/usr/include/gnucash/gncAddress.h is in gnucash-common 1:2.6.19-1.
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* gncAddress.h -- an Address object *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
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/** @addtogroup Business
@{ */
/** @addtogroup Address
An address belongs to another object, determined by the ::GncOwner.
It is the owner that assigns a name and identifier to the address.
In effect, an address is just a building - to make it useful to
GnuCash, it needs to be tied to a person. After all, you cannot
invoice a building, you invoice a person working / living in the
QOF needs to handle all objects generically and to tie the address
to an owner, QOF must be able to find each - as entities.
This allows QOF to follow the hierarchy of objects without having
to call any application-specific routines.
To achieve this, new GncAddress routines have been added. An address
is now created with a NULL parent and the parent set explicitly using
the QOF object declaration. Whilst this adds functionality, it is
important that a valid ::GncOwner entity is always set as a parent.
This is an API issue - QOF will always set the parent provided that
a suitable entity is passed to the qofAddressSetOwner routine. It is
up to you to pass a suitable entity.
@{ */
/** @file gncAddress.h
@brief an Address object
@author Copyright (C) 2001 Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU>
@author Copyright (c) 2005 Neil Williams <linux@codehelp.co.uk>
#ifndef GNC_ADDRESS_H_
#define GNC_ADDRESS_H_
#include "qof.h"
#include "gncBusiness.h"
#define GNC_ADDRESS_MODULE_NAME "gncAddress"
/** \struct GncAddress
@param QofInstance The address instance.
@param QofBook* Copy of the book pointer.
@param QofInstance* parent entity.
@param gboolean dirty flag
@param char* name of addressee
@param char* first line of address
@param char* second line of address
@param char* third line of address
@param char* fourth line of address
@param char* phone number
@param char* fax number
@param char* email address
typedef struct _gncAddress GncAddress;
typedef struct _gncAddressClass GncAddressClass;
/* --- type macros --- */
#define GNC_TYPE_ADDRESS (gnc_address_get_type ())
#define GNC_ADDRESS(o) \
#define GNC_ADDRESS_CLASS(k) \
#define GNC_IS_ADDRESS(o) \
GType gnc_address_get_type(void);
/** @name Create/Destroy functions
@{ */
GncAddress *gncAddressCreate (QofBook *book, QofInstance *parent);
void gncAddressDestroy (GncAddress *addr);
void gncAddressBeginEdit (GncAddress *addr);
void gncAddressCommitEdit (GncAddress *addr);
/** @} */
/** @name Set functions
@{ */
void gncAddressSetName (GncAddress *addr, const char *name);
void gncAddressSetAddr1 (GncAddress *addr, const char *addr1);
void gncAddressSetAddr2 (GncAddress *addr, const char *addr2);
void gncAddressSetAddr3 (GncAddress *addr, const char *addr3);
void gncAddressSetAddr4 (GncAddress *addr, const char *addr4);
void gncAddressSetPhone (GncAddress *addr, const char *phone);
void gncAddressSetFax (GncAddress *addr, const char *fax);
void gncAddressSetEmail (GncAddress *addr, const char *email);
void gncAddressClearDirty (GncAddress *address);
/** @} */
/** @name Get Functions
@{ */
const char * gncAddressGetName (const GncAddress *addr);
const char * gncAddressGetAddr1 (const GncAddress *addr);
const char * gncAddressGetAddr2 (const GncAddress *addr);
const char * gncAddressGetAddr3 (const GncAddress *addr);
const char * gncAddressGetAddr4 (const GncAddress *addr);
const char * gncAddressGetPhone (const GncAddress *addr);
const char * gncAddressGetFax (const GncAddress *addr);
const char * gncAddressGetEmail (const GncAddress *addr);
/** @} */
gboolean gncAddressIsDirty (const GncAddress *addr);
/** \brief compare two addresses
\return 0 if identical, -1 if a is empty or less than b
and +1 if a is more than b or if b is empty.
int gncAddressCompare (const GncAddress *a, const GncAddress *b);
/** \brief Deeply compare two addresses
\return TRUE if all fields match, FALSE otherwise
gboolean gncAddressEqual(const GncAddress *a, const GncAddress *b);
#define ADDRESS_NAME "name"
#define ADDRESS_ONE "number"
#define ADDRESS_TWO "street"
#define ADDRESS_THREE "locality"
#define ADDRESS_FOUR "city"
#define ADDRESS_PHONE "phone"
#define ADDRESS_FAX "fax"
#define ADDRESS_EMAIL "email"
#define ADDRESS_OWNER "owner"
#endif /* GNC_ADDRESS_H_ */
/** @} */
/** @} */