/usr/share/perl5/FlashVideo/Site/Youku.pm is in get-flash-videos 1.25.98-1.
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use strict;
use FlashVideo::JSON;
use FlashVideo::Utils;
# This was way too much work; breaking the encryption was a pain in the ass
sub find_video {
my ($self, $browser, $embed_url) = @_;
my $check_response = sub {
my ( $message ) = @_;
return if $browser->success;
die sprintf $message, $browser->response->code;
# Watch: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTA4ODg2NTI=.html
# Embed: http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XOTA4ODg2NTI=/v.swf
# which redirects to:
# http://static.youku.com/v1.0.0036/v/swf/qplayer.swf?VideoIDS=XOTA4ODg2NTI=&embedid=-&showAd=0
if ( $embed_url !~ m`^http://v.youku.com/v_show/` )
# Not quite the URL we expect, maybe it's the embedded one?
die "Don't recognise the youku link"
unless $embed_url =~ m`player.php/sid/(.+)/v\.swf`
or $embed_url =~ m`qplayer\.swf\?VideoIDS=([^&]+)`
or $browser->content =~ m`player.php/sid/([^/]+)/v\.swf`;
$embed_url = sprintf "http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_%s.html", $1;
$browser->get( $embed_url );
$check_response->( "Can't load the youku page, server response was %s" );
# There is a JS variable we need to scan for to get the internal video ID
my ( $videoID ) = ( $browser->content =~ /var videoId = '(.+?)';/ );
die "Couldn't extract video ID from youku page, we are probably out of date"
unless $videoID;
debug "Using video ID $videoID";
# Need to get information about the video
sprintf "http://v.youku.com/player/getPlayList/VideoIDS/%s/version/5/source/video/password/?ran=%d&n=%d",
$videoID, rand( 10000 ), 3 );
$check_response->( "Couldn't grab video informaton from youku, server response was %s" );
return parse_video_info( $browser );
# Convenience function for getting and checking parsed JSON data
# 'json' is a hashref as returned by from_json() (or a subhash)
# 'key' is the string key to get
# 'type' is an optional type string to check the data against,
# as returned by the perl ref() function
sub extract {
my ($json, $key, $type) = @_;
die "Can't find '$key' key in the JSON data"
unless exists $json->{$key};
my $data = $json->{$key};
if (defined $type) {
my $dtype = ref $data || 'DATA';
die "JSON data under '$key' is not the right type"
. " (expecting $type, but got $dtype)"
unless $dtype eq $type;
return $data;
sub parse_video_info {
my ($browser) = @_;
# Response is a JSON data structure
my $jsonstr = $browser->content;
debug "Video data: $jsonstr";
# The JSON video info hash has everything we need
JSON structure:
"data": [
"tt": "0",
"ct": "f",
"cs": "2128",
"logo": "http:\/\/vimg8.yoqoo.com\/1100641F464A093EE7A01B012D4F1E594631EE-7D79-6FCE-936E-FDB651BA15F1",
"seed": 1291,
"tags": [ "\u97f3\u4e50", "\u56db\u5ddd", "\u5730\u9707", "\u7eaa\u5ff5", "\u8001\u5916", "\u5468\u5e74", "\u707e\u533a", "MV", "music", "Video" ],
"categories": "95",
"streamsizes": { "flv": "4840977" },
"streamfileids": { "flv": "16*18*16*16*43*4*16*25*16*16*4*27*16*39*41*5*5*59*27*4*59*41*16*25*18*63*4*64*25*5*4*27*41*63*25*41*5*6*24*39*16*19*54*24*4*63*25*27*24*16*41*41*33*24*64*25*5*6*43*16*6*41*27*41*25*18*"},
"videoid": "22722163",
"flv": [
"no": "0",
"size": "4840977",
"seconds": "145"
} ]
"fileid": "16*18*16*16*43*4*16*25*16*16*4*27*16*39*41*5*5*59*27*4*59*41*16*25*18*63*4*64*25*5*4*27*41*63*25*41*5*6*24*39*16*19*54*24*4*63*25*27*24*16*41*41*33*24*64*25*5*6*43*16*6*41*27*41*25*18*",
"username": "YBuzz",
"userid": "19746590",
"title": "MV: \u6765\u81ea\u56db\u5ddd\u7684\u6b4c\u58f0",
"key1": "a4156bcd",
"key2": "df891d4af342844b",
"seconds": "145.40",
"streamtypes": [ "flv" ]
} ],
"user": { "id": 0 },
"controller": { "search_count": true }
my $json = from_json($jsonstr);
my $data_array = extract($json, data => 'ARRAY');
die "No elements found in 'data' array" unless @$data_array;
my $data = $data_array->[0];
my $segmap = extract($data, segs => 'HASH');
