/usr/share/perl5/FlashVideo/RTMPDownloader.pm is in get-flash-videos 1.25.98-1.
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package FlashVideo::RTMPDownloader;
use strict;
use base 'FlashVideo::Downloader';
use IPC::Open3;
use Fcntl ();
use Symbol qw(gensym);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use FlashVideo::Utils;
use constant LATEST_RTMPDUMP => 2.2;
sub download {
my ($self, $rtmp_data, $file) = @_;
$self->{printable_filename} = $file;
$file = $rtmp_data->{flv} = $self->get_filename($file);
if (-s $file && !$rtmp_data->{live}) {
info "RTMP output filename '$self->{printable_filename}' already " .
"exists, asking to resume...";
$rtmp_data->{resume} = '';
if(my $socks = FlashVideo::Mechanize->new->get_socks_proxy) {
$rtmp_data->{socks} = $socks;
my($r_fh, $w_fh); # So Perl doesn't close them behind our back..
if ($rtmp_data->{live} && $self->action eq 'play') {
# Playing live stream, we pipe this straight to the player, rather than
# saving on disk.
# XXX: The use of /dev/fd could go away now rtmpdump supports streaming to
pipe($r_fh, $w_fh);
my $pid = fork;
die "Fork failed" unless defined $pid;
if(!$pid) {
fcntl $r_fh, Fcntl::F_SETFD(), ~Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC();
exec $self->replace_filename($self->player, "/dev/fd/" . fileno $r_fh);
die "Exec failed\n";
fcntl $w_fh, Fcntl::F_SETFD(), ~Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC();
$rtmp_data->{flv} = "/dev/fd/" . fileno $w_fh;
$self->{stream} = undef;
my $prog = $self->get_rtmp_program;
if($prog eq 'flvstreamer' && ($rtmp_data->{rtmp} =~ /^rtmpe:/ || $rtmp_data->{swfhash})) {
error "FLVStreamer does not support "
. ($rtmp_data->{swfhash} ? "SWF hashing" : "RTMPE streams")
. ", please install rtmpdump.";
exit 1;
if($self->debug) {
$rtmp_data->{verbose} = undef;
my($return, @errors) = $self->run($prog, $rtmp_data);
if($return != 0 && "@errors" =~ /failed to connect/i) {
# Try port 443 as an alternative
info "Couldn't connect on RTMP port, trying port 443 instead";
$rtmp_data->{port} = 443;
($return, @errors) = $self->run($prog, $rtmp_data);
if($file ne '-' && (-s $file < 100 || !$self->check_file($file))) {
# This avoids trying to resume an invalid file
error "Download failed, no valid file downloaded";
unlink $rtmp_data->{flv};
return 0;
if($return == 2) {
info "\nDownload incomplete -- try running again to resume.";
return 0;
} elsif($return) {
info "\nDownload failed.";
return 0;
return -s $file;
# Check if a stream is active by downloading a sample
sub try_download {
my ($self, $rtmp_data_orig) = @_;
my $rtmp_data = dclone($rtmp_data_orig);
# Create a temporary file for the test
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile();
$rtmp_data->{flv} = $filename;
# Just download a second of video
$rtmp_data->{stop} = "1";
if(my $socks = FlashVideo::Mechanize->new->get_socks_proxy) {
$rtmp_data->{socks} = $socks;
my $prog = $self->get_rtmp_program;
if($prog eq 'flvstreamer' && ($rtmp_data->{rtmp} =~ /^rtmpe:/ || $rtmp_data->{swfhash})) {
error "FLVStreamer does not support "
. ($rtmp_data->{swfhash} ? "SWF hashing" : "RTMPE streams")
. ", please install rtmpdump.";
exit 1;
if($self->debug) {
$rtmp_data->{verbose} = undef;
my($return, @errors) = $self->run($prog, $rtmp_data);
if($return != 0 && "@errors" =~ /failed to connect/i) {
# Try port 443 as an alternative
info "Couldn't connect on RTMP port, trying port 443 instead";
$rtmp_data->{port} = 443;
($return, @errors) = $self->run($prog, $rtmp_data);
# If we got an unrecoverable error return false
if($return == 1) {
info "\n Tested stream failed.";
return 0;
return 1;
sub get_rtmp_program {
if(is_program_on_path("rtmpdump")) {
return "rtmpdump";
} elsif(is_program_on_path("flvstreamer")) {
return "flvstreamer";
# Default to rtmpdump
return "rtmpdump";
sub get_command {
my($self, $rtmp_data, $debug) = @_;
return map {
my $arg = $_;
(ref $rtmp_data->{$arg} eq 'ARRAY'
# Arrayref means multiple options of the same type
? (map {
("--$arg" => $debug
? $self->shell_escape($_)
: $_) } @{$rtmp_data->{$arg}})
# Single argument
: ("--$arg" => (($debug && $rtmp_data->{$arg})
? $self->shell_escape($rtmp_data->{$arg})
: $rtmp_data->{$arg}) || ()))
} keys %$rtmp_data;
sub run {
my($self, $prog, $rtmp_data) = @_;
debug "Running $prog", join(" ", $self->get_command($rtmp_data, 1));
my($in, $out, $err);
$err = gensym;
my $pid = open3($in, $out, $err, $prog, $self->get_command($rtmp_data));
# Windows doesn't send signals to child processes, so we need to do it
# manually to ensure that we don't have stray rtmpdump processes.
local $SIG{INT};
if ($^O =~ /mswin/i) {
$SIG{INT} = sub {
kill 'TERM', $pid;
my $complete = 0;
my $buf = "";
my @error;
while(sysread($err, $buf, 128, length $buf) > 0) {
$buf =~ s/\015\012/\012/g;
my @parts = split /\015/, $buf;
$buf = "";
for(@parts) {
# Hide almost everything from rtmpdump, it's less confusing this way.
if(/^((?:DEBUG:|WARNING:|Closing connection|ERROR: No playpath found).*)\n/) {
debug "$prog: $1";
} elsif(/^(ERROR: .*)\012/) {
push @error, $1;
info "$prog: $1";
} elsif(/^([0-9.]+) kB(?:\s+\/ \S+ sec)?(?: \(([0-9.]+)%\))?/i) {
$self->{downloaded} = $1 * 1024;
my $percent = $2;
if($self->{downloaded} && $percent != 0) {
# An approximation, but should be reasonable if we don't have the size.
$self->{content_length} = $self->{downloaded} / ($percent / 100);
} elsif(/\012$/) {
for my $l(split /\012/) {
if($l =~ /^[A-F0-9]{0,2}(?:\s+[A-F0-9]{2})*\s*$/) {
debug $l;
} elsif($l =~ /Download complete/) {
$complete = 1;
} elsif($l =~ /\s+filesize\s+(\d+)/) {
$self->{content_length} = $1;
} elsif($l =~ /\w/) {
print STDERR "\r" if $self->{downloaded};
info $l;
if($l =~ /^RTMPDump v([0-9.]+)/ && $1 < LATEST_RTMPDUMP) {
error "==== Using the latest version of RTMPDump (version "
. LATEST_RTMPDUMP . ") is recommended. ====";
if(/open3/) {
error "\nMake sure you have 'rtmpdump' or 'flvstreamer' installed and available on your PATH.";
return 0;
} else {
# Hack; assume lack of newline means it was an incomplete read..
$buf = $_;
# Should be about enough..
if(defined $self->{stream} && $self->{downloaded} > 300_000) {
waitpid $pid, 0;
return $? >> 8, @error;