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Debian's arcade games
This package depends on:
games-tasks (= 2.2ubuntu2)
This package recommends:
a7xpg, abe, adanaxisgpl, airstrike, alienblaster, antigravitaattori, armagetronad, asylum, atanks, balder2d, ballerburg, barrage, bloboats, bouncy, briquolo, btanks, bubbros, bugsquish, bumprace, burgerspace, ceferino, chromium-bsu, circuslinux, criticalmass, cutemaze, dangen, defendguin, dodgindiamond2, epiphany, excellent-bifurcation, freedroid, freegish, fretsonfire, funguloids, funnyboat, garden-of-coloured-lights, gav, geki2, geki3, gltron, gravitation, gravitywars, gunroar, hannah, hedgewars, heroes, icebreaker, ii-esu, jmdlx, jumpnbump, jumpnbump-levels, ketm, kobodeluxe, komi, koules, krank, kraptor, late, lbreakout2, lierolibre, luola, madbomber, maelstrom, marsshooter, mirrormagic, moon-buggy, moon-lander, mousetrap, mrboom, mu-cade, netmaze, neverball, njam, noiz2sa, open-invaders, orbital-eunuchs-sniper, overgod, pacman, pangzero, parsec47, passage, penguin-command, performous, pianobooster, pinball, plee-the-bear, pong2, powermanga, projectl, rafkill, ri-li, rockdodger, rrootage, scorched3d, sdl-ball, snake4, solarwolf, sopwith, spacearyarya, spout, starfighter, starvoyager, supertransball2, supertux, tatan, tecnoballz, teeworlds, tenmado, titanion, tomatoes, torus-trooper, trackballs, transcend, triplane, tumiki-fighters, tuxmath, tuxpuck, tuxtype, val-and-rick, vectoroids, viruskiller, vor, warmux, wing, wizznic, wordwarvi, xbill, xblast-tnt, xgalaga, xgalaga++, xinv3d, xonix, xpilot-ng, xracer, xsoldier, xtron, zatacka
This package suggests:
bomberclone, efp, fofix, gnome-games, kdegames, mmpong-gl, mrrescue, netrek-client-cow, xevil
This package does not conflict with any other package.
games-arcade 2.2ubuntu2 is in ubuntu - bionic / universe. This package's architecture is: architectureless.
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