# Stream types, in order of preference
# XXX: How is 'flvhd' used?
my @streamtype_preferences = qw(mp4 flv);
my @streamtypes = keys %$segmap;
# If none of the preferred types are found, just take
# the first one and hope for the best
my $stream = $streamtypes[0];
for my $pref (@streamtype_preferences) {
if (grep { $_ eq $pref } @streamtypes) {
$stream = $pref;
my $streams = join ' ', @streamtypes;
debug "Choosing to use the $stream stream (available: $streams)";
# Use the file ID associated with the stream we chose (when available)
my $fileID;
if (exists $data->{streamfileids}) {
my $streamfileids = extract($data, streamfileids => 'HASH');
$fileID = extract($streamfileids, $stream)
if exists $streamfileids->{$stream};
# Fallback to the 'fileid' field if we did not find the ID for the stream
$fileID = extract($data, 'fileid')
if not $fileID and exists $data->{fileid};
die "Can't find the encrypted file ID in the video info JSON"
unless $fileID;
debug "Encrypted file ID: $fileID";
my $shuffle_seed = extract($data, 'seed');
# File ID is given in obfuscated form, each entry is an index in a lookup
# table that is generated from the seed value
my @lookup_table = shuffle_table( $shuffle_seed );
$fileID =~ s/(\d+)\*/$lookup_table[$1]/eg;
debug "Decrypted file ID: $fileID (seed is $shuffle_seed)";
# Session ID seems to be just the Unix time + '1' + 7 random digits,
# the _00 part seems to mean something that I can't figure out
my $sID = sprintf "%s1%07d_00", time, rand( 10000000 ) ;
# Now these are funky
my $key1 = extract($data, 'key1');
my $key2 = extract($data, 'key2');
my $key = sprintf "%s%x", $key2, hex( $key1 ) ^ hex( 'a55aa5a5' );
# Video title is in escaped unicode format
my $title = extract($data, 'title');
$title =~ s/\\u([a-f0-9]{4})/chr(hex $1)/egi;
# Use the video title as the filename when available
my $filename = get_video_filename( $stream );
$filename = title_to_filename( $title, $stream ) if $title;
my $segs = extract($segmap, $stream, 'ARRAY');
my @urls;
my $segment_count = 0;
for my $seg (@$segs) {
my $segment_number = extract($seg, 'no');
my $segment_size = extract($seg, 'size');
my $segment_seconds = extract($seg, 'seconds');
$key = extract($seg, 'k') if exists $seg->{'k'};
# To download segments other than the first (00), we replace
# the digits at position 8 in the file ID with the segment
# number as a two digit upper-case hexidecimal
my $segment_number_str = sprintf '%02X', $segment_number;
my $segment_fileID = $fileID;
substr $segment_fileID, 8, 2, $segment_number_str;
# Combine it all for the request to grab the video link for this segment
sprintf "http://f.youku.com/player/getFlvPath/sid/%s/st/%s/fileid/%s?K=%s&myp=0&ts=%s",
$sID, $stream, $segment_fileID, $key, $segment_seconds );
# If we're successful, we should get a 302 with the location of the segment
my $url = $browser->response->header( 'Location' );
die "Youku rejected our attempt to get the video, we're probably out of date"
unless $browser->response->code eq 302 and $url;
# Sometimes, for whatever reason, the location we get back is missing
# the file extension
debug "Video location for segment $segment_number is $url";
$url = "$url.$stream" unless $url =~ /$stream$/;
debug sprintf "%s, segment %d, %s seconds, %s bytes",
$title, $segment_number, $segment_seconds, $segment_size
if ( $title and $segment_seconds and $segment_size );
# The array record for this segment contains:
# 0: download url of the segment
# 1: index number of the segment (first is 1)
# 2: total number of segments (filled in after this loop)
# 3: size in bytes of the segment
push @urls, [$url, ++$segment_count, 0, $segment_size];
# Fill in the total number of segments in all of the
# segment array records
$_->[2] = $segment_count for @urls;
return ( \@urls, $filename );
# Modified Fisher-Yates shuffle
sub shuffle_table {
my ( $seed ) = @_;
my @lookup
= split //,
my @shuffled;
while ( $#lookup > 0 )
# PRNG is a standard linear congruential generator
# with a = 211, c = 30031, and m = 2^16
$seed = ( 211 * $seed + 30031 ) % 2**16;
# i.e. move a randomly chosen character from the source
# deck onto the end of the shuffled deck
my $x = int( $seed / 2**16 * ( $#lookup + 1 ) );
push @shuffled, splice( @lookup, $x, 1 );
return @shuffled;
sub can_handle {
my($self, $browser, $url) = @_;
return 1 if $url && URI->new($url)->host =~ /\.youku\.com$/;
return $browser->content =~ m{<param[^>]+name=['"]src['"][^>]+value=["']http://player\.youku\.com/player\.php/sid/[^/]+/v\.swf};