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* gnc-period-select.h -- Accounting period selection widget
* Copyright (c) 2005 David Hampton <hampton@employees.org>
* All rights reserved.
* GnuCash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Gnucash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, contact:
* Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org
/** @addtogroup GUI
@{ */
/** @file gnc-period-select.h
@brief A custom widget for selecting accounting periods.
@author David Hampton <hampton@employees.org>
#include "gnc-accounting-period.h"
#define GNC_TYPE_PERIOD_SELECT (gnc_period_select_get_type())
/* typedefs & structures */
typedef struct
GtkHBox hbox;
} GncPeriodSelect;
typedef struct
GtkHBoxClass hbox;
/* Signals */
void (*changed) (GncPeriodSelect *period);
} GncPeriodSelectClass;
/** @name GncPeriodSelect Widget Implementation
@{ */
/** Returns the GType of a GncPeriodSelect widget.
GType gnc_period_select_get_type (void);
/** Create a new GncPeriodSelect widget which is used to select a
* accounting period like "previous month" or "this year".
* @param starting_labels If set to TRUE then all the labels will
* refer to the "Start of...". If FALSE, labels will refer to "End
* of...".
* @return A newly created GncPeriodSelect widget.
GtkWidget *gnc_period_select_new (gboolean starting_labels);
/** Create a new GncPeriodSelect widget from a glade file. The int1
* argument passed from glade is used to determine whether the widget
* uses labels for start times or end times. A non-zero int2
* argument indicates that an example date should be shown.
* @return A newly created GncPeriodSelect widget.
GtkWidget * gnc_period_select_new_glade (gchar *widget_name,
gchar *string1, gchar *string2,
gint int1, gint int2);
/** @} */
/** @name GncPeriodSelect Properties
@{ */
/** Set the fiscal year end on a GncPeriodSelect widget. If set to a
* value other than NULL then widget will include fiscal accounting
* period like "this fiscal year".
* @param period The GncPeriodSelect widget to update.
* @param fy_end The new fiscal year end value, or NULL if no fiscal
* year is set. Note that only the month and day fields need be
* valid in the provided GDate.
void gnc_period_select_set_fy_end (GncPeriodSelect *period, const GDate *fy_end);
/** Get the current value of the fiscal year end setting from a
* GncPeriodSelect widget. If the result is NULL then fiscal years
* are not currently supported.
* @param period The GncPeriodSelect widget to query.
* @return A pointer to a GDate containing the fiscal year end value,
* or NULL if no fiscal year end is set. Note that only the month
* and day fields are valid in the returned GDate.
GDate *gnc_period_select_get_fy_end (GncPeriodSelect *period);
/** Get the current value of the "show sample" setting from a
* GncPeriodSelect widget.
gnc_period_select_get_show_date (GncPeriodSelect *period);
/** Set the "show sample" setting on a GncPeriodSelect widget. If set
* to TRUE then a GtkLabel will be used to show the date
* corresponding to the selected time period.
void gnc_period_select_set_show_date (GncPeriodSelect *period, const gboolean show_date);
GDate *gnc_period_select_get_date_base (GncPeriodSelect *period);
/* Set the base date used by a GncPeriodSelect widget. All example
* dates presented by the widget will be computed from this date.
void gnc_period_select_set_date_base (GncPeriodSelect *period, const GDate *sample_base);
/** @} */
/** Set which item in the GncPeriodSelect is initially selected. This
* is used to set the initial selection before the widget is shown to
* the user.
* @param period The selection widget to update.
* @param which The accounting period that should be selected.
void gnc_period_select_set_active (GncPeriodSelect *period, GncAccountingPeriod which);
/** Get the currently selected accounting period from a
* GncPeriodSelect widget. This is used to retrieve the user's
* selection in the form of an enum.
* @param period The selection widget to query.
* @return An enum indicating the user's choice of accounting period.
GncAccountingPeriod gnc_period_select_get_active (GncPeriodSelect *period);
/** Get the currently selected accounting period choice from a
* GncPeriodSelect widget. This is used to retrieve the user's
* selection in the form of a GDate.
* @param period The selection widget to query.
* @return The starting/ending time. */
GDate *gnc_period_select_get_date (GncPeriodSelect *period);
#endif /* GNC_PERIOD_SELECT_H */
/** @} */