic circle" algorithm used in graphics
oscs(f) = (*(-1) : sint(wn) : sintp(wn,impulse)) ~ _
with {
wn = 2*ml.PI*f/ml.SR; // approximate
// wn = 2*sin(ml.PI*f/ml.SR); // exact
sub(x,y) = y-x;
sint(x) = *(x) : + ~ _ ; // frequency-scaled integrator
sintp(x,y) = *(x) : +(y): + ~ _ ; // same + state input
//----------------- oscw, oscwq, oscwc, oscws --------------------
// Sinusoidal oscillator based on the waveguide resonator wgr
// oscwc - unit-amplitude cosine oscillator
// oscws - unit-amplitude sine oscillator
// oscq - unit-amplitude cosine and sine (quadrature) oscillator
// oscw - default = oscwc for maximum speed
// ### Reference:
// https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/pasp/Digital_Waveguide_Oscillator.html
oscwc(fr) = impulse : fl.wgr(fr,1) : _,!; // cosine (cheapest at 1 mpy/sample)
oscws(fr) = impulse : fl.wgr(fr,1) : !,_; // sine (needs a 2nd scaling mpy)
oscq(fr) = impulse : fl.wgr(fr,1); // phase quadrature outputs
oscw = oscwc;
//-------------------------- oscrs_demo ---------------------------
oscrs_demo = signal with {
osc_group(x) = vgroup("[0] SINE WAVE OSCILLATOR oscrs
[tooltip: Sine oscillator based on 2D vector rotation]",x);
ampdb = osc_group(hslider("[1] Amplitude [unit:dB]
[tooltip: Sawtooth waveform amplitude]",
amp = ampdb : ml.db2linear : fl.smooth(0.999);
freq = osc_group(
hslider("[2] Frequency [unit:PK]
[tooltip: Sine wave frequency as a Piano Key (PK) number (A440 = 49 PK)]",
49,1,88,0.01) : pianokey2hz);
pianokey2hz(x) = 440.0*pow(2.0, (x-49.0)/12); // (also defined in effect.lib)
portamento = osc_group(
hslider("[3] Portamento [unit:sec] [scale:log]
[tooltip: Portamento (frequency-glide) time-constant in seconds]",
sfreq = freq : fl.smooth(fl.tau2pole(portamento));
signal = amp * oscrs(sfreq);
oscr_demo = oscrs_demo; // synonym
//--------------------------- pink_noise --------------------------
// Pink noise (1/f noise) generator (third-order approximation)
// ### USAGE: pink_noise : _;
// ### Reference:
// https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/sasp/Example_Synthesis_1_F_Noise.html
pink_filter = fl.iir((0.049922035, -0.095993537, 0.050612699, -0.004408786),
(-2.494956002, 2.017265875, -0.522189400));
pink_noise = ml.noise : pink_filter;
// ### USAGE: pink_noise_vm(N) : _;
// where N = number of latched white-noise processes to sum,
// not to exceed sizeof(int) in C++ (typically 32).
// ### References:
// http://www.dsprelated.com/showarticle/908.php
// http://www.firstpr.com.au/dsp/pink-noise/#Voss-McCartney
pink_noise_vm(N) = ml.noise <: _,par(i,N,fl.latch(clock(i))) :> _
with {
clock(i) = (counter>>i)&1; // i'th latch clock signal
counter = (+(1)~_) - 1;
//----------------------- lfnoise, lfnoise0, lfnoiseN ---------------------
// Low-frequency noise generators
// (Butterworth-filtered downsampled white noise)
// Require: music.lib, filter.lib
// ### USAGE:
// lfnoise0(rate) : _; // new random number every int(SR/rate) samples or so
// lfnoiseN(N,rate) : _; // same as "lfnoise0(rate) : lowpass(N,rate)" [see filter.lib]
// lfnoise(rate) : _; // same as "lfnoise0(rate) : seq(i,5,lowpass(N,rate))" (no overshoot)
// EXAMPLES (view waveforms in faust2octave):
// rate = SR/100.0; // new random value every 100 samples (SR from music.lib)
// process = lfnoise0(rate), // sampled/held noise (piecewise constant)
// lfnoiseN(3,rate), // lfnoise0 smoothed by 3rd order Butterworth LPF
// lfnoise(rate); // lfnoise0 smoothed with no overshoot
lfnoise0(freq) = ml.noise : fl.latch(oscrs(freq));
lfnoiseN(N,freq) = lfnoise0(freq) : fl.lowpass(N,freq); // Nth-order Butterworth lowpass
lfnoise(freq) = lfnoise0(freq) : seq(i,5,fl.lowpass(1,freq)); // non-overshooting lowpass