/usr/share/perl5/FlashVideo/Utils.pm is in get-flash-videos 1.25.98-1.
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package FlashVideo::Utils;
use strict;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
use base 'Exporter';
use HTML::Entities;
use HTML::TokeParser;
use Encode;
use constant FP_KEY => "Genuine Adobe Flash Player 001";
use constant EXTENSIONS => qr/\.(?:flv|mp4|mov|wmv|avi|m4v)/i;
use constant MAX_REDIRECTS => 5;
our @EXPORT = qw(debug info error
extract_title extract_info title_to_filename get_video_filename url_exists
swfhash swfhash_data EXTENSIONS get_user_config_dir get_win_codepage
is_program_on_path get_terminal_width json_unescape
convert_sami_subtitles_to_srt convert_dc_subtitles_to_srt from_xml
sub debug(@) {
# Remove some sensitive data
my $string = "@_\n";
$string =~ s/\Q$ENV{HOME}\E/~/g;
print STDERR $string if $App::get_flash_videos::opt{debug};
sub info(@) {
print STDERR "@_\n" unless $App::get_flash_videos::opt{quiet};
sub error(@) {
print STDERR "@_\n";
sub extract_title {
my($browser) = @_;
return extract_info($browser)->{title};
sub extract_info {
my($browser) = @_;
my($title, $meta_title);
my $p = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$browser->content);
while(my $token = $p->get_tag("title", "meta")) {
my($tag, $attr) = @$token;
if($tag eq 'meta' && $attr->{name} =~ /title/i) {
$meta_title = $attr->{content};
} elsif($tag eq 'title') {
$title = $p->get_trimmed_text;
return {
title => $title,
meta_title => $meta_title,
sub swfhash {
my($browser, $url) = @_;
return swfhash_data($browser->content, $url);
sub swfhash_data {
my ($data, $url) = @_;
die "Must have Compress::Zlib and Digest::SHA for this RTMP download\n"
unless eval {
require Compress::Zlib;
require Digest::SHA;
$data = "F" . substr($data, 1, 7)
. Compress::Zlib::uncompress(substr $data, 8);
swfsize => length $data,
swfhash => Digest::SHA::hmac_sha256_hex($data, FP_KEY),
swfUrl => $url;
sub url_exists {
my($browser, $url) = @_;
my $response = $browser->response;
debug "Exists on $url: " . $response->code;
return $url if $response->code == 200;
my $redirects = 0;
while ( ($response->code =~ /^30\d/) and ($response->header('Location'))
and ($redirects < MAX_REDIRECTS) ) {
$url = URI->new_abs($response->header('Location'), $url);
$response = $browser->head($url);
debug "Redirected to $url (" . $response->code . ")";
if ($response->code == 200) {
return $url;
return '';
sub title_to_filename {
my($title, $type) = @_;
# no need to go any further if "--filename" option is passed
if($App::get_flash_videos::opt{filename} ne '') {
return $App::get_flash_videos::opt{filename};
# Extract the extension if we're passed a URL.
if($title =~ s/(@{[EXTENSIONS]})$//) {
$type = substr $1, 1;
} elsif ($type && $type !~ /^\w+$/) {
$type = substr((URI->new($type)->path =~ /(@{[EXTENSIONS]})$/)[0], 1);
$type ||= "flv";
eval { $title = decode_utf8($title) };
# We want \w below to match non-ASCII characters.
# Some sites have double-encoded entities, so handle this
if ($title =~ /&(?:\w+|#(?:\d+|x[A-F0-9]+));/) {
# Double-encoded - decode again
$title = decode_entities($title);
$title =~ s/\s+/_/g;
$title =~ s/[^\w\-,()&]/_/g;
$title =~ s/^_+|_+$//g; # underscores at the start and end look bad
$title = encode_utf8($title);
# If we have nothing then return a filestamped filename.
return get_video_filename($type) unless $title;
return "$title.$type";
sub get_video_filename {
my($type) = @_;
$type ||= "flv";
return "video" . get_timestamp_in_iso8601_format() . "." . $type;
sub get_timestamp_in_iso8601_format {
use Time::localtime;
my $time = localtime;
return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
$time->year + 1900, $time->mon + 1,
$time->mday, $time->hour, $time->min, $time->sec);
sub get_vlc_exe_from_registry {
if ($^O !~ /MSWin/i) {
die "Doesn't make sense to call this except on Windows";
my $HAS_WIN32_REGISTRY = eval { require Win32::Registry };
die "Win32::Registry required for JustWorks(tm) playing on Windows"
require Win32::Registry;
