This package is 4.3 KB.
It is available at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/forensics-extra/forensics-extra_1.13_all.deb
View its full control file here:
Forensics Environment - extra console components (metapackage)
This package depends on:
aircrack-ng, bfbtester, binutils, binwalk, bruteforce-luks, bzip2, cabextract, chntpw, cmospwd, crunch, cryptmount, cupp, dcfldd, disktype, dnsutils, ethstatus, ethtool, exfat-fuse, exfat-utils, exif, exiftags, exiv2, fatcat, fdupes, flasm, foremost, gdisk, geoip-bin, gifshuffle, hashid, hexcompare, hexedit, hwinfo, hydra, jdupes, john, lcrack, less, libimage-exiftool-perl, lshw, maskprocessor, mc, mdadm, medusa, memstat, mpack, nasm, neopi, netcat, nmap, ntfs-3g, ophcrack-cli, p7zip-full, parted, patator, pcapfix, pdfcrack, pecomato, polenum, poppler-utils, rarcrack, samdump2, sipcrack, smb-nat, snowdrop, statsprocessor, stegosuite, stegsnow, sucrack, sxiv, tcpdump, tcpflow, tcpick, tcpreplay, tcpxtract, telnet, testdisk, tshark, unar, uni2ascii, unzip, wamerican, wamerican-huge, wamerican-insane, wamerican-large, wamerican-small, wbrazilian, wbritish, wbritish-huge, wbritish-insane, wbritish-large, wbritish-small, wbulgarian, wcanadian, wcanadian-huge, wcanadian-insane, wcanadian-large, wcanadian-small, wcatalan, weplab, wfrench, wgaelic, wgerman-medical, whois, wirish, witalian, wmanx, wpolish, wportuguese, wspanish, wswedish, wukrainian, xxd
This package suggests:
forensics-all, forensics-extra-gui
This package does not conflict with any other package.
forensics-extra 1.13 is in ubuntu - bionic / universe. This package's architecture is: architectureless.
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