/usr/share/perl5/FlashVideo/Site/Tv3.pm is in get-flash-videos 1.25.98-1.
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package FlashVideo::Site::Tv3;
use strict;
use FlashVideo::Utils;
our $VERSION = '0.04';
sub Version() { $VERSION; }
sub getSloc($) {
return "tv3";
sub find_video {
my ($self, $browser, $embed_url, $prefs) = @_;
my $content = $browser->content;
#open(F, "> content.html");print F $content;close(F);
if ($content !~ m/var\s+video\s*=\s*\"[\/\*]([^"]+)\"\s*;/s) {
die "Unable to parse video path from web page";
my $replace = $1;
$replace =~ s/\*/\//sg;
if ($content !~ m/var\s+geo\s*=\s*\"([^"]+)\"\s*;/s) {
die "Unable to determine geo mode";
my $geo = $1;
debug "GEO mode: $geo";
my $sloc = $self->getSloc();;
# As per the JavaScript on the episode base page, for TV3's current
# affairs programs the requested source location should be altered
# to "3news" instead of "tv3".
if ($content =~ m/var\s+pageloc\s*=\s*\'([^']+)\'\s*;/s) {
my $pageloc = $1;
debug "pageloc : $pageloc";
if ($pageloc =~ m/^[^-]+-[^-]+-[^-]+-[^-]+-currentaffairs-/si) {
# if sect4 == "currentaffairs" then sloc="3news"
$sloc = "3news";
} else {
debug "No pageloc parsed, optimistically continuing...";
if ($content !~ m/src=['"](\/[A-Za-z0-9\/]+\/player[-\d]+\.min\.js\?(?:|v=[0-9A-Za-z]*))['"](\>|\+ord)/s) {
die "Unable to locate player module";
my $basePlayer = $1;
my $withOrd = $2 =~ m/ord/s;
my $ord = "";
if ($withOrd) {
# The player has, historically, always has a random component
# appended to a fixed numeric prefix that will normally be 16
# decimal digits long.
for (my $c = 0; $c < 16; $c++) {
$ord .= int(rand(10));
# Strip all leading zeros, but make sure there's at least one
# (possibly zero) digit left.
$ord =~ s/^0+(.)/$1/gs;
my $player = $basePlayer . $ord;
# Default title is perfect. We need to do this before we re-use the
# browser to obtain other files.
my $filename = title_to_filename(extract_title($browser));
$filename ||= get_video_filename();
debug "Trying to get player: $player";
# Getting the player.js isn't strictly necessary, but it allows us
# to check assumptions, and not have to hard code the token - which
# potentially might be changed from time to time.
my $smilPath = "/portals/0/video/smil1500-2.aspx";
my $secureToken;
my $playerResponse = $browser->get($player);
die "Failed to get player.js" if !$playerResponse->is_success();
my $playerContent = $playerResponse->decoded_content();
if ($playerContent !~ m/securetoken\s*:\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/s) {
die "Unable to obtain securetoken";
$secureToken = $1;
debug "Securetoken = $secureToken";
my $smilPathRE = quotemeta($smilPath);
if ($playerContent !~ m/$smilPathRE/s) {
die "The expected SMIL path is not present";
# Default is "non-geo", and we've seen at least two values for the
# "geo" variable, "non" and "non-geo".
my $serverVar = "rtmpe://vod-non-geo.mediaworks.co.nz/vod/_definst_";
if ($geo eq "geo") {
$serverVar = "rtmpe://vod-geo.mediaworks.co.nz/vod/_definst_";
my $locationVar = "mp4:" . $sloc . "/" . $replace;
my $info = undef;
my $smil = $smilPath . "?serverVar=" . $serverVar .
"&locationVar=" . $locationVar . "&typeVar=mp4";
debug "Trying to get SMIL: $smil";
my $smilResponse = $browser->get($smil);
die "Failed to get SMIL" if !$smilResponse->is_success();
my $smilContent = $smilResponse->decoded_content();
#open(F, "> smil.xml");print F $smilContent;close(F);
my $xml = $smilContent;
my %rateMap = ();
while ($xml =~ s/\<video src=\"([^\"]+)" system-bitrate=\"(\d+)\"//s) {
my $url = $1;
my $bps = $2;
debug "Available rate of ${bps} from $url";
$rateMap{$bps} = { rate => $bps, src => $url };
my $quality = $prefs->{quality};
$quality = "default" if !defined($quality);
$info = $rateMap{$quality};
if (!defined($info)) {
my @rates = map { $rateMap{$_} } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %rateMap;
my $option = undef;
foreach my $try ("high", "medium", "low") {
$option = pop(@rates) if (scalar(@rates) > 0);
if ($try eq $quality) {
# Matched
$info = $option;
if (!defined($info)) {
# Default to highest quality if no match seen.
$info = $option;
if (!defined($info)) {
die "Couldn't match the requested quality";
debug "Matching \"$quality\" quality at " . $info->{rate} .
"bps with source \"" . $info->{src} . "\"";
my $rtmp = $serverVar . "/" . $info->{src};
# It seems to be necessary to use --live, otherwise the stream
# periodically jumps backwards.
return {
rtmp => $rtmp,
live => "",
token => $secureToken,
swfVfy => "http://wa2.static.mediaworks.co.nz/video/jw/6.60/jwplayer.flash.swf",
flv => $filename
sub can_handle {
my($self, $browser, $url) = @_;
my $slocRE = quotemeta($self->getSloc());
return $url && URI->new($url)->host =~ m/(?:^|\.)$slocRE\.co\.nz$/;