# This module, along with Win32::TieRegistry, is horrible and primarily
# works by exporting various symbols into the calling package.
# Win32::TieRegistry does not offer an easy way of getting the $Registry
# object if you require the module rather than use-ing it.
# Ignoring the fact that polluting your caller's namespace is bad
# practice, it's also evil because I now have to disable strict so that
# Perl won't complain that $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE which is exported into my
# package at runtime doesn't exist.
my $local_machine;
no strict 'vars';
$local_machine = $::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
my $key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall';
$local_machine->Open($key, my $reg);
# Believe it or not, this is Perl, not C
my @applications;
my $vlc_binary;
foreach my $application (@applications) {
next unless $application =~ /VLC Media Player/i;
$reg->Open($application, my $details);
my %app_properties;
# These values are arrayrefs with value name, type and data. data is
# what we care about.
if ($app_properties{DisplayIcon}->[-1] =~ /\.exe$/i) {
# Assume this is the VLC executable
$vlc_binary = $app_properties{DisplayIcon}->[-1];
return $vlc_binary;
sub get_win_codepage {
require Win32::API;
# Hack for older versions of Win32::API::Type (which Win32::API->import
# uses to parse prototypes) to avoid "unknown output parameter type"
# warning. Older versions of this module have an INIT block for reading
# type information from the DATA filehandle. This doesn't get called when
# we require the module rather than use-ing it. More recent versions of
# the module don't bother with an INIT block, and instead just have the
# initialisation code at package level.
if (! %Win32::API::Type::Known) {
%Win32::API::Type::Known = (int => 'i');
unless (defined &GetACP) {
Win32::API->Import("kernel32", "int GetACP()");
return "cp" . GetACP();
# Returns a path to the user's configuration data and/or plugins directory.
sub get_user_config_dir {
# On Windows, use "Application Data" and "get_flash_videos". On other
# platforms, use the user's home directory (specified by the HOME
# environment variable) and ".get_flash_videos". Note that on Windows,
# the directory has no . prefix as historically, Windows and Windows
# applications tend to make dealing with such directories awkward.
# Note that older versions of Windows don't set an APPDATA environment
# variable.
return $^O =~ /MSWin/i ? ($ENV{APPDATA} || 'c:/windows/application data')
. "/get_flash_videos"
: "$ENV{HOME}/.get_flash_videos";
# Is the specified program on the system PATH?
sub is_program_on_path {
my($program) = @_;
my $win = $^O =~ /MSWin/i;
for my $dir(split($win ? ";" : ":", $ENV{PATH})) {
return 1 if -f "$dir/$program" . ($win ? ".exe" : "");
return 0;
sub get_terminal_width {
if(eval { require Term::ReadKey } && (my($width) = Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize())) {
return $width - 1 if $^O =~ /MSWin|cygwin/i; # seems to be off by 1 on Windows
return $width;
} elsif($ENV{COLUMNS}) {
return $ENV{COLUMNS};
} else {
return 80;
# Maybe should use a proper JSON parser, but want to avoid the dependency for now..
# (There is now one in FlashVideo::JSON, so consider that -- this is just here
# until we have a chance to fix things using it).
sub json_unescape {
my($s) = @_;
$s =~ s/\\u([0-9a-f]{1,4})/chr hex $1/ge;
$s =~ s{(\\[\\/rnt"])}{"\"$1\""}gee;
return $s;
sub convert_ttml_subtitles_to_srt {
my ($ttml_subtitles, $filename) = @_;
die "TTML subtitles must be provided\n" unless $ttml_subtitles;
die "Output filename must be provided\n" unless $filename;
if ( -f $filename ) {
info "Subtitles already saved";
my %ccodes = (
'black', '#000000',
'blue', '#0000ff',
'aqua', '#00ffff',
'lime', '#00ff00',
'fuchsia', '#ff00ff',
'fuscia', '#ff00ff',
'red', '#ff0000',
'yellow', '#ffff00',
'white', '#ffffff',
'navy', '#000080',
'teal', '#008080',
'green', '#008000',
'purple', '#800080',
'maroon', '#800000',
'olive', '#808000',
'gray', '#808080',
'silver', '#c0c0c0');
open( my $fh, "> $filename");
binmode $fh;
my $st_count = 1;
my @lines = grep /<p\s.*begin=/, split /\n/, $ttml_subtitles;
for ( @lines ) {
my ( $start_time, $end_time, $st_text );
# Remove >1 spaces if not preserved
s|\s{2,}| |g unless (m%space\s=\s"preserve"%);
( $start_time, $end_time, $st_text ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ) if m{<p\s+.*begin="(.+?)".+end="(.+?)".*?>(.+?)<\/p>};
if ($start_time && $end_time && $st_text ) {
# Format numerical field widths
$start_time = sprintf( '%02d:%02d:%02d,%02d', split /[:\.,]/, $start_time );
$end_time = sprintf( '%02d:%02d:%02d,%02d', split /[:\.,]/, $end_time );
# Add trailing zero if ttxt format only uses hundreths of a second
$start_time .= '0' if $start_time =~ m{,\d\d$};
$end_time .= '0' if $end_time =~ m{,\d\d$};
# Separate individual lines based on <span>s
my $i = index $st_text, "<span";
while ($i >= 0) {
my $j = index $st_text, "</span>", $i;
if ($j > 0) {
my $span = substr($st_text, $i, $j-$i+7);
my $k = index $span, ">";
my ( $span_ctl, $span_text ) = ($span =~ m|<span ([^>]+)>(.*)</span>|);
my ($span_color) = ($span_ctl =~ m|tts:color="(\w+)"|);
$span = '<font color="'. $ccodes{$span_color} . '">' . $span_text . "</font>\n";
$st_text = substr($st_text, 0, $i) . "\n" . $span . substr($st_text, $j+7) . "\n";
$i = index $st_text, "<span";
$st_text =~ s|<span.*?>(.*?)</span>|\n$1\n|g;
$st_text =~ s|<br.*?>|\n|g;
if ($st_text =~ m{\n}) {
$st_text =~ s|^\n?||;
$st_text =~ s|\n?$||;
$st_text =~ s|\n+|\n|g;
# Write to file
print $fh "$st_count\n";
print $fh "$start_time --> $end_time\n";
print $fh "$st_text\n\n";
close $fh;
sub convert_dc_subtitles_to_srt {
my ($dc_subtitles, $srt_filename) = @_;
die "DC subtitles must be provided" unless $dc_subtitles;
die "Output SRT filename must be provided" unless $srt_filename;
my $xml = from_xml($dc_subtitles, ForceArray => 1);
open my $srt_fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $srt_filename
or die "Can't open subtitles file $srt_filename: $!";
for my $text (@{$xml->{Font}[0]->{Subtitle}}) {
my $subtitle = "";
for my $line (@{$text->{Text}}) {
$subtitle = $subtitle . $line->{content} . "\n";
print $srt_fh
. "$text->{TimeIn} --> $text->{TimeOut}\n"
. "$subtitle\n";
sub convert_sami_subtitles_to_srt {
my ($sami_subtitles, $filename, $decrypt_callback) = @_;
die "SAMI subtitles must be provided" unless $sami_subtitles;
die "Output SRT filename must be provided" unless $filename;
# Use regexes to "parse" SAMI since HTML::TokeParser is too awkward. It
# makes it hard to preserve linebreaks and other formatting in subtitles.
# It's also quite slow.
$sami_subtitles =~ s/[\r\n]//g; # flatten
my @lines = split /<Sync\s/i, $sami_subtitles;
shift @lines; # Skip headers
my @subtitles;
my $count = 0;
my $last_proper_sub_end_time = '';
for (@lines) {
my ($begin, $sub);
# Remove span elements
s|<\/?span.*?>| |g;
# replace "&" with "&"
# replace " " with " "
s{&(?:nbsp|#160);}{ }g;
# Start="2284698"><P Class="ENCC">I won't have to drink it<br />in this crappy warehouse.</P></Sync>
#($begin, $sub) = ($1, $2) if m{.*Start="(.+?)".+<P.+?>(.+?)<\/p>.*?<\/Sync>}i;
($begin, $sub) = ($1, $2) if m{[^>]*Start="(.+?)"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/Sync>}i;
if (/^\s*Encrypted="true"\s*/i) {
if ($decrypt_callback and ref($decrypt_callback) eq 'CODE') {
$sub = $decrypt_callback->($sub);
$sub =~ s@&@&@g;
$sub =~ s@(?:</?span[^>]*>| | )@ @g;
# Do some tidying up.
# Note only <P> tags are removed--<i> tags are left in place since VLC
# and others support this for formatting.
$sub =~ s{</?P[^>]*?>}{}g; # remove <P Class="ENCC"> and similar
# VLC is very sensitive to tag case.
$sub =~ s{<(/)?([BI])>}{"<$1" . lc($2) . ">"}eg;
decode_entities($sub); # in void context, this works in place
if ($begin >= 0) {
# Convert milliseconds into HH:MM:ss,mmm format
my $seconds = int( $begin / 1000.0 );
my $ms = $begin - ( $seconds * 1000.0 );
$begin = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d", (gmtime($seconds))[2,1,0], $ms );
# Don't strip simple HTML like <i></i> - VLC and other players
# support basic subtitle styling, see:
# http://git.videolan.org/?p=vlc.git;a=blob;f=modules/codec/subtitles/subsdec.c
# Leading/trailing spaces
$sub =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
# strip multispaces
$sub =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
# Replace <br /> (and similar) with \n. VLC handles \n in SubRip files
# fine. For <br> it is case and slash sensitive.
$sub =~ s|<br ?\/? ?>|\n|ig;
$sub =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//mg;
if ($count and !$subtitles[$count - 1]->{end}) {
$subtitles[$count - 1]->{end} = $begin;
# SAMI subtitles are a bit crap. Only a start time is specified for
# each subtitle. No end time is specified, so the subtitle is displayed
# until the next subtitle is ready to be shown. This means that if
# subtitles aren't meant to be shown for part of the video, a dummy
# subtitle (usually just a space) has to be inserted.
if (!$sub or $sub =~ /^\s+$/) {
if ($count) {
$last_proper_sub_end_time = $subtitles[$count - 1]->{end};
# Gap in subtitles.
next; # this is not a meaningful subtitle
push @subtitles, {
start => $begin,
text => $sub,
# Ensure the end time for the last subtitle is correct.
$subtitles[$count - 1]->{end} = $last_proper_sub_end_time;
# Write subtitles
open my $subtitle_fh, '>', $filename
or die "Can't open subtitles file $filename: $!";
# Set filehandle to UTF-8 to avoid "wide character in print" warnings.
# Note this does *not* double-encode data as UTF-8 (verify with hexdump).
# As per the documentation for binmode: ":utf8 just marks the data as
# UTF-8 without further checking". This will cause mojibake if
# ISO-8859-1/Latin1 and UTF-8 and are mixed in the same file though.
binmode $subtitle_fh, ':utf8';
$count = 1;
foreach my $subtitle (@subtitles) {
print $subtitle_fh "$count\n$subtitle->{start} --> $subtitle->{end}\n" .
close $subtitle_fh;
return 1;
sub from_xml {
my($xml, @args) = @_;
if(!eval { require XML::Simple && XML::Simple::XMLin("<foo/>") }) {
die "Must have XML::Simple to download " . caller =~ /::([^:])+$/ . " videos\n";
$xml = eval {
XML::Simple::XMLin(ref $xml eq 'SCALAR' ? $xml
: ref $xml ? $xml->content
: $xml, @args);
if($@) {
die "$@ (from ", join("::", caller), ")\n";
return $xml;